program Doodle3D_SPS_HTTPCommands_REST; //HTTP Series 301 - 306 //shows command syntax for an SPS switch with IndySockets on webbox ex. _306, locs=29 Const //IPBASIS = ''; IPBASIS = ''; var myURL: string; idHTTP, http1: TIDHTTP; idHTTP2: TIDHTTPRequest; zipStream: TFileStream; procedure SetUp_ClienttoWebServerSPS; begin http1:= TIDHTTP.Create(self) with http1 do begin //MaxLineAction:= maException ReadTimeout:= 0 AllowCookies:= True ProtocolVersion:= pv1_1 ProxyParams.BasicAuthentication:= False ProxyParams.ProxyPort:= 0 Request.ContentLength:= -1 Request.ContentRangeEnd:= 0 Request.ContentRangeStart:= 0 Request.ContentType:= 'text/html' Request.Accept:= 'text/html, */*' Request.BasicAuthentication:= False Request.UserAgent:= 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)' HTTPOptions:= [hoForceEncodeParams] end; end; procedure post_SPSCommand; var r: TStringlist; prot: TMemo; erg: string; begin {... } HTTP1.Host:= IPBASIS; R:= TStringlist.Create; prot:= TMemo.Create(self); r.Add('OUT=A'); r.Add('SUB=Senden'); HTTP1.Request.Method := hmPOST; HTTP1.Request.ContentType:='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; //HTTP1.Port:= 8000; //HTTP1.IP:= IPBASIS; //HTTP1.connect(4000); erg:=,R); memo2.lines.add(erg); //Prot.Clear; //Prot.Lines.Add(erg); //Prot.Lines.SaveToFile('prot.html'); R.Free; prot.Free; http1.Free; end; function TTAServiceSendSMS(const Destination: WideString; const Body: WideString): Integer; var h : TIdHTTP; URL: string; Params: TStringStream; res: TStringStream; e: exception; begin try h:= TIdHTTP.create(self); Params := TStringStream.Create(''); Params.WriteString(HTTPEncode('Billing_Ref=KUDEX'+'&')); Params.WriteString(HTTPEncode('DestinationEx='+Destination+'&')); Params.WriteString(HTTPEncode('Body='+Body+'')); URL := ''; h.Request.Method := hmPOST; h.Request.Source:= Params; h.Request.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; res := TStringStream.create(''); //h.connnectTimeout := 20000; h.connect(20000); h.post5(URL,params,res); except //on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Error: ' + E.Message); end; end; procedure setHTTPheaderTest; var pStream: TMemoryStream; idHTTP1: TIdHTTP; begin pStream:= TMemoryStream.Create; idHTTP1:= TIdHTTP.create(NIL) try // write/load your data into the stream, then ... IdHTTP1.ProtocolVersion := pv1_1; // PUT is not supported inHTTP v1.0 IdHTTP1.Request.ContentType := 'application/octet-stream'; IdHTTP1.Request.Date := now; IdHTTP1.Request.BasicAuthentication := False; IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent:= 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)'; idhttp1.HTTPOptions:= [hoForceEncodeParams] //IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['Authorization'] := 'AWS12GHGKM5J4HSY2VDTK02:$b64sig'; //IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['X-Amz-Acl'] := 'private'; idHTTP1.Put('', pStream); finally pStream.Free; idHttp.Free; end; end; begin //main app //myURL:= ''; //myURL:= ''; //myURL:= ''; //localhost //zipStream:= TFileStream.Create('soadelphi.pdf', fmCreate) //zipStream:= TFileStream.Create('nazareth_anto.rar', fmCreate) SetUp_ClienttoWebServerSPS; post_SPSCommand; idHTTP:= TIdHTTP.create(NIL) //tester try //idhttp.get1(myURL,zipStream) //idhttp.AuthRetries:= 3; //idhttp.onredirect:= @3; // memo2.lines.text:= idhttp.get2('') //memo2.lines.text:= idhttp.get('') //memo2.lines.text:= idhttp.get2('') //idHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Add('X-AjaxPro-Method: ButtonEvent'); //IdHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['X-AjaxPro-Method'] := 'ButtonEvent'; idhttp.Request.Pragma := 'no-cache'; idhttp.Request.CacheControl := 'no-cache'; idhttp.ProxyParams.BasicAuthentication:= False; idhttp.ProxyParams.ProxyPort:= 0; //IdHTTP.Response.Header //idhttp.writeheader; finally idHTTP.Free //zipStream.Free; end; //SearchAndOpenDoc(exepath+''); //initialization //finalization end. //Comments Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, hat ein Gruben-Grab-Gerät! ich möchte an einen Webserver ein POST senden, um dort Schaltungen auszulösen. Zur Anwendung kommen die Indy 9 Komponenten (TidHTTP) unter Delphi 7 . Mittels Wireshark habe ich mir die Befehlssyntax zusammengeklaut, Beispiel: "OUT=A&OUT=C&SUB=Senden" . A und C sind hier Checkboxen, Senden ist der Knopf zum Absenden im Formular. PS: Nach über 200 Posts, sollte man den Unterschied zwischen Code-Tags und Delphi-Tags kennen. PPS: Beispiel: "OUT=A&OUT=C&SUB=Senden" . Das Beispiel kann nicht funktionieren, des weiteren unterscheidet Post Groß- und Kleinschreibung der Parameter... Wireshark zeigt die Befehlssyntax genauso an, also "OUT=C&SUB=Senden", wieso sollte es also nicht klappen ? On the WebServer Site: HtmlResult:= 'maXbox Web

HttpServ Demo

' + '

This is the only page you''ll get from this example.

' + '

Request: ' + ReqInf.Document + '

' + '

Host: ' + ReqInf.Host + '

' + '

Params: ' + ReqInf.UnparsedParams + '

'; // + //'

header: 'ReqInf.rawheaders + '

'; RespInf.ContentText:= HtmlResult; // xx maXbox SPSWeb

HttpServ Demo

This is the only page you'll get from this example.

Request: /


Params: OUT=A&SUB=Senden

 mX3 executed: 15.10.2012 10:48:16 Runtime: 0:0:0.434