PROGRAM PPM2BitMap2ppmFix2PNG_V3; // // // // { write ppm ok - read from sphere ppm now solved! for Tutorial 78 } // CONST SHADES ='.:!*oe&#%@' ; procedure PlaySurpriseMedia2; var wmp: Variant; //Maybe you'll be more comfortable with automation. //I believe it would provide most functionality as interfaces provide. begin wmp:= CreateOleObject('WMPlayer.OCX'); //wmp.OpenPlayer(Exepath+'examples\maxbox.wav'); if ISInternet then begin wmp.URL:= ''; wmp.OpenPlayer(wmp.URL); end else wmp.OpenPlayer(Exepath+'examples\maxbox.wav'); //; end; procedure ColorToRGB4(const Color: Integer; out R, G, B: Byte); begin R:= Color and $FF; G:= (Color shr 8) and $FF; B:= (Color shr 16) and $FF; end; function ColorToRGB4Array(const Color: Integer): TBytes; begin result[0]:= Color and $FF; result[1]:= (Color shr 8) and $FF; result[2]:= (Color shr 16) and $FF; end; function InttoBytes(const Cint: Integer): TBytes; begin result[0]:= Cint and $FF; result[1]:= (Cint shr 8) and $FF; result[2]:= (Cint shr 16) and $FF; end; function RGBToColor4(const R, G, B: Byte): Integer; begin Result:= R or (G shl 8) or (B shl 16); end; function BytestoInt(const R: TBytes): Integer; begin Result:= R[0] or (R[1] shl 8) or (R[2] shl 16); end; function ColorToGray(Color: TColor): TColor; var L: Byte; begin L:= round(0.2126*GetRValue(Color)+0.7152*GetGValue(Color)+0.0722* GetBValue(Color)); Result:= RGB(L, L, L); end; procedure TBitmapHelperSaveAsPPM_4(FileName: TFileName; abit: TBitmap; useGrayScale: Boolean); var i, j: Integer; Header: AnsiString; ppm: TMemoryStream; agb: TBytes; begin ppm:= TMemoryStream.Create; try Header:= Format('P6'#10'%d %d'#10'255'#10,[abit.Width,abit.Height]); writeln('Header: '+Header); ppm.WriteBuffer((Header), Length(Header)); setlength(agb,3) for i:= 0 to abit.Height- 1 do for j:= 0 to abit.Width- 1 do begin if useGrayScale then agb:= InttoBytes(ColorToGray(ColorToRGB(abit.Canvas.Pixels[j,i]))) else agb:= InttoBytes((abit.Canvas.Pixels[j,i])); ppm.Write(stringOf(agb), 3); //ppm.Write(BytetoString(rgb), 3); end; ppm.SaveToFile(FileName); finally ppm.Free; end; end; function ReadCharM(ppm: TMemoryStream): AnsiChar; var mystr: string; begin SetLength(mystr, 1); //insize:=, length(strBuff2)); ppm.Read(mystr, length(mystr)); result:= mystr[1]; //writeln('res: '+(mystr)+itoa(ppm.size)) end; procedure TBitmapHelperLoadFromPPM(FileName: TFileName; abit: TBitmap; useGrayScale: Boolean); var p, W, H: Integer; ppm: TMemoryStream; sW, sH, buffstr, sign: string; temp: AnsiChar; Color: TColor; begin ppm:= TMemoryStream.Create; ppm.LoadFromFile(FileName); ppm.Seek(0,0); sign:= ReadCharM(ppm) + ReadCharM(ppm); writeln('sign: '+sign) if (sign <> ('P2')) and (sign <> ('P6')) then begin writeln('read char format signature error exit') exit; end; repeat temp:= ReadCharM(ppm); if temp in StrToCharSet('0123456789') then sW:= sW + temp; until temp = ' '; repeat temp:= ReadCharM(ppm); if temp in StrToCharSet('0123456789') then sH:= sH + temp; until temp = #10; W:= StrToInt(sW); H:= StrToInt(sH); if ReadCharM(ppm)+ ReadCharM(ppm)+ ReadCharM(ppm) <> '255' then Exit; ReadCharM(ppm); //skip newLine abit.SetSize(W, H); p:= 0; if sign = 'P6' then begin SetLength(buffstr, 3); while