PROGRAM Functionsfor39998_Statistic_AllCards_Grid; //shows lotto tips, cards and all the binominal coefficients , #locs:669 Const CROW = 6; CCOL = 10; LotNR = 6; LotRANGE = 45; Type TLottolist = array[1..lotNR] of byte; TLottStat = array[1..lotRANGE] of integer; Var // quadrat,square: extended; iz, i, j: integer; flable: shortstring; larr: TLottolist; comblist: TStringList; sGrid1: TStringGrid; mForm: Tform; aCard: TCard; // cards0: array[0..19] of TCard; //0..15 procedure CardMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y:Integer); begin //if (sender = mForm) and (assigned(acard)=true) then begin if assigned(acard) then begin //cards0[4*(i-10)+suit1].top:= X; Y; //on form acard.left:= X; end; // writeln(inttostr(x)) //debug mform.canvas.Refresh; end; procedure CardMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer); begin mform.onMouseMove:= @CardMouseMove; end; procedure CardMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,Y: Integer); begin mform.onMouseMove:= NIL; end; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin //TSwatForm_Stop1Click(self); sGrid1.Free; action:= caFree; end; // // procedure CreateDrawForm; begin mForm:= TForm.create(self); with mForm do begin FormStyle:= fsStayOnTop; Position:= poScreenCenter; color:= clred; Caption:= 'Max Lotto Card Coefficient Statistics'; Width:= 800; Height:= 650; BorderStyle:= bsDialog; Cursor:= crHandPoint; onMouseMove:= @cardMouseMove; onClose:= @FormClose; Show canvas.stretchdraw(rect(0,0,width,height), getbitmap(Exepath+'\examples\brightfullmoon.bmp')); end; sGrid1:= TStringGrid.Create(self); {sGrid1.parent:= mForm; with sGrid1 do begin defaultColwidth:= 60; defaultRowheight:= 60; height:= 415; colcount:= CCOL+1; rowcount:= CROW+1; top:= 20; borderStyle:= bsNone; GridLineWidth:= 8; scrollbars:= false; end;} end; function TForm1_makecard(L,T:Integer; newvalue:TCardValue; newSuit:TShortSuit):TCard; {create and set position for a card} begin result:= TCard.Create(mform); with result do begin parent:= mform; top:=T; left:=L; setcard(newvalue,newSuit); //bringToFront; onmouseDown:= @CardMouseDown onmouseUp:= @CardMouseUp end; end; procedure cardSetTest; var suit1,i: integer; cards0: array[0..11] of TCard; startx,starty:integer; suit:TShortSuit; // TShortSuit=(CardS,CardD,CardC,CardH); suits: set of TShortSuit; begin //for suit1:= low(TShortSuit) to high(TShortSuit) do won't work starty:= 1; for i:= 11 to 13 do begin startx:= 100; starty:= starty + 120; for suit1:= 0 to 3 do begin cards0[4*(i-11)+suit1]:= TForm1_makecard(startx,starty,i,TShortSuit(suit1)); startx:= startx+100; //overlap=50 end; end; suit:= CardC; writeln(inttoStr(high(cards0))) //debug writeln(inttoStr(ord(suit))) writeln(inttoStr(ord(TShortSuit(suit1)))) end; procedure cardSetTestEasy; var suit: TShortSuit; //(CardS,CardD,CardC,CardH); suit1,i,stx,sty: integer; //cards0: array[0..19] of TCard; //0..15 begin sty:=-70; for i:= 10 to 14 do begin //10 to 14 stx:= 100; sty:= sty+110; for suit1:= 0 to 3 do begin aCard:= TForm1_makecard(stx,sty,i,TShortSuit(suit1)); //cards0[4*(i-10)+suit1]:= TForm1_makecard(stx,sty,i,TShortSuit(suit1)); stx:= stx+90; //overlap=50 end; end; end; procedure cardSetSpecial; var suit: TShortSuit; //(CardS,CardD,CardC,CardH); suit1,i,stx,sty: integer; //cards0: array[0..19] of TCard; //0..15 begin sty:=200; for i:= 13 to 14 do begin //10 to 14 stx:= 320; sty:= sty+110; for suit1:= 0 to 3 do begin aCard:= TForm1_makecard(stx,sty,i,TShortSuit(suit1)); //cards0[4*(i-10)+suit1]:= TForm1_makecard(stx,sty,i,TShortSuit(suit1)); stx:= stx+90; //overlap=50 end; end; end; procedure putNumbers(vrange: byte); var ti, z, myrand: byte; dup: boolean; begin ti:= 1; Randomize //if vrange < lotnr then vrange:= 6; repeat myrand:= Random(vrange)+1; dup:= false; for z:= 1 to lotnr do if (larr[z] = myrand) then dup:= true; if (not dup) then begin larr[ti]:= myrand; //lstat[myrand]:= lstat[myrand] + 1; ti:= ti + 1; end; until ti = lotnr + 1 end; procedure FillGrid; var i: byte; begin