program CAI_NEURAL_API_Exec_47590_SimpleImageClassifier2_Tutor_89_Test2; // // // {fix done: not complete cause the neuralfil() has a writeln which troubles I/O 105 exception} // (* const inputs : TBackInput = ( // x1, x2 ( 0.1, 0.1), // False, False ( 0.1, 0.9), // False, True ( 0.9, 0.1), // True, False ( 0.9, 0.9) // True, True ); *) function CreateHypotenusePairList(MaxCnt: integer): TNNetVolumePairList; var Cnt: integer; LocalX, LocalY, Hypotenuse: TNeuralFloat; begin Result := TNNetVolumePairList.Create(true); for Cnt := 1 to MaxCnt do begin LocalX := Random(100); LocalY := Random(100); Hypotenuse := sqrt(LocalX*LocalX + LocalY*LocalY); Result.items[0]:= TNNetVolumePair.Create82( TNNetVolume.Create1([LocalX, LocalY]), TNNetVolume.Create1([Hypotenuse]) ); {Result.Add( TNNetVolumePair.Create( TNNetVolume.Create([LocalX, LocalY]), TNNetVolume.Create([Hypotenuse]) ) ); } end; end; procedure TTestCNNAlgoDoRun; var NN: TNNet; NeuralFit: TNeuralImageFit; ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; begin if not CheckCIFARFile() then begin //Terminate; exit; end; WriteLn('Creating CNeural Network...'); //TNNetConvolutionBase.Create36({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}5, // {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}1); NN := TNNet.Create(); //NN.verbose:= true; NN.AddLayer49([ TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3), TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), //TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, // {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}1), TNNetMaxPool.Create44(4,0,0), TNNetMovingStdNormalization.Create(), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetDropout.Create12(0.5,1), TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0), TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create28(10,0), TNNetSoftMax.Create() ]); //*) NN.DebugStructure(); CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes,csEncodeRGB); //TestBatch; NeuralFit := TNeuralImageFit.Create; try NeuralFit.FileNameBase := 'SimpleImageClassifier-'+IntToStr(GetProcessId()); neuralfit.verbose:= true; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate := 0.001; NeuralFit.LearningRateDecay := 0.01; NeuralFit.StaircaseEpochs := 10; NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.9; NeuralFit.L2Decay := 0.00001; NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes, {NumClasses=}10, {batchsize=}64, {epochs=}50); finally NeuralFit.Free; //*) NN.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; //Terminate; end; end; procedure TTestCNNAlgoDoRun2; var NN: TNNet; NeuralFit: TNeuralImageFit; //TNeuralImageloadingFit; ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; begin if not CheckCIFARFile() then begin //Terminate; exit; end; WriteLn('Creating CNeural Network...'); //TNNetConvolutionBase.Create36({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}5, // {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}1); NN := TNNet.Create(); //NN.verbose:= true; NN.AddLayer( TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3)) NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0)); //TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, // {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}2, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}1), NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(4,0,0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMovingStdNormalization.Create()) NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}64, {FeatureSize=}3, {Padding=}1, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetDropout.Create12(0.5,1)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create28(10,0)); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSoftMax.Create()); //]); //*) NN.DebugStructure(); CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes,csEncodeRGB); //TestBatch; writeln('layers count '+itoa(nn.layers.count)); NeuralFit := TNeuralImageFit.Create; try NeuralFit.FileNameBase := 'SimpleImageClassifier-'+IntToStr(GetProcessId()); neuralfit.verbose:= true; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate := 0.001; NeuralFit.LearningRateDecay := 0.01; NeuralFit.StaircaseEpochs := 10; NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.9; NeuralFit.L2Decay := 0.00001; //Neuralfit.RunTrainingBatch(TestSize: integer); writeln(botostr(Neuralfit.hasresizing)); //writeln(botostr(Neuralfit.count)); writeln('totalsize '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.gettotalsize )) writeln('coint '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.count )) NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes, {NumClasses=}10, {batchsize=}64, {epochs=}2); finally NeuralFit.Free; //*) NN.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; //Terminate; end; end; procedure CreatesimpleCNN; var NumClasses: byte; NN: TNNet; InputVolume, PredictedVolume, vDesiredVolume: TNNetVolume; //Example - How to Create Your Network begin NumClasses := 10; NN := TNNet.Create(); InputVolume:= TNNetVolume.create; //inputvolume.resize NN.AddLayer( TNNetInput.Create4(32,32,3) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create( 16,5,0,0,1) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128,5,0,0,1) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128,5,0,0,1) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30(64,0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnect.Create27(NumClasses, 0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSoftMax.Create()); NN.SetLearningRate(0.01,0.8); //Example - How to Train Your Network // InputVolume and vDesiredVolume are of the type TNNetVolume NN.DebugStructure(); //NN.SaveDataToString; //inputvolume.loadfromstring //Function LoadImageFromFileIntoVolume( ImageFileName : string; V : TNNetVolume) : boolean'); //LoadImageFromFileIntoVolume(exepath+'data_batch_1.bin', InputVolume); //CreateVolumesFromImagesFromFolder //CreateCifar10Volumes(inputvolume, nil, nil,csEncodeRGB); NN.Compute65(InputVolume, 0); //NN.GetOutput(PredictedVolume); //vDesiredVolume.SetClassForReLU(DesiredClass); //NN.Backpropagate69(vDesiredVolume); InputVolume.Free; writeln('InputVolume.Free;') writeln(flots(PI)); //LoadLibrary end; function TCustomApplicationFindOptionIndex(const