{*************************************************************** * ADVAPI3DLL Tester - still on work * Project : education system bITbox TRex doublehash demo * Unit Name: 672_regex_ask_task.txt * Purpose : Demonstrates a Hashes and/or a function doing same task! * Date : 18/10/2014 - 14:38:5 * #sign:Max: MAXBOX10: 23/08/2017 13:18:33 * : 11/11/2015 - better process on/off #locs:485 * //https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Hashes ****************************************************************} //compilerswitch $N- turns the coprocessor off, {$mode objfpc}{$H+} loc's =1 PROGRAM BooleanLAB_RegExTask_HASHES_SHA256; type SHA_CTX2 = Record Unknown: Array[0.. 5] of LongWord; State: Array[0.. 4] of LongWord; Count: UInt64; Buffer: Array[0..63] of Byte; End; SHA_RES = Array[0..4] of LongWord; SHA_RES2 = Array[1..20] of Byte; TSHA_RES3 = Array[1..32] of Byte; function getUserNameExAfromDLL(nameform: DWord; namebuffer: array of char; var nsize: DWord): boolean; external 'GetUserNameExA@secur32.dll stdcall'; (*function SHA256_CTX(nameform: DWord; namebuffer: array of char; var nsize: DWord): boolean; external 'SHA256@libeay32.dll stdcall'; function libeay32version: pchar; external 'SSLeay_version@libeay32.dll stdcall'; procedure SHA256Init(var Context: SHA_CTX2); external 'SHA256_Init@libeay32.dll stdcall'; *) //-----------------advapi + stdcall! Procedure SHA_CTXInit(out Context: SHA_CTX2) ; External 'A_SHAInit@advapi32.dll stdcall'; //Name 'A_SHAInit'; Procedure SHA_CTXUpdate(out Context: SHA_CTX2; Input: Pchar; inLen: LongWord); //StdCall; External 'A_SHAUpdate@advapi32.dll stdcall'; //Name 'A_SHAUpdate'; Procedure SHA_CTXGetResult(out Context: SHA_CTX2; Out aResult: SHA_RES2); External 'A_SHAFinal@advapi32.dll stdcall'; // Name 'A_SHAFinal'; type TCryptProv = THandle; TAlgID = integer; TCryptKey = Pchar; TCryptHash = THandle; //PChar; TCryptData = Pchar; Const PROV_RSA_FULL = 1; PROV_RSA_AES = 24; CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = $F0000000; CRYPT_NEWKEYSET = $00000008; // use with PROV_RSA_AES To get SHA-2 values. //http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=7423 CALG_SHA256 = $0000800C; CALG_SHA384 = $0000800D; CALG_SHA512 = $0000800E; HP_HASHVAL = $0002; crypt32 = 'crypt32.dll'; MS_ENHANCED_PROV = 'Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0'; HASH256TEST= 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'; // cbHashDataLen := 32; // sha256 = 32 bytes. function CryptAcquireContext(out phProv: TCryptProv; szContainer: PChar; szProvider: PChar; dwProvType: DWord; dwFlags: DWord): boolean; //stdcall; External 'CryptAcquireContextA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CryptCreateHash(phProv: TCryptProv; Algid: TAlgID; hKey: TCryptKey; dwFlags: DWord; out phHash: TCrypthash): boolean; External 'CryptCreateHash@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CryptHashData(phHash: TCryptHash; aRes: PChar; dwDataLen: DWord; dwFlags: DWord): boolean; //stdcall; External 'CryptHashData@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CryptGetHashParam(phHash: TCryptHash; dwParam: Dword; out pbdata: TSHA_RES3; var dwDataLen: DWord; dwFlags: DWord): Boolean; //stdcall; External 'CryptGetHashParam@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CryptDestroyHash(phHash: TCryptHash): Boolean; //stdcall; External 'CryptDestroyHash@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function CryptReleaseContext(phProv: TCryptProv; dwFlags:DWord): boolean; //stdcall; External 'CryptReleaseContext@advapi32.dll stdcall'; //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380202%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 var ApplicationEvents1: TApplicationEvents; sha22: TSHA2 ; aha: THash ; //aha256: TSHA256Hash; //">//- //ahas: TSimpleHash ; shacon: SHA_CTX2; shares2: SHA_RES2; shares3: TSHA_RES3; hProv: TCryptProv; hhash: TCryptHash; hkey: TCryptKey; pbData: Pchar; bHash: array[0..