j:= 1 with sGrid1 do begin for i:= 1 to lotrange do begin for iz:= 1 to lotnr do if larr[iz] = i then Cells[((i+CCOL-1) mod CCOL)+1, j]:= intToStr(i); if i mod CCOL = 0 then inc(j) end; Font.Size:= 40; Cells[6,5]:= '!!!'; end; end; function GetBigIntFact(aval: byte): string; //unit mybigint var mbResult: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbResult:= TMyBigInt.Create(1); try for i:= 1 to aval do //mbResult.Multiply(mbresult, mbresult); mbResult.Multiply1(mbresult, i); Result:= mbResult.ToString; finally //FreeAndNil(mbResult); mbResult.Free; end; end; function getPermutation(npr, k: integer): extended; //2. Permutation(Variation without repeating) = nPr = n!/(n-k)! begin result:= (Fact(npr)/Fact(npr-k)); //test 4 of 10 = 5040 = NPR(10,4) end; function getCombination(npr, k: integer): extended; //3. Combination (binominal coefficient)= nCr = nPr / k! begin result:= (Fact(npr)/Fact(npr-k)/Fact(k)); //ncr:= npr/round(fact(ncr)) //test 4 of 20 = 4845 = NCR(20,4) end; procedure FindDataToFindRecTest(const FindData: TWin32FindData; var FindRec: TFindRec); begin //FindRec.Name := FindData.cFileName; FindRec.Attributes := FindData.dwFileAttributes; FindRec.SizeHigh := FindData.nFileSizeHigh; FindRec.SizeLow := FindData.nFileSizeLow; FindRec.CreationTime := FindData.ftCreationTime; FindRec.LastAccessTime := FindData.ftLastAccessTime; FindRec.LastWriteTime := FindData.ftLastWriteTime; //FindRec.AlternateName := FindData.cAlternateFileName; end; const HWND_BROADCAST = $FFFF; //CL.AddConstantN('wnd_Broadcast','').SetString( HWND_BROADCAST); HWND_MESSAGE = -3; function _FindFirst(const FileName: String; var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean; var FindHandle: THandle; FindData: TWin32FindData; //asd: HWND_BROADCAST; begin //PostAppMessage //PostThreadMessage //SendNotifyMessage(HWND_MESSAGE, //ReplyMessage //WaitMessage; //WaitForInputIdle //GetDoubleClickTime FindHandle := FindFirstFileRedir(false, FileName, FindData); if FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin FindRec.FindHandle := FindHandle; FindDataToFindRec(FindData, FindRec); Result := True; end else begin FindRec.FindHandle := 0; Result := False; end; end; function _FindNext(var FindRec: TFindRec): Boolean; var FindData: TWin32FindData; res1, res2: boolean; begin res1:= FindNextFile(FindRec.FindHandle,FindData); res2:= (FindRec.FindHandle <> 0); result:= res2 and res1; //result:= (FindRec.FindHandle<>0) and FindNextFile(FindRec.FindHandle,FindData); if Result then FindDataToFindRec(FindData, FindRec); end; procedure _FindClose(var FindRec: TFindRec); begin if FindRec.FindHandle <> 0 then begin wFindClose(FindRec.FindHandle); FindRec.FindHandle := 0; end; end; procedure GetQuoteofDayDirect; var Qtd: TIdQOTD; begin Qtd:= TIdQOTD.Create(self); Qtd.Host:= ''; Qtd.ConnectAndGetAll; writeln(Qtd.Quote); TIdTCPClient(QTd).Disconnect; Qtd.Free end; type TDllProc = function(const Param1, Param2: Longint): Longint; //stdcall; function DLLProcCall(const Param1, Param2: Longint): Longint; //stdcall; var H: THandle; begin H:= LoadLibrary('income.dll'); result:= GetProcAddress(H, '_SayHello2') FreeLibrary(H) end; //{ Windows } (*function WindowsProc(Caller: TPSExec; Proc: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; var PStart: Cardinal; DllProc: TDllProc; DllHandle: THandle; S: AnsiString; begin PStart := Stack.Count-1; Result := True; if Proc.Name = 'SLEEP' then begin Sleep(Stack.GetInt(PStart)); end else if Proc.Name = 'FINDWINDOWBYCLASSNAME' then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart, FindWindow(PChar(Stack.GetString(PStart-1)), nil)); end else if Proc.Name = 'FINDWINDOWBYWINDOWNAME' then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart, FindWindow(nil, PChar(Stack.GetString(PStart-1)))); end else if Proc.Name = 'SENDMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart, SendMessage(Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3), Stack.GetInt(PStart-4))); end else if Proc.Name = 'POSTMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetBool(PStart, PostMessage(Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3), Stack.GetInt(PStart-4))); end else if Proc.Name = 'SENDNOTIFYMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetBool(PStart, SendNotifyMessage(Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3), Stack.GetInt(PStart-4))); end else if Proc.Name = 'REGISTERWINDOWMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart, RegisterWindowMessage(PChar(Stack.GetString(PStart-1)))); end else if Proc.Name = 'SENDBROADCASTMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart, SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3))); end else if Proc.Name = 'POSTBROADCASTMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetBool(PStart, PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3))); end else if Proc.Name = 'SENDBROADCASTNOTIFYMESSAGE' then begin Stack.SetBool(PStart, SendNotifyMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, Stack.GetInt(PStart-1), Stack.GetInt(PStart-2), Stack.GetInt(PStart-3))); end else if Proc.Name = 'LOADDLL' then begin DllHandle := SafeLoadLibrary(Stack.GetString(PStart-1), SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); if DllHandle <> 0 then Stack.SetInt(PStart-2, 0) else Stack.SetInt(PStart-2, GetLastError()); Stack.SetInt(PStart, DllHandle); end else if Proc.Name = 'CALLDLLPROC' then begin @DllProc:= GetProcAddress(Stack.GetInt(PStart-1),PChar(Stack.GetString(PStart-2))); if Assigned(DllProc) then begin Stack.SetInt(PStart-5,DllProc(Stack.GetInt(PStart-3), Stack.GetInt(PStart-4))); Stack.SetBool(PStart, True); end else Stack.SetBool(PStart, False); end else if Proc.Name = 'FREEDLL' then begin Stack.SetBool(PStart, FreeLibrary(Stack.GetInt(PStart-1))); end else if Proc.Name = 'CREATEMUTEX' then begin CreateMutex(nil, False, PChar(Stack.GetString(PStart))); end else if Proc.Name = 'OEMTOCHARBUFF' then begin S := StackGetAnsiString(Stack, PStart); OemToCharBuffA(PAnsiChar(S), PAnsiChar(S), Length(S)); StackSetAnsiString(Stack, PStart, S); end else if Proc.Name = 'CHARTOOEMBUFF' then begin S := StackGetAnsiString(Stack, PStart); CharToOemBuffA(PAnsiChar(S), PAnsiChar(S), Length(S)); StackSetAnsiString(Stack, PStart, S); end else Result := False; end; *) //{ Ole2 } (*function Ole2Proc(Caller: TPSExec; Proc: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Proc.Name = 'COFREEUNUSEDLIBRARIES' then begin CoFreeUnusedLibraries; end else Result := False; end; *) procedure CallDLL(afct: TDLLProc); begin afct(2,3) end; procedure letDLL; var H: THandle; hdll: TDllProc; begin H:= LoadLibrary('income.dll'); writeln('GetProcAddress: '+intToStr(GetProcAddress(H, '_SayHello2'))); hdll:= @DLLProcCall; CallDLL(hdll); //hdll; FreeLibrary(H); end; procedure PlayMediaR; var wmp: OLEVariant; //Maybe you'll be more comfortable with automation. //I believe it would provide most of the functionality as the interfaces provide. begin wmp:= CreateOleObject('WMPlayer.OCX'); //wmp.OpenPlayer(Exepath+'examples\maxbox.wav'); if ISInternet then begin wmp.URL:= ''; wmp.OpenPlayer(wmp.URL); end else wmp.OpenPlayer(Exepath+'examples\maxbox.wav'); //; end; type TIdFTPClient = TIdFTP; var ftpclient: TIdFTPClient; procedure GetDirFTP(dir: string); var //SearchRec: TSearchRec; details, nodetails: TStringList; k: Integer; begin //iterate through directory given if FindFirst(dir + '*.*', faAnyFile) = 0 then begin repeat //get rid of the both "dummy-directories" '.' and '..' if (SearchRecName <> '.') and (SearchRecName <> '..') then begin //if we found a folder if (SearchRecAttr and faDirectory) = faDirectory then begin //get folder contents from ftp. one with details, one without details:= TStringList.Create; nodetails:= TStringList.Create; FTPClient.List(details, '', True); FTPClient.List(nodetails, '', False); //we only want to have directories in the list (without '.' and '..') //nun filtern wir das nach den ordnern (ohne '.' und '..') for k := details.