PROGRAM One_Function_AssertTester; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // #sign:0 PM max: MAXBOX8: 3/25/2015 1:32:52 PM PM // Purpose: shows a function test bed of Tutor36 // // #path>ples\C:\maXbook\maxbox3\mX3999\maxbox3\maxbox3\examples\ // // Lines of Code #locs:180 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Const TEXTOUT = 'Hi world of code coverage with cover age'; TESTTEXT = 'this is max of maXbox a max numbermax'; //############################################################################ // Archimedes Spiral Test Function codeSIGN //############################################################################ //TODO: Combine this two test functions in one unit-test // Function IntToBase32(Numb: Longint): String; var numlett: string; begin numlett:= NUMBERS+LETTERS; Result:= ''; for It:= 0 to 4 do begin Insert(numlett[(Numb And 31)+1], Result, 1); Numb:= Numb Shr 5; end; end; Function IntToBase32X(Numb: Longint): String; begin Result:= ''; for It:= 0 to 4 do begin Insert(NUMBLETTS[(Numb And 31)+1], Result, 1); Numb:= Numb Shr 5; end; end; function CountPos(const subtxt: string; Text: string): Integer; begin if (Length(subtxt)= 0) Or (Length(Text)= 0) Or (Pos(subtxt,Text)= 0) then result:= 0 else result:= (Length(Text)- Length(StringReplace(Text,subtxt,'', [rfReplaceAll]))) div Length(subtxt); end; function CountPosTest: boolean; begin result:= false; if CountPos(Uppercase('max'),Uppercase(TESTTEXT))=4 then result:= true; end; function CountPos2(const subtxt: string; Text: string): Integer; begin if (Length(subtxt)= 0) Or (Pos(subtxt,Text)= 0) then result:= 0 else result:= length(StringReplace(Text,subtxt,'',[rfReplaceAll])); end; function CountStrX(const ASearchFor, ASearchIn : string) : Integer; var Start: Integer; begin Result:= 0; Start:= Pos(ASearchFor, ASearchIn); while Start > 0 do begin Inc(Result); Start:= PosEx(ASearchFor, ASearchIn, Start+ 1); end; end; procedure GetOutputDebugstring; var X : Integer; S : string; begin { Some code here...} x:= CountPos('max',TESTTEXT); S:= Format('X := %d', [X]); OutputDebugString(PChar(S)); writeln(S) //OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('[%s][%s] %s',[aCaption, GetFormatDT(StartDT), aText]))); end; procedure TestAssert; var i: integer; begin i:=5; assert(i<2,'Assert Message'); end; procedure MessageCracker(wParam, lParam : Integer); var Shift, X, Y : Integer; begin Shift := wParam; X:= LOWORD(lParam); Y:= HIWORD(lParam); { Code that does something with Shift, X, and Y. } end; Procedure TestUnitAssert; var S: AnsiString; A: TDateTime; begin SelftestPEM; SelfTestCFundamentUtils; SelfTestCFileUtils; //SelfTestCDateTime; SelfTestCTimer; SelfTestCRandom; Writeln(' 5 Units Tested with success ') ShowMessageBig(' 5 Units Tested with success!'); Assert2(FilePath('C', '..\X\Y', 'A\B', '\') = 'A\X\Y\C', 'FilePath'); Assert2(PathCanonical('\A\B\..\C\D\..\..\..\..\', '\') = '\', 'PathCanonical'); Assert2(UnixPathToWinPath('/c/d.f') = '\c\d.f', 'UnixPathToWinPath'); Assert2(WinPathToUnixPath('\c\d.f') = '/c/d.f', 'WinPathToUnixPath'); A:= EncodeDateTime(2001, 09, 02, 12, 11, 10, 0); Assert2(Month(A) = 9, 'EncodeDateTime'); S:= GMTTimeToRFC1123TimeA(A, True); Assert2(S = '12:11:10 GMT','GMT'); S:= GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTimeA(A, True); Assert2(S = 'Sun, 02 Sep 2001 12:11:10 GMT', 'GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime'); Assert2(TickDeltaW($FFFFFFF6, 0) = 10,'TrickDelta'); Assert2(CPUClockFrequency > 0,'RTC Prepare'); Assert2(Length(RandomPassword(0, 0, True, True, True)) = 0,'random passwd'); Assert2(Length(RandomPassword(1, 1, True, True, True)) = 1,'random