Program Demo_PictureBox2GAUSS_DataScience; // #sign:Max: MAXBOX10: 18/02/2020 11:25:48 //#tech:8:19 perf: threads: 6 11:25:48 {Description locs=2510 Example of Graph of Distribution of Frequencies and Deviation Standard / Bell of Gauss in function of the obtained measures and the values of control of a normal productive process. It uses the basic components of Delphi, with the stupendous graphics of TeeChart, and it includes impression form with QuickReport. The form you can use in any project. } Const TEXTOUT = 'Runs 5-10 random pictures on a canvas get from a web service'; function OpenSCManagerX (lpMachineName : string; lpDatabaseName : string; dwDesiredAccess : DWORD): THANDLE; // external 'OpenSCManager@ADVAPI32.DLL.dll stdcall'; external 'OpenSCManagerA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; var iserv: ISWBemServices; iset: ISWbemObjectSet; ENum: IEnumVariant; vObj: OleVariant; aQuery, wmi_dom: string; { uses Windows, winsvc, shellapi; uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Teengine, Chart, Series, StdCtrls, Buttons, Mask, Spin, ArrowCha, Grids, TeeProcs, QrTee; } type TEstadistica = TForm; var EditMedia: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; BS1: TBarSeries; Chart1: TChart; LS2: TLineSeries; Label2: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; EditIncertidumbre: TEdit; EditVarianza: TEdit; EditSigma: TEdit; EditBajo: TEdit; //TMaskEdit; EditAlto: TEdit; //TMaskEdit; EditReco: TEdit; Label9: TLabel; Grid1: TStringGrid; EditSkew: TEdit; EditKurt: TEdit; Label7: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; EditCpTol: TEdit; EditCpKTol: TEdit; Label11: TLabel; Label12: TLabel; Label13: TLabel; EditCpLim: TEdit; Label14: TLabel; EditCpKLim: TEdit; Label15: TLabel; Label16: TLabel; EditCpl: TEdit; EditCpu: TEdit; Label17: TLabel; EditCr: TEdit; Label18: TLabel; EditLimSup: TEdit; Label19: TLabel; EditLimInf: Tedit; //TMaskEdit; Label20: TLabel; EditTolSup: Tedit; //TMaskEdit; Label21: TLabel; EditTolInf: TEdit; //TMaskEdit; //amask: Tcustommaskedit Chart2: TChart; LSTolInf: TFastLineSeries; LSMedida: TFastLineSeries; LSTolSup: TFastLineSeries; LSLimSup: TFastLineSeries; LSLimInf: TFastLineSeries; LSMenos3S: TFastLineSeries; LSMas3S: TFastLineSeries; Label22: TLabel; EditMenos3: TEdit; Label23: TLabel; EditMas3: TEdit; Label24: TLabel; EditCrTol: TEdit; Label8: TLabel; EditMa: TEdit; Label25: TLabel; EditMuestras: TEdit; LSMa: TFastLineSeries; Label26: TLabel; EditZInfLim: TEdit; //TMaskEdit; EditZSupLim: TEdit; Label27: TLabel; LSMS: TLineSeries; Label28: TLabel; EditFX: TEdit; LSMI: TLineSeries; SECantidad: TSpinEdit; Timer1: TTimer; aCB1: TCheckBox; Cantidad: TLabel; Panel1: TPanel; BCerrar: TBitBtn; BB3d: TBitBtn; BRecalcular: TBitBtn; BBImprimir: TBitBtn; Series1: TBarSeries; procedure BRecalcularClick(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure BCerrarClick(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure BB3dClick(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure SECantidadKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); forward; procedure EditLimSupChange(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure EditLimInfChange(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure EditTolSupChange(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure EditTolInfChange(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure EditSigmaChange(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); forward; procedure CB1Click(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); forward; procedure BBImprimirClick(Sender: TObject); forward; //private { Private declarations } //public // Functio of librari Math.Pas of Delphi 32 //IntPower: Raise base to an integral power. Fast. function IntPower(X: Double; I: Integer): Double; forward; // Power: Raise base to any power. // For fractional exponents, or exponents > MaxInt, base must be > 0. function Power(Base, Exponent: Double): Double; forward; // RandG produces random numbers with Gaussian distribution about the mean. // Useful for simulating data with sampling errors. function RandG(Mean, StdDev: Double): Double; forward; function {TEstadistica.}IntPower(X: Double; I: Integer): Double; var Y: Integer; begin Y := AbsInt(I); Result := 1.0; while Y > 0 do begin while not Odd(Y) do begin Y := Y shr 1; X := X * X end; Dec(Y); Result := Result * X end; if I < 0 then Result := 1.0 / Result end; function {TEstadistica.