PROGRAM Bigint_ClassProof_Tutor_41_2; //(Fast) binominal coefficient computing of the class TMyBigInt // ------------------------------------------------ //#sign: Max: MAXBOX10: 18/04/2016 11:33:32 //uses Sysutils, MyBigInt; #locs=285 //ref: uPSI_ubigFloatV3.pas - uPSI_UBigIntsV4.pas Function IntToBase32(Numb: Longint): String; var numlett: string; begin numlett:= NUMBERS+LETTERS; Result:= ''; for It:= 0 to 4 do begin Insert(numlett[(Numb And 31)+1], Result, 1); Numb:= Numb Shr 5; end; end; Function IntToBase32X(Numb: Longint): String; begin Result:= ''; for It:= 0 to 4 do begin Insert(NUMBLETTS[(Numb And 31)+1], Result, 1); Numb:= Numb Shr 5; end; end; function getPermutation(npr, k: integer): extended; //2. Permutation(Variation without repeating) = nPr = n!/(n-k)! begin result:= (Fact(npr)/Fact(npr-k)); //test 4 of 10 = 5040 = NPR(10,4) end; function getCombination(npr, k: integer): extended; //3. Combination (binominal coefficient)= nCr = nPr / k! begin result:= (Fact(npr)/Fact(npr-k)/Fact(k)); //ncr:= npr/round(fact(ncr)) //test 4 of 20 = 4845 = NCR(20,4) end; function GetBigIntDirect: string; //unit mybigint var mbResult: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbResult:= TMyBigInt.Create(333); try // Faktoren im Zaehler aufmultiplizieren -->2^12=4096 for i:= 1 to 12 do begin mbResult.Multiply(mbresult, mbresult); //writeln(inttostr(i)+': '+mbresult.tostring); end; Result:= mbResult.ToString; finally //FreeAndNil(mbResult); mbResult.Free; end; end; function GetBigInt: string; //unit mybigint var mbResult: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbResult:= TMyBigInt.Create(1000); try // Faktoren im Zaehler aufmultiplizieren for i:= 1 to 55 do mbResult.Multiply1(mbResult, 200001); Result:= mbResult.ToString; finally //FreeAndNil(mbResult); mbResult.Free; end; end; function BigPow(aone, atwo: integer): string; var tbig1, tbig2: TInteger; begin tbig1:= TInteger.create(aone); //tbig2:= TInteger.create(10); try tbig1.pow(atwo); finally result:= tbig1.toString(false); tbig1.Free; end; end; //I'm trying to move SysTools to Win64. There is a class TStDecimal which is a fixed-point value with a total of 38 significant digits. The class itself uses a lot of asm code. function BigDecimal(aone: float; atwo: integer): string; begin with TStDecimal.create do begin try //assignfromint(aone) //2 assignfromfloat(aone) //2 RaiseToPower(atwo) //23 result:= asstring finally free end; end; end; function BigFloat(aone: extended; atwo: integer): string; begin with TBigFloat.create do begin try Setsigdigits(40); //2 //PiConst(280); //RaiseToPower(atwo) //23 //power(tbigfloat,atwo) Assign7(aone) IntPower(atwo, 40) result:= Tostring(normal) writeln(ConverttoString(scientific)); writeln(ConverttoString(normal)); //writeln(itoa(Digitcount)); //writeln(ConverttoExtended(normal)); finally free end; end; end; function BigDiv2(aone, atwo: string): string; var tbig1, tbig2: TInteger; begin tbig1:= TInteger.create(10); tbig2:= TInteger.create(10); try tbig1.assign2(atwo) tbig2.assign2(aone) tbig2.Divide(tbig1) finally // Function ConvertToDecimalString( commas : boolean) : string'); result:= tbig2.ConvertToDecimalString(true) //199987.7401 //writeln(ConverttoExtended(normal)); writeln('Digitcount of BigDiv: '+itoa(tbig2.Digitcount)); tbig1.Free;; end; end; function GetBigIntFact(aval: byte): string; //call of unit mybigint var mbRes: TMyBigInt; i: integer; begin mbRes:= TMyBigInt.Create(1); try //multiplication of factor for i:= 1 to aval do mbRes.Multiply1(mbres, i); Result:= mbRes.ToString; finally //FreeAndNil(mbResult); mbRes.Free; end; end; function BigFac(n: integer): string; var tbig1: TInteger; begin result:= '0' tbig1:= TInteger.create(n); //temp //tbig1.assign(tbig2) tbig1.factorial; result:= tbig1.tostring(false); end; //Big Fibonacci full Decimals! function FiboPythonBigInt(n: integer): string; var tbig1, tbig2, tbig3: TInteger; begin result:= '0' tbig1:= TInteger.create(1); //temp tbig2:= TInteger.create(0); //result (a) tbig3:= Tinteger.create(1); //b for it:= 1 to n do begin tbig1.assign(tbig2) tbig2.assign(tbig3); tbig1.add(tbig3); tbig3.assign(tbig1); end; result:= tbig2.tostring(false);;; end; // BEGIN //Main // //MkDir(ExePath+WIPEDIR); writeln('Test very very large number 1: ') //Writeln333^4096: '+GetBigIntDirect); Writeln('Test very large number: ') //Writeln(GetBigInt); maxcalcF('12!') maxcalcF('70!') //maxcalcF29*37*(127^(-1))*179*15749^(-1)*2082607'); //prime factors maxcalcF('29*37*(127^-1)*179*(15749^-1)*2082607'); maxcalcF('29*37*(1/127)*179*(1/15749)*2082607'); maxcalcF('333^2') maxcalcF('2^12') maxcalcF('400000078669/2000123') try maxcalcF('333^4096') except RaiseException(erCustomError, 'Exception: To large Compute'); end; //ref: Zastrov -> Rechenbuch der Elektronik maXcalcF('SQRT(16)') maXcalcF('SQRT(4.3*(10^-9)*5.6*(10^-6))') maXcalcF('1/(39*(10^4)*((2.8*(10^8))^2)*SQRT(4.3*(10^-9)*5.6*(10^-6)))') Writeln('Zastrov Ref Ends ^'); writeln(powerbig(333,4096)) Writeln(''); writeln('le_1 of 333^ 4096 length: '+itoa(length(powerbig(333,4096)))); Writeln(''); writeln('le_2 of 333^ 4096 length: '+itoa(length(bigpow(333,4096)))); Writeln(''); writeln(bigpow(333,4096)) Writeln(''); writeln('le_3 of 333.123^ 6 length: '+itoa(length(bigdecimal(333.123,6)))); Writeln(''); Writeln(BigDecimal(333.123,6)) Writeln('') writeln('le_4 of 333.123^6 length: '+itoa(length(bigfloat(333.123,6)))); Writeln(''); Writeln(BigFloat(333.123,6)) Writeln('') // 1366556882568704.475430858133305689 // 1.366556882568704475430858133305689 E 15 // 1.366556882568704475430858133305689 × 10^15 wolfram alpha writeln('le_5 of 333.123^7 length: '+itoa(length(bigfloat(333.123,7)))); Writeln(''); Writeln(BigFloat(333.123,7)) Writeln('') // 455231528391934540.968953753941191036747 // 4.55231528391934540968953753941191036747 E 17 // 4.55231528391934540968953753941191036747 × 10^17 wolfram alpha //length(BigPow(333,4096) writeln('BigDiv1: '+BigDiv('400000078669','2000123')); writeln('BigDiv2: '+BigDiv2('400000078669','2000123')); Writeln('') Writeln('Big Lotto Combination 1600 of 5000!') Writeln('') Writeln(BinominalCoefficient(5000, 1600)); Writeln('') Writeln('Lotto Combination 6 of 45!') Writeln(BinominalCoefficient(45, 6)); Writeln('Lotto Combination 39 of 45!') Writeln(BinominalCoefficient(45, 39)); Writeln(''); Writeln('Lotto Combination 6 of 49!') Writeln(BinominalCoefficient(49, 6)); Writeln(''); //Writeln(LoadFileAsString(ExePath+WIPEDIR+'newfile4.txt'));} PrintF('Extended Fact0 of 70: %.18f ',[factorial(70)]); writeln('Big Int Fact1 of 70: '+GetBigIntFact(70)); writeln('Big Int Fact2 of 70: '+BigFactorial('70')); writeln('Big Int Fact3 of 70: '+BigFac(70)); END. Doc: Ref: //-----------------------------app_template_loaded-------------------- TMyBigInt = class private Len: Integer; Value: AnsiString; procedure Trim; procedure Shift(k: Integer); procedure MultiplyAtom(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); public constructor Create(iValue: Integer = 0); procedure Add(Addend1, Addend2: TMyBigInt); procedure Multiply(Multiplier1, Multiplier2: TMyBigInt); overload; procedure Multiply(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); overload; function ToString: string; procedure CopyFrom(mbCopy: TMyBigInt); end; //*** Code: Unit MyBigInt ************************************************* unit MyBigInt; interface uses Sysutils, Math; const Base = 10; type TMyBigInt = class private Len: Integer; Value: AnsiString; procedure Trim; procedure Shift(k: Integer); procedure MultiplyAtom(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); public constructor Create(iValue: Integer = 0); procedure Add(Addend1, Addend2: TMyBigInt); procedure Multiply(Multiplier1, Multiplier2: TMyBigInt); overload; procedure Multiply(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); overload; function ToString: string; procedure CopyFrom(mbCopy: TMyBigInt); end; implementation constructor TMyBigInt.Create(iValue: Integer = 0); var sTmp: ShortString; i: Integer; begin inherited Create; sTmp := IntToStr(abs(iValue)); Len := Length(sTmp); SetLength(Value, Len); for i := 1 to Len do Value[i] := Chr(StrToInt(sTmp[Len - i + 1])); end; procedure TMyBigInt.Add(Addend1, Addend2: TMyBigInt); { zwei TMyBigInt miteinander addieren } var i, iCarry, iTemp: Integer; begin // Länge der Wert-Strings angleichen iTemp := max(Addend1.Len, Addend2.Len); SetLength(Value, iTemp); for