passwd'); CompareDateTime(DateOf(Now),DateOf(Now)+1) end; Begin //main writeln('IntToBase32 of 1000: '+IntToBase32(1000)) writeln('IntToBase32 of 1000: '+IntToBase32X(1000)) writeln('CountPos: '+itoa(CountPos('max','this is max of maXbox a max numbermax'))) PrintF('CountPos: %d',[CountPos('max','this is max of maXbox a max numbermax')]) PrintF('CountPos: %d',[CountPos('max',TESTTEXT)]) PrintF('Count String: %d',[CountStrX('max',TESTTEXT)]) try Abort; except writeln('abort maxfired...') end; PrintF('CountPos Text: %d',[CountPos('max',memo1.text)]) PrintF('CountPos Text Negative: %d',[CountPos2('max',memo1.text)]) Assert(CountPos('max','this is max of maXbox a max numbermax')=3,'count pos assert') OutputDebugString(inttoStr(CountPos('max',TESTTEXT))+'CountPos runs..'); //Proc WriteToOSEventLog(const logName,logCaption,logDetails:String;const logRawData:Str); WriteToOSEventLog('mX3','maXbox','detail3',TESTTEXT); Assert(CountPos('max',TESTTEXT)=3,'count pos assert') GetOutputDebugstring; writeln('test function: '+botoStr(CountPosTest)) //function IsWordPresent(const W, S: string; const WordDelims: TCharSet): Boolean; if IsWordPresent('max',memo1.text, [',']) then writeln('max found'); PrintF('Word Count Text: %d',[WordCountL(memo1.text,'''')]); PrintF('Word Count Text: %d',[WordCountL(memo1.text,'mx')]); PrintF('Word Count Text: %d',[WordCount(memo1.text,['m','x'])]); PrintF('Count String: %d',[CountStr('max',TESTTEXT,'')]) PrintF('CountStr Text: %d',[CountStr('max',memo1.text,'')]) //max search PrintF('CountPos Text: %d',[CountPos('max',memo1.text)]) //Test Assert CountStr // TestAssert; //ExecuteCommand('cmd','/c %windir%\system32\eventvwr.msc /s ') //Application.HelpContext(IDH_FILEOPEN); TestUnitAssert; End. Doc: Most of time you test then an exception raises then you debug and fix the bug. It exists. It takes time. It requires culture and discipline. Unit and function testing is what takes the least time. Hours writing an automated test is time invested, not time wasted! Ref: #tech:0perf: 0:0:12.30 threads: 6 1:32:52 PM If an exception passes through the tryblocks in the application code, the application automatically calls the HandleException method. Unless the exception object is EAbort, HandleException calls the OnException handler, if one exists. Otherwise, it calls ShowException to display a message box indicating an error occurred. function WordCount(const S: string; const WordDelims: TSysCharSet): Integer; PROCEDURE Assert(Cond: boolean; const Msg: string); var progSeg, progOfs: word; begin asm mov ax, [bp+04] mov es, ax mov ax, word ptr es:0 mov progSeg, ax mov ax, [bp+02] mov progOfs, ax end; if (Cond = FALSE) then begin mmDebug.Lines.Add(Msg + ' at location ' + IntToHex(progSeg, 4) +':' +IntToHex(progOfs, 4) ); ShowModal; end; end; From your digest email If programming languages were countries, which country would each language represent? Pascal: Germany -- real and tough but a bit old fashioned Java: USA -- optimistic, powerful, likes to gloss over inconveniences. C++: UK -- strong and exacting, but not so good at actually finishing things and tends to get overtaken by Java. Python: The Netherlands. "Hey no problem, let'sh do it guysh!" Ruby: France. Powerful, stylish and convinced of its own correctness, but somewhat ignored by everyone else. Assembly language: India. Massive, deep, vitally important but full of problems. Cobol: Russia. Once very powerful and written with managers in mind; but has ended up losing out. SQL and PL/SQL: Germany. A solid, reliable workhorse of a language. Javascript: Italy. Massively influential and loved by everyone, but breaks down easily. Scala: Hungary. Technically pure and correct, but suffers from an unworkable obsession with grammar that will limit its future success. C: Norway. Tough and dynamic, but not very exciting. PHP: Brazil. A lot of beauty springs from it and it flaunts itself a lot, but it's secretly very conservative. LISP: Iceland. Incredibly clever and well-organised, but icy and remote. Perl: China. Able to do apparently almost anything, but rather inscrutable. Swift: Japan. One minute it's nowhere, the next it's everywhere and your mobile phone relies on it. C#: Switzerland. Beautiful and well thought-out, but expect to pay a lot if you want to get seriously involved. R: Liechtenstein. Probably really amazing, especially if you're into big numbers, but no-one knows what it actually does. Awk: North Korea. Stubbornly resists change, and its users appear to be unnaturally fond of it for reasons we can only speculate on. //############################################################################ // Archimedes Spiral App //############################################################################ unit ArchSpiralMain; interface uses w3system, w3components, w3ctrls, w3application, w3game, w3gameapp, w3polygons, w3inet, w3graphics; type TApplication = class(TW3CustomGameApplication) private FValueA: Float; FValueB: Float; FWait: Boolean; procedure HandleClick(Sender:TObject); protected procedure ApplicationStarting; override; procedure ApplicationClosing; override; procedure PaintView(Canvas: TW3Canvas); override; end; implementation //############################################################################ // TApplication //############################################################################ procedure TApplication.ApplicationStarting; begin inherited; FValueA := 3.0; FValueB := 1.4; GameView.OnClick := Self.HandleClick; // Initialize refresh interval, set this to 1 for optimal speed GameView.Delay := 10; // Start the redraw-cycle with framecounter active // Note: the framecounter impacts rendering speed. Disable // the framerate for maximum speed (false) GameView.StartSession(true); end; procedure TApplication.ApplicationClosing; begin GameView.EndSession; inherited; end; procedure TApplication.HandleClick(Sender: TObject); begin FWait := not FWait; end; // Note: In a real live game you would try to cache as much // info as you can. Typical tricks are: // 1: Only get the width/height when resized // 2: Pre-calculate strings, especially RGB/RGBA values // 3: Only redraw what has changed, avoid a full repaint // The code below is just to get you started procedure TApplication.PaintView(Canvas: TW3Canvas); var cx, cy: Integer; i: Integer; angle: Float; x, y: Float; begin if FWait then exit; FValueB := FValueB + 0.001; // Clear background Canvas.FillStyle := 'rgba(0,0,99,0.08)'; Canvas.FillRectF(0, 0, GameView.Width, GameView.Height); // Draw our framerate on the screen // Canvas.font := '10pt verdana'; // Canvas.FillStyle := 'rgb(255,255,255)'; // Canvas.FillTextF('FPS:' + IntToStr(GameView.FrameRate) + ' / ' + floatToStr(FbValue) ,10,20,MAX_INT); cx := GameView.width div 2; cy := GameView.Height div 2; Canvas.BeginPath; for i := 42 downto 0 do begin angle := FValueB * i; x := cx + (FValueA + FValueB * angle) * cos(angle); y := cy + (FValueA + FValueB * angle) * sin(angle); if i = 42 then Canvas.MoveToF(x, y) else Canvas.LineToF(x,y); end; Canvas.StrokeStyle := '#FFF'; Canvas.Stroke; end; end. RegisterMethod('Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent)'); RegisterConstructor(@TJvMail.Create, 'Create'); RegisterMethod('Procedure Free'); RegisterMethod(@TJvMail.Destroy, 'Free'); ----app_template_loaded_code----