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if details.Strings[k] <> '' then begin if (details.Strings[k][1] <> 'd') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '.') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '..') then begin details.Delete(k); nodetails.Delete(k); end; end; end; //if our directory does not exists on the server, create it if nodetails.IndexOf(SearchRecName) = -1 then begin FTPClient.MakeDir(SearchRecName); end; //change into next directory on server FTPClient.ChangeDir(SearchRecName); details.Free; nodetails.Free; //and also locally search go into the next subfolder GetDirFTP(dir + SearchRecName + '\'); //we have to go one directory up after leaving the recursion //wenn die rekursion zurück ist, wieder eine ordnerstufe hochgehen FTPClient.ChangeDirUp; end else begin //if it's only a file, upload it to the current directory FTPClient.Put2(dir + SearchRecName, SearchRecName,false); end; end; until FindNext{(SearchRec)} <> 0; FindClose{(SearchRec)}; end; end; procedure UploadPerFTP; var dir: string; details, nodetails: TStringList; k: Integer; begin //set some basic settings on your ftp client (TIdFTPClient) with FTPClient do begin Host := ''; Username := 'your_username'; // Adjust your data here / Password := 'your_password'; // Adjust your data here / Passive := True; end; FTPClient.Connect(true,1200); //if you want to upload you data to an remote-directory, enter it below (does not matter if 'dir\dir' or 'dir/dir') dir:= StringReplace('your/remote_directory', '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); //remove first '/' if there's one if dir <> '' then begin if dir[1] = '/' then Delete(dir, 1, 1); //but add a '/' at the end if dir[Length(dir)] <> '/' then dir := dir + '/'; //loop through our remote-directories while Pos('/', dir) > 0 do begin //get folder contents from ftp. one with details, one without details := TStringList.Create; nodetails := TStringList.Create; FTPClient.List(details, '', True); FTPClient.List(nodetails, '', False); //we only want to have directories in the list (without '.' and '..') for k := details.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if details.Strings[k] <> '' then begin if (details.Strings[k][1] <> 'd') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '.') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '..') then begin details.Delete(k); nodetails.Delete(k); end; end; end; //if our directory does not exists on the server, create it if nodetails.IndexOf(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)) = -1 then begin FTPClient.MakeDir(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)); end; //change to our directory on server FTPClient.ChangeDir(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)); //remove first directory from path ('your/dir/subdir/' --> 'dir/subdir/') Delete(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir)); details.Free; nodetails.Free; end; end; //ftp client is ready in your remote-directory //begin to upload our local directory //der ftp client ist nun im remote-directory bereit dir := 'C:\your\local\directory\'; // Adjust your data here / if dir[Length(dir)] <> '\' then dir := dir + '\'; GetDirFTP(dir); FTPClient.Disconnect; end; const B = 1; //byte KB = 1024 * B; //kilobyte aMB = 1024 * KB; //megabyte GB = 1024 * aMB; //gigabyte function FormatByteSize(const bytes: int64): string; begin if bytes > GB then result:= FormatFloat('#.## GB',bytes / GB) else if bytes > aMB then result:= FormatFloat('#.## MB',bytes / aMB) else if bytes > KB then result:= FormatFloat('#.## KB',bytes / KB) else result:= FormatFloat('#.## bytes',bytes) ; end; function countDirfiles(const apath: string): integer; var dlist: TStringlist; begin dlist:= TStringlist.create; try GetDirList(apath,dlist,true) //for i:= 0 to dirlist.count - 1 do //writeln(ExtractFileName(dirlist[i])); result:= dlist.count; finally dlist.Free; end; end; Const fpath = 'C:\maXbook\maxbox3\mX3999\maxbox3\exercices\'; //#define WM_SYSCOMMAND 0x0112 WM_SYSCOMMAND2 = $0112; SC_SCREENSAVE2 = $F140; var strback: string; dirlist: Tstrings; BEGIN //Main // {x:= 100; quadrat:= power(x,2); writeln(format('%f', [quadrat])) writeln(format('%s',[inttobin(97 XOR 223)]))} CreateDrawForm; PutNumbers(lotrange) FillGrid; PlayMediaR; SendMessage(Application.