(*{**************************************************************** * * Project : Base Include RunTime Lib for maXbox * Name : pas_includebox.inc - * Purpose : function module to include in apps * Date : first: 09/29/2012 - 19:38:56, #locs:821 * Sign : #sign:Administrator: PC08: 26/07/2014 10:18:58 AM * Example : {$I ..\maxbox3\pas_includebox.inc} * History : translate and integrate to maXbox June 2009 * : binLib with hex&bin, showinterfaces extended 2010 * : CheckStringSum, SaveCanvas2, ShowGraphic, Polygon, typecheck, Regression, : StrToBytes, HideWindowforSeconds, getScript, predicate template, outputmsg ****************************************************************}*) // include it with {$I ..\maxbox3\pas_includebox.inc} // corr. of function BinToInt(Binary: String): Integer; (IntToBin) // #path>E:\maxbox3\mXGit39991\maxbox3\ // Lines of Code #locs:821 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Save the QRCode to webserver_file, #locs:821 //const hValue = '010310260002'; //var myCRC: string; //{$DEFINE LINUX} const CHS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; type Str002 = string; TXYVector = array of TPoint; //lib_cat_signatures: {procedure drawPolygon(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm); procedure drawPlot(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm; vcolor: integer); procedure SaveCanvas(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName: string); procedure SaveCanvas2(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName: string); function CheckStringSum(vstring: string): integer; function HexToInt(HexNum: string): LongInt; function IntToBin(Int: Integer): String; function BinToInt(Binary: String): Integer; function HexToBin(HexNum: string): string; external2 function BinToHex(Binary: String): string; function IntToFloat(i: Integer): double; function AddThousandSeparator(S: string; myChr: Char): string; function Max3(const X,Y,Z: Integer): Integer; procedure Swap(var X,Y: char); // faster without inline procedure ReverseString(var S: String); function CharToHexStr(Value: Char): string; function CharToUniCode(Value: Char): string; function Hex2Dec(Value: Str002): Byte; function HexStrCodeToStr(Value: string): string; function HexToStr(i: integer; value: string): string; function UniCodeToStr(Value: string): string; function CRC16(statement: string): string; function SearchForSubstrings(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr1, aSearchStr2: string): string; procedure SearchAndReplace(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr: string); procedure ShowInterfaces(myFile: string); function Fact2(av: integer): extended; Function BoolToStr(B: Boolean): string; function GetASCII: string; function ByteIsOk(const AByte: string; var VB: Byte): boolean; function WordIsOk(const AWord: string; var VW: Word): boolean; function TwentyFourBitValueIsOk(const AValue: string; var VI: Integer): boolean; function LongIsOk(const ALong: string; var VC: Cardinal): boolean; function SafeStr(const s: string): string; function ExtractUrlPath(const FileName: string): string; function ExtractUrlName(const FileName: string): string; function IsInternet: boolean; function RotateLeft1Bit_u32( Value: uint32): uint32; procedure LinearRegression(const KnownY: array of Double; const KnownX: array of Double; NData : Integer; var LF : TStLinEst; ErrorStats : Boolean); procedure getEnvironmentInfo; function StrToBytes(const Value: String): TBytes; function BytesToStr(const Value: TBytes): String; function CheckTrunc2(abin: string): integer; Procedure IntegerListCheck; procedure GetQrCodeInet(Width,Height: Word; C_Level,apath: string; const Data: string); Function RGB(R,G,B: Byte): TColor; Procedure HideWindowForSeconds(secs: integer); //3 seconds function GetFileDate2(aFile:string; aWithTime:Boolean):string; procedure getScriptandRunAsk; procedure ShowHourGlass(aProc: TProc2); procedure TMainForm_OutputMessage(const Msg: string); function IntToHexStr8(I: Integer): String; } (*TStLinEst = record B0, B1 : Double; {model coefficients} seB0, seB1 : Double; {standard error of model coefficients} R2 : Double; {coefficient of determination} sigma : Double; {standard error of regression} SSr, SSe : Double; {elements for ANOVA table} F0 : Double; {F-statistic to test B1=0} df : Integer; {denominator degrees of freedom for F-statistic} end;*) Const UrlGoogleQrCode='http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=%dx%d&cht=qr&chld=%s&chl=%s'; procedure GetQrCodeInet(Width,Height: Word; C_Level,apath: string; const Data: string); var encodedURL: string; pngStream: TMemoryStream; begin encodedURL:= Format(UrlGoogleQrCode,[Width,Height, C_Level, HTTPEncode(Data)]); pngStream:= TMemoryStream.create; HttpGet(EncodedURL, pngStream); //WinInet with TLinearBitmap.Create do try pngStream.Position:= 0; LoadFromStream2(pngStream,'PNG'); SaveToFile(apath); OpenDoc(apath); finally Dispose; Free; pngStream.Free; end; end; function GetFileDate2(aFile:string; aWithTime:Boolean):string; var i:integer; aDate:TDateTime; begin result:=''; i:=FileAge(aFile); if i>=0 then begin aDate:=FileDateToDateTime(i); if aWithTime then result:=FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn',aDate) else result:=FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy',aDate); end; end; Procedure HideWindowForSeconds(secs: integer); {//3 seconds} Var T : tdateTime; begin ShowWindow(Self.Handle, SW_Hide); ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_Hide); T:= Time; Repeat Application.ProcessMessages; Until Time - T > secs / 24 / 3600; ShowWindow(Self.Handle, SW_Show); ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_Show); end; Function RGB(R,G,B: Byte): TColor; Begin Result:= B Shl 16 Or G Shl 8 Or R; End; function CheckTrunc2(abin: string): integer; var i,j: integer; begin result:= 0; for i:= length(abin) downto 1 do begin if abin[i] <> '0' then result:= result + Trunc(IntPower(2,j)); Inc(j); end; end; Procedure IntegerListCheck; var wr: TWriter; i: integer; begin with TIntegerList.Create do begin Sort; add(round(power(2,31)-1)); add(1234567); add(234567); add(344456); add(3445676); //wr.writeFloat //WriteData(wr) writeln(inttostr(count)) for i:= 0 to count-1 do writeln(inttostr(items[i])); Free; end; end; function StrToBytes(const Value: String): TBytes; var i: integer; begin SetLength(result, Length(Value)); for i:= 0 to Length(Value)-1 do result[i]:= Ord(Value[i+1])- 48; //-48 end; function BytesToStr(const Value: TBytes): String; var I: integer; Letra: char; begin result:= ''; for I:= Length(Value)-1 Downto 0 do begin letra:= Chr(Value[I] + 48); result:= letra + result; end; end; procedure getEnvironmentInfo; var List: TStringList; I: Integer; begin List:= TStringList.Create; try GetEnvironmentVars(List, False); for I:= 0 to List.Count - 1 do Writeln(List[I]); //Readln; finally List.Free; end; end; procedure LinearRegression(const KnownY: array of Double; const KnownX: array of Double; NData : Integer; var LF : TStLinEst; ErrorStats : Boolean); var i : Integer; sx, sy, xmean, ymean, sxx, sxy, syy, x, y : Extended; begin if (NData <= 2) then writeln('RaiseStatError(stscStatBadCount)'); {compute basic sums} sx := 0.0; sy := 0.0; sxx := 0.0; sxy := 0.0; syy := 0.0; for i := 0 to NData-1 do begin //x := TDoubleArray(KnownX)[i]; x:= KnownX[i]; //y := TDoubleArray(KnownY)[i]; y:= KnownY[i]; sx := sx+x; sy := sy+y; sxx := sxx+x*x; syy := syy+y*y; sxy := sxy+x*y; end; xmean := sx/NData; ymean := sy/NData; sxx := sxx-NData*xmean*xmean; syy := syy-NData*ymean*ymean; sxy := sxy-NData*xmean*ymean; {check for zero variance} if (sxx <= 0.0) or (syy <= 0.0) then writeln('RaiseStatError(stscStatBadData)'); {initialize returned parameters} //fillchar(LF, sizeof(LF), 0); {regression coefficients} LF.B1 := sxy/sxx; LF.B0 := ymean-LF.B1*xmean; {error statistics} if (ErrorStats) then begin LF.ssr := LF.B1*sxy; LF.sse := syy-LF.ssr; LF.R2 := LF.ssr/syy; LF.df := NData-2; LF.sigma := sqrt(LF.sse/LF.df); if