S: String; var Longopt: Boolean; StartAt: Integer): Integer; Var SO,O : String; I,P : Integer; CaseSensitiveOptions: Boolean; Params: array of string; FEventLogFilter: TEventLogTypes; FExceptObjectJS: JSValue; FOnException: TExceptionEvent; FTerminated: Boolean; FTitle: String; FOptionChar: Char; FCaseSensitiveOptions: Boolean; FStopOnException: Boolean; FExceptionExitCode: Integer; FExceptObject: Exception; begin If Not CaseSensitiveOptions then SO:=UpperCase(S) else SO:=S; Result:=-1; I:=StartAt; if I=-1 then I:=ParamCount; While (Result=-1) and (I>0) do begin O:=Params[i]; // - must be seen as an option value If (Length(O)>1) and (O[1]=FOptionChar) then begin Delete(O,1,1); LongOpt:=(Length(O)>0) and (O[1]=FOptionChar); If LongOpt then begin Delete(O,1,1); P:=Pos('=',O); If (P<>0) then O:=Copy(O,1,P-1); end; If Not CaseSensitiveOptions then O:=UpperCase(O); If (O=SO) then Result:=i; end; Dec(i); end; end; function TCustomApplicationHasOption(const S,abs: String): Boolean; Var aB : Boolean; begin Result:=TCustomApplicationFindOptionIndex(S,aB,0)<>-1; end; function TCustomApplicationGetOptionValue(const C: Char; const S: String ): String; Var B : Boolean; I : integer; capp: TCustomApplication; begin capp:= TCustomApplication.create(self); Result:=''; //I:=TCustomApplicationFindOptionIndex(C,B,0); //capp.GetOptionValues I:=capp.FindOptionIndex(C,B,0); If I=-1 then //I:=TCustomApplicationFindOptionIndex(S,B,0); I:=capp.FindOptionIndex(S,B,0); //If I<>-1 then //Result:=capp.GetOptionAtIndex(I,B); capp.Free; end; {/// Convolutional layer without activation function. TNNetConvolutionLinear = class(TNNetConvolution) public constructor Create(pNumFeatures, pFeatureSize, pInputPadding, pStride: integer; pSuppressBias: integer = 0); override; end; missing: (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure SIRegister_TNNetConvolutionLinear(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TNNetConvolution', 'TNNetConvolutionLinear') do with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TNNetConvolution'),'TNNetConvolutionLinear') do begin end; end; RegisterVirtualConstructor(@TNNetConvolutionBaseCreate36_P, 'Create36'); set to RegisterConstructor } procedure ReluTestingRunAlgo(ialgo: integer); var NumClasses, aialgo: integer; fileNameBase: string; NN : TNNet; NeuralFit: TNeuralImageFit; I: integer; ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; Volume: TNNetVolume; //NumClasses: integer; //fileNameBase: string; TA,TB,TC: TNNetLayer; TD: TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU; TF: TNNetConvolution ; netsoft:TNNetSoftMax; farr: TNeuralFloatarray; farr2: TNeuralFloatDynArr; //TNNetLayerFullConnect = class(TNNetFullConnect); begin NumClasses := 10; NN := TNNet.Create(); fileNameBase := 'autosave-neuralnetwork_a'+IntToStr(iAlgo); try case iAlgo of 1: begin //RELU TESTING TA:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3)); //TA := NN.AddLayer(TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3)); {TF:=} NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(16, 5, 0, 0,1)); //TB:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0)); TC:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128, 5, 0, 0,1)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0)); //NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128, 5, 0, 0,1)); // NN.AddLayer(TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU.Create30(64,0)); //NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30(64,10)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create28(64,10)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create27(NumClasses,10)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetSoftMax.Create()); writeln('layers '+itoa(NN.layers)); //TNNetSoftMax.Create().compute(); //netsoft:= TNNetSoftMax.Create() //netsoft.compute(); //TF:= TNNetConvolution.create36(16, 5, 0, 0,1); //TF.compute(); //TB.compute(); //TNNetFullConnectLinear.create28(); writeln('choosen '+itoa(ialgo)); end; 2: writeln('no more'); end; NN.DebugStructure(); //NN.Compute63(ImgTestVolumes, ImgTestVolumes64); CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes,csEncodeRGB); writeln('totalsize '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.gettotalsize )) writeln('coint '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.count )) with TVolume.create() do begin //setlength(farr, 3) //setlength(raw, 3) // setlength(fdata, 3) farr:= fdata; //farr[1]:= 6757.90; //farr[2]:= 556757.90; //raw[0]:= 6757.90; //raw[1]:= 6757.90; //raw[2]:= 556757.90; //fdAta[1]:= farr; //fdAta[0]:= 6767.8989; //farr:= fdata[1]; //writeln(floattostr(fdata[1])); free end; NeuralFit := TNeuralImageFit.Create; NeuralFit.FileNameBase := fileNameBase; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate := 0.001; //0.001; NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.2;; NeuralFit.TargetAccuracy := 0.8; neuralfit.verbose:= True; writeln('momentum '+floattostr(neuralfit.momentum)) //procedure TestDataParallelism(NN: TNNet); TestDataParallelism(NN); //TestConvolutionAPI ; //NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, // ImgTestVolumes, NumClasses, {batchsize=}128, {epochs=}2); //ImgTestVolumes, NumClasses, {batchsize=}256, {epochs=}1); //CreateTokenizedStringList finally NeuralFit.Free; //*) NN.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; //Terminate; writeln('3 Volumes + NN freed...') end; //SyncWideInputQuery //DarkenColor //TCommandLineReader //TCustomApplication {with TVolume.create() do begin farr[1]:= 6757.90; farr[2]:= 556757.90; fdAta[1]:=farr; //writeln(floattostr(Fdata[1])); free end;} end; type TBackInput = array[0..3] of array[0..1] of TNeuralFloat; type TBackOutput = array[0..3] of array[0..2] of TNeuralFloat; // var Inputs: TBackInput; // rOutput: TBackOutput; { const inputs : TBackInput = ( // x1, x2 ( 0.1, 0.1), // False, False ( 0.1, 0.9), // False, True ( 0.9, 0.1), // True, False ( 0.9, 0.9) // True, True ); const reluoutputs : TBackOutput = (// XOR, AND, OR ( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), ( 0.8, 0.1, 0.8), ( 0.8, 0.1, 0.8), ( 0.1, 0.8, 0.8) ); } procedure definelogicalMatrix(var inputs:TBackInput; var routput:TBackOutput); begin Inputs[0][0]:= 0.1; Inputs[0][1]:= 0.1; Inputs[1][0]:= 0.1; Inputs[1][1]:= 