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND2, SC_SCREENSAVE2, 0); writeln(floattoStr(getPermutation(45,6))) writeln(floattoStr(getCombination(45,6))) writeln(floattoStr(getCombination(45,22))) comblist:= TStringlist.create; for i:= 1 to LotRANGE do comblist.add(Format('case: %d is %f',[i, getCombination(45,i)])); for i:= 1 to LotRANGE do Writeln(comblist[i-1]); comblist.Free; for i:= 1 to lotnr do Write(inttostr(larr[i])+ ' '); //cardSetTest; cardSetTestEasy cardSetSpecial writeln(formatBigInt(powerBig(2,1000))) //writeln(formatBigInt(BigExp('2','1000'))) writeln(getAsciiline) writeln(inttostr(GetDoubleClickTime)) if SetDoubleClickTime(500) then writeln('set click time'); writeln(inttostr(GetDoubleClickTime)) writeln(inttostr(HWND_BROADCAST)) maXcalcF('2^16') //SafeLoadLibrary FmtStr(strback,'thise ise %.10f of',[maXcalc('1.23^34')]); writeln(strback); // //wget('','gitwingui.png'); //wget2('','maxbox3clx.tar.gz'); dirlist:= TStringlist.create; GetDirList(fpath+'\*.*',dirlist,false) //application.processmessages; for i:= 0 to dirlist.count - 1 do writeln(ExtractFileName(dirlist[i])); dirlist.Free; //maxform1.WebScannerDirect(''); PlaySound('SYSTEMSTART',0,1); // 11.7 GB (12'633'208'880 bytes) Writeln('KBytes = '+inttoStr(KBytes)) PrintF('Dir size of root: %d Bytes',[GetDirectorySize(Exepath)]); PrintF('Dir size of root: %d KBytes',[GetDirectorySize(Exepath) div 1024]); PrintF('Dir size of root: %.4d MBytes', [GetDirectorySize(Exepath) div (1024*1024)]); PrintF('Dir size of root: %.2f GBytes', [GetDirectorySize(Exepath)/(1024*1024*1024)]); PrintF('Dir size of root: %.2f GBytes', [GetDirectorySize(Exepath)/(KBytes*KBytes)/KBytes]); //FormatByteSize(GetDirectorySize(Exepath)) PrintF('Dir size of root flex: %s Bytes', [FormatByteSize(GetDirectorySize(Exepath))]); writeln('count dir files in: '+exepath+ ': '+itoa(countDirfiles(exepath))); if ISInternet then getbox('','pdf'); //try also wGet(); writeln('Quote of the Day from'); writeln(S_RepeatChar(90,'*')); if ISInternet then GetQuoteofDayDirect; letDLL; //TESRT End. Doc { We use the Format/FmtStr functions from Delphi 7 because Delphi 2's Format raises an exception if the result is more than 4096 characters. } function _Format(const Format: string; const Args: array of const): string; begin _FmtStr(Result, Format, Args); end; ----------------------------------------------------- {for i:= 1 to 10 do for j:= 1 to 10 do begin //printf('%d',[j]) write(inttostr(j*i)+ ' ') if j=10 then writeln('') end writeln('') for i:= 1 to 10 do for j:= 1 to 10 do begin //printf('%d',[j]) ein:= j*i; if (ein < 10) and (j<7) then write(inttostr(ein)+ ' ') else write(inttostr(ein)+ ' ') if j=10 then writeln('') end} // big fact 70 = 1.1978571669969891796072783721689e+100 00000000000000000000000100101100 XOR 00000000000000000000000100101100 000000000 ----app_template_loaded---- Corrections of V 3.5 beta cid: 182 winmemory: Twinmemory cid: 183 winmemory.#0: TLabel cid: 184 winmemory_1: Twinmemory cid: 185 winmemory_1.#0: TLabel Dealing with Big Numbers (Integers) ----------------------------------- As you may know there's no simple solution to print or store big numbers, for example you want to compute fact(70), your calculator shows: fact(70) = 1.19785716989179607721689e+100 but the maximum range on Delphi depends on your operating system types, means nowadays an int64 range is the big int. Now that the "signed" Words are finally up-to-par with the unsigned integer types, Delphi 4 introduces a new 64-bits integer type, called Int64, with a whopping range of -2^63..2^63 - 1 Another way is to use the type extended, but the limitation is precision like Writeln(FloatToStr(Fact(70))) it only shows 