{*************************************************************** * Project : Snowflake and Time Routines - on progress * App Name : 491_analogmeter.TXT, #locs=537 * Purpose : Demonstrates component, #file:e.txtsnowflake.txtial.txt * Date : #sign>4 PM max: MAXBOX8: 12/11/2014 8:26:16 PM M * History : convert analogmeter to maXbox Aug 2014 * : add time routines and tickcount to LED : animates a sprite, if XP then ProcessMessagesOFF; ****************************************************************} Program Snowflake3; {@BOOL WINAPI MessageBeep( __in UINT uType );} function MessageBoxTimeOut(hWnd: HWND; lpText:PChar; lpCaption:PChar; uType: UINT; wLanguageId: WORD; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): Integer; external 'MessageBoxTimeoutA@user32.dll stdcall'; procedure CloseClick(Sender: TObject; var action: TCloseAction); forward; Const BACKMAP = 'examples\images\bmp47.bmp'; //BACKMAP = 'examples\images\bmp33.bmp'; BITMAP1 = 'examples\images\empty.bmp'; //BITMAP1 = 'examples\images\bmp21.bmp'; //try another combinations //BITMAP2 = 'examples\images\bmp29.bmp'; //BITMAP2 = 'examples\images\bmp33.bmp'; SAVEPATH = 'examples\treeview_300.txt'; AExponent = 4; ANIMATEDELAY = 6; var mytimestamp: TDateTime; osType: TIdWin32Type; bfrm: TForm; FPicled, FPicRed, FPicGreen: TBitMap; anamtr, anamtr0: TAnalogMeter; {Windows Date and Time Sometimes you need to send a date and time through the Windows API. However, Windows uses its own date and time type: TSystemTime. Convert between TDateTime and TSystemTime using one of the following methods: } procedure ChangeTime; var delphi_datetime: tDateTime; windows_datetime: tSystemTime; three_years_from_now: tDateTime; year, month, day: word; hour, min, sec, msec: word; begin delphi_datetime := now; DateTimeToSystemTime( delphi_datetime, windows_datetime ); SetSystemTime( windows_datetime ); // get the system time GetSystemTime( windows_datetime ); delphi_datetime:= SystemTimeToDateTime( windows_datetime ); writeln(datetimetoStr(delphi_datetime)) // Is it morning or afternoon? DecodeTime( time, hour, min, sec, msec ); if hour < 12 then ShowMessage( 'Good morning!' ) else ShowMessage( 'Good afternoon!' ); //if DayOfWeek( date ) in [1, 7] {if DayOfWeek( date ) = (1 OR 7) then ShowMessage( 'Yeah! It''s the weekend!' ) else ShowMessage( 'Alas, it is a workday...' )} DecodeDate( date, year, month, day ); //inc( year, 3 ); YEAR:= year + 3; three_years_from_now := EncodeDate( year, month, day ) writeln('three_years_from_now '+datetimetoStr(three_years_from_now)) writeln(FormatDateTime('"Today is" dddd",the" d"th" of mmmm", AD" yyyy.',date)); writeln(FormatDateTime('"And the time is" h:mm ampm.',time)) end; //And, at last, I would like to share one function that could be util if someone need to display total time greater 23:59 - not provide by Delphi: function FullTimeToStr(SUMTime: TDateTime): string; var StrHor, StrMin :string; TotHor :double; begin TotHor := SUMTime *24; if (TotHor -Trunc(TotHor)) > 0.9999 then TotHor := Round(TotHor); StrHor := FormatFloat('##0:', Int(TotHor)); StrMin := FormatDateTime('nn:ss', Frac(TotHor)/24); Result := StrHor +StrMin; end; Procedure usage; begin writeln('Usage: Snow '); writeln(' where is between 1 and 6'); halt; end; Function readcycles: Longint; var cycles : Longint; begin cycles:= 5; //if paramcount <> 1 then usage; {cycles := ord(paramstr(1)[1]) - ord('0'); if (cycles > 6) or (cycles < 1) then usage;} result:= cycles; end; var dx : array [0..11] of real; dy : array [0..11] of real; sd : array [0..6] of Longint; rd : array [0..6] of Longint; sn : array [0..6] of Longint; ln : array [0..6] of real; a : real; nc : Longint; x, y, t : real; //w : pWindow; //s : pScreen; rp : longint; //pRastPort; n : Longint; d, ns, i, j : Longint; l : real; // m : pMessage; //const pens : array [0..0] of integer; procedure initarrays; begin sd[0] := 0; rd[3] := 10; rd[0] := 0; sd[4] := 0; sd[1] := 1; rd[4] := 0; rd[1] := 0; sd[5] := 0; sd[2] := 1; rd[5] := 2; rd[2] := 7; sd[6] := 1; sd[3] := 0; rd[6] := 2; for n := 0 to 6 do ln[n] := 1.0 / 3.0; ln[2] := sqrt(ln[1]); a := 0.0; for n := 6 to 11 do begin dy[n] := sin(a); dx[n] := cos(a); a := a + 0.52359; end; for n := 0 to 5 do begin dx[n] := -(dx[n + 6]); dy[n] := -(dy[n + 6]); end; x := 534.0; y := 151.0; t := 324.0; end; procedure snowflakeStart; var repc: integer; begin; nc := readcycles(); initarrays; //s := OpenScreenTags(nil, [SA_Pens, @pens, {SA_Depth, 2, SA_DisplayID, HIRES_KEY, SA_Title, 'Simple Fractal SnowFlakes', TAG_END]); } {if s = NIL then CleanUp('No screen',20); w := OpenWindowTags(nil, [ WA_IDCMP, IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW, WA_Left, 0, WA_Top, s^.BarHeight +1, WA_Width, s^.Width, WA_Height, s^.Height - (s^.BarHeight + 1), WA_DepthGadget, ltrue, WA_DragBar, ltrue, WA_CloseGadget, ltrue, WA_ReportMouse, ltrue, WA_SmartRefresh, ltrue, WA_Activate, ltrue, WA_Title, 'Close the Window to Quit', WA_CustomScreen, s, TAG_END]); if w = nil then CleanUp('No window',20); } rp:= bfrm.width; //width; //w^.RPort; //SetAPen(rp,2); for n := 0 to nc do sn[n] := 0; repc:= 0; bfrm.canvas.pen.color:= clRed; bfrm.canvas.Moveto(trunc(x), trunc(y)+200); anamtr.value:= 1 repeat // cyclecount: 16807 inc(repc) if repc mod 168 = 0 then anamtr.value:= anamtr.value+1; d := 0; l := t; ns := 0; for n := 1 to nc do begin // anamtr.value:= anamtr.value+1; i := sn[n]; l := l * ln[i]; j := sn[n - 1]; ns := ns + sd[j]; if odd(ns) then d := (d + 12 - rd[i]) mod 12 else d := (d + rd[i]) mod 12; end; x := x + 1.33 * l * dx[d]; y := y - 1.2 * l * dy[d]; bfrm.canvas.Lineto(trunc(x), trunc(y)+200); sn[nc]:= sn[nc] + 1; n := nc; while (n >= 1) and (sn[n] = 7) do begin sn[n]:= 0; sn[n - 1]:= sn[n - 1] + 1; n:= n - 1; // anamtr.value:= anamtr.value+1; end; until sn[0] <> 0; {m := WaitPort(w^.UserPort); forbid; repeat m := GetMsg(w^.UserPort); until m = nil;} //permit; //CleanUp('',0); writeln('snowflake cyclecount: '+itoa(repc)); end; procedure TForm1_DrawEllipseFromCenter(Canvas: TCanvas; CenterOfEllipse: TPoint; RadiusOfCircle: Integer); var R: TRect; begin with Canvas do begin R.Top := CenterOfEllipse.Y - RadiusOfCircle; R.Left := CenterOfEllipse.X - RadiusOfCircle; R.Bottom := CenterOfEllipse.Y + RadiusOfCircle; R.Right := CenterOfEllipse.X + RadiusOfCircle; //Ellipse(220,220,12,12) Ellipse1(R) //Ellipse(R.top,r.left,r.bottom,r.right); MoveTo(CenterOfEllipse.X, CenterOfEllipse.Y); LineTo(CenterOfEllipse.X, CenterOfEllipse.Y); end; end; //[/DELPHI] procedure drawvoid(step: integer); var x,y, pct, beginx, beginy: integer; begin //fill(0, 2); //rect(0, 0, width, height); pct:= pct + step; if (pct < 1.0) then x:= 200 + (pct * 10{distX}); y:= 200 + round(pow(pct, 3) * 10{distY}); //fill(255); bfrm.canvas.ellipse(x, y, 20, 20); //}*) end; procedure BitmapFormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //FMask.LoadFromFile(exepath+'examples\citymax.bmp'); FPicled:= TBitMap.Create; FPicRed:= TBitMap.Create; FPicGreen:= TBitMap.Create; FPicled.LoadFromFile(Exepath+'\examples\images\yellow1.bmp'); FPicRed.LoadFromFile(Exepath+'\examples\images\red1.bmp'); FPicGreen.LoadFromFile(Exepath+'\examples\images\green1.bmp'); Screen.Cursor:= crCross;//loadCursor(hinstance,'Pan_All'); //crCross; end; //********************************Event Handler*****************************// procedure MeterClick(Sender: TObject); var idx: integer; begin TAnalogMeter(sender).value:= TAnalogMeter(sender).value +2; end; procedure BtnAddClick(Sender: TObject); var ap: TPoint; begin {If nothing is selected} bfrm.canvas.draw(600,200, FPicGreen); anamtr.value:= anamtr.value+10; ap.x:= random(300)+100 ap.y:= random(300)+100 //anamtr.value:= anamtr.value+1; //meterClick(anamtr) TForm1_DrawEllipseFromCenter(bfrm.Canvas, ap, 50 { radius of circle }); end; procedure RemoveClick(Sender: TObject); begin bfrm.canvas.draw(600,200, FPicRed); anamtr.value:= anamtr.value-10; //anamtr.value:= anamtr.value-1; end; procedure CloseClick(Sender: TObject; var action: TCloseAction); begin FPicled.Free; FPicRed.Free; FPicGreen.Free; action:= caFree; Screen.Cursor:= crDefault; writeln('Analog Snowflake Outline Form being closed'); end; procedure CloseButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin bfrm.Close; //calls close click end; procedure SaveCanvas(Sender: TObject); begin //save and open pic SaveCanvas2(bfrm.canvas, ExePath+'snowflakemeter.png') writeln('Canvas saved as: '+ExePath+'snowflakemeter.png'); OpenDoc(ExePath+'snowflakemeter.png'); end; //********************************Form Builder*****************************// procedure InitBitmapForm; var RootNode: TTreeNode; myc: TCollection; //images: TCustomImagelist; i: byte; begin bfrm:= TForm.create(self); //mt.free; in on close with bfrm do begin FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; Position:= poScreenCenter; caption:='Merry Christmas and Happy new Year 2015 '; color:= clblack; width:= 850; height:= 700; //canvas.Pen.mode:= pmNotXor; onClose:= @CloseClick; onDblClick:= @SaveCanvas; //canvas.brush.bitmap.loadfromfile(Exepath+backmap); Show; canvas.draw(300,350, getbitmapObject(Exepath+'\examples\citymax.bmp')); end; with TBitBtn.create(bfrm) do begin parent:= bfrm; setbounds(500,580,150,55) font.size:= 12; glyph.LoadFromRes(HINSTANCE,'CL_MPSTOP'); mXButton(05,05,width, height,12,12,handle); caption:= '&Close XMAS '; onClick:= @closeButtonClick; end; with TBitBtn.Create(bfrm) do begin Parent:= bfrm; setbounds(180,580,150, 55); caption:= 'A&dd Happiness'; font.size:= 12; glyph.LoadFromRes(HINSTANCE,'CL_MPNEXT'); mXButton(05,05,width, height,12,12,handle); onClick:= @BtnAddClick; end; with TBitBtn.Create(bfrm) do begin Parent:= bfrm; setbounds(340,580,150, 55); caption:= '&Reduce Trouble'; font.size:= 12; glyph.LoadFromRes(getHINSTANCE,'CL_MPPREV'); mXButton(05,05,width, height,12,12,handle); onClick:= @RemoveClick; end; with TStatusBar.create(bfrm) do begin parent:= bfrm; simplepanel:= true; color:= clyellow; //align:= alleft; showhint:= true; hint:= 'this is 2015 box'; //simpletext.font.size:= 12; simpletext:= 'this is analogue status bar on the new year 2015'; //visible:= true; //alignment:= alleft; end; anamtr:= TAnalogMeter.create(self); with anamtr do begin parent:= bfrm; //clear; caption:= 'Merry XMAS 2015'; setbounds(500,250,240,220); tickcolor:= clred; tickcount:= 11; value:= 25; visible; font.color:= clred; //ctl3d //alignment end; for i:= 10 to 100 do begin anamtr.value:= anamtr.value + 1; sleep(50); end; for i:= 100 downto 11 do begin anamtr.value:= anamtr.value - 1; sleep(50) end; end; function maxcalcfunc(a: extended): extended; begin result:= cotan(a); end; procedure maxcalc_demo; begin printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('ln(2)+fact(388)+2!')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('(4!)^(3!)')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('4!+4!')