LF.sse = 0.0 then {pick an arbitrarily large number for perfect fit} LF.F0 := 1.7e+308 else LF.F0 := (LF.ssr*LF.df)/LF.sse; LF.seB1 := LF.sigma/sqrt(sxx); LF.seB0 := LF.sigma*sqrt((1.0/NData)+(xmean*xmean/sxx)); end; end; function IsInternet: boolean; begin if getHostbyName('www.ask.com') > '0' then result:= true else result:= false; end; function ExtractUrlPath(const FileName: string): string; var I: Integer; begin I:= LastDelimiter('/:', FileName); Result:= Copy(FileName, 1, I); end; function ExtractUrlName(const FileName: string): string; var I: Integer; begin I:= LastDelimiter('/:', FileName); Result:= Copy(FileName, I + 1, 255); end; function SafeStr(const s: string): string; var i: Longint; begin Result:= s; for i:= 1 to length(s) do begin //if s[i] in [#0..#31] then begin if ord(s[i]) < 31 then begin Result := Copy(s, 1, i-1); exit; end; end; end; function ByteIsOk(const AByte: string; var VB: Byte): boolean; var i: Integer; begin i:= StrToIntDef(AByte, -1); Result:= (i > -1) and (i < 256); if Result then VB:= Byte(i); end; function WordIsOk(const AWord: string; var VW: Word): boolean; var i: Integer; begin i:= StrToIntDef(AWord, -1); Result:= (i > -1) and (i < 65536); if Result then VW:= Word(i); end; function TwentyFourBitValueIsOk(const AValue: string; var VI: Integer): boolean; var i: Integer; begin i:= StrToIntDef(AValue, -1); Result:= (i > -1) and (i < 16777216); if Result then VI:= i; end; function LongIsOk(const ALong: string; var VC: Cardinal): boolean; var i: Int64; begin i:= StrToInt64Def(ALong, -1); Result:= (i > -1) and (i < 4294967296); if Result then VC:= Cardinal(i); end; procedure drawPolygon(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm); var i, hsize: integer; begin with cFrm.canvas do begin hsize:= cFrm.Height - 1 div 2; Pen.Color:= (clpurple); Pen.Width:= 70; //setZoomFact(high(chartdata), fileNameChart); //moveto(0, hsize -((vPoints[0].y))); cFrm.Canvas.MoveTo(vpoints[1].X, vpoints[1].Y); for i:= 0 to high(vPoints) do LineTo(vPoints[i].x, vPoints[i].y); end; end; //In Delphi, False and True are an enumeration of a boolean set. Function BoolToStr(B: Boolean): string; var cTrueFalseStr: array [0..1] of String; begin cTrueFalseStr[0]:= 'False'; cTrueFalseStr[1]:= 'True'; if B then Result:= cTrueFalseStr[1] else Result:= cTrueFalseStr[0]; end; function GetASCII: string; var i: integer; begin for i:= 1 to 255 do result:= result +#13#10+ Format('This Number: %4d is this ASCII %2s',[i, Chr(i)]) end; function fact2(av: integer): extended; begin result:= 1; while (av<>0) do begin result:= result * av av:= av -1; end end; procedure drawPlot(vPoints: TXYVector; cFrm: TForm; vcolor: integer); var i, hsize: integer; begin with cFrm.canvas do begin hsize:= cFrm.Height -1 div 2; Pen.Color:= vcolor; MoveTo(0, hsize -((round(vPoints[0].Y)))); for i:= 0 to High(vPoints) do LineTo(i, round(vPoints[i].Y)); end; end; {$IFNDEF LINUX} procedure SaveCanvas2(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName: string); var Bmp: TBitmap; bmp1: TLinearBitmap; MyRect: TRect; begin Bmp:= TBitmap.Create; bmp1:= TLinearBitmap.create; try MyRect := vCanvas.ClipRect; Bmp.Width := MyRect.Right - MyRect.Left; Bmp.Height := MyRect.Bottom - MyRect.Top; Bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(MyRect, vCanvas, MyRect); bmp1.Assign(Bmp) Bmp1.SaveToFile(FileName); finally Bmp.Free; bmp1.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure SaveCanvas(vCanvas: TCanvas; FileName: string); var Bmp: TBitmap; MyRect: TRect; begin Bmp:= TBitmap.Create; try MyRect:= vCanvas.ClipRect; Bmp.Width:= MyRect.Right - MyRect.Left; Bmp.Height:= MyRect.Bottom - MyRect.Top; Bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(MyRect, vCanvas, MyRect); Bmp.SaveToFile(FileName); finally Bmp.Free; end; end; function CheckStringSum(vstring: string): integer; var z, y, i: integer; begin for i:= 1 to length(vstring) do begin z:= strtoint(vstring[i]) y:= y + z; end; result:= y; end; function HexToInt(HexNum: string): LongInt; begin Result:= StrToInt('$' + HexNum); end; function IntToBin(Int: Integer): String; var i: integer; begin Result:= ''; for i:= 15 downto 0 do Result:= Result + IntToStr((Int shr i) and 1); end; function BinToInt(Binary: String): Integer; var i: integer; begin Result:= 0; if Length(Binary) > 0 then for i:= 1 to Length(Binary) do begin result:= result + result +(ord(Binary[i]) and 1); end end; function HexToBin(HexNum: string): string; begin Result:= IntToBin(HexToInt(HexNum)); end; function BinToHex(Binary: String): string; begin Result:= IntToHex(BinToInt(binary),8) end; {function BinToInt(Binary: String): Integer; var i: integer; begin Result:= 0; for i:= Length(Binary) downto 1 do begin result:= StrToInt(Binary[i]) * 1 shl (Length(Binary) - i) Inc(result); end end;} function IntToFloat(i: Integer): double; begin result:= i; end; function AddThousandSeparator(S: string; myChr: Char): string; var I: Integer; begin Result:= S; I:= Length(S) - 2; while I > 1 do begin Insert(myChr, Result, I); I:= I - 3; end; end; function Max3(const X,Y,Z: Integer): Integer; begin if X > Y then if X > Z then Result:= X else Result:= Z else if Y > Z then Result:= Y else Result:= Z end; procedure Swap(var X,Y: char); // faster without inline var Z: char; begin Z:= X; X:= Y; Y:= Z end; procedure ReverseString(var S: String); var i, len: Integer; begin Len:= Length(S); for i:=1 to Len div 2 do //Swap(S[i],S[Len+1-i]); end; function CharToHexStr(Value: Char): string; var Ch: Char; begin Result:= IntToHex(Ord(Value), 2); if Ch = #0 then Result:= IntToHex(Ord(Value), 4); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function CharToUniCode(Value: Char): string; var S1: string; Ch: Char; begin Result:= ''; S1 := AnsiUpperCase(CHS); Ch := UpCase(Value); //if StrScan(PChar(S1), Ch) = nil then Result := '%' + IntToHex(Ord(Value), 2) //else //Result := Value; if Ch = #0 then Result:= '%' + IntToHex(Ord(Value), 2) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Hex2Dec(Value: Str002): Byte; var Hi, Lo: Byte; begin Hi:= Ord(Upcase(Value[1])); Lo:= Ord(Upcase(Value[2])); if Hi > 57 then Hi:= Hi - 55 else Hi:= Hi - 48; if Lo > 57 then Lo:= Lo - 55 else Lo:= Lo - 48; Result:= 16 * Hi + Lo end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function HexStrCodeToStr(Value: string): string; var i: Integer; begin I:= 1; Result:= ''; repeat Result:= Result + chr(Hex2Dec(Copy(Value, I, 2))); i:= I + 2; until I > Length(Value); end; function HexToStr(i: integer; value: string): string; begin Result:= chr(Hex2Dec(Copy(Value, I + 1,2))); i:= I + 2; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UniCodeToStr(Value: string): string; var I: Integer; begin I:= 1; Result:= ''; try repeat if Value[I] = '%' then Result:= Result + HexToStr(i, value) else Result:= Result + Value[I]; Inc(I); until I > Length(Value); except Result:= ''; end; end; //checksumme crc16 function CRC16(statement: string): string; var crc: word; n,m,i, manz: integer; buff: array[1..256] of byte; begin manz:= round(length(statement) /2); i:= 1 m:= 1; //convert string in byte integer values for n:= 1 to manz do begin buff[m]:= hextoint(copy(statement,i,2)); m:= m+1 i:= i+2; end; // compute CRC16 CRC:= $FFFF; for m:= 1 to manz do begin CRC:= (CRC xor buff[m]) for n:= 1 to 8 do begin if ((CRC and $0001) = 1) then CRC:= ((CRC shr 1) xor $A001) else CRC:= (CRC shr 1) //showmessage('testcase: ' + inttobin(CRC) +' round: '+intToStr(m)); end end; // convert crc to turning string result:= copy(intToHex(CRC,4),3,2) + copy(intToHex(CRC,4),1,2); end; function SearchForSubstrings(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr1, aSearchStr2: string): string; var i, t1, t2, tstr: integer; s1, mstr: string; begin //no duplicates in one line found for i:= 0 to aStrList.Count -1 do begin s1:= aStrList[i]; t1:= pos(aSearchStr1, s1); t2:= pos(aSearchStr2, s1); if (t1 or t2) > 0 then begin tstr:= tstr + 1 mstr:= mstr + s1 + #10+#13; end; end; result:= mstr + inttoStr(tstr)+' Substrings