program Regex_Metrics_checksofjava_SonarQubetester; // forth interpreter of runmax _04 - #perf:660:0:1.228 // shows stringlist manipulations of a file with replace, #locs=1450 // #sign:Max: MAXBOX10: 30/05/2016 16:37:12 // const emailregex = '^((?>[a-zA-Z\d!#$%&''*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+\x20*' + '|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*"\' + 'x20*)*(?<))?((?!\.)(?>\.?[a-zA-Z\d!' + '#$%&''*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+)+|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])' + '[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*")@(((?!-)[a-zA-Z\d\' + '-]+(?)$'; ipregex = '\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\' + '.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b'; //'Date in mm-dd-yyyy format from between 01-01-1900 and 12-31-2099'; dateintervalregex = '^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[' + '01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$'; //'Date in dd-mm-yyyy format from between 01-01-1900 and 31-12-2099'; dateintervalregex2 = '^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[01' + '2])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$'; procedure SearchAndReplace(aStrList: TStrings; aSearchStr, aNewStr: string); var i, TT1: integer; s1: string; begin // old string can't be part of new string!, eg.: max --> climax if pos(aSearchStr, aNewStr) > 0 then begin write('old string cant be part of new string'); exit; end; writeln('lines count: '+inttostr(aStrList.Count)); for i:= 0 to aStrList.Count -1 do begin s1:= aStrList[i]; repeat TT1:= pos(aSearchStr, s1); if TT1 > 0 then begin Delete(s1, TT1, Length(aSearchStr)); Insert(aNewStr, s1, TT1); aStrList[i]:= s1; end; until TT1 = 0; end; end; function GetWebTest: string; var lHTTP: TIdHTTP; lStream: TStringStream; asyn: TSynwInfo; dl: TDownloadURL; //FIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; FIdSocksInfo: TIdSocksInfo; begin lHTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(NIL); lStream:= TStringStream.Create(''); try try //writeln('html back: '+lHTTP.Get(Format(UrlRestAPI,[location]))); //writeln(lHTTP.Get('')); writeln(lHTTP.Get('')); //writeln(lHTTP.Get('')); ShowMessage(lhttp.Response.Location); writeln(lhttp.Response.ResponseText) ShowMessage(lhttp.Response.RawHeaders.Text); {with lhttp.CookieManager.CookieCollection do for It := 0 to Count - 1 do // alle Cookies durchsuchen if ('CookieName' = Cookies[I].CookieName) then begin //MacheWasMitDemCookieWert(Cookies[I].Value); break; end;} FIdSocksInfo := TIdSocksInfo.Create(nil); (* //if { SOCKS wird benutzt ??? } then with FIdSocksInfo do begin Host := 'Server'; Port := 8080; // Beispiel Port //if { SOCKS Version = ??? } then Version := svSocks4 //else Version := svSocks5; (* case { RequireAuthentication ??? } of True: Authentication := saUsernamePassword; False: Authentication := saNoAuthentication; end; *) //Username := 'AccountName'; //Password := 'AccountPassword'; //*) // Nun SOCKS aktivieren //Enabled := True; //end //else // normale HTTP-Proxy wird benutzt with lhttp.ProxyParams do begin ProxyServer := 'Server'; ProxyPort := 80; // Beispiel Port BasicAuthentication := True; // RequireAuthentication ??? ProxyUsername := 'AccountName'; ProxyPassword := 'AccountPassword'; end; //lhttp.CookieManager.AddServerCookie('werbung_aus=1', // TIdURI.Create('')); except // lHTTP.Get1(Format(UrlGeoLookupInfo2,[location]),lStream); //if something wrong try using a backup server. //writeln('html back: '+GetURLAsString('')); //writeln('html back: '+GetURLAsString('')); // writeln('Exception: '+Gethtm(UrlWeatherReport25)) end; //lStream.Seek(0,0); //result:= 'GEO_Weather_Report: '+lStream.ReadString(lStream.Size); finally lHTTP.Free; lStream.Free; end; end; {Exceptions are meant to represent the application's state at which an error occurred. Making all fields final ensures that this state: Will be fully defined at the same time the exception is instantiated. Won't be updated or corrupted by some bogus error handler. This will enable developers to quickly understand what went wrong. The following code: } function public_class_MyException_extends_Exception: integer; var private_int_status: integer; // Non-Compliant begin (*public MyException(String message) { super(message); } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } *) result:= private_int_status; end; //should be refactored into: function public_class_MyException(message: string; astatus: integer): integer; // extends Exception { var {private_final} status: integer; // Compliant begin (*public MyException(String message, int status) { super(message); this.status = status; } *) writeln(message) (*public int getStatus() { return status; } *) result:= astatus; end; {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} { This comment describe the function behaviour. You should include anythin } { useful to explain what the function does, and what it returns. } function ThisIsMyFunction( Value : Integer; { This describe the argument } const Street : String; { Yet another argument description } LastArg : Byte) : Integer; { Here the last argument described } var I : Integer; Buffer : String; begin { This comment applies to the next fex lines. } SetLength(Buffer, 20); { Allocate string space } for I := 1 to Length(Buffer) do Buffer[I] := Chr(Ord('A') + I); { Fill buffer with some data } { New code block with his own comment. } //DoSomething; { Another comment for this line } Result := 3; end; {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} function packageNameChecker(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[a-z]+(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; end; function memberNameChecker(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; end; function ConstantNameCheck(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; //.naming.ConstantNameCheckMINORapplyToPackagetrueformat^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$applyToPublictrueapplyToProtectedtrueapplyToPrivatetrue end; function MethodNameCheck(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; //.naming.MethodNameCheckMAJORallowClassNamefalseformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ end; //^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ function ParameterNameCheck(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; //.naming.MethodNameCheckMAJORallowClassNamefalseformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ end; function LocalFinalVariableNameCheck(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; //.naming.LocalFinalVariableNameCheckMAJORformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ end; function RegexpMultilineCheck(asubject: string): boolean; begin if ExecRegExpr('^.*System\.(out|err)\.print(ln)?\(.*',asubject) then result:= true else result:= false; //.regexp.RegexpMultilineCheckMAJORignoreCaseformat^.*System\.(out|err)\.print(ln)?\(.*$maximummessageFile contains call to System.out.println or Sytem.err.println.minimum end; var FTimeStart: Cardinal; // procedure TDownloadThread_ReceiveDataEvent(const Sender: TObject; AContentLength, AReadCount: Integer); //var Abort: Boolean); var LTime: Cardinal; LSpeed: Integer; begin //if Assigned(FOnThreadData) then //begin LTime := GetTickCount - FTimeStart; if AReadCount = 0 then LSpeed := 0 else LSpeed := (AReadCount * 1000) div LTime; //FOnThreadData(Sender, FThreadNo, LSpeed, AContentLength, AReadCount, Abort); //end; end; procedure TDownloadThread_Execute; var LResponse: TALHTTPResponseHeader; //TIdHTTPResponseInfo; //IdHTTPResponse; LStream: TFileStream; LHttpClient: TALHttpClient; //TidHTTP; //TALHttpClient FURL, FFileName: string; FStartPoint, FEndPoint: Int64; FThreadNo: Integer; begin //inherited; LHttpClient:= TALHttpClient.Create; try //LHttpClient.OnReceiveData:= ReceiveDataEvent; LHttpClient.OnDownloadProgress:= @TDownloadThread_ReceiveDataEvent; LStream:= TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone); try FTimeStart := GetTickCount; LStream.Seek(FStartPoint, {TSeekOrigin.