1.2E+0100 With a BigInt Library (bigintlib) you'll see the full range of Fact(70): 11978571669969891796072783721987892755536628009582789845319680000000000000000 The call respectively the calculation goes like this: function GetBigIntFact(aval: byte): string; //call of unit mybigint var mbRes: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbRes:= TMyBigInt.Create(1); try //multiplication of factor for i:= 1 to aval do mbRes.Multiply1(mbresult, i); Result:= mbRes.ToString; finally //FreeAndNil(mbResult); mbRes.Free; end; end; Or you want the power of 100 2^100= 12676506002282299670376 The definition of the function could be the following: function GetBigIntPower(aval: integer): string; var mbResult: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbResult:= TMyBigInt.Create(1); try for i:= 1 to aval do mbResult.Multiply1(mbresult, 2); Result:= mbResult.ToString; finally mbResult.Free; end; end; At least one really big, it's 2^1000 107150860718626948490600018105614048117055744375038837035105112493612249319837881569585812759467291755314682518714528569231404457698574803934567774824605062371141877954182154749897398767555407706291 the class of the unit from swiss delphi: TMyBigInt = class private Len: Integer; Value: AnsiString; procedure Trim; procedure Shift(k: Integer); procedure MultiplyAtom(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); public constructor Create(iValue: Integer = 0); procedure Add(Addend1, Addend2: TMyBigInt); procedure Multiply(Multiplier1, Multiplier2: TMyBigInt); overload; procedure Multiply(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); overload; function ToString: string; procedure CopyFrom(mbCopy: TMyBigInt); end; Before the LTO flag commit: Sketch uses 26,628 bytes (82%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes. Global variables use 984 bytes (48%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1,064 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes. After: Sketch uses 72,984 bytes (226%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes. Global variables use 1,222 bytes (59%) of dynamic memory, leaving 826 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes. ----Simple Browser started---- why doesnrt it blink? for i:= 1 to 5 do begin cPort.WriteStr('3') sleep(500) cPort.WriteStr('C') end; for i:= 1 to 5 do begin cPort.WriteLED(HI) sleep(500) cPort.WriteLED(LO) end; Error Message: 111 out of 174 rated this helpful - Rate this topic KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR Explanation: This Stop message indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be read into memory. This Stop message is usually caused by a bad block (sector) in a paging file, a virus, a disk controller error, or failing RAM. In rare cases, it is caused when nonpaged pool resources run out. It is also caused by defective hardware. User Action: If the I/O status is C0000185 and the paging file is on a SCSI disk, the disk cabling and SCSI termination should be checked for problems. Check your computer for viruses, using any up-to-date, commercial virus scanning software that examines the Master Boot Record of the hard disk. An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A normally indicates the data cannot be read from the disk due to a bad block (sector). If you can restart the system after the error, Autochk runs automatically and attempts to map out the bad sector. If Autochk does not scan the hard disk for errors, manually launch the disk scanner. Run Chkdsk /f /r on the system partition. Restart the system before the disk scan begins. If you cannot start the system due to the error, use the Recovery Console and run Chkdsk /r. Caution: If your system partition is formatted with the FAT file system, the long file names used by Windows 2000 can be damaged if Scandisk or another MS-DOSbased hard disk tool is used to verify the integrity of your hard disk from an MS-DOS prompt. (An MS-DOS prompt is typically derived from an MS-DOS startup disk or