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('log(22)')]); printF('this is logN %.6f',[maXcalc('2%256')]); writeln('ln(e): '+floattostr(maXcalc('ln(e)'))) writeln(floattostr(maXcalc('e+10^6'))) printF('addition theorem %.18f ',[maXcalc('sin(2.5/2)')]) printF('addition theorem %.18f ',[maXcalc('sqrt(1/2*(1-cos(2.5)))')]) printF('addition theorem2 %22.18f ',[maXcalc('cos(2.5/2)')]) printF('addition theorem2 %22.18f ',[maXcalc('sqrt(1/2*(1+cos(2.5)))')]) maXcalcF('2%256+2^10'); end; var myus: TUserfunction; aobj: TObject; //mylog: TFoLog; //it: integer; bitstyle: TBitmapstyle; UserSpaceAvail, TotalSpaceAvail, DiskSize: Comp; {disk size} shdig: TSHA1Digest; Center: TPoint; begin //main of animationbox //InifileRead; ProcessMessagesON; writeln('Thread ID :'+intToStr(CurrentThreadID)) writeln('Process ID :'+intToStr(CurrentProcessID)) writeln('machine name is: '+getHostName) writeln('user name is: '+getUserName) osType:= Win32Type; writeln('OS Type is: '+intToStr(ord(osType))); mytimestamp:= GetFileCreationTime(exepath+'maxbox3.exe') writeln(DateTimeToStr(mytimestamp)+' for maXbox3 file') //SearchAndOpenDoc(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'docs\maxbox_starter16.pdf') //ExecuteCommand('cmd','/k dir *.*') BitmapFormCreate(self); InitBitmapForm; //FormDrawBitmap(Exepath+BACKMAP,10,10, bfrm.canvas); //bfrm.canvas.brush.bitmap.loadfromfile(Exepath+backmap); //bfrm.canvas.draw(300,200, getbitmapObject(Exepath+backmap)); bfrm.canvas.brush.bitmap:= getbitmapObject(Exepath+backmap); bfrm.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(200,200,100,100)); //bfrm.canvas.brush.bitmap.width:= 300; //FormDrawBitmap(BITMAP2,540,10, bfrm.canvas); CurrencyFormat; //VarComplexToPolar //CheckSynchronize if isMultiThread then writeln('multi thread christmaX'); //maXbox myus:= @maxcalcfunc; maxform1.mxNavigator.color:= clyellow; bitstyle:= bsCentered; //printimage(getbitmapObject(Exepath+backmap),bscentered); writeln(inttostr(vk_back)) writeln(inttostr(vk_F1)) //formatmasktext //MaskGetMaskSave GetEnvironmentInfo; writeln('DriveDelim= '+DriveDelim) maXcalc_demo; maXcalcF('ln(e)'); //dpGetTempFolder //GetTempFile //function GetSomeFileInfo( aFile : string; aWhatInfo : TSomeFileInfo) : string'); writeln(GetSomeFileInfo(exepath+'maxbox3.exe', fi_DisplayType)); writeln(TBGetTempFolder+' '+TBGetTempFile+' ' +TBGetModuleFilename+inttostr(TBGetFileSize(exepath+'maxbox3.exe',1))); writeln('windir: ' +windir) //ExpandMacro('%WINDIR%\Media\notify.wav'); if PlaySound(windir+'\Media\notify.wav', 0, SND_FILENAME or SND_SYNC) then writeln('sound on box fox'); {writeln(itoa(ComputeFileCRC32(exepath+'\maxbox3.exe'))); writeln(sha1(exepath+'\maxbox3.exe')) shdig:= GetSHA1OfFile(false,exepath+'\maxbox3.exe'); for i:= 0 to 19 do write(bytetohex(shdig[i]));} //changetime; SnowflakeStart; //{ ... } Center.X := 70; Center.Y := 70; TForm1_DrawEllipseFromCenter(bfrm.Canvas, Center, 40 { radius of circle }); showmessagebig('Happy New Year 2015'); End. http://www.be-precision.com/products/precision-builder/express/webhelp/en/topics/PSSyntax.htm ------------------------------------------------ Windows crashed again. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your screams. Three things are certain: Death, taxes, and lost data. Guess which has occurred. There is no place like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sneakers_%281992_film%29 procedure CurrencyFormat; var fSettings: TFormatSettings; begin GetLocaleFormatSettings(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, fSettings); writeln(fsettings.timeAMString); writeln(fsettings.longDateFormat); writeln(fsettings.shortDateFormat); //writeln(currtostrF writeln('currtostrFS 1234.56 formats with setting as = '+ CurrToStrFS(1234.5678989, ffCurrency, 4, fSettings)); writeln(FloatToStrF(1234.5678989, ffCurrency, 6, 6)); writeln('currtostrFS and back as = '+ CurrToStrFS(strToCurr('1234.5678989'), ffCurrency, 4, fSettings)); end; procedure maxcalc_demo; begin printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('ln(2)+fact(388)+2!')