ppm.Read(buffstr, 3) > 0 do begin //color:= Bytestoint(bytesof(buffstr)) color:= RGB(ord(buffstr[1]), ord(buffstr[2]), ord(buffstr[3])) if useGrayScale then Color:= (ColorToGray(Color)); abit.Canvas.Pixels[p mod W, p div W]:= Color; inc(p); end; end; if sign = 'P2' then begin SetLength(buffstr, 3); while ppm.Read(buffstr,3) > 0 do begin try color:= atoi((buffstr)); if color > 255 then color:= 255; ppm.Read(buffstr,3) except color:= 0; end; //background ReadCharM(ppm); color:= RGB((color),(color),random(color)); //-random bw! //if useGrayScale then Color:= ColorToGray(Color); //dark mode abit.Canvas.Pixels[p mod W, p div W]:= (Color); inc(p); end; ppm.Free; end; end; // type TFloat3 = array[0..2] of Float; var alight : TFloat3; // = [ 30, 30, -50 ]; procedure normalize(var v: TFloat3); var len: Double; begin len:= sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2]); v[0]:= v[0] / len; v[1]:= v[1] / len; v[2]:= v[2] / len; end; function dot(x, y: TFloat3): Float; begin Result:= x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]; if Result<0 then Result:=-Result else Result:=0; end; procedure drawSpherePPM(R, k, ambient : Float); var vec : TFloat3; x, y, b : Float; i, j, size, intensity : Integer; begin size:=Trunc(Ceil(R)-Floor(-R)+1); PrintLn('P2'); PrintLn(IntToStr(size)+' '+IntToStr(size)); PrintLn('255'); for i := Floor(-R) to Ceil(R) do begin x := i + 0.5; for j := Floor(-R) to Ceil(R) do begin y := j + 0.5; if (x * x + y * y <= R * R) then begin vec[0] := x; vec[1] := y; vec[2] := sqrt(R * R - x * x - y * y); normalize(vec); b := Power(dot(alight, vec), k)+ ambient; //intensity := Trunc( Round(b*255),0,255); //ClampInt intensity:= Trunc( Round(b*255)); Print(itoa(intensity)); Print(' ') end else Print('0 '); end; PrintLn(''); end; end; procedure drawSpherePPM_Save(R,k,ambient: Float; filename:string); var vec : TFloat3; x, y, b: Float; i, j, size, intensity : Integer; Header: ansistring; ppm: TMemoryStream ; agb: TBytes; begin size:=Trunc(Ceil(R)-Floor(-R)+1); PrintLn('P2'); PrintLn(IntToStr(size)+' '+IntToStr(size)); PrintLn('255'); ppm:= TMemoryStream.Create; try Header:= Format('P2'#10'%d %d'#10'255'#10, [size, size]); ppm.WriteBuffer((Header), Length(Header)); for i := Floor(-R) to Ceil(R) do begin x := i + 0.5; for j := Floor(-R) to Ceil(R) do begin y := j + 0.5; if (x * x + y * y <= R * R) then begin vec[0]:= x; vec[1]:= y; vec[2]:= sqrt(R * R - x * x - y * y); normalize(vec); b := Power(dot(alight, vec), k) + ambient; //intensity := Trunc( Round(b*255), 0, 255); //ClampInt intensity:= trunc( Round(b*255)); //agb:= InttoBytes(ColorToRGB(intensity)); ppm.Write(itoa(intensity), 3); //Print(' ') ppm.Write(' ',3); //1 end else begin ppm.Write('0 ',3); //2 //Print('0 '); end; end; ppm.SaveToFile(filename); //PrintLn(''); end; finally ppm.Free; end; end; var bitmap: TBitmap ; begin //@main {if not (Fileexists('1004unixdict.txt') or fileexists('unixdict.txt')) then if IsInternet then begin writeln(dictURL) wGetX2(dictUrl,Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt'); openFile(Exepath+'1004unixdict.txt') end; //} // 'arial'; //writeln(getworld) (* bitmap:= TBitmap.Create; bitmap.LoadFromFile(exepath+'\web\coffeemax.bmp'); //SaveAsPPM('Output.ppm'); writeln('bitmap