}soBeginning); //LResponse := LHttpClient.GetRange(FURL, FStartPoint, FEndPoint, LStream); finally LStream.Free; end; finally LHttpClient.Free; end; end; var FProxyParams: TALHTTPClientProxyParams; FRequestHeader: TALHTTPRequestHeader; FProtocolVersion: TALHTTPProtocolVersion; //FRequestMethod: TALHTTPRequestMethod; FURL: AnsiString; FUserName: AnsiString; FPassword: AnsiString; FConnectTimeout: Integer; FSendTimeout: Integer; FReceiveTimeout: Integer; FOnUploadProgress: TALHTTPClientUploadProgressEvent; FOnDownloadProgress: TALHTTPClientDownloadProgressEvent; FOnRedirect: TAlHTTPClientRedirectEvent; FUploadBufferSize: Integer; eexctp: EALHTTPClientException; {********************************************} procedure TALHTTPClient_Post4(aUrl: AnsiString; aPostDataStream: TStream; aResponseContentStream: TStream; aResponseContentHeader: TALHTTPResponseHeader); Var OldContentLengthValue: AnsiString; URL: AnsiString; LHttpClient: TALHttpClient; //RequestMethod: TALHTTPRequestMethod; begin Url := aURL; //LHttpClient.RequestMethod := HTTPrm_Post; OldContentLengthValue := FrequestHeader.ContentLength; try If assigned(aPostDataStream) then FrequestHeader.ContentLength:= IntToStr(aPostDataStream.Size) else FrequestHeader.ContentLength := '0'; LHttpClient.Execute(aPostDataStream, aResponseContentStream, aResponseContentHeader); finally FrequestHeader.ContentLength := OldContentLengthValue; end; end; {******************************************************} procedure TALHTTPClient_PostUrlEncoded(aUrl: AnsiString; aPostDataStrings: TALStrings; aResponseContentStream: TStream; aResponseContentHeader: TALHTTPResponseHeader; Const EncodeParams: Boolean{=True}); Var aURLEncodedContentStream: TStringStream; OldRequestContentType: AnsiString; Str: AnsiString; I, P: Integer; LHttpClient: TALHttpClient; ahttP: TidHTTPServer; begin LHttpClient:= TALHttpClient.Create; aURLEncodedContentStream := TStringStream.create(''); OldRequestContentType := FrequestHeader.ContentType; try if EncodeParams then begin for i := 0 to aPostDataStrings.Count - 1 do begin Str := aPostDataStrings[i]; //P := Pos(aPostDataStrings.NameValueSeparator, Str); if P > 0 then Str := HTTPEncode(AlCopyStr(Str, 1, P-1)) + '=' + HTTPEncode(AlCopyStr(Str, P+1, MAXINT)) else Str := HTTPEncode(Str); If i < aPostDataStrings.Count-1 then aURLEncodedContentStream.WriteString(Str + '&') else aURLEncodedContentStream.WriteString(Str); end; end else begin for i := 0 to aPostDataStrings.Count - 1 do begin If i < aPostDataStrings.Count - 1 then aURLEncodedContentStream.WriteString(aPostDataStrings[i] + '&') else aURLEncodedContentStream.WriteString(aPostDataStrings[i]); end; end; FrequestHeader.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; {LHttpClient.post1(aUrl, aURLEncodedContentStream, aResponseContentStream, aResponseContentHeader); } LHttpClient.post3(aUrl, aURLEncodedContentStream); //LHttpClient.requestmethod:= HTTPrm_Post; finally; FrequestHeader.ContentType := OldRequestContentType; end; end; function GetUserDefaultLCID: LCID; external 'GetUserDefaultLCID@kernel32.dll stdcall'; //LCID GetSystemDefaultLCID(void); function GetSystemDefaultLCID: LCID; external 'GetSystemDefaultLCID@kernel32.dll stdcall'; // {@This allows you to use custom date/time settings within an application without changing the Windows options.} procedure LetFormatSettings(Sender: TObject); var MySettings: TFormatSettings; s: string; d: TDateTime; alc: LCID; begin GetLocaleFormatSettings(GetUserDefaultLCID, MySettings); // GetLocaleFormatSettings(GetSystemDefaultLCID, MySettings); MySettings.DateSeparator := '-'; MySettings.TimeSeparator := ':'; MySettings.ShortDateFormat := 'dd-mmmm-yyyy'; MySettings.ShortTimeFormat := 'hh:nn:ss'; s := DateTimeToStr2(Now, MySettings); ShowMessage(s); //d := StrToDateTime2(s, MySettings); d := VarToDateTime(s) ShowMessage(DateTimeToStr2(d, MySettings)); end; function GetNthDSTDOW(Y,M,DST_DOW,N:word):integer; {For Year "Y" and Month "M" and DayOfWeek "DST_DOW", return the day of month for "DST_DOW" number "N"} {If N is larger than the number of DST_DOW's in the month, return the day of the last one} {If Y, M, or N are otherwise invalid, return 0} var dt:TDateTime; NdayDom, maxdays:integer; begin if TryEncodeDate(y,m,1,dt) and (n>0) then {get date of first of month} begin //writeln(datetimetostr(dt)) if n>5 then n:=5; NdayDOM:=8+DST_DOW-DayOfTheWeek(dt); {1st DST_DOW Day of Month} result:=NdayDOM+7*(n-1); maxdays:=JdaysinMonth(dt); If result>maxdays then repeat dec1(Result,7) until Result<=Maxdays; end else result:=0; end; type _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION2 = record Bias: Longint; StandardName: array[0..31] of CHAR; StandardDate: TSystemTime; StandardBias: Longint; DaylightName: array[0..31] of CHAR; DaylightDate: TSystemTime; DaylightBias: Longint; end; TTimezoneinformation2 = _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION2; { TXRTLTimeZones = class private FItems: TObjectList; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TXRTLTimeZone; function Add: TXRTLTimeZone; function GetCount: Integer; function GetCurrent: TXRTLTimeZone; procedure Sort; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Item[Index: Integer]: TXRTLTimeZone read GetItem; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Current: TXRTLTimeZone read GetCurrent; function IndexOf(Display: string): Integer; procedure Refresh; end; } const SKEY_NT = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\'; SKEY_9X = '\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\'; procedure TXRTLTimeZones_Refresh; var osV: TOSVERSIONINFO; TimeZonesKey: string; KeyNames: TStringList; Registry: TRegistry; i: Integer; FItems: TStringlist; //TObjectlist; RTZI: REGTIMEZONEINFORMATION; aTimeZone: TXRTLTimeZone; FIndex: DWORD; begin //FItems.Clear; osV.dwOSVersionInfoSize:= SizeOf(osV); GetVersionEx(osV); if osV.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then TimeZonesKey:= SKEY_NT else TimeZonesKey:= SKEY_9X; Registry:= nil; KeyNames:= nil; try Registry:= TRegistry.Create; Registry.RootKey:= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(TimeZonesKey) then Exit; KeyNames:= TStringList.Create; Registry.GetKeyNames(KeyNames); for i:= 0 to KeyNames.Count - 1 do begin if not Registry.OpenKeyReadOnly(TimeZonesKey + KeyNames[i]) then Continue; with fitems do begin //add(Registry.ReadBinaryData('TZI', RTZI, SizeOf(RTZI))); atimezone.Display:= Registry.ReadString('Display'); atimezone.Daylight:= Registry.ReadString('Dlt'); atimezone.Standard:= Registry.ReadString('Std'); if TimeZonesKey = SKEY_NT then FIndex:= Registry.ReadInteger('Index') else FIndex:= Count - 1; end; end; fitems.Sort; finally Registry.CloseKey; Registry.Free; Registry:= NIL; KeyNames.Free; KeyNames:= NIL; //FreeAndNil(Registry); //FreeAndNil(KeyNames); end; end; procedure TimeZone_FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var timezoneinfo: TTimezoneinformation2; timezoneinfo2: _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION; r:word; t:TDatetime; y,m,d,d2:word; tzo: TXRTLTimeZones; aTimeZone: TXRTLTimeZone; tzi: REGTIMEZONEINFORMATION; begin //memo1.clear; //SetTimeZoneInformation //setlength(timezoneinfo2.StandardName,40) //tzo:= XRTLGetTimeZones; -->Failed to get data for 'Index'. writeln('string Bias '+itoa(RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias('W. Europe Standard Time'))) writeln('string Bias '+itoa(RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias('UT'))) {function GMTBias: Integer; function GMTTimeToLocalTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function LocalTimeToGMTTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function NowAsGMTTime: TDateTime; } writeln('time zone bias: '+itoa(GMTBias)) writeln(datetimetoStr(GMTTimeToLocalTime(now))); writeln(datetimetostr(LocalTimeToGMTTime(now))); writeln(datetimetostr(NowAsGMTTime)); writeln(''); atimezone:= TXRTLTimeZone.create; writeln(datetimetostr(XRTLDateTimeToTimeZoneTime(now,atimezone))) writeln('time zone display: '+atimezone.display) writeln('time zone daylight: '+atimezone.daylight) writeln('time zone standard: '+atimezone.standard) tzi:= atimezone.RTZI; writeln('time zone bias: '+itoa(tzi.bias)) //writeln('time zone bias: '+datetimetostr(SystemTimeToDateTime((tzi.standarddate)))) atimezone.Free; decodedate(now,y,m,d);{need year later on just for formatting convenience} r:=GetTimezoneInformation(timezoneinfo2); if r>=0 then with timezoneinfo2 do begin daylightdate.wYear:=y; writeln('SYSTEM TIME ZONE INFORMATION'); writeln('time zone: '+timezone) writeln('time zone bias: '+itoa(iptimezonebias)) writeln('time zone bias time: '+timetoStr(timezonebias)) writeln(''); writeln('Current Bias from local to UTC: '+inttostr(bias)+' minutes'); writeln('Current Standard Bias to UTC: '+inttostr(standardbias)+' minutes'); writeln('Current Dailight Bias to UTC: '+inttostr(daylightbias)+' minutes'); writeln(' (UTC = Local time + Bias)'); //setarraylength(timezoneinfo2.StandardName,40) //writeln('Time zone name: '+ standardname[0]); writeln(itoa(Year(now))) writeln(itoa(month(now))) with daylightdate do {dayLight saving start date} begin {Field wDayOfWeek field contains weekday of start (0=Sunday)} {Day of month Field speciies which occurrence of the day of week is the start day} {getNthDSTDOW function takes this information and converts it into day of month} writeln('wyear set '+itoa(wyear)) writeln('wday '+itoa(wday)) d2:=getNthDSTDOW(y,wmonth,wDayOfWeek,wDay); writeln('d2 '+itoa(d2)) t:=encodedate(y,2,4)+encodetime(2,3,4,1); //t:=encodedate(y,wmonth,d2)+encodetime(whour,wminute,wsecond,1); end; writeln(formatdatetime('"Daylight savings starts: " mmmm dd hh:nn am/pm',t)); with standarddate do {daylight saving end date} begin {same computation as for start time} d2:=getNthDSTDOW(y,wmonth,wDayOfWeek,wday); try t:=encodedate(y,wmonth,d2)+encodetime(whour,wminute,wsecond,wmilliseconds); except writeln('Exception: Invalid argument to date encode.'); //raiselastexception; end; end; writeln(formatdatetime('"Daylight savings ends: " mmmm dd hh:nn am/pm',t)); //writeln('Daylight savings name: '+Daylightname); writeln('Daylight savings bias: '+inttostr(Daylightbias)+' minutes'); writeln(''); case r of time_zone_Id_unknown: writeln('Current daylight status is unknown'); time_zone_id_standard:writeln('We are not currently in daylight savings time period!'); time_zone_id_daylight: writeln('We are currently in the daylight savings time period'); end; end else writeln('Time zone information retrieval failed'); end; {SYSTEM TIME ZONE INFORMATION Current Bias from local to UTC: -60 minutes (UTC = Local time + Bias) Time zone name: W. Europe Standard Time Daylight savings starts: March 29 02:00 am Daylight savings ends: October 25 03:00 am Daylight savings name: W. Europe Summer Time Daylight savings bias: -60 minutes We are not currently in the daylight savings time period } procedure TestTimeZone_Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var y,m,dst_dow,N,d2:word; t:TDatetime; begin y:=2015; for m:=1 to 12 do for DST_DOW := 0 to 6 do for N:=1 to 5 do begin d2:=GetNthDSTDOW(Y,M,DST_DOW,N); begin t:=encodedate(y,M,d2); writeln(Format ('Year:%d, Month:%d, DOW:%d, #:%d',[y,m,DST_DOW,N]) +formatdatetime('mmmm dd ',t)); end; end; end; function EncodeString2(const Input: string): string; var InStr, OutStr: TStringStream; begin InStr:= TStringStream.Create(Input); try OutStr:= TStringStream.Create(''); try EncodeStream(InStr, OutStr); Result:= OutStr.DataString; finally OutStr.Free; end; finally InStr.Free; end; end; type THandleTagProc2 = function(const TagString: string; TagParams: TStrings): string; THandledTagProc3 = function(const TagString: string; TagParams: TStrings; var ReplaceString: string): Boolean; function ContentFromStream(AStream: TStream; AStripParamQuotes: Boolean; AHandleTag: THandleTagProc; AHandledTag:THandledTagProc):string; var Parser: TCopyParser; OutStream: TStringStream; ParamStr, ReplaceStr, TokenStr, SaveParamStr: string; ParamList: TStringList; //atrans: TIndyTCPClientTransport; begin //EncodeStream OutStream:= TStringStream.Create(''); try Parser:= TCopyParser.Create(AStream, OutStream); with Parser do try while True do begin //if Token = '<' then Break; // while not (Token in [toEof, '<']) do begin while Not ((Token = toEof) or (token = '<')) do begin CopyTokenToOutput; SkipToken(True); end; if Token = toEOF then Break; if Token = '<' then begin if SkipToken(False) = '#' then begin SkipToken(False); TokenStr:= TokenString; ParamStr:= TrimLeft(TrimRight(SkipToToken('>'))); ParamList:= TStringList.Create; try //if Assigned(TObject(AHandledTag)) then if AHandledTag <> NIL then begin SaveParamStr:= ParamStr; // ExtractHTTPFields modifies ParamStr if Length(SaveParamStr) > 0 then SaveParamStr := ' ' + SaveParamStr; //UniqueString(SaveParamStr); end; ExtractHTTPFields([' '],[' '], PChar(ParamStr), ParamList, AStripParamQuotes); //if Assigned(AHandledTag) then if AHandledTag <> NIL then begin if not AHandledTag(TokenStr, ParamList, ReplaceStr) then ReplaceStr := '<#' + TokenStr + SaveParamStr + '>' end //else if Assigned(AHandleTag) then else if AHandleTag <> NIL then ReplaceStr := AHandleTag(TokenStr, ParamList) else { Replace tag with empty string} ReplaceStr:= ''; OutStream.WriteString(ReplaceStr); finally ParamList.Free; end; SkipToken(True); end else begin OutStream.WriteString('<'); CopyTokenToOutput; SkipToken(True); end; end; end; finally Parser.Free; end; Result:= OutStream.DataString; finally OutStream.Free; end; end; function ContentFromString(const AValue: string; AStripParamQuotes: Boolean; AHandleTag: THandleTagProc; AHandledTag: THandledTagProc): string; var InStream: TStream; begin InStream := TStringStream.Create(AValue); try Result := ContentFromStream(InStream, AStripParamQuotes, AHandleTag, AHandledTag); finally InStream.Free; end; end; function GetParentProcessID(const PID: DWORD): DWORD; var Snapshot: THandle; // snapshot of process PE: {TlHelp32.}TProcessEntry32; // structure holding info about a process EndOfList: Boolean; // indicates end of process list reached begin // Assume failure Result := DWORD(-1); // Get snapshot containing process list Snapshot := {TlHelp32.}CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if Snapshot = THandle(-1) then Exit; try // Look up process in process list PE.dwSize := SizeOf(PE); EndOfList := not {TlHelp32.}Process32First(Snapshot, PE); while not EndOfList do begin if PE.th32ProcessID = PID then begin // Found process: record parent process ID Result := PE.th32ParentProcessID; Break; end; EndOfList := not {TlHelp32.}Process32Next(Snapshot, PE); end; finally // Free the snapshot {Windows.}CloseHandle(Snapshot); end; end; function GetProcessorName: string; var Reg: TRegistry; begin Result := ''; Reg := {Registry.}TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ); try Reg.RootKey:= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not Reg.OpenKey( 'HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0\', False ) then Exit; Result := Reg.ReadString('ProcessorNameString'); Reg.CloseKey; finally Reg.Free; end; end; function GetWindowThreadID(const Wnd: HWND): DWORD; var GetWindowThreadProcessId: function(Wnd: HWND; // API fn prototype lpdwProcessId: DWORD): DWORD; //&&stdcall; begin // We load the API function explicitly to make the routine compatible with as // many compilers as possible: the definition of GetWindowThreadProcessId in // Delphi and FreePascal Windows units varies across compilers //GetWindowThreadProcessId := GetProcAddress( //GetModuleHandle('user32.dll'), pchar('GetWindowThreadProcessId') //); {if Assigned(GetWindowThreadProcessId) and Windows.IsWindow(Wnd) then Result := GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, nil) else Result := Windows.DWORD(-1); } end; function ProgramFileSpec: string; begin Result := ParamStr(0); end; const acOneMB = 1024 * 1024; // a megabyte in bytes function BytesToMB(const Bytes: Int64): Extended; //const //cOneMB = 1024 * 1024; // a megabyte in bytes begin Result := Bytes / acOneMB; end; function BytesToMBStr(const Bytes: Int64; const DecimalPlaces: Byte; const SeparateThousands: Boolean): string; begin Result := FloatToFixed(BytesToMB(Bytes), DecimalPlaces, SeparateThousands); end; function CompilerVer: Double; begin {$UNDEF HAVE_RESULT} {$IFNDEF FPC} // Delphi {$IFDEF VER90} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 9.0; // Delphi 2 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER100} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 10.0; // Delphi 3 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER120} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 12.0; // Delphi 4 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER130} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 13.0; // Delphi 5 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} //{$IF Declared(CompilerVersion)} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := CompilerVersion; // Delphi 6 and later //{$IFEND} {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} // Free Pascal {$IFDEF VER1} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 1.0; // FPC v1.x {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VER2} {$DEFINE HAVE_RESULT} Result := 2.0; // FPC v2.x {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF HAVE_RESULT} Result := 0.0; {$ENDIF} {$UNDEF HAVE_RESULT} end; function EnglishColorName(AColor: TColor; const AConvertSysColors: Boolean {= False}): string; begin if AConvertSysColors then AColor := ColorToRGB(AColor); Result := {Graphics.}ColorToString(AColor); if AnsiStartsText('cl', Result) then Delete(Result, 1, 2); end; function FractionToStr(Num, Denom: Integer): string; begin Result := {SysUtils.}Format('%d/%d', [Num, Denom]); end; procedure FreeStringsObjects(const Strings: TStrings); var Idx: Integer; Temp: TObject; begin for Idx := 0 to Pred(Strings.Count) do begin Temp := Strings.Objects[Idx]; Strings.Objects[Idx] := nil; Temp.Free; end; end; procedure NormaliseFractionSign(var Num, Denom: Integer); begin if Denom < 0 then begin Num := -Num; Denom := -Denom; end; end; function FractionToStrEx(Num, Denom: Integer; Normalise: Boolean {= False}): string; begin if Normalise then NormaliseFractionSign(Num, Denom); Result := {SysUtils.