i := Len + 1 to iTemp do Value[i] := #0; // Für den Fall Addend1/Addend2=Self Len := iTemp; // Berechnung von Übertrag und Summe iCarry := 0; for i := 1 to Len do begin iTemp := iCarry; if i <= Addend1.Len then iTemp := iTemp + Ord(Addend1.Value[i]); if i <= Addend2.Len then iTemp := iTemp + Ord(Addend2.Value[i]); Value[i] := Char(iTemp mod Base); iCarry := iTemp div Base; end; if iCarry > 0 then begin Len := Len + 1; SetLength(Value, Len); Value[Len] := Char(iCarry); end; end; procedure TMyBigInt.Multiply(Multiplier1, Multiplier2: TMyBigInt); { zwei TMyBigInt miteinander multipliziren } var mbResult, mbTemp: TMyBigInt; i: Integer; begin mbResult := TMyBigInt.Create; try mbTemp := TMyBigInt.Create; try for i := 1 to Multiplier2.Len do begin // Multiplizieren nach der "Schulmethode" mbTemp.MultiplyAtom(Multiplier1, Ord(Multiplier2.Value[i])); mbTemp.Shift(i - 1); mbResult.Add(mbResult, mbTemp); end; finally FreeAndNil(mbTemp); end; CopyFrom(mbResult); finally FreeAndNil(mbResult); end; end; procedure TMyBigInt.Multiply(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); { TMyBigInt und einen Integer multiplizieren } var mbTemp: TMyBigInt; begin mbTemp := TMyBigInt.Create(Multiplier2); try Multiply(Multiplier1, mbTemp); finally end; end; function TMyBigInt.ToString: string; { Zahl in einen String umwandeln } var i: Integer; begin Trim; Result := ''; for i := Len downto 1 do Result := Result + IntToStr(Ord(Value[i])); end; procedure TMyBigInt.CopyFrom(mbCopy: TMyBigInt); { von mbCopy kopieren } begin Value := mbCopy.Value; Len := mbCopy.Len; end; procedure TMyBigInt.Trim; { führende Nullen entfernen } var i, p: Integer; begin p := Len; for i := Len downto 1 do begin if not (Value[i] in ['0']) then break; p := i - 1; end; if p < Len then begin SetLength(Value, p); Len := p; end; end; procedure TMyBigInt.Shift(k: Integer); { von hinten mit k Nullen auffüllen, also mit Base^k multiplizieren } var i: Integer; begin if k = 0 then Exit; SetLength(Value, Len + k); for i := Len downto 1 do Value[i + k] := Value[i]; for i := 1 to k do Value[i] := #0; Len := Len + k; end; procedure TMyBigInt.MultiplyAtom(Multiplier1: TMyBigInt; Multiplier2: Integer); { Multiplikation mit einer Ziffer } var i, iCarry, iTemp: Integer; begin // Multiplikation mit 1 if Multiplier2 = 1 then begin CopyFrom(Multiplier1); Exit; end; SetLength(Value, Multiplier1.Len); Len := Multiplier1.Len; iCarry := 0; for i := 1 to Len do begin iTemp := Ord(Multiplier1.Value[i]) * Multiplier2 + iCarry; Value[i] := Char(iTemp mod Base); iCarry := iTemp div Base; end; if iCarry > 0 then begin Len := Len + 1; SetLength(Value, Len); Value[Len] := Char(iCarry); end; end; end. ref: 1600 of 2000! 9823417950011944552607411003906235086949379873170262661746719694930352134476860809695114750245468018380007731944983053142634321229286834563161108254707931986941224820326418987485804325136943151573324828694718403969704759075038168353250812684007443866397669413205364346387771473492500863008002740826284331264272588129024091161831846019957509876500506119953846165099241912422739490659992668065243361204102616149435275804786359496321025 --------------------------------------------------- C Data Type | Object Pascal | Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPSTR PAnsiChar; String >pointer LPCSTR PAnsiChar; String >pointer DWORD Integer; Whole numbers BOOL LongBool; Boolean values PBOOL ^BOOL; Pointer to a Boolean value Pbyte ^Byte; Pointer to a byte value PINT ^Integer; Pointer to an integer value Psingle ^Single; Pointer to a single (floating point) value PWORD ^Word; Pointer to a 16-bit value PDWORD ^DWORD; Pointer to a 32-bit value LPDWORD PDWORD; Pointer to a 32-bit value UCHAR Byte; 8-bit values (can represent characters) PUCHAR ^Byte; Pointer to 8-bit values SHORT Smallint; 16-bit whole numbers UINT Integer; 32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally, this was used to represent unsigned integers, but Object Pascal does not have a true unsigned integer data type. PUINT ^UINT; Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers ULONG Longint; 32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally, this was