from starting MS-DOS on a multiboot system.) Always use the Windows 2000 version of Chkdsk on Windows 2000 disks. Another common cause of this Stop message is failing RAM. Run hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owners manual for your computer. Check that all network adapters in the computer are properly seated. Use an ink eraser or an electrical contact treatment, available at electronics supply stores, to ensure network adapter contacts are clean. Check the System Log in Event Viewer for additional error messages that might help pinpoint the device causing the error. Disabling memory caching of the BIOS might also resolve it. Finally, if all the above steps fail to resolve the error, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing. A crack, a scratched trace, or a defective component on the motherboard can also cause this error. For more troubleshooting information about this Stop message, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base at procedure UploadPerFTP; procedure GetDir(dir: string); var SearchRec: TSearchRec; details, nodetails: TStringList; k: Integer; begin //iterate through directory given //schleife über alle dateien im ordner if FindFirst(dir + '*.*', faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then begin repeat //get rid of the both "dummy-directories" '.' and '..' //die ordner '.' und '..' brauchen man nicht if (SearchRec.Name <> '.') and (SearchRec.Name <> '..') then begin //if we found a folder //falls wir einen ordner haben if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory then begin //get folder contents from ftp. one with details, one without //holen wir uns den ordnerinhalt mit details und einmal ohne vom server details := TStringList.Create; nodetails := TStringList.Create; FTPClient.List(details, '', True); FTPClient.List(nodetails, '', False); //we only want to have directories in the list (without '.' and '..') //nun filtern wir das nach den ordnern (ohne '.' und '..') for k := details.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if details.Strings[k] <> '' then begin if (details.Strings[k][1] <> 'd') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '.') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '..') then begin details.Delete(k); nodetails.Delete(k); end; end; end; //if our directory does not exists on the server, create it //falls unser ordner auf dem server noch nicht existiert, legen wir ihn an if nodetails.IndexOf(SearchRec.Name) = -1 then begin FTPClient.MakeDir(SearchRec.Name); end; //change into next directory on server //nun wechseln wir in den nächsten ordner FTPClient.ChangeDir(SearchRec.Name); details.Free; nodetails.Free; //and also locally go into the next subfolder //und suchen lokal im nächsten unterordner weiter GetDir(dir + SearchRec.Name + '\'); //we have to go one directory up after leaving the recursion //wenn die rekursion zurück ist, wieder eine ordnerstufe hochgehen FTPClient.ChangeDirUp; end else begin //if it's only a file, upload it to the current directory //falls wir eine datei angetroffen haben, können wir diese uploaden FTPClient.Put(dir + SearchRec.Name, SearchRec.Name); end; end; until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0; FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; var dir: string; details, nodetails: TStringList; k: Integer; begin //set some basic settings on your ftp client (TIdFTPClient) //hier kommen die grundangaben für unseren ftp client hin (TIdFTPClient) with FTPClient do begin Host := ''; // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen Username := 'your_username'; // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen Password := 'your_password'; // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen Passive := True; // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen end; FTPClient.Connect; //if you want to upload you data to an remote-directory, enter it below (does not matter if 'dir\dir' or 'dir/dir') //falls die daten in ein