}Format('%d/%d', [Num, Denom]); end; type TLongRec = record Hi: integer; aLo: word; Bytes: array [0..3] of Byte; end; function TryStrToWord(const S: string; out W: Word): Boolean; var aValue: integer; // receives integer value of conversion along: TLongRec; begin Result := (TryStrToInt(S, aValue)) and ({SysUtils.}along.Hi = 0); if Result then W := along.aLo; end; function FocusedControl: TWinControl; begin Result := FindControl({Windows.}GetFocus); end; const TVS_NOTOOLTIPS = $0080; procedure DisableTreeViewToolTips(const TV: {ComCtrls.}TTreeView); begin {Windows.}SetWindowLong( TV.Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(TV.Handle, GWL_STYLE) or {CommCtrl.}TVS_NOTOOLTIPS ); end; function WindowScrollbars(const Wnd: HWND): TScrollStyle; var StyleFlags: DWORD; begin StyleFlags:= GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_STYLE) and (WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL); case StyleFlags of 0: Result := {StdCtrls.}ssNone; WS_VSCROLL: Result := ssVertical; WS_HSCROLL: Result := ssHorizontal; else Result := {StdCtrls.}ssBoth; end; end; function WinControlScrollbars(const Ctrl: TWinControl): {StdCtrls.}TScrollStyle; begin Result := WindowScrollbars(Ctrl.Handle); end; Function HScrollbarHeight(const Ctrl: TWinControl): Integer; begin if WinControlScrollbars(Ctrl) in [ssHorizontal, ssBoth] then Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL) else Result := 0; end; function SubLangID(LangID: Word): Word; begin Result:= LangID shr 10; end; procedure ClearRecentDocs; begin //{ShlObj.}SHAddToRecentDocs(ShlObj.SHARD_PATH, nil); end; function IsShellLink(const LinkFileName: string): Boolean; //var ishell: IShellLink; begin // Ensure COM is initialized {ActiveX.}CoInitialize(nil); try // Valid shell link if we can load it //Result := Assigned(LoadShellLink(LinkFileName)); finally // Finalize COM {ActiveX.}CoUninitialize(nil); end; end; function TaskbarHandle2: THandle; begin Result := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', 'nil'); end; function TrayHandle2: THandle; begin Result := FindWindowEx(TaskbarHandle2, 0, 'TrayNotifyWnd', 'nil'); end; function IsRemoteSession: Boolean; //const //SM_REMOTESESSION = $1000; // value to pass to GetSystemMetrics begin Result := GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTESESSION) <> 0; end; function IsTopLevelWindow(const Wnd: HWND): Boolean; begin //Result := IsWindow(Wnd) and (GetParent(Wnd) = 0); end; function GetTopLevelWindow(const Wnd: HWND): HWND; begin if IsWindow(Wnd) then begin Result := Wnd; while not IsTopLevelWindow(Result) and (Result <> 0) do Result := GetParent(Result); end else Result := 0; end; function MemoCursorPos(const Memo: {StdCtrls.}TCustomMemo): TPoint; var Row, Col: Integer; // row and column containing cursor begin Row := SendMessage( Memo.Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, Memo.SelStart, 0 ); Col := Memo.SelStart - SendMessage( Memo.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, Row, 0 ); Result.X := Col; Result.Y := Row; end; const cWdwCurrentVer = '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'; function GetCurrentVersionRegStr2(const ValName: string): string; begin Result := GetRegistryString( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cWdwCurrentVer, ValName ); end; function ProgramFilesFolder2: string; begin Result := GetCurrentVersionRegStr2('ProgramFilesDir'); end; function PadRight2(const AString: string; const AChar: Char; const ALen: Integer): string; var PadLength: Integer; // number of padding characters required begin Result:= AString; PadLength:= ALen - Length(AString); if PadLength < 1 then Exit; Result:= StringOfChar(AChar, PadLength) + AString; end; function PadRight(const AString: string; const AChar: Char; const ALen: Integer): string; var PadLength: Integer; // number of padding characters required begin Result := AString; PadLength := ALen - Length(AString); if PadLength < 1 then Exit; Result := StringOfChar(AChar, PadLength) + AString; end; function IntToOctal(Value: Integer; const Digits: Byte): string; var // Octal digit characters cOctalDigits: array[$0..$7] of Char; // = '01234567'; begin Result := ''; for it:= $0 to $7 do cOctalDigits[it]:= inttochar(it); while Value <> 0 do begin Result := cOctalDigits[Value and 7] + Result; Value := Value shr 3; end; Result := PadRight(Result, '0', Digits); end; function ShowFindFilesDlg(const Folder: string): Boolean; begin //Function S_ShellExecute( aFilename : string; aParameters : string; aCommand : TS_ShellExecuteCmd) : string Result:= {mXCindyShellAPI.}cyShellExecute( 'find', PChar(Folder), '', '', {Windows.}SW_SHOW ) > 32; //Result:= {mXShellAPI.}ShellExecute3( //'find', Folder, {Windows.}SW_SHOW) <> ''; end; Function OpenProcess2(dwDesiredAccess:DWORD; bInheritHandle:BOOL; dwProcessId:DWORD):THandle; External 'OpenProcess@kernel32.dll stdcall'; Function GetProcessMemoryInfo(Process: THandle; var MemoryCounters:TProcessMemoryCounters; cb: DWORD): BOOL; //stdcall;; External 'GetProcessMemoryInfo@psapi.dll stdcall'; function ProcessMemoryUsage(ProcessID : DWORD): DWORD; var ProcessHandle : THandle; MemCounters : TProcessMemoryCounters; begin Result:= 0; //PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION Required to retrieve certain information about process, such as its token, exit code, and priority class - 0x0400 //PROCESS_VM_READ Required to read memory in a process using ReadProcessMemory. ProcessHandle:= OpenProcess2(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, false, ProcessID); writeln('Process Handle inside: '+inttostr(ProcessHandle)); try if GetProcessMemoryInfo(ProcessHandle, MemCounters, sizeof(MemCounters)) then Result:= MemCounters.WorkingSetSize; finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; var myfile: TStringList; mystr, httpstr: string; af: single; ad: double; ae, float: extended; WFormatoBR: TFormatSettings; FS: TFormatSettings; //strResult, strFormat: TStringBuilder; Parser: TCopyParser; ProcessHandle : THandle; MemCounts : TProcessMemoryCounters; ProcessID : DWORD; //main app begin //FS := TFormatSettings.Create('en-US'); //myfile.loadFromFile('K:\GENERAL\SONARQube51\cs-fxcop-minimum.xml') if fileExists(exepath+'java-checkstyle_min3.txt') then begin myfile:= TStringList.create; myfile.loadFromFile('java-checkstyle_min3.txt'); //memo2.text:= myfile.text; //SearchAndReplace(myfile, '', ''+CRLF); //SearchAndReplace(myfile, '', CRLF); //SearchAndReplace(myfile, 'checkstyle',''); SearchAndReplace(myfile, '',''); myFile.savetoFile('C:\maXbox\maxbox3\work2015\SONAR_2015\java-checkstyle_min4_out.txt') myfile.Free; end; // opendoc('K:\GENERAL\SONARQube51\java-checkstyle_min4_out.txt') //mystr:= 'this is the first line' +#13#10+ 'this is a second line one' //if pos(#13#10, mystr) > 0 then showmessage(' CRLF found') //Assign2(mystr,'assign_file_test_2.txt'); //if (pos(#$D#$A, memo2.lines[2]) > 0) then showmessage(' HEX CRLFfound') //W(Th)= P*t >J>Ws writeln('watt man: '+maxcalcS('8000*1000/(24*3600)')); writeln('code coverage proc domain module: '+maxcalcS('(120/134)*100')); if fileExists(exepath+'java-checkstyle_min3.txt') then begin myfile:= TStringList.create; //myfile.loadFromFile('K:\GENERAL\SONARQube51\cs-fxcop-minimum.xml') myfile.loadFromFile('C:\maXbox\maxbox3\work2015\SONAR_2015\java-checkstyle_min3.txt') for it:= 0 to myfile.count-1 do myfile[it]:= inttostr(it)+' '+myfile[it]; Writeln(ReplaceRegExpr ('<[^>]*>', myfile.text,' ', True)) myfile.Free; end; //PackageNameCheck Writeln('JAVA PackageNameCheck: '+ReplaceRegExpr('^[a-z]+(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*$', 'abf.packageX1_fhgh.fkfk45kk.last',' ', True)) writeln(botostr(packageNameChecker('abf.packageX1_fhgh.fkfk45kk.last'))) Writeln('JAVA MemberNameCheck: '+ReplaceRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', 'abfpackageX1Cfhgh',' ', True)) writeln(botostr(memberNameChecker('abfpackagememberX1Cfhgh'))) writeln(botostr(ConstantNameCheck('BETTERWEATHER_MAP_GAP'))) //writeln(botostr(ExecRegExpr('^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)+','RETT_aGHJ33'))) //^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)* Writeln('JAVA LocalFinalVarNameCheck: '+ReplaceRegExpr('^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', 'abflocalFinalX1C',' ', True)) writeln(botostr(localFinalVariableNameCheck('abflocalFinalX1C'))) if ExecRegExpr(ipregex, '') then writeln('ip true do'); if ExecRegExpr(dateintervalregex2, '17.12.2015') then writeln('date true do'); //af:= 0,100000001490116119384765625; //ad:= 0.100000001490116119384765625; //ae:= 0.100000001490116119384765625; WFormatoBR.DecimalSeparator:= ','; WFormatoBR.ThousandSeparator:= ''''; //System.SysUtils.FormatSettings := WFormatoBR; //FormatSettings := WFormatoBR; setDecimalSeparator(',') sr:= '3,345'; //writeln(floattostr(af)) writeln(floattostr(strtofloat(sr))) setDecimalSeparator('.') sr:= '3.345'; //writeln(floattostr(af)) writeln(floattostr(strtofloat(sr))) setDecimalSeparator('.') //ThousandSeparator sr:= '3,345'; //writeln(floattostr(af)) writeln(floattostr(strtofloat2(sr,WFormatoBR))) writeln('ThousandSeparator: '+ThousandSeparator) sr:= '3345'; //writeln(floattostr(af)) writeln(inttostr(strtointeger(sr))) writeln(inttostr(CurrencyDecimals)+ ' '+itoa(ovFormatSettings.currencydecimals)); //LetFormatSettings(self) writeln(longtimeformat) writeln(internationaldate(true)) writeln(internationaltime(true)) //ovFormatSettings.currencydecimals:= 4; (*af:= 0.100000001490116119384765625; ad:= 0.100000001490116119384765625; ae:= 0.100000001490116119384765625; writeln(floattostr(af)) PrintF('%.18f ',[af]) writeln(floattostr(ad)) PrintF('%.18f ',[ad]) writeln(floattostr(ae)) PrintF('%.18f ',[ae]) writeln(FormatFloat('0.