size '+itoa(bitmap.width)) TBitmapHelperSaveAsPPM_4(exepath+'\web\coffeemaxg.ppm',bitmap,false); //gray sleep(1000) // Load as ppm and convert in grayscale TBitmapHelperLoadFromPPM(exepath+'\web\coffeemaxg.ppm',bitmap,false) // Save as bmp bitmap.SaveToFile(exepath+'\web\coffeemaxgout.bmp'); openfile(exepath+'\web\coffeemaxgout.bmp') bitmap.Free; //*) // Second Scenario with Aspect Ratio not Square (* bitmap:= TBitmap.Create; bitmap.LoadFromFile(exepath+'\web\manmachine.bmp'); //SaveAsPPM('Output.ppm'); writeln('bitmap size '+itoa(bitmap.width)) TBitmapHelperSaveAsPPM_4(exepath+'\web\manmachine.ppm',bitmap,true); //grayscal sleep(1000) // Load as ppm and convert in grayscale TBitmapHelperLoadFromPPM(exepath+'\web\manmachine.ppm',bitmap,false) // Save as bmp bitmap.SaveToFile(exepath+'\web\manmachine2.bmp'); openfile(exepath+'\web\manmachine2.bmp') bitmap.Free; //*) if Not DirectoryExists(exepath+'\web\') then CreateDir(exepath+'\web\'); alight[0]:= 30; alight[1]:= 30; alight[2]:= -50; normalize(alight); //ProcessmessagesOFF; drawSpherePPM_Save(180,4,0.1, exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmall180.ppm'); //ProcessmessagesON; //} bitmap:= TBitmap.Create; // Load as ppm and convert in grayscale TBitmapHelperLoadFromPPM(exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmall180.ppm',bitmap,false) //TBitmapHelperLoadFromPPM(exepath+'\web\coffeemaxg.ppm',bitmap, false) // Save as bmp and convert to png bitmap.SaveToFile(exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmallout2.bmp'); openfile(exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmallout2.bmp') bitmap.Free; //*) ConvertImage(Exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmallout2.bmp', Exepath+'\web\spheremaxsmallout2.png') //drawSpherePPM(R, k, ambient : Float); //PlaySound('.\web\bellsound.wav', hInstance, SND_ASYNC); End. Doc: The portable pixmap format (PPM), portable graymap format (PGM) and portable bitmap format (PBM) are image file formats designed to be easily exchanged between platforms. They are also sometimes referred to collectively as portable anymap format (PNM), not to be confused with the related portable arbitrary map format (PAM). Ref:  mX4 executed: 10/12/2020 10:46:57 Runtime: 0:0:21.548 Memload: 73% use ref: ref: RNA: "AUGUUUUCUUAAAUG" => Codons: "AUG", "UUU", "UCU", "UAA", "AUG" => Protein: "Methionine", "Phenylalanine", "Serine" Ref: ref: HttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); morse_codes = { 'A': '.-', 'B': '-...', 'C': '-.-.', 'D': '-..', 'E': '.', 'F': '..-.', 'G': '--.', 'H': '....', 'I': '..', 'J': '.---', 'K': '-.-', 'L': '.-..', 'M': '--', 'N': '-.', 'O': '---', 'P': '.--.', 'Q': '--.-', 'R': '.-.', 'S': '...', 'T': '-', 'U': '..-', 'V': '...-', 'W': '.--', 'X': '-..-', 'Y': '-.--', 'Z': '--..', ' ': ' ', '0': '-----', '1': '.----', '2': '..---', '3': '...--', '4': '....-', '5': '.....', '6': '-....', '7': '--...', '8': '---..', '9': '----.', '&': '.-...', "'": '.----.', '@': '.--.-.', ')': '-.--.-', '(': '-.--.', ':': '---...', ',': '--..--', '=': '-...-', '!': '-.-.--', '.': '.-.-.-', '-': '-....-', '+': '.-.-.', '"': '.-..-.', '?': '..--..', '/': '-..-.' }