$7F] of Byte; cbHashDataLen: dword; //byte; Const cFmtText = '%.2x'; cBase = 16; MAXTARGET = '00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'; function GetNumbers(const Value: string): string; var ch: char; Index, Count: integer; begin SetLength(Result, Length(Value)); Count := 0; for Index := 1 to length(Value) do begin ch := Value[Index]; if (ch >= '0') and (ch <='9') then begin inc(Count); Result[Count]:= ch; end; end; SetLength(Result, Count); end; function SHA1ADirect2(const fileName: string): string; var idsha: TIdHashSHA1; fs: TFileStream; begin idsha:= TIdHashSHA1.Create; fs:= TFileStream.Create(fileName,fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyWrite); try result:= idsha.AsHex(idsha.HashValue(fs)); finally fs.Free; idsha.Free; end; end; function SHA1ADirect3(const fileName: string): string; var fs: TFileStream; begin with TIdHashSHA1.Create do begin fs:= TFileStream.Create(fileName,fmOpenRead); try result:= AsHex(HashValue(fs)); finally fs.Free; Free end; end; end; function SHA1ADirect4(const fileName: string): string; begin with TIdHashSHA1.Create do begin try result:= AsHex(HashValue(TFileStream.Create(fileName, fmShareDenyNone))); finally Free end; end; end; procedure Read_BigEndien_u32_Hex(const Value: string; BinaryOut: TStream); var Idx, Nibble: integer; Ch: Char; isHighNibble: boolean; ByteValue: byte; begin ByteValue := 0; isHighNibble := True; for Idx := 1 to Length( Value) do begin Ch := Upcase( Value[ Idx]); if Ch = ' ' then continue; {$IFDEF UNICODE} if Ord( Ch) >= 256 then continue; {$ENDIF} if (Ch >= '0') and (Ch <= '9') then Nibble := Ord( Ch) - Ord( '0') else Nibble := Ord( Ch) - Ord( 'A') + 10; if (Nibble < 0) or (Nibble > 15) then raise; //Exception.Create( ''); if isHighNibble then ByteValue := Nibble shl 4 else begin ByteValue := ByteValue + Nibble; //BinaryOut.WriteBuffer( ByteValue, 1) end; isHighNibble := not isHighNibble end end; function SwapEndien_u32( Value: uint32): uint32; begin result := ((Value and $000000FF) shl 24) or ((Value and $0000FF00) shl 8) or ((Value and $00FF0000) shr 8) or ((Value and $FF000000) shr 24) end; type Int64Rec = record Hi: int64; Lo: cardinal; Words: array [0..3] of Word; Bytes: array [0..7] of Byte; end; Const HexSymbols = '0123456789ABCDEF'; function binToHEX_Str(const bin: array of byte): string; var i: integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2*Length(bin)); writeln('test length: '+itoa(length(bin))) for i:= 0 to Length(bin)-1 do begin Result[1 + 2*i + 0]:= HexSymbols[1 + bin[i] shr 4]; Result[1 + 2*i + 1]:= HexSymbols[1 + bin[i] and $0F]; end; end; function bintoAsciiX(const bin: array of byte): AnsiString; var i: integer; begin SetLength(Result, Length(bin)); for i:= 0 to Length(bin)-1 do Result[1+i]:= Chr(bin[i]); end; function bintobase64test(astr: string): string; var msobj: variant; begin msobj:= CreateOLEObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument'); //With msobj do begin msobj.LoadXML('') msobj.DocumentElement.DataType := 'bin.Hex'; //"bin.base64" msobj.DocumentElement.nodeTypedValue:= astr {ToHexString =} ReplaceStr(msobj.DocumentElement.text, LF, ''); result:= msobj.DocumentElement.text; msobj:= unassigned; End; // With type THashAlgorithm = (haMD5, haSHA1, haSHA2); function CalcHash(Archivo: string; Algorithm: THashAlgorithm): string; //overload; var Stream: TFileStream; begin Result:= 'EmptyStr'; if FileExists(Archivo) then try Stream:= TFileStream.Create(Archivo,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try //Result:= CalcHash(Stream,Algorithm); finally Stream.Free; end; except end; end; function CalcHash2(Str: string; Algorithm: THashAlgorithm): string; var Stream: TStringStream; begin Result:= 'EmptyStr'; Stream:= TStringStream.Create(Str); try //Result:= CalcHash(Stream,Algorithm); finally Stream.Free; end; end; function IsDriveReady3(const Drive: string): Boolean; var ErrorMode: Word; // current error mode DriveNum: Integer; // zero based number of drive begin Result := False; // Get zero based drive number //DriveNum := GetDriveNumber(Drive); if DriveNum = -1 then Exit; ErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try // DiskSize requires 1 based drive numbers // returns -1 for invalid drives if {SysUtils.