Program Python_Pascal_PrimeTime32_SynDat_Tutorial91; // //Note: modify PYHOME and PYDLL : SynDat // Const //PYHOME = 'C:\Users\breitsch\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\'; PYHOME = 'C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\'; PYDLL = 'C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python36.dll'; PYSCRIPT = 'C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\examples\'; LB= CR+LF; Const PRIME = 'def py_is_prime(n):'+LB+ ' import math'+LB+ ' """ totally naive implementation """'+LB+ ' if n <= 1:'+LB+ ' return False'+LB+ ' q = math.floor(math.sqrt(n))'+LB+ ' for i in range(2, q + 1):'+LB+ ' if (n % i == 0):'+LB+ ' return False'+LB+ ' return True'; ATIME='while True: '+LB+ ' localtime = time.localtime()'+LB+ ' result = time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", localtime)'+LB+ ' print(result, end="", flush=True)'+LB+ ' print("\r", end="", flush=True)'+LB+ ' time.sleep(1)'; var PyForm: TForm; pyMemo: TMemo; pyval: variant; fprofile: string; eg: TPythonEngine; aPythonVersion: TPythonVersion; apd: TApdMeter; sw: TStopWatch; ajt: TJson; JObj: TJsonObject2; JArr: TJsonArray2; procedure dumpJSON(response: string); var cnt: integer; clb: string; begin ajt:= TJson.create(); try response:= '{'+response+'}'; //*) ajt.parse(response); except writeln( 'Exception: "" parse error: {'+ exceptiontostring(exceptiontype, exceptionparam)) end; JObj:= ajt.JsonObject; //JArr:= ajt.values[''].asarray; //for cnt:= 0 to jarr.count-1 do begin for cnt:= 0 to jobj.count-1 do begin clb:= jobj.items[cnt].name; writeln('this '+clb) end; //} ajt.Free; end; begin //@main //myloadscript2:= filetostring(PYSCRIPT2); PyForm:= loadForm2(200,300, clgreen,'PyFrm4D_SynDat_Tester_EKON25'); pyMemo:= TMemo.create(PyForm); apd:= TApdMeter.create(pyform); //apd.color:= clyellow; apd.parent:= pyform; apd.barcolor:= clred; apd.position:= 30; apd.SetBounds(10,100, 150, 150); apd.visible:= true; pyMemo.parent:= PyForm; //println('user_max_complete = '+eng.evalStr('top_users[0][1]')); // //PYLaz_P4D_Demo2; EKON25 - explicit better than implicit eg:= TPythonEngine.Create(Nil); try eg.pythonhome:= PYHOME; eg.loadDLL; println('test import '+GetPythonEngine.EvalStr('__import__("decimal").Decimal(0.1)')); println('test import '+eg.EvalStr('__import__("decimal").Decimal(0.1)')); writeln('') // apd.position:= 60; pyMemo.lines.add('call test with execStr() from faker import Faker'); println(eg.EvalStr('__import__("faker").Faker()')); sw:= TStopWatch.Create(); sw.Start; eg.execStr('from faker import Faker'); eg.execStr('import simplejson as json'); //# instead of import json eg.execStr('import dumper'); eg.execStr('fake = Faker()'); fprofile:= eg.evalStr('(fake.profile())') fprofile:= StringReplace(fprofile,'\n',CRLF,[rfReplaceAll]); //fprofile:= eg.evalStr('fake.profile().replace("\n"," ")'); //Exception: : 'dict' object has no attribute 'replace'. println('fake person profile: '+CRLF+fprofile+CRLF); //dumpJSON(fprofile); //eg.execStr('profile1 = fake.simple_profile()'); //eg.execStr('ad= dumper.dump(profile1)'); //println(eg.evalStr('dumper.dump(profile1)')) //println(eg.evalStr('f"my profile: {fake.profile()}"')); //println(eg.evalStr('json.dumps(fake.profile(),indent=4)')); println('creditcard#: '+eg.evalStr('fake.credit_card_number()')); //} eg.execStr('fake = Faker(["es_MX"])') //for i in range(10): for it:= 1 to 5 do println(UTF8toAnsi(eg.evalStr(''))); sw.Stop; //sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; writeln('Stop Watch Faker Tester1: '+sw.getValueStr) except eg.raiseError; writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); finally eg.Free; sw.Free; sw:= Nil; apd.position:= 100; end; End. Ref: {'job': 'Research officer, political party', 'company': 'Davis-Perez', 'ssn': '520-11-9286', 'residence': '18365 Katherine Plains\nAliceville, OK 31762', 'current_location': (Decimal('47.667757'), Decimal('14.943272')), 'blood_group': 'O-', 'website': ['', '', ''], 'username': 'hbass', 'name': 'Tammy Crane', 'sex': 'F', 'address': '3144 Stephanie Road\nWilliambury, MT 95571', 'mail': '', 'birthdate':, 11, 25)} 4978088480978  mX4 executed: 05/12/2021 11:43:04 Runtime: 0:0:2.197 Memload: 36% use  Optimizations The Faker constructor takes a performance-related argument called use_weighting. It specifies whether to attempt to have the frequency of values match real-world frequencies (e.g. the English name Gary would be much more frequent than the name Lorimer). If use_weighting is False, then all items have an equal chance of being selected, and the selection process is much faster. The default is True. Santiago Carmona Ángel Judith Roque Amador Susana Eloy Rocha Blanco Rodolfo Urbina Suárez Juana Irma de la Torre Mares Doc: One thing to note is that the map() function returns an iterable object, and thus we can use the list() function to generate a list from this iterable. writeln('RegVersion: '+itoa(TPythonEngine(eng).RegVersion)); import threading def print_hello_three_times(): for i in range(3): print("Hello") def print_hi_three_times(): for i in range(3): print("Hi") t1 = threading.Thread(target=print_hello_three_times) t2 = threading.Thread(target=print_hi_three_times) t1.start() t2.start() This package implements JSON support for FPC.