0.9; Inputs[2][0]:= 0.9; Inputs[2][1]:= 0.1; Inputs[3][0]:= 0.9; Inputs[3][1]:= 0.9; routput[0][0]:= 0.1; routput[0][1]:= 0.1; routput[0][2]:= 0.1; routput[1][0]:= 0.8; routput[1][1]:= 0.1; routput[1][2]:= 0.8; routput[2][0]:= 0.8; routput[2][1]:= 0.1; routput[2][2]:= 0.8; routput[3][0]:= 0.1; routput[3][1]:= 0.8; routput[3][2]:= 0.8; end; { : ( 0.1, 0.1), // False, False ( 0.1, 0.9), // False, True ( 0.9, 0.1), // True, False ( 0.9, 0.9) // True, True } procedure RunSimpleAlgo(); var NN: TNNet; EpochCnt: integer; Cnt: integer; pOutPut: TNNetVolume; vInputs: TBackInput; vOutput: TBackOutput; inputs: TBackInput; routput : TBackOutput; Rate, Loss, ErrorSum : TNeuralFloat; begin definelogicalMatrix(inputs, routput); NN := TNNet.Create(); NN.AddLayer( TNNetInput.Create3(2) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30(3,0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30(3,0) ); NN.SetLearningRate(0.01, 0.9); vInputs := inputs; vOutput := routput; //constructor Create(pSizeX, pSizeY, pDepth: integer; c: T = 0); {$IFNDEF FPC} overload; {$ENDIF} pOutPut := TNNetVolume.Create0(3,1,1,1); for EpochCnt := 1 to 3000 do begin for Cnt := Low(inputs) to High(inputs) do begin NN.Compute68(vInputs[Cnt],0); NN.GetOutput(pOutPut); NN.Backpropagate70(vOutput[Cnt]); if EpochCnt mod 300 = 0 then WriteLn ( itoa(EpochCnt)+' x '+itoa(Cnt)+ ' Output:'+ format(' %5.2f',[poutPut.Raw[0]])+' '+ format(' %5.2f',[poutPut.Raw[1]])+' '+ format(' %5.2f',[poutPut.Raw[2]])+' '+ (* pOutPut.Raw[1]:5:2,' ', pOutPut.Raw[2]:5:2, *) ' - Training/Desired Output:'+ format('%5.2f',[vOutput[cnt][0]])+' '+ format('%5.2f',[vOutput[cnt][1]])+' '+ format('%5.2f',[vOutput[cnt][2]])+' ' {vOutput[cnt][0]:5:2,' ', vOutput[cnt][1]:5:2,' ' , vOutput[cnt][2]:5:2,' ' } ); end; if EpochCnt mod 300 = 0 then WriteLn(''); end; // TestBatch( NN, pOutPut, 10000, Rate, Loss, ErrorSum); //NN.DebugWeights(); NN.DebugErrors(); pOutPut.Free; NN.Free; Write('Press ENTER to exit.'); //ReadLn; end; procedure TTestCNNAlgoDoRunClassifier89; //Application.Title:='CIFAR-10 SELU Classification Example'; var NN: THistoricalNets; NN2: TNNet; NeuralFit: TNeuralImageFit; ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; Rate, Loss, ErrorSum : TNeuralFloat; begin if not CheckCIFARFile() then begin //Terminate; //exit; memo2.lines.add('TNNetConvolutionLinear CIFAR-10 Files missing!') end; WriteLn('Creating Neural Network...'); NN:= THistoricalNets.Create(); //TestDataParallelism( NN); NN.AddLayer(TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3) ); //Function InitSELU( Value : TNeuralFloat) : TNNetLayer'); NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create(64,5,2,1,1)).InitSELU(0).InitBasicPatterns(); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(4,0,0) ); // NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create(4) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMovingStdNormalization.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create(64,3,1,1,1)).InitSELU(0); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create(64,3,1,1,1)).InitSELU(0); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create(64,3,1,1,1)).InitSELU(0); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetConvolutionLinear.Create(64,3,1,1,1)).InitSELU(0); NN.AddLayer( TNNetDropout.Create12(0.5,1) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create28(10,0) ); {NN.AddLayer( TNNetDropout.Create(0.5) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetMaxPool.Create(2) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetSELU.Create() ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create(10) );} NN.AddLayer( TNNetSoftMax.Create() ); memo2.lines.add('TNNetConvolutionLinear model add') TestDataParallelism( NN); memo2.lines.add('TestDataParallelism( NN) passed') CheckCIFARFile() try CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes, csEncodeRGB); except memo2.lines.add('TNNetConvolutionLinear CIFAR Files missing!') end; NeuralFit:= TNeuralImageFit.Create; NeuralFit.FileNameBase:= 'ImageClassifierSELU_Tutor89_5'; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate:= 0.0004; // SELU seems to work better with smaller learning rates. NeuralFit.LearningRateDecay:= 0.03; NeuralFit.StaircaseEpochs:= 10; NeuralFit.Inertia:= 0.9; NeuralFit.L2Decay:= 0.00001; NeuralFit.verbose:= true; try NN.DebugStructure(); nn.debugweights; // Procedure TestBatch( NN : TNNet; ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; SampleSize : integer; out Rate, Loss, ErrorSum : TNeuralFloat)'); //Procedure TranslateCifar10VolumesToMachineAnimal( VolumeList : TNNetVolumeList)'); writeln('volume list '+objtostr( ImgTestVolumes)); //TranslateCifar10VolumesToMachineAnimal(ImgTestVolumes); //ImgTestVolumes:= TNNetVolumeList.create(self); //TestBatch( NN, ImgTestVolumes, 10000, Rate, Loss, ErrorSum); writeln(format(' rate %4.2f loss %4.2f errorsum %4.2f ', [Rate, Loss, ErrorSum])); NN.DebugWeights(); //NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, // ImgTestVolumes, {NumClasses=}10,{batchsize=}64,{epochs=}3); //TestBatch( NN, ImgTestVolumes, 10000, Rate, Loss, ErrorSum); finally NeuralFit.Free; NN.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; //Terminate; writeln('3 Volumes + NN + NF freed...') end; end; procedure ReluTestingRunAlgo2(ialgo: integer); var NumClasses, aialgo: integer; fileNameBase: string; NN : TNNet; NeuralFit: TNeuralImageFit; //TNeuralFit; I: integer; ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; //PairList; Volume: TNNetVolume; //NumClasses: integer; //fileNameBase: string; TA,TB,TC: TNNetLayer; TD: TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU; TF: TNNetConvolution ; netsoft:TNNetSoftMax; Rate, Loss, ErrorSum : TNeuralFloat; //TNNetLayerFullConnect = class(TNNetFullConnect); begin NumClasses := 10; NN := TNNet.Create(); fileNameBase := 'autosave-neuralnetwork_a'+IntToStr(iAlgo); try case iAlgo of 1: begin //RELU TESTING TA:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3)); //TA := NN.AddLayer(TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3)); {TF:=} NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(16, 5, 0, 0,1)); TB:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0)); TC:= NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128, 5, 