}Power(Base, Exponent: Double): Double; begin { Make special cases of Exponent = 0 and Exponent = integer. Error if Base < 0 and Exponent not integer. } if Exponent = 0.0 then Result := 1.0 { By fiat, 0**0 = 1 } else if (Frac(Exponent) = 0.0) and (Exponent < MaxInt) then Result := IntPower(Base, Trunc(Exponent)) else begin { if Base < 0.0 then ArgError;} Result := Exp(Exponent * Ln(Base)) end end; function {TEstadistica.}RandG(Mean, StdDev: Double): Double; { Marsaglia-Bray algorithm } var U1, S2: Extended; begin repeat U1 := 2*RandomF - 1; S2 := Sqr(U1) + Sqr(2*RandomF-1); until S2 < 1; Result := Sqrt(-2*Ln(S2)/S2) * U1 * StdDev + Mean; end; //procedure CopySeries(DestChart: TQRDBChart; SourceChart:TChart; AOwner:TComponent); //end; var frm: TEstadistica; {Demo} Teorico,LimSup,LimInf,TolSup,TolInf,Sigma : Double; {Demo} Datos : array [1..1001] of Double; {The table Datos[. .] the can assign from any other unit with any quantity of values between 5 and the necessary value, 1001 in this case. Will will have functionality until find a value 0 in which consider it ended} procedure BRecalcularClick(Sender: TObject); var I,n,J : Integer; Frecuencia : array[1..21] of Double; NVeces : array[1..21] of Double; Y,M,S,P,V,K,W,e,x,Incer,Menor,Mayor,TopGra,M2,M3,M4,Kurt,Skew,Cp,Cpk,Cpl,Cpu,aCr, ZMas, ZMenos,CfAlto,CfAncho : Double; TxtGra : String; begin {- Random Values for the demo. - In the aplication to load the values to measure in the array Datos[] and to erase the lines tagged with 'Demo'} {Demo} for I := 1 to 1000 do Datos[I] := 0; if Sigma < 0.2 then Sigma := 1; for I := 1 to SECantidad.Value do Datos[I] := RandG(Teorico + 0.3, Sigma); {End Demo} {Calculation of the Middle arithmetic} K := 0.0; I := 1; {Temporary utilization for the Control of the Curl of the array} M := Datos[I]; {Temporary Utilization of M to see value minimal that it will be > 0} W := 0.0; {Temporary utilization of W to see maximum value} n := 0; {Quantity of values > 0 in the array} {As table can be variable, alone will yield the data until see the first value 0} while Datos[I] > 0 do begin K := K + Datos[I]; {Values sum for the calculate of the mean arithmetic} if Datos[I] < M then M := Datos[I]; if Datos[I] > W then W := Datos[I]; n := n + 1; I := I + 1; end; {View the values of control of the process} EditMa.Text := FloatToStr(Teorico);{Theoretical value of adjustment of the measure} EditMuestras.Text := FloatToStr(n); {Quantity of values} EditLimSup.Text := FloatToStr(LimSup);{Upper Engineering Limit} EditLimInf.Text := FloatToStr(LimInf);{Lower Engineering Limit} EditTolSup.Text := FloatToStr(TolSup);{Upper tolerance of the process} EditTolInf.Text := FloatToStr(TolInf);{Lower tolerance of the process} EditBajo.Text := FloatToStr(M); {Value but small found in the table Datos[]} if M < TolInf then EditBajo.Font.Color := clRed else EditBajo.Font.Color := clBlack; EditAlto.Text := FloatToStr(W); {Value but large found in the table Datos[]} if W > TolSup then EditAlto.Font.Color := clRed else EditAlto.Font.Color := clBlack; EditReco.Text := FloatToStr(W-M); {Difference between the sample but large and the but small} M := K / n; EditMedia.Text := FloatToStr(M); {Middle arithmetic of the values > 0 of table} {Calculation of the variance} K := 0; for I := 1 to n do K := K + ((Datos[I] - M)*(Datos[I] - M)); V := K / (n - 1); EditVarianza.Text := FloatToStr(V); {Calculation of the normal Deviation "Sigma"} S := Sqrt(V); EditSigma.Text := FloatToStr(S); EditMenos3.Text := FloatToStr(M - (S*3)); {Value of Less 3 Sigma} EditMas3.Text := FloatToStr(M + (S*3)); {Value of But 3 Sigma} {Demo} Sigma := S; {Used in the Demo to make variable the value of Sigma} {Measure of asymmetry of the Moment 2 of the sample} M2 := K / n; {Skeweness - Measure of asymmetry of the Moment 3 of the sample} K := 0; for I := 1 to n do K := K+((Datos[I]-M)*(Datos[I]-M)*(Datos[I]-M)); M3 := K / n; Skew := M3 / Sqrt(M2*M2*M2); EditSkew.Text := FloatToStr(Skew); {Kurtosis - Measure of asymmetry of the Moment 4 of the sample} K := 0; for I := 1 to n do K := K+((Datos[I]-M)*(Datos[I]-M)*(Datos[I]-M)*(Datos[I]-M)); M4 := K / n; Kurt := (M4 / (M2*M2))-3; EditKurt.Text := FloatToStr(Kurt); {Calculation of the process Capacity Cp. It is a coefficient of as is good a product with respect to what is specified, indicating the uniformity that the process it is capable of obtaining in relation to the tolerance. They are considered good Values for the process when they are superior to 1.33 The Calculation is accomplished against the Tolerance values and you Limit with arrangement to the following arguments - The Cp with respect to the tolerance is calculated with K = 2 Sigma since generally it is a parameter of control of process for machinery between other. - The Cp with respect to the you Limit of engineering is calculated with K = 3 Sigma already that it tends be used for the control of the productive process in the one which include but random factors} Cp := (TolSup-TolInf)/(4*S); EditCpTol.Text := FloatToStr(Cp); if Cp < 1.33 then EditCpTol.Font.Color := clRed else EditCpTol.Font.Color := clBlack; Cp := (LimSup-LimInf)/(6*S); EditCpLim.Text := FloatToStr(Cp); if Cp < 1.33 then EditCpLim.Font.Color := clRed else EditCpLim.Font.Color := clBlack; {Calculation of the process against the lower engineering limit Cpl} Cpl := (M-LimInf)/(3*S); EditCpl.Text := FloatToStr(Cpl); {Calculation of the process against the limit upper of engineering Cpl} Cpu := (LimSup-M)/(3*S); EditCpu.Text := FloatToStr(Cpu); {Calculation of the process Capacity CpK. It is a coefficient of as is a process with respect to its specifications, indicating if the process produced measures within the you limit of tolerance. They are considered good values to depart of 1.33 and it is the value minor of Cpu and Cpl expressions The Calculation is accomplished against the Tolerance values and you Limit with the same arguments that to calculate the Cp} Cpk := (TolSup-M)/(2*S); if Cpk > ((M-TolInf)/(2*S)) then CpK := ((M-TolInf)/(2*S)); EditCpKTol.Text := FloatToStr(CpK); if Cpk < 1.33 then EditCpKTol.Font.Color := clRed else EditCpKTol.Font.Color := clBlack; Cpk := (LimSup-M)/(3*S); if Cpk > ((M-LimInf)/(3*S)) then CpK := ((M-LimInf)/(3*S)); EditCpKLim.Text := FloatToStr(CpK); if Cpk < 1.33 then EditCpKLim.Font.Color := clRed else EditCpkLim.Font.Color := clBlack; {Calculation of the Cr. It is the inverse of the Cp. It is shown with respect to the limits and Tolerances} aCr := (6*S)/(LimSup-LimInf); EditCr.Text := FloatToStr(aCr); aCr := (4*S)/(TolSup-TolInf); EditCrTol.Text := FloatToStr(aCr); {Calculation of the Z upper for the subsequent Calculation of the % outside of you Limit with arrangement to normal tables} ZMas := (LimSup - M)/S; EditZSupLim.Text := FloatToStr(ZMas); {Calculation of the lower Z for the subsequent Calculation of the % outside of you Limit with arrangement to normal tables} ZMenos := (M - LimInf)/S; EditZInfLim.Text := FloatToStr(ZMenos); {Uncertainty of the measure The uncertainty of the measure serves to help to establish the limits of control in a process, so that could be annotated with greater accuracy the measures that would enter within the tolerance margins with certain reliability. We could summarize it as the reasonable doubt of the measure process. There are many you formulate for the calculation of the uncertainty, needing the majority of they the knowledge of the uncertainty of the standard with the one which they have been taken the measures, something that in this case logically do not know. For this case of sample can use a based on tables standar for the calculation, in function of the quantity of measures that has the sample. The formulation that we will employ and that is employed in the National Plan of Quality Spanish is the following: S Incer = 2 * W * --------- Sqrt(n) Incer : Uncertainty of the measure W : Value of tables that we can see in the code of the program but forward S : Sigma n : Number of measures of the sample. minimal 5 measures} if n > 4 then begin if n = 5 then W := 1.4 else if n = 6 then W := 1.3 else if n = 7 then W := 1.3 else if n = 8 then W := 1.2 else if n >= 9 then W := 1.0; Incer := 2 * W * (S / Sqrt(n)); EditIncertidumbre.Text := FloatToStr(Incer); end; {Calculation of the values but small and but large to represent in the graphic counting on the measured values and the tolerances and you limit of engineering for the process. we will use it to calculate the frequency ranges} Menor := StrToFloat(EditBajo.Text); if Menor > TolInf then Menor := TolInf; if Menor > LimInf then Menor := LimInf; if Menor > (M-(3*S)) then Menor := M-(3*S); Mayor := StrToFloat(EditAlto.Text); if Mayor < TolSup then Mayor := TolSup; if Mayor < LimSup then Mayor := LimSup; if Mayor < (M+(3*S)) then Mayor := M+(3*S); {Distribution of the frequencies to count the occurrences in each range of frequencies with respect to the extreme Great values and Smaller with a value of 'CfAncho' for each frequency step that it will be used to escalate the graphic. Table has 21 values by that we need to know the principle and final of each range, though actually alone we use 20} CfAncho := (Mayor-Menor) / 20; Frecuencia[1] := Menor; for I := 2 to 21 do Frecuencia[I] := Frecuencia[I-1] + CfAncho; {To count the occurrences of the measures occurred in each range to draw the frequencies distribution} for I := 1 to 21 do NVeces[I] := 0; {Init of table} for I := 1 to 20 do for J := 1 to n do begin {Temporary utilization of J} if(Datos[J] >= Frecuencia[I]) and (Datos[J] < Frecuencia[I+1]) then NVeces[I] := NVeces[I] + 1; end; {To show the frequency occurrences in a grid as help of comprehension} Grid1.Cells[0,0] := ' Valor'; Grid1.Cells[1,0] := 'Cantidad'; for I := 1 to 20 do begin {To limit to 2 the decimal of the converted value} TxtGra := FloatToStr(Frecuencia[I]); if Pos(',',TxtGra) > 0 then TxtGra := Copy(TxtGra,1,Pos(',',TxtGra)+1); Grid1.Cells[0,I] := '=> ' + TxtGra ; TxtGra := FloatToStr(Frecuencia[I+1]); if Pos(',',TxtGra) > 0 then TxtGra := Copy(TxtGra,1,Pos(',',TxtGra)+1); Grid1.Cells[0,I] := Grid1.Cells[0,I] + ' <' + TxtGra; Grid1.Cells[1,I] := FloatToStr(NVeces[I]); end; Grid1.Cells[0,21] := 'Total Muestras ='; Grid1.Cells[1,21] := IntToStr(n); {Calculation of the coefficient of height scale for the correspondence of the Histograma and the Bell of gauss - To superpose the bell of gauss on the frequencies histogram is accurate to escalate the surface of the histogram to value = 1 since the surface of the bell of gauss of the normal distribution is 1 Thereinafter the bell as well as the histogram there will be that to make what is proportional to I number of samples analyzed for power to relate the scales of the graphic - First we adjust the frequency values in funtion of the I number of samples and the width step of the graphic} for I := 1 to 20 do if NVeces[I] > 0 then NVeces[I] := (NVeces[I]/n)*CfAncho; { - We calculate first the value of the sum of the height all the samples, with something which already we have escalated the histogram} CfAlto := 0; for I := 1 to 20 do CfAlto := CfAlto + NVeces[I]; { - We multiply all the values by the inverse of the CfAlto so that the sum will be 1} for I := 1 to 20 do if NVeces[I] > 0 then NVeces[I] := (NVeces[I])*(1/CfAlto); { - Now we added table NVeces we would see that it is equal to 1. For example : CfAlto := 0; for I := 1 to 20 do CfAlto := CfAlto + NVeces[I]; Grid1.Cells[1,21] := FloatToStr(CfAlto);} {Bell of Gauss - The bell as Gauss serves to verify the theoretical possibilities of the fact that a value understood between - 3 and +3 Sigma occur in the reality, in base to the measures taken in the analyzed sample. (Below +- 3 ++Sigma the values waited are very small) For this are calculated "J" values (in this case the sufficient so that is show the uniform way curve) from the minor range of Sigma and the range greater than Sigma that we may have elected. The distribution of the curve is always uniform reaching the greater value in its central point that it is coincident with the mean arithmetic of the measurement effected. The slenderness of the bell shows us the quality or uniformity of the process measured and the theoretical reliability of the real results of the process in the practical. How much but slender will be the Bell, better will be the process, by the opposite if the bell is flattened greater will be the dispersion in the measures that we will obtain. S : Sigma x : Each one of the values understood between - 3S and + 3S with a range of ((+3S) - (- 3S)) / J. If we need but values we change the value 'J' This value is sufficient to see the graph in the form of curve. M : Middle arithmetic of the measures P : 3.14159265359 And : F(x) and : 2.7182 - Formulates it of the value of And for each value of F(x) that is