used to represent unsigned integers, but Object Pascal does not have a true unsigned integer data type. PULONG ^ULONG; Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers PLongint ^Longint; Pointer to 32-bit values PInteger ^Integer; Pointer to 32-bit values PSmallInt ^Smallint; Pointer to 16-bit values PDouble ^Double; Pointer to double (floating point) values LCID DWORD; A local identifier LANGID Word; A language identifier THandle Integer; An object handle. Many Windows API functions return a value of type THandle, which identobject ifies that object within Windows’internal object tracking tables. PHandle ^THandle; A pointer to a handle WPARAM Longint; A 32-bit message parameter. Under earlier versions of Windows, this was a 16-bit data type. LPARAM Longint; A 32-bit message parameter LRESULT Longint; A 32-bit function return value HWND Integer; A handle to a window. All windowed controls, child windows, main windows, etc., have a corresponding window handle that identifies them within Windows’internal tracking tables. HHOOK Integer; A handle to an installed Windows system hook ATOM Word; An index into the local or global atom table for a string HGLOBAL THandle; A handle identifying a glob. allocated dynamic memory object. Under 32-bit Windows, there is no distinction between globally and locally allocated memory. HLOCAL THandle; A handle identifying a locally allocated dynamic memory object. Under 32-bit Windows, there is no distinction between globally and locally allocated memory. FARPROC Pointer; A pointer to a procedure, usually used as a parameter type in functions that require a callback function HGDIOBJ Integer; A handle to a GDI object. Pens, device contexts, brushes, etc., all have a handle of this type that identifies them within Windows’internal tracking tables. type TDigits = array of int64; TInteger = class(TObject) private Sign: integer; fDigits: TDigits; Base: integer; procedure AbsAdd(const I2: TInteger); function AbsCompare(I2: TInteger): integer; overload; function AbsCompare(I2: int64): integer; overload; procedure AbsSubtract(const I2: TInteger); function GetBasePower: integer; procedure Trim; function GetLength: integer; //procedure ChangeLength(new: integer); procedure SetDigitLength(const k: integer); procedure assignsmall(I2: int64); procedure divmodsmall(d: int64; var rem: int64); procedure divide2; { fast divide by 2 } public constructor Create(const initialValue: int64); overload; //{$IF compilerversion <= 15} constructor Create; overload; //{$IFEND} procedure Free; property Digits: TDigits Read fDigits; procedure Assign(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Assign(const I2: int64); overload; procedure Assign(const I2: string); overload; procedure AbsoluteValue; procedure Add(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Add(const I2: int64); overload; procedure AssignZero; procedure AssignOne; procedure Subtract(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Subtract(const I2: int64); overload; procedure Mult(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Mult(const I2: int64); overload; procedure FastMult(const I2: TInteger); procedure Divide(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Divide(const I2: int64); overload; procedure Modulo(Const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Modulo(Const N: int64); overload; procedure ModPow(const I2, m: TInteger); procedure InvMod(I2: TInteger); procedure DivideRem(const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger); procedure DivideRemTrunc(const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger); Procedure DivideRemFloor(const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger); Procedure DivideRemEuclidean(const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger); function Compare(I2: TInteger): integer; overload; function Compare(I2: int64): integer; overload; procedure Factorial; function ConvertToDecimalString(commas: boolean): string; function ConvertToInt64(var N: int64): boolean; function DigitCount: integer; procedure SetSign(s: integer); function GetSign: integer; function IsOdd: boolean; function IsPositive: boolean; function IsNegative: boolean; function IsProbablyPrime: boolean; function IsZero: boolean; //function IsOne: boolean; procedure ChangeSign; procedure Pow(const exponent: int64); overload; procedure Sqroot; procedure Square; procedure FastSquare; procedure Gcd(const I2: TInteger); overload; procedure Gcd(const I2: int64); overload; procedure NRoot(const Root: int64); overload; //procedure NRoot(const Root :Tinteger); overload; function GetBase: integer; function BitCount: integer; function ConvertToHexString: String; function AssignRandomPrime(BitLength: integer; seed: String; mustMatchBitLength: boolean): boolean; function AssignHex(HexStr: String): boolean; procedure RandomOfSize(size: integer); procedure Random(maxint: TInteger); procedure Getnextprime; //property Length: integer read GetLength write Setdigitlength {ChangeLength}; //{$IF compilerversion > 19} class operator Implicit(a: Int64): TInteger; class operator Implicit(a: TInteger): Int64; //class operator Implicit(s: string): TInteger; //class operator Implicit(a: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Implicit(a: TInteger): string; // write to a string; class operator Negative(a: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Add(a, b: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Subtract(a, b: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Inc(var a: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Dec(var a: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Equal(a, b: TInteger): boolean; class operator NotEqual(a: TInteger; b: TInteger): boolean; class operator GreaterThan(a: TInteger; b: TInteger): boolean; class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(a: TInteger; b: TInteger): boolean; class operator LessThan(a: TInteger; b: TInteger): boolean; class operator LessThanOrEqual(a: TInteger; b: TInteger): boolean; class operator Multiply(a, b: TInteger): TInteger; class operator IntDivide(a, b: TInteger): TInteger; class operator Modulus(a, b: TInteger): TInteger; //{$IFEND} end; {Caution - calculations with mixed basevalues are not allowed, changes to Baseval should be made before any other TInteger operations} TBigFloat = class(TObject) {Numbers are converted internally to a decimal number between -1 and +1 and a power of 10 required to reproduce the original value. (.xxxxxx * 10^exponent). xxxxxx is a TFloatInt type, arbitrarily large integer descendant of TInteger. } protected procedure CheckLogPlaces(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure CheckPiPlaces(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure LogBasicIteration(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure LogSolveCubic(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure LogNear1(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure calculate_PI_AGM(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure expRaw(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure R_Function(aa, bb: TBigFloat; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Split(var ldp, rdp: integer); function GetDigitatX(const x: word): integer; procedure MoveBaseLeft(const n: integer); procedure MoveBaseRight(const n: integer); function GetBasePower: integer; function GetTopPower(const n: int64): integer; function GetTopPower2(const n: int64): integer; procedure Compact; procedure Add1up; procedure AssignHalf; procedure AssignTwo; procedure AssignThree; procedure SquareRaw; function GetNumber(s: string): boolean; function ShowNumber(const View: TView): string; procedure AssignFour; public decpart: TFloatInt; sigdigits: word; {how many significant digits too show} exponent: integer; {restrict exponents to integers} {create and destroy} constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; destructor Destroy; override; {} {assign} procedure Assign(A: TBigFloat); overload; procedure Assign(A: TBigFloat; SigDig: word); overload; procedure Assign(A: TInteger); overload; procedure Assign(N: int64); overload; procedure Assign(N: int64; SigDig: integer); overload; procedure Assign(d: extended); overload; procedure Assign(S: string); overload; procedure Assign(S: string; SigDig: word); overload; {assign fixed values} procedure AssignZero; procedure