######',ae)) writeln('0.0000000E+00 : '+FormatFloat('0.0000000E+00', ae)); writeln('Using 8,4 = '+FloatToStrF(ae, ffExponent, 8, 4)); writeln('Using 18,4 = '+FloatToStrF(ae, ffExponent, 18, 4)); // Include freeform text writeln('"Value = "0.0 : '+FormatFloat('"Value = "0.0', ae)); writeln(''); float := 1234.567; writeln('0.#### : '+FormatFloat('0.####', float)); writeln('0.0000 : '+FormatFloat('0.0000', float)); *) with maxform1.memo2 do begin color:= clblack; font.color:= clweborange; font.size:= 16; end; //SimulateKeystroke(76,[ssCTRL]) //ASCII L SimulateKeystroke(70,[ssCTRL]) //ASCII F SimulateKeystroke(65,[]) SimulateKeystroke(66,[]) SimulateKeystroke(67,[]) //SimulateKeystroke(13,[]) RETURN sleep(2000) keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, Mapvirtualkey( VK_ESCAPE, 0 ), 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, Mapvirtualkey( VK_ESCAPE, 0 ), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); {maxcalcF('2^3.7000000') maxcalcF('2^4.7000000') maxcalcF('2^5.7000000') maxcalcF('2^6.7000000') } //writeln(Sha1('C:\maXbox\maxbox3\work2015\SONAR_2015\SONAR_Quality_Gate_Schlussbericht1_2.pdf')) //GetWebTest; sr:= '3.345'; //writeln(floattostr(af)) writeln(floattostr(strtofloat(sr))) TimeZone_FormActivate(self) //TestTimeZone_Button1Click(self) {repeat //for it:= 1 to n do inc(it) writeln(inttostr(it)); until isKeypressed; //keypress in output window below (memo2) } //ContentFromString httpstr:= '
  • Preview to V4 maXbox4
  • '; writeln('encodeString: '+encodeString(httpstr)) writeln('encodedecodeString: '+decodeString(encodeString(httpstr))) writeln('encodeString: '+encodeString2(httpstr)) writeln('encodeString: '+mimeencodeString(httpstr)) writeln('encodeDecodeString: '+decodeString(encodeString(httpstr))) writeln('encodeDecodeString: '+mimedecodeString(mimeencodeString(httpstr))) writeln('encodeDecodeString: '+syndecodeString(synencodeString(httpstr))) writeln('encodeDecodeString: '+decodeString1(encodeString1(httpstr))) writeln('ContentFromStringTest: '+ContentFromString(httpstr, true, Nil, Nil)) {CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function TestDes : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function Test3Des : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function TestAes : boolean');} writeln('GetParentProcessID: '+itoa(GetParentProcessID(GetProcessId))) writeln(bytetooctal(64)+' = '+IntToOctal(64,4)) // writeln('ShowFindFilesDlg: '+botostr(ShowFindFilesDlg(exepath+'examples'))); writeln(CommentLinesWithSlashes('this is a comment for a moment')) writeln(UncommentLinesWithSlashes(CommentLinesWithSlashes('this is a comment for a moment'))) // Function xmlComment( const Comment : UnicodeString) : UnicodeString writeln(xmlComment(' const Comment : UnicodeString')) try SelfTestcXMLFunctions; except writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); end; writeln(xmlComment(' const Comment : UnicodeString')) maxcalcF('400000078669 / 2000123') processid:= GetCurrentProcessID; writeln('processId '+itoa(processId)) ProcessHandle:= OpenProcess2(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, false, ProcessID); Writeln('Process Handle inside: '+inttostr(ProcessHandle)); try if GetProcessMemoryInfo(ProcessHandle, MemCounts, sizeof(MemCounts)) then writeln('Working Set Mem KB: '+inttostr(MemCounts.WorkingSetSize div 1024)); if GetProcessMemoryInfo(ProcessHandle, MemCounts, sizeof(MemCounts)) then writeln('Working Set Peak: '+inttostr(MemCounts.PeakWorkingSetSize div 1024)); finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; //writeln('workset mem from dll '+inttostr(ProcessMemoryUsage(GetCurrentProcessID))); End. Doc: ref: #tech:perf: 0:0:1.228 threads: 12 16:37:12\Contents\Products\Triton.content For learning content in the areas of software in general and software for controlling devices and systems, we provide support for the entire e-learning project. The support can be for the entire e-learning project or part of it. We support you in the following areas of the e-learning: Development of a design Creation of the scripts Preparation of the material for the lessons Video recordings of people and machines Creation of screencasts Post-processing of videos and screencasts Creation of the actual lessons (editing) Quality assurance 3D animations For e-learning projects, we work preferentially with the specialists from your development teams or, if required, with your own training experts. The created learning content can be made available at the weroSoft Academy in an individual protected area for you employees. The administration of this page can be performed by either you or us, or you can provide the learning content on your own website. For detailed information about the offer and prices, please contact us directly. Extract from rule set explanation Therefore, the use of the equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators on float or double values is almost always an error. Instead the best course is to avoid floating point comparisons altogether. When that is not possible, you should consider using one of Java's float-handling Numbers such as BigDecimal which can properly handle floating point comparisons. A third option is to look not for equality but for whether the value is close enough. I.e. compare the absolute value of the difference between the stored value and the expected value against a margin of acceptable error. Note that this does not cover all cases (NaN and Infinity for instance). ref: .coding.EqualsHashCodeCheck
    CRITICAL .coding.EqualsHashCodeCheckCRITICAL file result style - rule set 45 (42+3) Checkstyle MaxMetrikJava. ---------------------------------------- Maintainability 29 Readability 25 Understandability 4 Changeability 2 Data 1 Logic 1 Reliability 10 Architecture 1 Data 1 Exception handling 1 Fault tolerance 1 Instruction 5 Logic 1 Testability 1 Unit level 1 Uncharacterized 3 .blocks.AvoidNestedBlocksCheckMAJORallowInSwitchCase Allow nested blocks in case statements. Default is false. .blocks.LeftCurlyCheckMINORmaxLineLengthtokensoption Checks for the placement of left curly braces for code blocks. The policy to verify is specified using property option. .blocks.NeedBracesCheckMINOR Checks for braces around code blocks. .blocks.RightCurlyCheckMINORoption reliability .coding.EmptyStatementCheckMINOR Detects empty statements (standalone ';'). reliability .coding.EqualsHashCodeCheckCRITICAL Checks that classes that override equals() also override hashCode(). reliability .coding.IllegalCatchCheckMAJORillegalClassNamesjava.lang.Throwable Catching java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException is almost never acceptable. reliability .coding.IllegalInstantiationCheckMAJORclasses Checks for illegal instantiations where a factory method is preferred. Depending on the project, for some classes it might be preferable to create instances through factory methods rather than calling the constructor. A simple example is the java.lang.Boolean class. In order to save memory and CPU cycles, it is preferable to use the predefined constants TRUE and FALSE. Constructor invocations should be replaced by calls to Boolean.valueOf(). Some extremely performance sensitive projects may require the use of factory methods for other classes as well, to enforce the usage of number caches or object pools . reliability .coding.InnerAssignmentCheckMAJOR .coding.MagicNumberCheckMINORignoreAnnotationfalseignoreNumberstokensignoreHashCodeMethodtrue reliability .coding.MissingSwitchDefaultCheckMAJOR Checks for assignments in subexpressions, such as in String s = Integer.toString(i = 2);. reliability .design.MutableExceptionCheckMAJORformat Ensures that