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('(4!)^(3!)')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('4!+4!')]); printF('this is %.6f',[maXcalc('log(22)')]); printF('this is logN %.6f',[maXcalc('2%256')]); writeln('ln(e): '+floattostr(maXcalc('ln(e)'))) writeln(floattostr(maXcalc('e+10^6'))) printF('addition theorem %.18f ',[maXcalc('sin(2.5/2)')]) printF('addition theorem %.18f ',[maXcalc('sqrt(1/2*(1-cos(2.5)))')]) printF('addition theorem2 %22.18f ',[maXcalc('cos(2.5/2)')]) printF('addition theorem2 %22.18f ',[maXcalc('sqrt(1/2*(1+cos(2.5)))')]) maXcalcF('2%256+2^10'); end; 50000 = 0.693137180659968 100000 = 0.693142180584982 500000 = 0.693146180561005 10^6 = 0.693146680560255 5*10^6 = 0.693147080560068 50*10^6= 0.693147170560399 //Runtime: 0:28:22.422 ln(2) = 0.693147180559945 (* zeta:= 0; for i:= 1 to 50000 do if i mod 2 = 0 then zeta:= zeta - 1/i else zeta:= zeta + 1/i; writeln('harmonic alternate to ln(2): '+floattostr(zeta)) writeln(floattostr(maxcalc('ln(2)'))) writeln(floattostr(ln2)) *) ***********************************Thread Class ***************************** TThread = class private {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FHandle: THandle; FThreadID: THandle; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} // ** FThreadID is not THandle in Linux ** FThreadID: Cardinal; FCreateSuspendedSem: TSemaphore; FInitialSuspendDone: Boolean; {$ENDIF} FCreateSuspended: Boolean; FTerminated: Boolean; FSuspended: Boolean; FFreeOnTerminate: Boolean; FFinished: Boolean; FReturnValue: Integer; FOnTerminate: TNotifyEvent; FSynchronize: TSynchronizeRecord; FFatalException: TObject; procedure CallOnTerminate; class procedure Synchronize(ASyncRec: PSynchronizeRecord; QueueEvent: Boolean = False); overload; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetPriority: TThreadPriority; procedure SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} // ** Priority is an Integer value in Linux function GetPriority: Integer; procedure SetPriority(Value: Integer); function GetPolicy: Integer; procedure SetPolicy(Value: Integer); {$ENDIF} procedure SetSuspended(Value: Boolean); protected procedure CheckThreadError(ErrCode: Integer); overload; procedure CheckThreadError(Success: Boolean); overload; procedure DoTerminate; virtual; procedure Execute; virtual; abstract; procedure Queue(AMethod: TThreadMethod); overload; procedure Synchronize(AMethod: TThreadMethod); overload; property ReturnValue: Integer read FReturnValue write FReturnValue; property Terminated: Boolean read FTerminated; public constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure AfterConstruction; override; procedure Resume; procedure Suspend; procedure Terminate; function WaitFor: LongWord; class procedure Queue(AThread: TThread; AMethod: TThreadMethod); overload; class procedure RemoveQueuedEvents(AThread: TThread; AMethod: TThreadMethod); class procedure StaticQueue(AThread: TThread; AMethod: TThreadMethod); class procedure Synchronize(AThread: TThread; AMethod: TThreadMethod); overload; class procedure StaticSynchronize(AThread: TThread; AMethod: TThreadMethod); property FatalException: TObject read FFatalException; property FreeOnTerminate: Boolean read FFreeOnTerminate write FFreeOnTerminate; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} property Handle: THandle read FHandle; property Priority: TThreadPriority read GetPriority write SetPriority; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} // ** Priority is an