AssignOne; {add, subtract, multiply, divide and square} procedure Add(B: TBigFloat); overload; procedure Add(B: int64); overload; procedure AbsAdd(B: TBigFloat); procedure Subtract(B: TBigFloat); overload; procedure Subtract(B: int64); overload; procedure Mult(B: TBigFloat); overload; procedure Mult(B: TBigfloat; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure Mult(B: TInteger); overload; procedure Mult(B: int64); overload; procedure MultRaw(B: TBigFloat); procedure Reciprocal(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Divide(B: TBigFloat; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure Divide(B: TInteger; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure Divide(B: int64; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure Square(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); {Compare, iszero, max and min} function Compare(B: TBigFloat): integer; function IsZero: boolean; procedure MaxBigFloat(B: TBigFloat); procedure MinBigFloat(B: TBigFloat); {Sqroot, Nroot, Intpower and Power} procedure Sqrt; overload; procedure Sqrt(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure NRoot(N: integer; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure IntPower(intpower: integer; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Power(power: TBigfloat; const MaxSig: TMaxSig); {Log, Log10 and Exp} procedure Log(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Log10(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Exp(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); {Constants - Pi and Log2} procedure PiConst(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); procedure Log2Const(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); {RoundToPrec, Trunc, Floor, Ceiling} procedure RoundToPrec(const MaxSig: TMaxSig); overload; procedure RoundToPrec; overload; procedure Trunc(const x: integer = 0); procedure Floor(const x: integer = 0); procedure Ceiling(const x: integer = 0); procedure Round(const x:integer = 0); overload; {Change sign of number} procedure AbsoluteValue; procedure Negate; {Conversions} procedure SetSigDigits(const newsigdigits: integer); function ConvertToString(const View: TView): string; function ConvertToExtended(var num: extended): boolean; function ConvertToInt64(var N: int64): boolean; function IntPart: int64; end; procedure SIRegister_TBigFloat(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TBigFloat') do with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClassTObject'),'TBigFloat') do begin RegisterPropertydecpart', 'TFloatInt', iptrw); RegisterPropertysigdigits', 'word', iptrw); RegisterPropertyexponent', 'integer', iptrw); Constructor Create;'); Constructor Create1( const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure Assign( A : TBigFloat);'); Procedure Assign3( A : TBigFloat; SigDig : word);'); Procedure Assign4( A : TInteger);'); Procedure Assign5( N : int64);'); Procedure Assign6( N : int64; SigDig : integer);'); Procedure Assign7( d : extended);'); Procedure Assign8( S : string);'); Procedure Assign9( S : string; SigDig : word);'); Procedure AssignZero'); Procedure AssignOne'); Procedure Add( B : TBigFloat);'); Procedure Add1( B : int64);'); Procedure AbsAdd( B : TBigFloat)'); Procedure Subtract( B : TBigFloat);'); Procedure Subtract1( B : int64);'); Procedure Mult( B : TBigFloat);'); Procedure Mult1( B : TBigfloat; const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure Mult2( B : TInteger);'); Procedure Mult3( B : int64);'); Procedure MultRaw( B : TBigFloat)'); Procedure Reciprocal( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Divide( B : TBigFloat; const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure Divide1( B : TInteger; const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure Divide2( B : int64; const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure Square( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Function Compare( B : TBigFloat) : integer'); Function IsZero : boolean'); Procedure MaxBigFloat( B : TBigFloat)'); Procedure MinBigFloat( B : TBigFloat)'); Procedure Sqrt;'); Procedure Sqrt1( const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure NRoot( N : integer; const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure IntPower( intpower : integer; const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Power( power : TBigfloat; const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Log( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Log10( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Exp( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure PiConst( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure Log2Const( const MaxSig : TMaxSig)'); Procedure RoundToPrec( const MaxSig : TMaxSig);'); Procedure RoundToPrec1;'); Procedure Trunc( const x : integer)'); Procedure Floor( const x : integer)'); Procedure Ceiling( const x : integer)'); Procedure Round( const x : integer);'); Procedure AbsoluteValue'); Procedure Negate'); Procedure SetSigDigits( const newsigdigits : integer)'); Function ConvertToString( const View : TView) : string'); Function ConvertToExtended( var num : extended) : boolean'); Function ConvertToInt64( var N : int64) : boolean'); Function IntPart : int64'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TInteger(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //with RegClassS(CL,'TObject', 'TInteger') do with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClassTObject'),'TInteger') do begin Constructor Create( const initialValue : int64)'); Constructor Create1'); Procedure Free'); RegisterPropertyDigits', 'TDigits', iptr); Procedure Assign( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Assign1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure Assign2( const I2 : string);'); Procedure AbsoluteValue'); Procedure Add( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Add1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure AssignZero'); Procedure AssignOne'); Procedure Subtract( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Subtract1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure Mult( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Mult1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure FastMult( const I2 : TInteger)'); Procedure Divide( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Divide1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure Modulo( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Modulo1( const N : int64);'); Procedure ModPow( const I2, m : TInteger)'); Procedure InvMod( I2 : TInteger)'); Procedure DivideRem( const I2 : TInteger; var remain : TInteger)'); Procedure DivideRemTrunc( const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger)'); Procedure DivideRemFloor( const I2: TInteger; var remain: TInteger)'); Procedure DivideRemEuclidean(const I2:TInteger; var remain:TInteger)'); Function Compare( I2 : TInteger) : integer;'); Function Compare1( I2 : int64) : integer;'); Procedure Factorial'); Function ConvertToDecimalString( commas : boolean) : string'); Function ToString( commas : boolean) : string'); Function ConvertToInt64( var N : int64) : boolean'); Function DigitCount : integer'); Procedure SetSign( s : integer)'); Function GetSign : integer'); Function IsOdd : boolean'); Function IsPositive : boolean'); Function IsNegative : boolean'); Function IsProbablyPrime : boolean'); Function IsZero : boolean'); Procedure ChangeSign'); Procedure Pow( const exponent : int64);'); Procedure Sqroot'); Procedure Square'); Procedure FastSquare'); Procedure Gcd( const I2 : TInteger);'); Procedure Gcd1( const I2 : int64);'); Procedure NRoot( const Root : int64);'); Function GetBase : integer'); Function BitCount : integer'); Function ConvertToHexString : String'); Function AssignRandomPrime( BitLength : integer; seed : String; mustMatchBitLength : boolean) : boolean'); Function AssignHex( HexStr : String) : boolean'); Procedure RandomOfSize( size : integer)'); Procedure Random( maxint : TInteger)'); Procedure Getnextprime'); end; end; SysTools is hosted under Sourceforge: The class TStDecimal is defined in the unit StDecMth. It has the following description: {Note: StDecMth declares and implements TStDecimal. This is a fixed- point value with a total of 38 significant digits of which 16 are to the right of the decimal point.}