designated Function of probability density comes given by: 1 - ((x - M)*(x-M))/(2*(S*S)) F(x) = Y = ------------- * e S*(Sqrt(2*P)) - In the value superior of the curve, "and" is increased to 0 and therefore is worths 1(since so much "x" as the average "M" are worths what is same)} P := 3.14159265359; J := 100; {Value to obtain the curve of the rounded bell. To put it a greater value does not has object} {Value of increase of the representation point of x in the line table, or what is what is same, we will go representing J times the value of F(x) for each point between the smaller value and the greater value} x := (Mayor - Menor) / J; EditFX.Text := FloatToStr(1/(S*(Sqrt(2*P)))); {Value greater than F(x)} LS2.Clear; for I := 1 to J do begin; K := ((((Menor+(I*x))-M)*((Menor+(I*x))-M)))/(2*(S*S)); {K = Exponent of "e"} e := Power(2.7182,-K); {To increase "e" to the value of the exponent K} Y := (1/(S*(Sqrt(2*P))))* e; {Final value of F(x) for each possible value between the values of the graphic. It is the value of And in the Chart} {For power to see directly in screen the direct relationship of the quantity of samples so much found in the histogram as probable according to the bell it is multiplied by 'n' the escalated value previously 'Y * CfAncho. If are wished to see the values in % would suffice with converting them so much into the bell as in the histogram} LS2.AddXY((I/(J/20)),(Y*CfAncho)*n,'',clTeeColor); end; {Graphic of bars of Frequencies Distribution - A bell of Gauss by if same sometimes it is not sufficient to describe the probabilities process, since is important to see where it is the trend of the measures and with this its dispersion. For this is shown in this table the quantity of times that are given the values of the measure between each one of the ranges, given in this case as already we have shown previously by 20 frequency ranges between the smaller value and the greater value obtained by the data obtained in the sample and the Tolerances and you Limit of engineering for the process. Example: - We suppose a process in the one which we wish to measure some pieces obtained in a productive process in a manufactures - The engineering limits are the extreme theoretical values between those which a piece would be given by valid. - The Tolerances are the values of engineering limit +- the values of uncertainty of the measure and that they would be the values between those which consider acceptable the pieces, for example originating from a machine. (To see but the explained uncertainty concept previously) - The pieces whose values were between those of Tolerance and Limit would be rejected in principle by be doubtful} {To show the frequency bars} BS1.Clear; for I := 1 to 20 do begin TxtGra := FloatToStr(Frecuencia[I]); if Pos(',',TxtGra) > 0 then TxtGra := Copy(TxtGra,1,Pos(',',TxtGra)+1); {For power to see directly in screen the direct relationship of the quantity of samples so much found in the histogram as probable according to the bell it is multiplied by 'n' the escalated value previously to 1 in 'NVeces[I]'} BS1.AddBar(NVeces[I]*n,TxtGra,clTeeColor) end; {To calculate the value but high of the graphic 'TopGra' to show the values of control of the process with a small margin up above. Aesthetics} TopGra := (1/(S*(Sqrt(2*P))))*CfAncho*n; {Value but high of F(x), climbed with histogram} for I := 1 to 20 do if TopGra < (NVeces[I]*n) then TopGra := (NVeces[I]*n); LSMS.Clear; LSMS.AddXY(0,TopGra + (TopGra*0.05),'',clTeeColor); {To show the limits of control of the process} with Series1 do begin Clear; AddXY((((Teorico)-Menor)*20)/(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/6 ,'Ma' ,clBlue); {Teoric} AddXY(((M-Menor)*20) /(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/3.6,'Me' ,clBlack); {Half} AddXY((((M-(3*S))-Menor)*20)/(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/2.5,'-3S',clGreen); {-3S} AddXY((((M+(3*S))-Menor)*20)/(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/2 ,'+3S',clGreen); {+3S} AddXY((((TolSup)-Menor)*20) /(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/1.4,'Ts' ,clFuchsia);{TolSup} AddXY((((TolInf)-Menor)*20) /(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/1.7,'Ti' ,clFuchsia);{TolInf} AddXY((((LimSup)-Menor)*20) /(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/1.1,'Ls',clRed); {LimSup} AddXY((((LimInf)-Menor)*20) /(Mayor-Menor),TopGra/1.1,'Li',clRed); {LimInf} end; {Graphic