0, 0,1)); //NN.AddLayer(TNNetMaxPool.Create44(2,0,0)); //NN.AddLayer(TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create(128, 5, 0, 0,1)); // NN.AddLayer(TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU.Create30(64,0)); //NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30(64,10)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create28(64,2)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create27(NumClasses,10)); NN.AddLayer(TNNetSoftMax.Create()); writeln('layers '+itoa(NN.layers)); //TNNetSoftMax.Create().compute(); //netsoft:= TNNetSoftMax.Create() //netsoft.compute(); //TF:= TNNetConvolution.create36(16, 5, 0, 0,1); //TF.compute(); //TB.compute(); //TNNetFullConnectLinear.create28(); writeln('choosen '+itoa(ialgo)); end; 2: writeln('no more'); end; //NN.DebugStructure(); CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes,csEncodeRGB); //writeln('totalsize '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.gettotalsize )) //writeln('coint '+itoa(ImgTrainingVolumes.count )) NeuralFit := TNeuralImageFit.Create; NeuralFit.FileNameBase := fileNameBase; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate := 0.001;; NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.2;; NeuralFit.TargetAccuracy := 0.8; //NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, // ImgTestVolumes, {NumClasses=}10,{batchsize=}64,{epochs=}1); //{batchsize=}128, {epochs=}2); //TestBatch( NN, ImgTestVolumes, 1000, Rate, Loss, ErrorSum); //CreateTokenizedStringList //neuralfit.runtestbatch neuralfit.TrainingAccuracy; finally NeuralFit.Free; //*) NN.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; //Terminate; end; //SyncWideInputQuery //DarkenColor //TCommandLineReader //TCustomApplication end; // procedure TFormVisualLearningLearn(Sender: TObject); var NN: TNNet; I: integer; ImgVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; Volume: TNNetVolume; pOutput, vOutput, vDisplay: TNNetVolume; hit, miss: integer; NumClasses: integer; ErrorSum, LastError: TNeuralFloat; startTime, totalTimeSeconds: double; aImage: array of TImage; NeuronCount: integer; ImgIdx: integer; MaxW, MinW: TNeuralFloat; fileName: string; firstNeuronalLayer: integer; OpenDialogNN: TOpendialog; FormVisualLearning: TForm; FRunning: boolean; ButTest: TButton; EdTestBinFile: TEdit; ImgSample: TImage; LabClassRate: TLabel; LabTestFile: TLabel; //OpenDialogNN: TOpenDialog; begin writeln('Creating Neural Network...'); ImgVolumes := TNNetVolumeList.Create(true); NumClasses := 10; frunning:= true; fileName := 'cnnmyvisualfilename.nn' ;//OpenDialogNN.FileName; //FormVisualLearning: TForm; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // creates required volumes to store images for I := 0 to 9999 do begin Volume := TNNetVolume.Create(); ImgVolumes.Add(Volume); end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- NN := TNNet.Create(); //nn.verbose:= true; FormVisualLearning:= TForm.create(self); FormVisualLearning.setbounds(100,100,400,400); ImgSample:= TImage.create(self); imgsample.align:= alclient; try writeln('Loading neural network from file: '+fileName); NN.LoadFromFile('C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON24\cifar-10-batches-bin\ImageClassifierSELU_Tutor89.nn'); NN.EnableDropouts(false); firstNeuronalLayer := NN.GetFirstNeuronalLayerIdx(1); pOutput := TNNetVolume.Create0(NumClasses,1,1,0); vOutput := TNNetVolume.Create0(NumClasses,1,1,0); vDisplay:= TNNetVolume.Create0(NumClasses,1,1,0); SetLength(aImage, NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons.Count); for NeuronCount := 0 to NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons.Count - 1 do begin aImage[NeuronCount] := TImage.Create(FormVisualLearning); aImage[NeuronCount].Parent := FormVisualLearning; aImage[NeuronCount].Width := NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons[NeuronCount].Weights.SizeX; aImage[NeuronCount].Height := NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons[NeuronCount].Weights.SizeY; aImage[NeuronCount].Top := (NeuronCount div 12) * 36 + 120; aImage[NeuronCount].Left := (NeuronCount mod 12) * 36 + 32; aImage[NeuronCount].Stretch:=true; end; NN.DebugWeights(); WriteLn('Neural network has: '); WriteLn(' Layers: '+itoa( NN.CountLayers() ) ); WriteLn(' Neurons:'+itoa( NN.CountNeurons() )); WriteLn(' Weights:' +itoa (NN.CountWeights() )); WriteLn('Computing...'); begin hit := 0; miss := 0; ErrorSum := 0; LastError := 0; startTime := Now(); //loadCifar10Dataset7(ImgVolumes, 'C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON24\cifar-10-batches-bin\data_batch_1.bin',0,csEncodeRGB); loadCifar10Dataset6(ImgVolumes, 1,0,csEncodeRGB); for I := 0 to ImgVolumes.Count - 1 do begin if not(FRunning) then Break; ImgIdx := Random(ImgVolumes.Count); //-- CAREFUL NN.Compute65(ImgVolumes[ImgIdx],0); NN.GetOutput(pOutput); //showmessage('this1 running') vOutput.SetClassForReLU( ImgVolumes[ImgIdx].Tag ); // ReLU - no softmax ErrorSum := errorsum+ vOutput.SumDiff(pOutput); if I mod 1000 = 0 then begin vDisplay.Copy38(ImgVolumes[ImgIdx]); vDisplay.Mul26(64); vDisplay.Add13(128); LoadVolumeIntoTImage(vDisplay, ImgSample, csEncodeRGB); ImgSample.Width := 64; ImgSample.Height := 64; for NeuronCount := 0 to NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons.Count - 1 do begin MaxW := NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons[NeuronCount].Weights.GetMax(); MinW := NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons[NeuronCount].Weights.GetMin(); vDisplay.Copy38(NN.Layers[firstNeuronalLayer].Neurons[NeuronCount].Weights); vDisplay.Mul26(256/(MaxW-MinW)); vDisplay.Add13(128); LoadVolumeIntoTImage(vDisplay, aImage[NeuronCount], csEncodeRGB); aImage[NeuronCount].Width := 32; aImage[NeuronCount].Height := 32; writeln('neuron count: '+itoa(neuroncount)); end; Application.ProcessMessages(); end; Application.ProcessMessages(); if pOutput.GetClass() = ImgVolumes[ImgIdx].Tag then begin Inc(Hit); end else begin Inc(Miss); end; if (Hit>0) and (I>0) and ((I+1) mod 1000 = 0) then begin totalTimeSeconds := (Now() - startTime) * 24 * 60 * 60; WriteLn ( ''+ itoa(I+1)+ ' Accuracy:'+flots( Hit/(Hit+Miss))+ ' Error:'+flots(ErrorSum-LastError)+ ' Time:'+ flots(totalTimeSeconds)+'s'+ ' Forward:'+flots (NN.ForwardTime * 24 * 60 * 60)+'s'+ ' Backward:'+flots(NN.BackwardTime * 24 * 60 * 60)+'s' // *) ); NN.ClearTime(); //LabClassRate.Caption := IntToStr( (Hit*100) div (Hit+Miss) )+'%'; writeln(IntToStr( (Hit*100) div (Hit+Miss) )+'%'); startTime := Now(); LastError := ErrorSum; Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; NN.DebugWeights(); end; for NeuronCount := Low(aImage) to High(aImage) do begin aImage[NeuronCount].Free; end; //LabClassRate.Caption := '0%'; //writeln(LabClassRate.Caption := '0%'; finally vDisplay.Free; NN.Free; vOutput.Free; pOutput.Free; ImgVolumes.Free; ImgSample.Free; FormVisualLearning.Free; writeln('free neuralnet and volumes'); end; end; { testcnnalgo } // procedure TTestCNNAlgoDoRunTester; var Algo, LearningRate, Inertia, Target: string; iAlgo: integer; fLearningRate, fInertia, fTarget: single; //atx:TExternalTool; //cust: TCustomApplication ; begin // quick check parameters // parse parameters {if HasOption('h', 'help') then begin WriteHelp; end; } fLearningRate := 0.001; if TCustomApplicationHasOption('l', 'learningrate') then begin LearningRate := TCustomApplicationGetOptionValue('l', 'learningrate'); fLearningRate := StrToFloat(LearningRate); end; fInertia := 0.9; if TCustomApplicationHasOption('i', 'inertia') then begin Inertia := TCustomApplicationGetOptionValue('i', 'inertia'); fInertia := StrToFloat(Inertia); end; fTarget := 0.8; if TCustomApplicationHasOption('t', 'target') then begin Target := TCustomApplicationGetOptionValue('t', 'target'); fTarget := StrToFloat(Target); end; if TCustomApplicationHasOption('a', 'algo') then begin Algo := TCustomApplicationGetOptionValue('a', 'algo'); Writeln('Running algorithm:['+itoa(iAlgo)+']'); iAlgo := StrToInt(Algo); if (iAlgo > 0) and (iAlgo < 14) then begin //RelutestingRunAlgo(iAlgo, fLearningRate, fInertia, fTarget); RelutestingRunAlgo(iAlgo); end else begin WriteLn('Bad algorithm number:'+itoa(iAlgo)); end; //end end else begin {$IFDEF Release} WriteHelp; Write('Press ENTER to quit.'); ReadLn(); {$ELSE} iAlgo := 3; //TCustomApplicationRunAlgo(iAlgo, fLearningRate, fInertia, fTarget); {$ENDIF} end; //Terminate; //Exit; end; var st : string; f1,f2 : double; var A, B : TVectorClass; ax: TExtendedArray; aint64, aint64_: TInt64ArrayClass; NN : TNNet; NumClasses: integer; ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; NeuralFit : TNeuralImageFit; fLearningRate: double; TrainingPairs, ValidationPairs, TestPairs :TNNetVolumePairList; ImgVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; //PythonEngine1.Free; //myloadscript2:= filetostring(PYSCRIPT2); begin //@main { with TPythonEngine.Create(Nil) do begin pythonhome:= 'C:\Users\breitsch\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\'; try loadDLL; Println('Decimal: '+ EvalStr('__import__("decimal").Decimal(0.1)')); except raiseError; finally free; end; end; } with TNNetDictionary.create(100) do begin AddWordToDictionary('this bosx') //StringToVolume free end; TestVectorClass; //with TExtendedArray.create([]) do begin //assign //end; ax:= TExtendedArray.create([]); ax.appenditem(PI) //; aint64:= TInt64ArrayClass.Create([1234]); //aint64.clear; //; aint64_:= TInt64ArrayClass.Create([12345678]); with TVectorClass.create([80.0]) do begin //createinstance //add(3500.9958) add(3500.0) add(3500.0) //add TInt64ArrayClass add6 (aint64); add6 (aint64_); add7(ax); writeln(floattostr(PI)); add(PI) writeln('sum '+floattostr(sum)); writeln('count '+itoa(count)); //writeln(data) free; end; //} aint64.clear;;; ax.clear; ax.Free; {with TVectorClass.create do begin //createinstance //add(3500.9958) add(3500.0) //add6 writeln(floattostr(PI)); add(PI) writeln('sum '+floattostr(sum)); //free; end; //} A := TVectorClass.Create([]); B := TVectorClass.Create([]); A.Free; B.Free; TestKMeans2; //TestTNNetVolume; //LoadPictureIntoVolume writeln(floattostr(SoftmaxDerivative( 0.087879))); writeln(getparentprocessname2) //register_PYthonGUI; //InverseCompareResult st := 'a number 12.35 and another 13.415'; writeln('Total String parts = '+IntToStr(NumStringParts(st,#32))); f1 := StrToFloatDef(GetStringPart(st,#32,3),0.0); f2 := StrToFloatDef(GetStringPart(st,#32,6),0.0); writeln('Float 1 = '+FloatToStr(F1)+' and Float 2 = '+FloatToStr(F2)); TestVectorClassExtended; with TMatrixClass.CreateSize(10,1) do begin //SolveLinearSystem() free end; //procedure SIRegister_CurlHttpCodes(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); writeln(itoa(HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY)) with TNNet.create do begin //createlayer('TNNetDropout') InitWeights(); //AddLayer47(GetRandomLayer( )) //GetRandomLayer( ); writeln('GetBiasSum '+floattostr(GetBiasSum( ))); free end; (* NN := TNNet.Create(); NumClasses:= 2; fLearningRate:= 0.009; NN.AddLayer49([ TNNetInput.Create4(32, 32, 3), //32x32x3 Input Image TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}16, {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}0, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetMaxPool.Create44({Size=}2, 0, 0), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}32, {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}0, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetMaxPool.Create44({Size=}2,0,0), TNNetConvolutionReLU.Create({Features=}32, {FeatureSize=}5, {Padding=}0, {Stride=}1, {SuppressBias=}0), TNNetFullConnectReLU.Create30({Neurons=}32,0), TNNetFullConnectLinear.Create28(NumClasses,0), TNNetSoftMax.Create() ]); //Loading 10K images from file "data_batch_1.bin" ... //ShowNeurons //LoadNNLayersIntoCombo //LoadTinyImageIntoTImage(var TI: TTinyImage; var Image: TImage); //function CheckCIFARFile():boolean; // //procedure loadCifar10Dataset(ImgVolumes: TNNetVolumeList; idx:integer; base_pos:integer = 0; color_encoding: byte = csEncodeRGB); overload; //loadCifar10Dataset6(ImgVolumes, 1, 0, csEncodeRGB); //overload; //if not (FileExists('data_batch_1.bin')) then --- files must be in root //NN.DebugStructure(); writeln('CheckCIFARFile() '+botostr(CheckCIFARFile())); //CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes); try CreateCifar10Volumes(ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes, csEncodeRGB); except writeln(exceptiontostring(exceptiontype, exceptionparam)) end WriteLn('Neural Network will minimize error with:'); WriteLn(' Layers: '+itoa( NN.CountLayers())); WriteLn(' Neurons: '+itoa( NN.CountNeurons())); WriteLn(' Weights: '+itoa( NN.CountWeights())); NeuralFit := TNeuralImageFit.Create; NeuralFit.InitialLearningRate := fLearningRate; NeuralFit.FileNameBase:= 'EKONSimpleImageClassifier2'+IntToStr(GetProcessId()); NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.8; NeuralFit.LearningRateDecay := 0.005; NeuralFit.StaircaseEpochs := 17; // NeuralFit.Inertia := 0.9; NeuralFit.L2Decay := 0.00001; neuralfit.verbose:= true; try writeln(neuralfit.FileNameBase) try NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes, {NumClasses=}10, {batchsize=}64, {epochs=}2); except writeln('writeln Exceptpn!!') end; //NeuralFit.Fit(NN, ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,ImgTestVolumes, NumClasses, // {batchsize}128, {epochs}100) finally NN.Free; NeuralFit.Free; ImgTestVolumes.Free; ImgValidationVolumes.Free; ImgTrainingVolumes.Free; writeln('all frees...'); end; *) //TTestCNNAlgoDoRun2; //ReluTestingRunAlgo(1); //ReluTestingRunAlgo2(1); // TTestCNNAlgoDoRunClassifier89; RunSimpleAlgo; TFormVisualLearningLearn(self); writeln(itoa(neuralGetProcessId( ))); writeln(itoa(GetProcessId( ))); //CreatesimpleCNN ; { TrainingPairs := CreateHypotenusePairList(10000); ValidationPairs := CreateHypotenusePairList(1000); TestPairs := CreateHypotenusePairList(1000); } End. Ref: simple logical learner 300 x 0 Output: 0.30 0.07 0.26 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 300 x 1 Output: 0.40 0.29 0.62 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 300 x 2 Output: 0.72 0.22 0.62 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 300 x 3 Output: 0.37 0.56 1.00 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 600 x 0 Output: 0.29 0.02 0.23 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 600 x 1 Output: 0.52 0.28 0.62 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 600 x 2 Output: 0.74 0.15 0.69 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 600 x 3 Output: 0.27 0.66 0.96 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 900 x 0 Output: 0.22 0.02 0.20 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 900 x 1 Output: 0.65 0.23 0.66 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 900 x 2 Output: 0.75 0.13 0.74 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 900 x 3 Output: 0.18 0.72 0.90 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 1200 x 0 Output: 0.15 0.04 0.16 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 1200 x 1 Output: 0.73 0.18 0.72 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1200 x 2 Output: 0.78 0.13 0.77 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1200 x 3 Output: 0.13 0.75 0.85 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 1500 x 0 Output: 0.11 0.06 0.12 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 1500 x 1 Output: 0.79 0.15 0.77 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1500 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.12 0.79 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1500 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.77 0.82 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 1800 x 0 Output: 0.10 0.07 0.11 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 1800 x 1 Output: 0.80 0.13 0.79 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1800 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.11 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 1800 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.78 0.81 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 2100 x 0 Output: 0.10 0.09 0.11 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 2100 x 1 Output: 0.80 0.12 0.79 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2100 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.11 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2100 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.79 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 2400 x 0 Output: 0.10 0.09 0.10 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 2400 x 1 Output: 0.80 0.11 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2400 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2400 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.79 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 2700 x 0 Output: 0.10 0.09 0.10 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 2700 x 1 Output: 0.80 0.11 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2700 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 2700 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 3000 x 0 Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 3000 x 1 Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 3000 x 2 Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 3000 x 3 Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 Layer 0 Max Error: 0 Min Error: 0 Max ErrorD: 0 Min ErrorD: 0 TNNetInput 2,1,1 debug errors else Layer 1 Max Error: 0.000858666782733053 Min Error: -0.00092624151147902 Max ErrorD: 0 Min ErrorD: 0 TNNetFullConnectReLU 3,1,1 Parent:0 Layer 2 Max Error: 0.0012739896774292 Min Error: -0.00215935707092285 Max ErrorD: 0 Min ErrorD: 0 TNNetFullConnectReLU 3,1,1 Parent:1 Press ENTER to exit. 3000 x 0 Output: 0.37 0.16 0.56 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.10 0.10 3000 x 1 Output: 0.77 0.10 0.82 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 3000 x 2 Output: 0.59 0.00 0.55 - Training/Desired Output: 0.80 0.10 0.80 3000 x 3 Output: 0.11 0.72 0.57 - Training/Desired Output: 0.10 0.80 0.80 Ref: Starting Validation. VALIDATION RECORD! Saving NN at autosave-neuralnetwork_a1.nn Debug SavetokenStructureToString: Debug structuretostring: -1)TNNetInput:32;32;3;0;0;0;0;0#0)TNNetConvolutionReLU:16;5;0;0;1;0;0;0#1)TNNetMaxPool:2;2;0;0;0;0;0;0#2)TNNetConvolutionReLU:128;5;0;0;1;0;0;0#3)TNNetFullConnectLinear:64;1;1;2;0;0;0;0#4)TNNetFullConnect:10;1;1;10;0;0;0;0#5)TNNetSoftMax:0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0 Epochs: 1 Examples seen:40000 Validation Accuracy: 0.1014 Validation Error: 1.7999 Validation Loss: 2.3027 Total time: 5.21min Image mX4 FThreadNN[0].DebugWeights(); skipped... Epoch time: 3.5000 minutes. 1 epochs: 0.0580 hours. Epochs: 1. Working time: 0.09 hours. CAI maXbox Neural Fit Finished.  