}DiskSize(DriveNum + 1) <> -1 then Result := True; finally {Windows.}SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); end; end; procedure write2(amemo: TMemo); begin for it:= 1 to 10 do writeln(amemo.lines[it]) end; var vtext : variant; var vSHA256 : variant; //As Object var shastr: string; Begin //@main //calls some test functions printF('this is %.18f ',[maxCalc('sqr(cos(ln(2)^e))')]); printF('this is Area of r=1 %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI*(1^2)')]); printF('this is Area of d=2r %.18f ',[maxCalc('PI/4*(2^2)')]); writeln(getVersionString(exepath+'maxbox4.exe')); (* sr:= loadFileAsString(exepath+'maxbox_functions_all.pdf'); writeln('file compare J: '+inttoStr(CompText(sr, sr))); writeln('file lenght size: '+intToStr(length(sr))); writeln('getSystemDir: '+botostr(getSystemDirectory2(sr))) writeln(sr) *) writeln('UpTime: '+UpTime) writeln(B2X(255)) { I was developing a program that validate a CPF, a type of document of my country. I already did all the math. But in the input Edit1, the user will insert like: 123.456.789-00 I have to get only the numbers, without the hyphen and the dots, to my calcs worth. } sr:= '123.456.789-00$p' writeln(ReplaceRegExpr('\D',sr,'',true)) //\D is a non-digit, and \W is a non-word character, both should work) Writeln(GetNumbers('123.456.789-00')); //https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Hashes {hello 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 (first round of sha-256) 9595c9df90075148eb06860365df33584b75bff782a510c6cd4883a419833d50 (second round of sha-256)} (* writeln(SHA256('hello','S')); writeln(lowercase('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824')) //writeln(hextobin2('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824')) writeln(hextostr('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824')) writeln(hextoascii('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824')) writeln('hexto: test' +msHEXtocharacterset('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824')) writeln(asciitohex(',òMº_°£&è;*Źâž\§B^s3b“‹˜$')) writeln('length: ' +itoa(length(',òMº_°£&è;*Źâž\§B^s3b“‹˜$'))) writeln(SHA256(hextoascii('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824'),'S')); writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256(hextostr('2CF24DBA5FB0A30E26E83B2AC5B9E29E1B161E5C1FA7425E73043362938B9824'),'S')))); writeln('doubleSHA: '+deblank(SHA256(hextoStr(strdelete('$',deblank(SHA256('hello','S')))),'S'))) writeln('doubleSHA: '+deblank(SHA256(hextoAscii(strdelete('$',deblank(SHA256('hello','S')))),'S'))) //writeln('allinone:' +deblank(lowercase(SHA256(deblank(trimleadl(hextostr(SHA256('hello','S')))),'S')))); *) //https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Proof_of_work (*writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256('Hello, world!0','S')))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256('Hello, world!1','S')))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256('Hello, world!2','S')))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA512('Hello, world!2','S')))) writeln(cstrtohex(tlsp_SHA256('Hello, world!0','',24))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256('Hello, world!4248','S')))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256('Hello, world!4249','S')))) writeln(deblank(lowercase(computeSHA256('Hello, world!4250','S')))) writeln(cstrtohex(tlsp_SHA256('Hello, world!4250','',29))) wr3iteln(deblank(lowercase(computeSHA256('Hello, world!4250','S')))) *) writeln('length(MAXTARGET: '+itoa(length(MAXTARGET))) //writeln(deblank(lowercase(SHA256(MAXTARGET,'S')))) sha22:= TSHA2.create(SHA_256) sha22:= Nil; selfTestcFundamentutils; //writeln('libeay32version: '+libeay32version) //SHA256Init(shacon); -----------ADVAPI32.DLL------------------ sr:= filetoString(exepath+'maXbox4.exe'); SHA_CTXInit(shacon) // SHA_CTXUpdate(shacon, 'maXbox!!', length('maXbox!!')) SHA_CTXUpdate(shacon, sr, length(sr)) SHA_CTXGetResult(shacon, shares2); writeln(itoa(shacon.count)) writeln('SHA1: '+(binToHEX_Str(shares2))) //advanced API SHA256 ---------------------------------------------- writeln('context: '+botostr(CryptAcquireContext(hProv, '', '', PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))); writeln('create: '+ botostr(CryptCreateHash(hProv,CALG_SHA256,hkey,0,hHash))); // Procedure CryptCreateHash(phProv: TCryptProv; Algid: TAlgID; hKey: // TCryptKey; dwFlags: DWord; out phHash: TCryptHash); pbData:= 'maXbox!?lkkoojjhg,'; sr:= filetoString(exepath+'maXbox4.exe'); //sr:= 'Hello, world!4250'; //bitcoin miner ex. 0000C3AF... writeln('cryptdata: ' +botostr(CryptHashData(hhash,sr,length(sr),0))); cbHashDataLen:= 32; if (CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL,shares3,cbHashDataLen, 0)) then begin for it:= 1 to cbHashDataLen do shastr:= shastr +UpperCase(IntToHex((shares3[it]),2)); writeln('SHA256: '+shastr) end; writeln('SHA256: '+(binToHEX_Str(shares3))) println('destroy hash-hnd: '+botostr(CryptDestroyHash(hhash))); println('Crypt_ReleaseContext: '+botostr(CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0))); // V2.4.6.10 August 2017 writeln(version) if version = '' then writeln('SHA256: '+deblank(getSHA256(sr))) //writeln(sha256(sr,'S')) //writeln('SHA256: '+cstrtoHex(shastr)) // writeln(cstrtohex(synsha1(sr))) // writeln(sha1(exepath+'maXbox4.exe')) // writeln(sha256(exepath+'maXbox4.exe','F')) //https://gist.github.com/jermity/b81622a2b10449c6be99 (* vtext:= CreateOLEObject('System.Text.UTF8Encoding'); vSHA256:= CreateOLEObject('System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed'); //ToHexexString //cstrtohex(vSHA256.ComputeHash_2((vtext.GetBytes_4('mypassword')))) writeln(UTF8toAnsi(vtext.GetBytes_4('mypasswordpo'))); //vSHA256.ComputeHash_2(UTF8toAnsi(vtext.GetBytes_4('mypassword'))) //vSHA256.ComputeHash_2(); vtext:= unassigned; vSHA256:= unassigned; *) //getdrivenumber //TMimeChar //InlineEmailEx //TClamSend //writeln(botostr(IsDriveReady('D'))) // write2(memo2) End. Doc: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This code assumes that the handle of a cryptographic context // has been acquired and that a hash object has been created // and its handle (hHash) is available. CryptAcquireContext(hProv, nil, nil, PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT); CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA256, nil, 0, hHash); cbHashDataLen := 32; // sha256 = 32 bytes. Ref: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Target https://bitcoinwisdom.com/ http://www.delphipraxis.net/155688-mini-sha1.html https://www.clubdelphi.com/foros/showthread.php?t=80799 //Exception: OLE error 80131700. It's important to realize that block generation is not a long, set problem (like doing a million hashes), but more like a lottery. Each hash basically gives you a random number between 0 and the maximum value of a 256-bit number (which is huge). If your hash is below the target, then you win. If not, you increment the nonce (completely changing the hash) and try again. Die Schwierigkeit wird alle 2016 Blöcke angepasst. Das Netzwerk versucht, die Schwierigkeit so anzupassen, dass es das mit der Leistung des gesamten Netzwerks ungefähr 14 Tage dauert um 2016 Blöcke herzustellen. Deshalb steigt wenn die Leistung des Netzwerks zunimmt, die Schwierigkeit ebenfalls. Es gibt zwei grundlegende Varianten um zu minen: Alleine oder als Mitglied eines Pools. Wenn Sie alleine minen möchten, lesen Sie am Besten hier nach, wie Sie die Bitcoin-Software installieren und für eine JSON-RPC-Verbindung (siehe: Running Bitcoin (Wiki)) konfigurieren. Die andere Option ist es einem Mining-Pool beizutreten. Es gibt mehrere Pools, aus denen Sie wählen können. Bei einem Pool wird der Gewinn aus jedem Block, der ein Mitglied generiert durch alle Mitglieder des Pools geteilt. Der Vorteil den Sie durch den Beitritt eines Pools erhalten sind regelmässigere und gleichmässige Auszahlungen. Diese fallen jedoch kleiner aus. Wenn Sie alleine minen erhalten Sie grössere