of lines to see the evolution of the sample. In some instances they are made samplings to what is long of the time and it is possible that exist a deviation trend of the value of sampling in one or other sense that by example upon measuring drawn pieces from a machine can suppose a wear or progressive breakdown of the same and to observe it is good to have a graphic of lines in the one which could visualize said deviation trend} LSTolSup.Clear; LSTolInf.Clear; LSMedida.Clear; LSLimSup.Clear; LSLimInf.Clear; LSMas3S.Clear; LSMenos3S.Clear; LSMI.Clear; LSMa.Clear; {To show the values in the lines Chart} for I := 1 to n do begin LSMedida.AddXY(I,Datos[I],'',clTeeColor); end; {To show the limits of control in the lines Chart} LSTolSup.AddXY(0,TolSup,'',clTeeColor); LSTolSup.AddXY(n,TolSup,'',clTeeColor); LSTolInf.AddXY(0,TolInf,'',clTeeColor); LSTolInf.AddXY(n,TolInf,'',clTeeColor); LSLimSup.AddXY(0,LimSup,'',clTeeColor); LSLimSup.AddXY(n,LimSup,'',clTeeColor); LSLimInf.AddXY(0,LimInf,'',clTeeColor); LSLimInf.AddXY(n,LimInf,'',clTeeColor); LSMas3S.AddXY(0,(M+(3*S)),'',clTeeColor); LSMas3S.AddXY(n,(M+(3*S)),'',clTeeColor); LSMenos3S.AddXY(0,(M-(3*S)),'',clTeeColor); LSMenos3S.AddXY(n,(M-(3*S)),'',clTeeColor); LSMa.AddXY(0,(Teorico),'',clTeeColor); LSMa.AddXY(n,(Teorico),'',clTeeColor); {To show the line of limit inferior in Chart} LSMI.AddXY(0,LimInf - (LimInf*0.05),'',clTeeColor); end; procedure BCerrarClick(Sender: TObject); begin frm.Close; end; procedure BB3dClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Chart1.View3d then begin Chart1.View3d := False; Chart2.View3d := False; end else begin Chart1.View3d := True; Chart2.View3d := True; end; end; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin BRecalcularClick(nil); end; procedure SECantidadKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_RETURN then BRecalcular.SetFocus; end; procedure EditLimSupChange(Sender: TObject); begin if EditLimSup.Text = '' then Exit; LimSup := StrToFloat(EditLimSup.Text); end; procedure EditLimInfChange(Sender: TObject); begin if EditLimInf.Text = '' then Exit; LimInf := StrToFloat(EditLimInf.Text); end; procedure EditTolSupChange(Sender: TObject); begin if EditTolSup.Text = '' then Exit; TolSup := StrToFloat(EditTolSup.Text); end; procedure EditTolInfChange(Sender: TObject); begin if EditTolInf.Text = '' then Exit; TolInf := StrToFloat(EditTolInf.Text); end; procedure EditSigmaChange(Sender: TObject); begin if EditSigma.Text = '' then Exit; Sigma := StrToFloat(EditSigma.Text); end; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin frm.Release; end; {Demo} procedure CB1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if aCB1.Checked then Timer1.Enabled := True else Timer1.Enabled := False; end; procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if aCB1.Checked then begin Timer1.Enabled := False; BRecalcularClick(nil); Timer1.Enabled := True; end; end; procedure BBImprimirClick(Sender: TObject); begin series1.visible:= NOT series1.visible; //Application.CreateForm(TImpresoGrafico, ImpresoGrafico); (* with ImpresoGrafico do begin QRChart1.Chart.Assign(Chart1); QRChart2.Chart.Assign(Chart2); CopySeries(QRDBChart1,Chart1, self); CopySeries(QRDBChart2,Chart2, self); QRDBChart1.Gradient.Visible := False; // Color in QuickReport Chart1 QRDBChart2.Gradient.Visible := False; // Color in QuickReport Chart2 QMuestras.Caption := Format('%7.0f',[StrToFloat(EditMuestras.Text)]); QMedia.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditMedia.Text)]); QBajo.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditBajo.Text)]); QAlto.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditAlto.Text)]); QMa.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditMa.Text)]); QLimSup.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditLimSup.Text)]); QLimInf.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditLimInf.Text)]); QTolSup.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditTolSup.Text)]); QTolInf.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditTolInf.Text)]); QVarianza.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditVarianza.Text)]); QSkew.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditSkew.Text)]); QKurt.