Integer ** property Priority: Integer read GetPriority write SetPriority; property Policy: Integer read GetPolicy write SetPolicy; {$ENDIF} property Suspended: Boolean read FSuspended write SetSuspended; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} property ThreadID: THandle read FThreadID; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} // ** ThreadId is Cardinal ** property ThreadID: Cardinal read FThreadID; {$ENDIF} property OnTerminate: TNotifyEvent read FOnTerminate write FOnTerminate; end; http://www.hitekdev.com/delphi/BITMAPANIMATION.html void draw() { fill(0, 2); rect(0, 0, width, height); pct += step; if (pct < 1.0) { x = beginX + (pct * distX); y = beginY + (pow(pct, exponent) * distY); } fill(255); ellipse(x, y, 20, 20); } function FindRootNode(ACaption: String; ATreeView: TTreeView): TTreeNode; var LCount: Integer; begin result := nil; LCount := 0; while (LCount < ATreeView.Items.Count) and (result = nil) do begin if (ATreeView.Items.Item[LCount].Text = ACaption) and (ATreeView.Items.Item[LCount].Parent = nil) then result := ATreeView.Items.Item[LCount]; inc(LCount); end; end; ... Loading TTreeView items from XML Once we have the XML representation of the tree view items, we can use it to populate the tree view. When the application starts, the XML2Tree procedure is called to construct the tree. The tree parameter is a reference to a TTreeView component we are populating; the XMLDoc parameter points to a TXMLDocument component. In this case we are using the TXMLDocument component dropped on a form. procedure XML2Tree( tree : TTreeView; XMLDoc : TXMLDocument); var iNode : IXMLNode; procedure ProcessNode( Node : IXMLNode; tn : TTreeNode); var cNode : IXMLNode; begin if Node = nil then Exit; with Node do begin tn := tree.Items.AddChild(tn, Attributes['text']); tn.ImageIndex := Integer(Attributes['imageIndex']); tn.StateIndex := Integer(Attributes['stateIndex']); end; cNode := Node.ChildNodes.First; while cNode <> nil do begin ProcessNode(cNode, tn); cNode := cNode.NextSibling; end; end; (*ProcessNode*) begin tree.Items.Clear; XMLDoc.FileName := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0),'.XML'); XMLDoc.Active := True; iNode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.First; while iNode <> nil do begin ProcessNode(iNode,nil); iNode := iNode.NextSibling; end; XMLDoc.Active := False; end; http://jedi.grizzlydev.com/www/art_usingtreeviews.html In modern times, a configuration file has to be an XML standard so you want to parse that file to get the elements from corresponding nodes. Answer: First you have to import the Type library. This will create a wrapper class for that component and all you have to do is to name it in uses in your unit. I used msxml.dll(Version 2.0) to install the XML parsing components in the IDE through the Import Type Library option. See for more details: Importing XML DOM Parser in Delphi /ID 2021 Second we produce a simple XML file like a configuration file: (Name the file myconfig.xml) (Strange things happen (cause the xml interpreter in d3k-editor) with a well-formed file after submit the article, so I had to cancel first tags between databases and databases ) please download the file: http://max.kleiner.com/myconfig.xml ****************************************************************************** ----Simple Browser started---- // Run asynchronously (wait for process to exit) and use pipes so we can read the output pipe hProcess.Options := hProcess.Options + [poWaitOnExit, poUsePipes]; // Now run: http://www.delphibasics.info/home/delphibasicssnippets/processunitbyaphexwithexample http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=scriptfunctions