und unregelmässigere Auszahlungen. Letztendlich verdienen Sie jedoch etwa dasselbe. https://www.weusecoins.com/de/mining-anleitung/ "Hello, world!0" => 1312af178c253f84028d480a6adc1e25e81caa44c749ec81976192e2ec934c64 "Hello, world!4248" => 6e110d98b388e77e9c6f042ac6b497cec46660deef75a55ebc7cfdf65cc0b965 "Hello, world!4249" => c004190b822f1669cac8dc37e761cb73652e7832fb814565702245cf26ebb9e6 "Hello, world!4250" => 0000c3af42fc31103f1fdc0151fa747ff87349a4714df7cc52ea464e12dcd4e9 The Bitcoin Protocol-specification gives an example of double-SHA-256 encoding. hello 2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 (first round of sha-256) 9595c9df90075148eb06860365df33584b75bff782a510c6cd4883a419833d50 (second round of sha-256) Doc: I've tried various SHA256 calculators and the first encoding matches no problem, but the second always resolves to d7914fe546b684688bb95f4f888a92dfc680603a75f23eb823658031fff766d9 I've also tried UPPERCASE and swapping the byte endianness. Just semantics, but to avoid a common misunderstanding: sha256 does hashing, not encoding. Encoding is something entirely different. For one it implies it can be decoded, whereas hashing is strictly a one-way (and destructive) operation. – RocketNuts Feb 29 at 18:48 You're hashing the hexadecimal representation of the first hash. You need to hash the actual hash -- the binary data that the hex represents. Try this: $ echo -n hello |openssl dgst -sha256 -binary |openssl dgst -sha256 lambda: a+b --> a.+(b) type TCaptionTextControl = class(TControl); TCaptionTextControl(Controls[i]).Caption := 'Whatever you Want'; Proposal for Abreviation Symbol: 01 FALSE //Contradiction 02 AND //Conjunction x*y 03 INHIB //Inhibition x*^y 04 PRAEP //Praependence x 05 PRAE //Praesection ^x*y 06 POST //Postpendence y 07 XOR //Exclusive OR x*^y+^x*y 08 OR //Disjunction OR = x+y 09 NOR //Rejection 10 AEQ //Aequivalence x<-->y, ^x*^y+x*y 11 NEGY //YNegation ^y 12 IMPY //YImplication y-->x; x+^y 13 NEGX //Xnegation ^x 14 IMPX //XImplication x-->y; ^x+y 15 NAND //Exclusion 16 TRUE //TRUE Tautologic //ShellExecute in W64 //ExecuteCommand('cmd','/k FC /L/N C:\maxbook\maxbox3\maxbox391.exe C:\maxbook\maxbox3\maxbox3.exe') // ExecuteCommand('cmd','/k FC /L /N C:\maxbook\maxbox3\maxboxdef1.ini C:\maxbook\maxbox3\maxboxdef2.ini') getRulesbyContract couple of slides i have but you got the point one important things that i want to stress difference between data and delta is the difference units to add : // // Create SHA256 hash for input buffer using OpenSSL functions // void CreateSha256Hash(BYTE *byteBuffer, DWORD dwSize) { BYTE byteResultHash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA256_CTX c; //initialize hash functions SHA256_Init(&c); //add the input buffer for hash creation SHA256_Update(&c, byteBuffer, dwSize); //Finalize and get the hash data SHA256_Final(byteResultHash, &c); } type ... sha256: TDCP_sha256; var result, ss:string; i, x: integer; myDigestSha2: array[0..31] of byte; f:textfile; //collecting file names in a cycle that running few minutes to the TStringList ... for x := 1 to TStringList1.items.count do begin ss := TStringList1.items[x]; sha256.Burn; sha256.Init; sha256.UpdateStr(ss); sha256.Final(myDigestSha2); for i:= 0 to 31 do result := result + IntToHex(myDigestSha2[i],2); assignfile(f,'myfile.hsh'); rewrite(f); writeln (f,result); closefile(f); end; #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff729221(VS.85).aspx typedef struct { ULONG i[2]; ULONG buf[4]; unsigned char in[64]; unsigned char digest[16]; } MD5_CTX; void WINAPI MD5Init(MD5_CTX*); void WINAPI MD5Update(MD5_CTX*, unsigned char* input, unsigned int inlen); void WINAPI MD5Final(MD5_CTX*); Function ToHexString(rabyt) 'Ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1118947/converting-binary-file-to-base64-string With CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") .LoadXML "" .DocumentElement.DataType = "bin.Hex" .DocumentElement.nodeTypedValue = rabyt ToHexString = Replace(.DocumentElement.text, vbLf, "") End With End Function