mX4 executed: 04/11/2021 15:47:19 Runtime: 0:5:21.565 Memload: 41% use  SELU Classifier 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 40000 of samples have been processed. Starting Validation.  Epochs: 5 Examples seen:200000 Validation Accuracy: 0.0980 Validation Error: 1.8000 Validation Loss: 2.3028 Total time: 14.31min Image mX4 FThreadNN[0].DebugWeights(); skipped... Epoch time: 2.0000 minutes. 5 epochs: 0.1600 hours. Epochs: 5. Working time: 0.24 hours. CAI maXbox Neural Fit Finished. 3 Volumes + NN + NF freed...  mX4 executed: 04/11/2021 16:07:45 Runtime: 0:14:25.509 Memload: 43% use PascalScript maXbox4 - RemObjects & SynEdit C:\maXbox\works2021\maxbox4\examples\1065__CAI_2_SiImageClassifier21_Tutor_89_test2.txtOutput.txt as output file stored 50 epochs: 40000 of samples have been processed. Starting Validation. Starting Testing. Epoch time: 2.2000 minutes. 50 epochs: 1.8000 hours. Epochs: 50. Working time: 2.14 hours. CAI maXbox Neural Fit Finished. 3 Volumes + NN + NF freed...  mX4 executed: 04/11/2021 22:45:35 Runtime: 2:8:19.673 Memload: 41% use   epoch training accuracy training loss training error validation accuracy validation loss 1 0.0955 2.3005 1.7996 0.0977 2.3028 2 0.0924 2.3026 1.8 0.0977 2.3028 3 0.0919 2.3027 1.8 0.0977 2.3028 4 0.0981 2.3063 1.8007 0.098 2.3027 47 0.0938 2.3036 1.8002 0.0977 48 0.0997 2.3018 1.7998 0.0977 49 0.0903 2.303 1.8001 0.0977 50 0.0995 2.3036 1.8002 0.0977 Doc: Destroying it calls Py_Finalize, which frees all memory allocated by the Python DLL. Or, if you're just using the Python API without the VCL wrappers, you can probably just call Py_NewInterpreter on your TPythonInterface object to get a fresh execution environment without necessarily discarding everything done before. Example - How to create a simple fully forward connected network 3x3 NN := TNNet.Create(); NN.AddLayer( TNNetInput.Create(3) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU.Create(3) ); NN.AddLayer( TNNetLayerFullConnectReLU.Create(3) ); NN.SetLearningRate(0.01,0.8); Evil eval() You should never pass untrusted source to the eval() directly. As it is quite easy for the malicious user to wreak havoc on your system. For example, the following code can be used to delete all the files from the system. 1 >>> 2 eval('os.system("RM -RF /")') # command is deliberately capitalized 3 >>> procedure TNNet.LoadDataFromString(strData: string); var S: TStringList; Cnt: integer; begin S := CreateTokenizedStringList(strData,'!'); if S.Count = FLayers.Count then begin if S.Count > 0 then begin for Cnt := 0 to S.Count - 1 do begin FLayers[Cnt].LoadDataFromString(S[Cnt]); end; end; end else begin FErrorProc ( 'Error while loading network: number of structure layers '+ IntToStr(FLayers.Count)+' differ from data loaded layers '+ IntToStr(S.Count) ); Ref:  As we grow, we occasionally need to update our terms of service. To keep using Bitbucket Cloud, review and agree to the updated terms. To learn more, please see our Summary of Changes. _od#HMM6&*MMMH::-_ _dHMMMR??MMM? ""| `"'-?Hb_ .~HMMMMMMMMHMMM#M? `*HMb. ./?HMMMMMMMMMMM"*""" &MHb. /'|MMMMMMMMMMM' - `*MHM\ / |MMMMMMHHM'' .MMMHb | 9HMMP .Hq, TMMMMMH / |MM\,H-""&&6\__ `MMMMMMb | `""HH#, \ - MMMMMMM| | `HoodHMM###. `9MMMMMH | .MMMMMMMM##\ `*"?HM | .. ,HMMMMMMMMMMMo\. |M | |MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHo |M | ?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* |H |. `#MMMMMMMMMMMMM' .M| \ `MMMMMMMMMMM* |P `\ MMMMMMMMT"' ,H `\ `MMMMMMH? ./ \. |MMMH#" ,/ `\. |MMP' ./' `~\ `HM:.- . ,/' "-\_ '_\ . _.-" "-\-#odMM\_,oo==-" normal uninvolving = True neg : pos = 11.7 : 1.0 avoids = True pos : neg = 11.7 : 1.0 fascination = True pos : neg = 10.3 : 1.0 astounding = True pos : neg = 10.3 : 1.0 idiotic = True neg : pos = 9.8 : 1.0 | n p | | n p | Stemmer more false positive | e o | | e o | | g s | | g s | ----+---------+ ----+---------+ neg |<119>131 | neg |<110>140 | pos | 5<245>| pos | 5<245>| ----+---------+ ----+---------+ (row = reference; col = test) unit uPSI_neuraldatasets; { mindset let mindset set } interface uses SysUtils ,Classes ,uPSComponent ,uPSRuntime ,uPSCompiler ; type (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) TPSImport_neuraldatasets = class(TPSPlugin) public procedure CompileImport1(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure ExecImport1(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); override; end; { compile-time registration functions } procedure SIRegister_TClassesAndElements(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); procedure SIRegister_TFileNameList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); procedure SIRegister_neuraldatasets(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); { run-time registration functions } procedure RIRegister_neuraldatasets_Routines(S: TPSExec); procedure RIRegister_TClassesAndElements(CL: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); procedure RIRegister_TFileNameList(CL: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); procedure RIRegister_neuraldatasets(CL: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); procedure Register; implementation uses neuraldatasets, neuralnetworkCAI, neuralvolume , neuralthread ,math ; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Pascal Script', [TPSImport_neuraldatasets]); end; (* === compile-time registration functions === *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure SIRegister_TClassesAndElements(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TStringStringListVolume', 'TClassesAndElements') do with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TStringStringListVolume'),'TClassesAndElements') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( )'); Function CountElements( ) : integer'); Procedure LoadFoldersAsClasses( FolderName : string; pImageSubFolder : string; SkipFirst : integer; SkipLast : integer)'); Procedure LoadFoldersAsClassesProportional( FolderName : string; pImageSubFolder : string; fSkipFirst : TNeuralFloat; fLoadLen : TNeuralFloat)'); Procedure LoadImages0( color_encoding : integer; NewSizeX : integer; NewSizeY : integer);'); Procedure LoadClass_FilenameFromFolder( FolderName : string)'); Function GetRandomClassId( ) : integer'); Function GetClassesCount( ) : integer'); Procedure