Found'; end; procedure SearchAndReplace(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr: string); var i, t1: integer; s1: string; begin // old string can't be part of new string!, eg.: max --> climax if pos(aSearchStr, aNewStr) > 0 then begin write('old string cant be part of new string'); exit; end; for i:= 0 to aStrList.Count -1 do begin s1:= aStrList[i]; repeat t1:= pos(aSearchStr, s1); if t1 > 0 then begin Delete(s1, t1, Length(aSearchStr)); Insert(aNewStr, s1, t1); aStrList[i]:= s1; end; until t1 = 0; end; end; procedure ShowInterfaces(myFile: string); var i, t1, t2, tstr: integer; s1, mstr: string; aStrList: TStringList; begin aStrList:= TStringList.create; aStrList.loadfromfile(myFile); try for i:= 0 to aStrList.Count -1 do begin s1:= aStrList[i]; t1:= pos('function ', s1); t2:= pos('procedure ', s1); if (t1 or t2) > 0 then begin inc(tstr) mstr:= mstr + s1 + #10+#13; end; end; ShowMessage(mstr + inttoStr(tstr)+' Interfaces Found'); finally aStrList.Free; end; end; function RotateLeft1Bit_u32( Value: integer): integer; begin result:= (Value shl 1) or (Value shr 31) end; procedure getScriptandRunAsk; var getstr, ascript: string; begin ascript:= 'http://www.softwareschule.ch/examples/demoscript.txt'; if InputQuery('Get Web Script','Please enter the script path:',ascript) then begin //writeln('you entered: '+(string(ascript))); // wGet(ascript,'scriptdemo.txt'); //writeln(ExtractFileNameOnly(ascript)) //laz files getstr:= ExtractFileNameOnly(ascript)+'.txt'; wGet(ascript,getstr); if MessageDlg('You want to run this script?'+#13#10+ascript+#13#10+#13#10+ 'Runs a second instance of maXbox!', mtConfirmation,[mbYes,mbNo],0)=mrYes then begin ShellExecute3(ExePath+'maxbox3.exe',getstr,seCmdOpen) //statusline end else showmessage('script start halted!'); //www.softwareschule.ch/examples/demoscript.txt end; end; //closure template type TProc = procedure(VAR x: single); TProc2 = procedure(); TPredicate = function(const x: integer): bool; procedure ShowHourGlass(aProc: TProc2); var OldCursor: TCursor; begin OldCursor:= Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor:= crHourGlass; try //aProc(x); aProc(); showmessage('^fct2 after closure invoke'); finally Screen.Cursor := OldCursor end; end; procedure TMainForm_OutputMessage(const Msg: string); var messagememo: TMemo; begin messagememo:= memo2; { prüfen, ob noch keine Zeile vorliegt } if MessageMemo.Lines.Count = 0 then { Meldung als Text übernehmen } MessageMemo.SelText:= Msg else begin { teilweises Auffrischen des TMemo-Objekts verhindern } MessageMemo.Lines.BeginUpdate; { bei mehr als 100 Zeilen, obere Zeilen löschen } while MessageMemo.Lines.Count > 100 do begin MessageMemo.SelStart:= 0; MessageMemo.SelLength:= Length(MessageMemo.Lines[0]) + 2; MessageMemo.SelText:= ''; end; { neue Zeile einschließlich der Steuerzeichen für Wagenrücklauf } { und Zeilenvorschub hinzufügen } MessageMemo.SelStart:= Length(MessageMemo.Text); MessageMemo.SelText:= #$d + #$a + Msg; { TMemo-Objekt auffrischen und zur hinzugefügten Zeile scrollen } MessageMemo.Lines.EndUpdate; MessageMemo.Perform(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); end; end; function IntToHexStr8(I: Integer): String; begin FmtStr(Result, '0x%.8x', [I]); end; //(/end. //begin //end. //testblock for inc lib {var mycrc, searchString: string; myFileList: TStringList; begin myFileList:= TStringList.create; myFileList.loadfromfile('pas_includebox.inc'); mycrc:= CRC16('E93650074D4FEF0F0733CAF57E62C8E0') //mycrc:= CRC16('010310260002') //aus PT Schleicher writeln(myCRC) ShowMessage(SearchForSubstrings(myFileList, 'function ','procedure ')) //ShowInterfaces('pas_includebox.inc'); //writeln(inttostr(bintoint('1001'))) end.} {just inside maXbox ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ | _ \ | _| | | | _ \ | | | | | | | | . | | |_ | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | _| | | | __/ | _ | | | | |_. | | |_ | |__ | | | | | | | | |____/ |___| |____| |_| |_| |_| |_| }