remote-directory heraufgeladen werden sollen, kann es hier angegeben werden (egal ob 'dir\dir' oder 'dir/dir') dir := StringReplace('your/remote_directory', '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen //remove first '/' if there's one //wir löschen das erste '/', falls eines existiert if dir <> '' then begin if dir[1] = '/' then Delete(dir, 1, 1); //but add a '/' at the end //aber am ende fügen wir ein '/' hinzu if dir[Length(dir)] <> '/' then dir := dir + '/'; //loop through our remote-directories //schleife über alle remote-directories while Pos('/', dir) > 0 do begin //get folder contents from ftp. one with details, one without //runterladen der aktuellen ordnerinhalte vom server (mit und ohne details) details := TStringList.Create; nodetails := TStringList.Create; FTPClient.List(details, '', True); FTPClient.List(nodetails, '', False); //we only want to have directories in the list (without '.' and '..') //wir wollen wieder nur ordner ohne '.' und '..' for k := details.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if details.Strings[k] <> '' then begin if (details.Strings[k][1] <> 'd') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '.') or (nodetails.Strings[k] = '..') then begin details.Delete(k); nodetails.Delete(k); end; end; end; //if our directory does not exists on the server, create it //falls der ordner nicht existiert, legen wir ihn an if nodetails.IndexOf(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)) = -1 then begin FTPClient.MakeDir(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)); end; //change to our directory on server //nun wechseln wir in den nächsten ordner auf dem server FTPClient.ChangeDir(Copy(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir) - 1)); //remove first directory from path ('your/dir/subdir/' --> 'dir/subdir/') //we cut first dir from path' --> 'ordner/unterordner/') Delete(dir, 1, Pos('/', dir)); details.Free; nodetails.Free; end; end; //ftp client is ready in your remote-directory //begin to upload our local directory //der ftp client ist nun im remote-directory bereit //wür können anfangen unseren lokalen ordner raufzuladen dir := 'C:\your\local\directory\'; // Adjust your data here / Hier gwünschte Daten eintragen if dir[Length(dir)] <> '\' then dir := dir + '\'; GetDir(dir); FTPClient.Disconnect; end; 5 Years maXbox Deluxe Edition ***************************************************************** In those 5 years the advantage of Object Scripting is at least: - all in one solution box - script as text file - no compiler needed - no install or administration - no more packages or units mandatory - just one single execution extendible with DLL's or OLE objects Deluxe Dir: function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) { $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1); // Uncomment one of the following alternatives // $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); // $bytes /= (1 << (10 * $pow)); return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow]; } When working with files from Delphi you might want to display the size of a file to the user in a Explorer-like format where the file size is not displayed in bytes - but the display depends on the size of the actual file. To most users "45678123 b" is confusing - where "43.56 MB" is much more user friendly. Format Byte Size to String A custom Delphi function, FormatByteSize, converts a byte value into a string that represents the number expressed as a size value in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, depending on the size. Do you have a Delphi function that you think should be optimized for speed, size or flexibility? Need some help with refactoring your existing Delphi code? Have trouble implementing efficient algorithms? What programming challenges you'd like to see? Propose your Delphi programming challenge! Let others help you: ask Delphi developers to refactor your code or ask for something you do not know how to implement.