GetRandomFileId( out ClassId : integer; out FileId : integer; StartPos : TNeuralFloat; Range : TNeuralFloat)'); Procedure GetRandomFileName( out ClassId : integer; out FileName : string; StartPos : TNeuralFloat; Range : TNeuralFloat)'); Procedure GetRandomImgVolumes( vInput, vOutput : TNNetVolume; StartPos : TNeuralFloat; Range : TNeuralFloat)'); Function GetFileName( ClassId, ElementId : integer) : string'); Procedure AddVolumesTo( Volumes : TNNetVolumeList; EmptySource : boolean)'); Procedure AddFileNamesTo( FileNames : TFileNameList)'); Procedure MakeMonopolar( Divisor : TNeuralFloat)'); Function FileCountAtClassId( ClassId : integer) : integer'); Procedure LoadImages_NTL( index, threadnum : integer)'); end; end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure SIRegister_TFileNameList(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TStringListInt', 'TFileNameList') do with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TStringListInt'),'TFileNameList') do begin Constructor Create( )'); Procedure GetImageVolumePairFromId( ImageId : integer; vInput, vOutput : TNNetVolume; ThreadDangerous : boolean)'); Procedure GetRandomImagePair( vInput, vOutput : TNNetVolume)'); Function ThreadSafeLoadImageFromFileIntoVolume( ImageFileName : string; V : TNNetVolume) : boolean'); RegisterProperty('ClassCount', 'integer', iptrw); end; end; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure SIRegister_neuraldatasets(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin CL.AddTypeS('TTinyImageChannel','array [0..31] of array[0..31] of byte; '); CL.AddTypeS('TTinyImageChannel1D','array [0..32 * 32 - 1] of byte; '); CL.AddTypeS('TMNistImage','array [0..27] of array[0..27] of byte; '); //TTinyImageChannel1D = packed array [0..32 * 32 - 1] of byte; //TMNistImage = packed array [0..27, 0..27] of byte; CL.AddTypeS('TTinyImage', 'record bLabel : byte; R : TTinyImageChannel; G : T' +'TinyImageChannel; B : TTinyImageChannel; end'); CL.AddTypeS('TCifar100Image', 'record bCoarseLabel : byte; bFineLabel : byte;' +' R : TTinyImageChannel; G : TTinyImageChannel; B : TTinyImageChannel; end'); CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImage', 'record bLabel : byte; Grey : TTinyImageChannel; end'); CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImage1D', 'record bLabel : byte; Grey : TTinyImageChannel1D; end'); //CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImagePtr','^TTinySingleChannelImage// will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TTinySingleChannelImage1DPtr', '^TTinySingleChannelImage1D // will not work'); SIRegister_TFileNameList(CL); SIRegister_TClassesAndElements(CL); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure CreateVolumesFromImagesFromFolder(out ImgTrainingVolumes,ImgValidationVolumes,ImgTestVolumes:TNNetVolumeList;FolderName,pImageSubFolder:string;color_encoding:integer;TrainingProp,ValidationProp,TestProp:single;'+ 'NewSizeX:integer;NewSizeY:integer)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure CreateFileNameListsFromImagesFromFolder( out TrainingFileNames, ValidationFileNames, TestFileNames : TFileNameList; FolderName, pImageSubFolder : string; TrainingProp, ValidationProp, TestProp : single)'); //Procedure LoadImageIntoVolume( M : TFPMemoryImage; Vol : TNNetVolume)'); //Procedure LoadVolumeIntoImage( Vol : TNNetVolume; M : TFPMemoryImage)'); Function LoadImageFromFileIntoVolume(ImageFileName:string; V:TNNetVolume): boolean'); Function SaveImageFromVolumeIntoFile(V:TNNetVolume;ImageFileName:string) : boolean'); Procedure ConfusionWriteCSVHeader(var CSVConfusion:TextFile;Labels array of string)'); Procedure ConfusionWriteCSV( var CSVConfusion: TextFile; Vol:TNNetVolume; Digits : integer)'); Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume1( var TI : TTinyImage; Vol : TNNetVolume);'); Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume2(var TI: TCifar100Image; Vol : TNNetVolume);'); Procedure LoadTinyImageIntoNNetVolume3( var TI : TMNistImage; Vol : TNNetVolume);'); Procedure LoadNNetVolumeIntoTinyImage4( Vol : TNNetVolume; var TI : TTinyImage);'); Procedure LoadNNetVolumeIntoTinyImage5( Vol:TNNetVolume; var TI : TCifar100Image);'); Procedure LoadTinySingleChannelIntoNNetVolume( var SC : TTinySingleChannelImage; Vol : TNNetVolume)'); Procedure TinyImageCreateGrey(var TI:TTinyImage;var TIGrey:TTinySingleChannelImage)'); Procedure TinyImageHE( var TI, TIHE : TTinySingleChannelImage)'); Procedure TinyImageVE( var TI, TIVE : TTinySingleChannelImage)'); Procedure TinyImageRemoveZeroGradient(var TI:TTinySingleChannelImage;distance:byte)'); Procedure TinyImageHVE( var TI, TIHE : TTinySingleChannelImage)'); Function TinyImageTo1D( var TI:TTinySingleChannelImage): TTinySingleChannelImage1D'); Procedure CreateCifar10Volumes( out ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; color_encoding : byte)'); Procedure CreateCifar100Volumes( out ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; color_encoding : byte; Verbose : boolean)'); Procedure CreateMNISTVolumes( out ImgTrainingVolumes, ImgValidationVolumes, ImgTestVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; TrainFileName, TestFileName : string; Verbose : boolean; IsFashion : boolean)'); Procedure loadCifar10Dataset6( ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; idx : integer; base_pos : integer; color_encoding : byte);'); Procedure loadCifar10Dataset7( ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; fileName : string; base_pos : integer; color_encoding : byte);'); Procedure loadCifar100Dataset( ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; fileName : string; color_encoding : byte; Verbose : boolean)'); Procedure loadMNISTDataset( ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; fileName : string; Verbose : boolean; IsFashion : boolean; MaxLabel : integer);'); Function CheckCIFARFile( ) : boolean'); Function CheckCIFAR100File( ) : boolean'); Function CheckMNISTFile( fileName : string; IsFasion : boolean) : boolean'); Procedure TestBatch( NN : TNNet; ImgVolumes : TNNetVolumeList; SampleSize : integer; out Rate, Loss, ErrorSum : TNeuralFloat)'); Procedure TranslateCifar10VolumesToMachineAnimal( VolumeList : TNNetVolumeList)'); Function SwapEndian( I : integer) : integer'); end;