exceptions (defined as any class name conforming to some regular expression) are immutable.Exceptions are meant to represent the application's state at which an error occurred. Making all fields final ensures that this state: Will be fully defined at the same time the exception is instantiated. Won't be updated or corrupted by some bogus error handler. This will enable developers to quickly understand what went wrong. The following code: public class MyException extends Exception { private int status; // Non-Compliant public MyException(String message) { super(message); } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } } should be refactored into: public class MyException extends Exception { private final int status; // Compliant public MyException(String message, int status) { super(message); this.status = status; } public int getStatus() { return status; } } reliability .imports.AvoidStarImportCheckMINORexcludesallowStaticMemberImportsfalseallowClassImportsfalse Check that finds import statements that use the * notation. reliability .imports.IllegalImportCheckMAJORillegalPkgs reliability .imports.RedundantImportCheckMINOR understandability .imports.UnusedImportsCheckINFOprocessJavadoctrue understandability .javadoc.JavadocMethodCheckMAJORallowMissingPropertyJavadocallowUndeclaredRTEtruescopeallowMissingJavadocexcludeScopeallowThrowsTagsForSubclassestrueallowMissingThrowsTagstruesuppressLoadErrorstruetokensallowMissingReturnTagtrueallowMissingParamTagstrue understandability .javadoc.JavadocStyleCheckMAJORcheckFirstSentencescopeexcludeScopetokenscheckEmptyJavadoccheckHtml understandability .javadoc.JavadocTypeCheckMAJORallowUnknownTagsauthorFormatscopeexcludeScopeversionFormattokensallowMissingParamTags .metrics.CyclomaticComplexityCheckMAJORmax Checks cyclomatic complexity of methods against a specified limit. The complexity is measured by the number of if, while, do, for, ?:, catch, switch, case statements, and operators && and || (plus one) in the body of a constructor, method, static initializer, or instance initializer. It is a measure of the minimum number of possible paths through the source and therefore the number of required tests. Generally 1-4 is considered good, 5-7 ok, 8-10 consider re-factoring, and 11+ re-factor now ! .modifier.ModifierOrderCheckMINOR .modifier.RedundantModifierCheckMINOR .naming.ConstantNameCheckMINORapplyToPackagetrueformat^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$applyToPublictrueapplyToProtectedtrueapplyToPrivatetrue .naming.LocalFinalVariableNameCheckMAJORformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.LocalVariableNameCheckMAJORformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$tokens .naming.MemberNameCheckMAJORapplyToPackagetrueformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$applyToPublictrueapplyToProtectedtrueapplyToPrivatetrue .naming.MethodNameCheckMAJORallowClassNamefalseformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.PackageNameCheckMAJORformat^[a-z]+(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*$ .naming.ParameterNameCheckMAJORformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.StaticVariableNameCheckMAJORapplyToPackagetrueformat^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$applyToPublictrueapplyToProtectedtrueapplyToPrivatetrue .naming.TypeNameCheckMAJORapplyToPackagetrueformat^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$tokensapplyToPublictrueapplyToProtectedtrueapplyToPrivatetrue uncharacterrised .regexp.RegexpMultilineCheckMAJORignoreCaseformat^.*System\.(out|err)\.print(ln)?\(.*$maximummessageFile contains call to System.out.println or Sytem.err.println.minimum .regexp.RegexpSinglelineJavaCheckMAJORignoreCommentsignoreCaseformat\.printStackTrace\(\)maximummessageLine contains .printStackTrace().minimum .regexp.RegexpSinglelineJavaCheck_1402917052222INFOignoreCommentsignoreCaseformat\@IgnoremaximummessageTest is set to @Ignoreminimum .UpperEllCheckMINOR .whitespace.EmptyForIteratorPadCheckMINORoption .whitespace.MethodParamPadCheckMAJORallowLineBreaksoption .whitespace.NoWhitespaceAfterCheckMINORtokensBNOT,DEC,DOT,INC,LNOT,UNARY_MINUS,UNARY_PLUSallowLineBreaks .whitespace.NoWhitespaceBeforeCheckMINORallowLineBreaks .whitespace.OperatorWrapCheckMINORoption .whitespace.ParenPadCheckMINORoption .whitespace.TypecastParenPadCheckMAJORoption .whitespace.WhitespaceAfterCheckMINOR .whitespace.WhitespaceAroundCheckMINORallowEmptyConstructorsallowEmptyMethodstokens S00105MINOR Ignored Test Major No tags Available Since June 16 2014 Checkstyle (Java) Custom Rule (Show Template) Test is set to @Ignore. Parameters ignoreComments Controls whether to ignore text in comments when searching. Default value is false. ignoreCase Controls whether to ignore case when searching. Default value is false. format illegal pattern. Default value is ^$ (empty). Default Value: \@Ignore maximum The maximum number of matches required in each file. Default value is 0. message message which is used to notify about violations, if empty then default(hard-coded) message is used. Default value is "" (empty). Default Value: Test is set to @Ignore minimum The minimum number of matches required in each file. Default value is 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SOME REMARKS OF CR AND LF # On Mac, the newline is the CR character (# 13) # sous Windows , il se fait par le caractère CR+LF (#13+#10), Win it is the character CR + LF (# 13 + # 10) # et sous UNIX , par le caractère LF (#10). , and on Unix, the LF (# 10). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Search for a substring positioned between 2 markers. Call: filterSubStr([Fullstring],[first mark],[second mark],[repeated searching]) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++} function filterSubStr(tmp, von, bis: string; a: Integer): string; var SubStr, bck: string; Pos1, Pos2, i: Integer; begin i := 0; while i < a do begin Pos1 := Pos(von, tmp); Pos2 := Pos(bis, tmp); SubStr := Copy(tmp, Pos1 + Length(von), Pos2 - Pos1 - Length(von)); Delete(tmp, Pos1, Pos2 - Pos1 + Length(bis)); if SubStr = '' then {nothing} else if bck = '' then bck := SubStr else bck := bck + #13#10 + SubStr; i := i + 1; end; Result := bck; end; Checkstyle Metrik java .blocks.AvoidNestedBlocksCheck MAJOR allowInSwitchCase .blocks.LeftCurlyCheck MINOR maxLineLength tokens option .blocks.NeedBracesCheck MINOR .blocks.RightCurlyCheck MINOR option .coding.EmptyStatementCheck MINOR .coding.EqualsHashCodeCheck CRITICAL .coding.IllegalCatchCheck MAJOR illegalClassNames java.lang.Throwable .coding.IllegalInstantiationCheck MAJOR classes .coding.InnerAssignmentCheck MAJOR .coding.MagicNumberCheck MINOR ignoreAnnotation false ignoreNumbers tokens ignoreHashCodeMethod true .coding.MissingSwitchDefaultCheck MAJOR .design.MutableExceptionCheck MAJOR format .imports.AvoidStarImportCheck MINOR excludes allowStaticMemberImports false allowClassImports false .imports.IllegalImportCheck MAJOR illegalPkgs .imports.RedundantImportCheck MINOR .imports.UnusedImportsCheck INFO processJavadoc true .javadoc.JavadocMethodCheck MAJOR allowMissingPropertyJavadoc allowUndeclaredRTE true scope allowMissingJavadoc excludeScope allowThrowsTagsForSubclasses true allowMissingThrowsTags true suppressLoadErrors true tokens allowMissingReturnTag true allowMissingParamTags true .javadoc.JavadocStyleCheck MAJOR checkFirstSentence scope excludeScope tokens checkEmptyJavadoc checkHtml .javadoc.JavadocTypeCheck MAJOR allowUnknownTags authorFormat scope excludeScope versionFormat tokens allowMissingParamTags .metrics.CyclomaticComplexityCheck MAJOR max .modifier.ModifierOrderCheck MINOR .modifier.RedundantModifierCheck MINOR .naming.ConstantNameCheck MINOR applyToPackage true format ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$ applyToPublic true applyToProtected true applyToPrivate true .naming.LocalFinalVariableNameCheck MAJOR format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.LocalVariableNameCheck MAJOR format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ tokens .naming.MemberNameCheck MAJOR applyToPackage true format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ applyToPublic true applyToProtected true applyToPrivate true .naming.MethodNameCheck MAJOR allowClassName false format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.PackageNameCheck MAJOR format ^[a-z]+(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)*$ .naming.ParameterNameCheck MAJOR format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ .naming.StaticVariableNameCheck MAJOR applyToPackage true format ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ applyToPublic true applyToProtected true applyToPrivate true .naming.TypeNameCheck MAJOR applyToPackage true format ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ tokens applyToPublic true applyToProtected true applyToPrivate true .regexp.RegexpMultilineCheck MAJOR ignoreCase format ^.*System\.(out|err)\.print(ln)?\(.*$ maximum message File contains call to System.out.println or Sytem.err.println. minimum .regexp.RegexpSinglelineJavaCheck MAJOR ignoreComments ignoreCase format \.printStackTrace\(\) maximum message Line contains .printStackTrace(). minimum .regexp.RegexpSinglelineJavaCheck_1402917052222 INFO ignoreComments ignoreCase format \@Ignore maximum message Test is set to @Ignore minimum .UpperEllCheck MINOR .whitespace.EmptyForIteratorPadCheck MINOR option .whitespace.MethodParamPadCheck MAJOR allowLineBreaks option .whitespace.NoWhitespaceAfterCheck MINOR tokens BNOT,DEC,DOT,INC,LNOT,UNARY_MINUS,UNARY_PLUS allowLineBreaks .whitespace.NoWhitespaceBeforeCheck MINOR allowLineBreaks .whitespace.OperatorWrapCheck MINOR option .whitespace.ParenPadCheck MINOR option .whitespace.TypecastParenPadCheck MAJOR option .whitespace.WhitespaceAfterCheck MINOR .whitespace.WhitespaceAroundCheck MINOR allowEmptyConstructors allowEmptyMethods tokens S00105 MINOR datacontract[] to literal strings using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Xml.Serialization; { [Serializable] public class SerializedDataContainer { public SerializedDataContainer() { Items = new Collection(); } "switch" statements should end with a "default" clause squid:SwitchLastCaseIsDefaultCheck Major cert, cwe, misra Available Since May 6 2014 SonarQube (Java) Reliability > Logic Constant/issue 5min The requirement for a final default clause is defensive programming. The clause should either take appropriate action, or contain a suitable comment as to why no action is taken. Noncompliant Code Example switch (param) { //missing default clause case 0: doSomething(); break; case 1: doSomethingElse(); break; } switch (param) { default: // default clause should be the last one error(); break; case 0: doSomething(); break; case 1: doSomethingElse(); break; } Compliant Solution switch (param) { case 0: doSomething(); break; case 1: doSomethingElse(); break; default: error(); break; } See MISRA C:2004, 15.0 - The MISRA C switch syntax shall be used. MISRA C:2004, 15.3 - The final clause of a switch statement shall be the default clause MISRA C++:2008, 6-4-3 - A switch statement shall be a well-formed switch statement. MISRA C++:2008, 6-4-6 - The final clause of a switch statement shall be the default-clause MISRA C:2012, 16.1 - All switch statements shall be well-formed MISRA C:2012, 16.4 - Every switch statement shall have a default label MISRA C:2012, 16.5 - A default label shall appear as either the first or the last switch label of a switch statement MITRE, CWE-478 - Missing Default Case in Switch Statement CERT, MSC01-C - Strive for logical completeness CERT, MSC01-CPP - Strive for logical completeness Checkstyle Metrik Java FindBugs Java FindBugs Security Audit Java FindBugs Security Minimal Java FxCop with MS minumum recommended ruleset C# FxCop with MS minumum recommended ruleset for SharePoint C# Sonar way C# Sonar way Java Sonar way PL/SQL Sonar way Python Sonar way Web Sonar way XML Sonar way with Findbugs Java mX Quality Profile --------------------------------------------- Checkstyle Metrik Java FindBugs Java FindBugs Security Audit Java FindBugs Security Minimal Java FxCop with MS minumum recommended ruleset C# FxCop with MS minumum recommended ruleset for SharePoint C# Sonar way C# Sonar way Java Sonar way PL/SQL Sonar way Python Sonar way Web Sonar way XML Sonar way with Findbugs Java using Common.Logging; { public class UnitTestExceptionHandler : IExceptionHandlingService { private static readonly ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public void HandleException(Exception ex) { Logger.WarnFormat("Exception catched with Unit Test Exception Handler Service {0} {1}", Environment.NewLine, ex.GetExceptionDetailInformation()); throw ex.GetBaseException(); } } } 96 La Vie du rail Buch   1987 Maurice Mertens TEE Collection 239S. Histoire et technique F     2902808216 430 Kraftwerk TEEShirt   2014 T. EUROPA EXPRESS TEEShirt as a Shirt B     Klingklang Liebe Kollegen Ich bin für eine Forschungsarbeit auf der Suche nach einem Tastatursimulator: Eine bestimmte Sequenz von Tastaturanschlägen muss wiederholbar und zeitlich präzis (ca 10 msec) ausführbar sein. Wir wollen damit eine Programm-Eichung bei der Erfassung der zeitlichen Varianz von menschlichen Tastaturanschlägen machen. Habt ihr so etwas (zum Ausleihen, in Form von Treibersoftware, USB-Gerät oder ähnlich) ? Müsste mit Windows-OS zusammenarbeiten können. Answer: Möglich ist auch die Events direkt via Windows API (keybd_event) abzusetzen um bspw. andere Software zu automatisieren, die über keine Command Line Option verfügen. Ich habe damals einen Touchscreen Tester gebaut, der ganze Menüsteuerungen simuliert, das Script sieht dann ungefähr so aus: // open with Ctrl F a search mask, write abc and close with escape SimulateKeystroke(70,[ssCTRL]) //ASCII f SimulateKeystroke(65,[]) SimulateKeystroke(66,[]) SimulateKeystroke(67,[]) Sleep(2000) keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, Mapvirtualkey( VK_ESCAPE, 0 ), 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, Mapvirtualkey( VK_ESCAPE, 0 ), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); Mit der maXbox als Script lassen sich dann beliebige Tastatureingaben oder Tastenkombinationen in das Programm eingeben. Von der Reaktion her sind wir auf etwa 20 msec gekommen, was in etwa denn 50 Hz einer Zeitscheibe entspricht, hängt dann allerdings auch von der CPU- und Tasklast ab. Virtual USB Keyboard Communicating with a host computer can allow a simple Arduino-based system to gain access to a wide variety of devices and information. Most people link an Arduino to a host using serial communications across a USB connection with custom code running on the host to send information to the Arduino or receive it in return, but giving your Arduino the ability to pretend to be a keyboard or mouse opens up a whole world of possibilities because it means your Arduino can interact with software that was never intended for external control. That could be desktop software such as a game or a web browser: your Arduino could "type" into a web form and submit it on your behalf, or act as a custom controller for a game! Or you could use an Arduino to connect a custom input device to your computer so that it emulates a regular keyboard or joystick. The custom input device could be a chording keyboard, a virtual keyboard, or even something like a virtual reality glove or head tracking system controlling your pointer by emulating a joystick. Simulieren Sie Tastaturanschläge! Mit dem Programm sind Sie in der Lage andere Software zu automatisieren, die über keine Command Line Option verfügen. Mit der Textbox können Sie beliebige Tastatureingaben oder Tastenkombinationen in das Programm eingeben. Das Programm benötigt keine Installation, das Programm einfach entpacken und die Keysim.exe Datei ausführen! /** * VirtualUsbKeyboard * * Enumerates itself as a HID (Human Interface Device) to a host * computer using a USB shield. The Arduino then appears to the host to * be a USB keyboard and keypress events can be sent on demand. * * This example watches the state of 6 push buttons and when a button * is pressed it sends a matching keypress event to the host. * * Copyright 2009 Jonathan Oxer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * */ // Requires the use of the "UsbKeyboard" library available from // #include "UsbKeyboard.h" // Define the inputs to use for buttons #define BUTTON_A 6 #define BUTTON_B 7 #define BUTTON_C 8 #define BUTTON_D 9 #define BUTTON_MSG 10 #define BUTTON_ENTER 11 // Use the on-board LED as an activity display int ledPin = 13; /** * Configure button inputs and set up the USB connection to the host */ void setup() { // Set up the activity display LED pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite (ledPin, HIGH); // Set the button pins to inputs pinMode (BUTTON_A, INPUT); pinMode (BUTTON_B, INPUT); pinMode (BUTTON_C, INPUT); pinMode (BUTTON_D, INPUT); pinMode (BUTTON_MSG, INPUT); pinMode (BUTTON_ENTER, INPUT); // Enable the CPU's internal 20k pull-up resistors on the button // inputs so they default to a "high" state digitalWrite (BUTTON_A, HIGH); digitalWrite (BUTTON_B, HIGH); digitalWrite (BUTTON_C, HIGH); digitalWrite (BUTTON_D, HIGH); digitalWrite (BUTTON_MSG, HIGH); digitalWrite (BUTTON_ENTER, HIGH); // Disable timer0 since it can mess with the USB timing. Note that // this means some functions such as delay() will no longer work. TIMSK0&=!(1<[a-zA-Z\d!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+\x20*|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*"\x20*)*(?<))?((?!\.)(?>\.?[a-zA-Z\d!#$%&'*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+)+|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*")@(((?!-)[a-zA-Z\d\-]+(?)$ if ExecRegExpr('^((?>[a-zA-Z\d!#$%&''*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+\x20*|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*"\x20*)*(?<))?((?!\.)(?>\.?[a-zA-Z\d!#$%&''*+\-/=?^_`{|}~]+)+|"((?=[\x01-\x7f])[^"\\]|\\[\x01-\x7f])*")@(((?!-)[a-zA-Z\d\-]+(?)$','') then writeln('true do'); Integrale Sicherheit: Sieben Spielplätze der Cyberkriminellen Denn sie wissen, was sie tun Kann man 2015 als das Jahr der Sicherheitslücken bezeichnen, wird 2016 das Jahr der Cyber-Erpressung. Dabei wird interessanterweise die Psychologie eine viel grössere Rolle spielen als die technischen Aspekte. Auch Hacktivismus wird eine der Aktivitäten sind, derer sich Cyberkriminelle schuldig machen, wobei sie ihre Angriffsmethoden systematisch ausweiten werden. Obwohl sich die Menschen der Sicherheitsrisiken bewusst sind, werden diese wegen der allumfassenden Vernetzung nahezu aller technischer Errungenschaften („Smartifizierung“) weiter zunehmen – inklusive der realistischen Gefahr, dass die Fehlfunktion eines smarten Geräts körperliche Schäden zur Folge hat. Die sieben Spielplätze der Cyberkriminellen im Überblick: 1. Erpressung 2016 wird das Jahr der Cyber-Erpressung. Die Psychologie wird hierbei eine weitaus grössere Rolle spielen als die technischen Aspekte, denn aus Sicht der Kriminellen hat es sich bestens „bewährt“, ihren Opfern Angst einzujagen. In den vergangenen zehn Jahren haben sie mithilfe von Software Lösegeld erpresst. Frühere Varianten sperrten den Bildschirm und forderten Geld, Varianten wie der in Deutschland vor allem als „BKA-Trojaner“ bekannte „Polizeitrojaner“ drohten mit Verhaftung und Strafzahlungen, und Crypto-Ransomware zielte auf den wertvollsten Teil des Systems: die Daten. Im kommenden Jahr wird es neue Taktiken geben, die vor allem auf die Psyche der Opfer zielen. Endanwender werden davon ebenso betroffen sein wie Unternehmen, immer mehr Varianten werden auch explizit auf einzelne Opfer in Firmen zugeschnitten sein; dabei werden auch raffinierte Social Engineering-Tricks zum Einsatz kommen. Der Erfolg von Betrugsmaschen, bei denen Mitarbeiter dazu gebracht werden, Geld auf ein Konto von Cyberkriminellen zu überweisen, wird stark ansteigen. Dazu wird die Kommunikation zwischen Geschäftspartnern abgefangen, wie es bereits bei „HawkEye“ „Cuckoo Miner“ und „Predator Pain“ der Fall war. 2. Hacktivismus Um ihre Ziele möglichst öffentlichkeitswirksam zu schädigen, werden Hacktivisten ihre Angriffsmethoden systematisch ausweiten. Die Auswirkungen der dadurch verursachten Datenverluste werden bekannte Unternehmen zu spüren bekommen – ähnlich wie es bei Sony oder dem Hacking Team der Fall war. Nutzten Hacktivisten bisher in erster Linie Standardtaktiken wie die Verunstaltung von Websites oder DDoS-Angriffe, werden sie nun nach Methoden suchen, Datenlecks zu verursachen und auszunutzen. Angestachelt werden sie dabei vom Erfolg aktueller Angriffe, die belastende Informationen – wie beispielsweise fragwürdige Unternehmenspraktiken, klassifizierte Nachrichten oder verdächtige Transaktionen – offenlegen. 3. Angriffe auf das „Internet der Dinge“ mit tödlichem Ausgang 2016 wird mindestens eine Fehlfunktion eines smarten Geräts schwerwiegende, tödliche Folgen haben. Obwohl es 2015 bereits Vorfälle mit gehackten Babyfonen, Fernsehern und Autos gab und obwohl sich die Menschen über die Sicherheitsrisiken im Klaren sind, nimmt die Vernetzung nahezu aller technischer Errungenschaften („Smartifizierung“) weiter ungebremst zu. So wird die Zahl vernetzter Heimgeräte in den kommenden fünf Jahren jährlich um 67 Prozent ansteigen und 2019 fast zwei Milliarden erreichen – was einer deutlich höheren Wachstumsrate als bei Smartphones und Tablets entspricht. Wegen der Vielzahl an Geräten, Plattformen, Betriebssystemen und Anwendungen sowie der bislang fehlenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen ist ein gross angelegter Hacking-Angriff bisher nicht in Sicht. Viel grösser ist die Gefahr, dass die Fehlfunktion eines smarten Geräts körperliche Schäden zur Folge hat: Je mehr Drohnen durch die Luft fliegen, je mehr Geräte im Gesundheitsbereich eingesetzt werden und je mehr (private und geschäftliche) Appliances gemeinsame Internetverbindungen nutzen, desto wahrscheinlicher werden Gerätedefekte, Hacking- Angriffe oder Missbrauch. 4. Nachlässige Unternehmen Weniger als die Hälfte der Unternehmen wird bis Ende 2016 auf Cybersicherheit spezialisierte Experten beschäftigen. Zwar werden einige von ihnen erkennen, dass es Mitarbeiter braucht, deren Fokus einzig und allein auf der Integrität von Daten innerhalb und ausserhalb des Unternehmens liegt. Ob es sich dabei um einen dedizierten „Data Protection Officer“ oder einen „Chief Risk Officer“ handelt oder die Aufgaben vom „Chief Information Security Officer“ übernommen werden, hängt von Faktoren wie der Grösse des Unternehmens oder dem Budget ab. Auch jüngste Entwicklungen wie das Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zur Safe-Harbor-Regelung mit den USA oder die kommende EU-Datenschutzrichtlinie fordern ein höheres Mass an Datenschutz; die gerade angesprochenen Sicherheitsbeauftragten werden bei der Einhaltung der Regeln der jeweiligen Länder, in denen Unternehmensdaten gespeichert werden, eine tragende Rolle spielen. Dennoch haben in diesem Punkt nicht alle Unternehmen ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht. 5. Schädliche Online-Werbung 2015 war von einer hohen Anzahl an Malvertising-Angriffen geprägt. In der ersten Jahreshälfte wurden dazu vor allem Exploit- Kits eingesetzt: Waren im September rund 3.000 renommierte japanische Websites Opfer einer massiven Kampagne, bei der die Daten von fast einer halben Million Benutzer entwendet wurden, entdeckte Trend Micro im Februar einen Zero-Day-Exploit in „Adobe Flash“, der für entsprechende Angriffe genutzt wurde. Zwar werden auch 2016 bösartige Anzeigen ihre Opfer finden, doch scheint es hier zum ersten Mal eine Verbesserung zu geben: Weil immer mehr Anwender Online-Werbeblocker nutzen – allein in den USA ist es fast jeder Zweite (48 Prozent), weltweit stieg dieser Wert um 41 Prozent an –, werden Online-Werbetreibende ihre Anzeigenstrategien ändern. Die zunehmende Verbreitung von Werbeblockern zwingt Cyberkriminelle dazu, neue Angriffswege zu suchen, was wiederum zu weniger schädlichen Werbeeinblendungen führen wird. 6. Mobile Schädlinge Die Zahl mobiler Schädlinge wird auf 20 Millionen anwachsen – Mitte 2014 lag diese Zahl noch bei zwei Millionen –, wovon in erster Linie China betroffen sein wird. Bei drei von vier Apps dort handelt es sich um Malware, während Google einen Bericht veröffentlicht hat, wonach weniger als ein Prozent der Apps im „Google Play Store“ potenziell gefährlich sind. Forschungen Trend Micros belegen, dass diese scheinbar widersprüchlichen Angaben korrekt sind: 13 Prozent der Apps in den chinesischen Märkten sind bösartig, während Google Play nur 0,16 Prozent bösartige Apps registriert hat. So ist „Google Play“ in China verfügbar, erreicht aber nur 21 Millionen der geschätzten 800 Millionen mobilen Benutzer. Angesichts dessen kann das exponentielle Wachstum mobiler Malware auf prognostizierte 20 Millionen bis Ende 2016 kaum aufgehalten werden. Doch auch in anderen Ländern, in denen die Benutzer in der Regel auf offizielle App-Stores zurückgreifen, droht Gefahr, denn weltweit werden neue mobile Zahlungsmöglichkeiten im Visier stehen: Cyberkriminelle werden Tests unter realen Bedingungen durchführen, um Daten aus Zahlungstechnologien wie kontaktlosen RFID-Kreditkarten und mobilen Geldbörsen wie „Apple Pay“ und „Google Wallet“ zu entwenden. 7. Cyber-Straftaten Um den Straftaten der Cyberkriminellen wirksam entgegnen zu können, wird es im Bereich der Gesetzgebung in den kommenden zwölf Monaten konkrete Veränderungen – hin zu globalen Anstrengungen – geben, die zu schnellerer Gesetzgebung, mehr Verhaftungen oder Verurteilungen und erfolgreicheren Strafverfahren führen werden. Diese Entwicklung deutete sich bereits in einigen Festnahmen und Verurteilungen an, darunter zwei Fälle aus dem September: Zum einen der russische Strippenzieher hinter der CITADEL-Malware, zum anderen ein russischer Cyberkrimineller, der sich zu Angriffen auf Zahlungsanbieter schuldig bekannte. Dass Kooperationen Erfolge zeitigen können, belegt der gemeinsame Einsatz von Sicherheitsanbietern, INTERPOL, dem „Cyber Defense Institute“, der im April zur Stilllegung des SIMDA-Botnetzes führte. Quelle:; 12.11.2015