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditKurt.Text)]); QVarianza.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditVarianza.Text)]); QCpTol.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpTol.Text)]); QCpkTol.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpkTol.Text)]); QCrTol.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCrTol.Text)]); QCpLim.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpLim.Text)]); QCpKLim.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpkLim.Text)]); QCrLim.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCr.Text)]); QCpuLim.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpu.Text)]); QCplLim.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditCpl.Text)]); QSigma.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditSigma.Text)]); QMas3Sigma.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditMas3.Text)]); QMenos3Sigma.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditMenos3.Text)]); QRecorrido.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditReco.Text)]); QZSup.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditZSupLim.Text)]); QZInf.Caption := Format('%10.2f',[StrToFloat(EditZInfLim.Text)]); QNombre.Caption := Estadistica.Caption; QuickRep1.Preview; {# Attention. In some versions of QuickReport, Preview it doesn't Print} // QuickRep1.Print; QuickRep1.Destroy; end; *) end; (* procedure CopySeries(DestChart: TQRDBChart; SourceChart:TChart; AOwner:TComponent); var tmpSeries: TChartSeries; tmpS: TChartSeriesClass; t: Longint; begin for t := 0 to SourceChart.SeriesCount-1 do begin tmpS := TChartSeriesClass(SourceChart.Series[t].ClassType); tmpSeries := tmpS.Create(AOwner); tmpSeries.Assign(SourceChart.Series[t]); tmpSeries.Name := (SourceChart.Series[t].Name) + 'copy'; DestChart.AddSeries(tmpSeries); end; end; *) function ServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar): Boolean; begin //Result:= SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService); end; //Picture Box --------------------------------------------------------- // Const UrlPictureLookupInfo = ''; procedure PIC_CloseClick(Sender: TObject; var action: TCloseAction); begin //afrm.Close; action:= cafree; writeln('picform close at: '+datetimetostr(now)); end; function RunPictureBox(const picnr, asizew, asizeh: integer; const UrlPicture,apath: string; save:boolean): string; var pngStream: TMemoryStream; apicfrm: TForm; begin pngStream:= TMemoryStream.Create; try HttpGet(Format(UrlPicture,[picnr, asizew, asizeh]), pngStream); writeln('pic size: '+itoa(pngStream.size)) except //if something wrong try using backup server. writeln('PICexcept: '+ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); end; with TLinearBitmap.Create do try pngStream.Position:= 0; LoadFromStream2(pngStream,'JPG'); //or PNG apicfrm:= getForm2(asizew+1,asizeh+1, clblack, ' '+'Id: '+inttostr(picnr)); apicfrm.onclose:= @Pic_CloseClick; paintToCanvas(apicfrm.canvas, Rect(1,2,Width,Height),false); if save then SaveToFile(apath); result:= apath; finally Dispose; Free; pngStream.Free; end; end; procedure loadformSTATfile; begin frm:= TEstadistica.create(self) with frm do begin Left := 63 Top := 71 Width := 655 Height := 510 Caption := ' Example of Data Science Statistic and Formulation ' + 'il:' Color := clBtnFace Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clWindowText Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [] OldCreateOrder := True Position := poScreenCenter OnClose := @FormClose OnShow := @FormShow PixelsPerInch := 96 Icon.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'NEWUNIT'); //'ZHISTOGRAM'); //TextHeight := 16 //Show; Label1:= TLabel.create(frm) with label1 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 168 Width := 23 Height := 16 Caption := 'Half' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label3: TLabel Label3:= TLabel.create(frm) with label3 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 368 Width := 45 Height := 16 Caption := 'Variance' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label4: TLabel Label4:= TLabel.create(frm) with label4 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 168 Width := 32 Height := 16 Caption := 'Sigma' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label2: TLabel Label2:= TLabel.create(frm) with label2 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 208 Width := 53 Height := 16 Caption := 'Value Low' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label5: TLabel Label5:= TLabel.create(frm) with label5 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 248 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := 'Value High' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label6: TLabel Label6:= TLabel.create(frm) with label6 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 408 Width := 62 Height := 16 Caption := 'Uncertainty' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label9: TLabel Label9:= TLabel.create(frm) with label9 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 288 Width := 42 Height := 16 Caption := 'Journey' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label7: TLabel Label7:= TLabel.create(frm) with label7 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 368 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := 'Skeweness' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label10: TLabel Label10:= TLabel.create(frm) with label10 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 328 Width := 42 Height := 16 Caption := 'Kurtosis' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label11: TLabel Label11:= TLabel.create(frm) with label11 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 248 Width := 57 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cp-Tol.2S' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label12: TLabel Label12:= TLabel.create(frm) with label12 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 288 Width := 63 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cpk-Tol.2S' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label13: TLabel Label13:= TLabel.create(frm) with label13 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 248 Width := 58 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cp-Lim.3S' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Label14: TLabel Label14:= TLabel.create(frm) with label14 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 288 Width := 64 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cpk-Lim.3S' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label15:= TLabel.create(frm) with label15 do begin parent:= frm Left := 483 Top := 408 Width := 54 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cpl-Limit.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label16:= TLabel.create(frm) with label16 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 368 Width := 57 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cpu-Limit.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label17:= TLabel.create(frm) with label17 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 328 Width := 60 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cr -Limit.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label18:= TLabel.create(frm) with label18 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 328 Width := 45 Height := 16 Caption := 'Ls Max.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label19:= TLabel.create(frm) with label19 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 288 Width := 39 Height := 16 Caption := 'Li Min.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label20:= TLabel.create(frm) with label20 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 248 Width := 47 Height := 16 Caption := 'Tol.Sup.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label21:= TLabel.create(frm) with label21 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 208 Width := 45 Height := 16 Caption := 'Tol.Inf.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label22:= TLabel.create(frm) with label22 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 208 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := '- 3 Sigma' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label23:= TLabel.create(frm) with label23 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 208 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := '+ 3 Sigma' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label24:= TLabel.create(frm) with label24 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 328 Width := 57 Height := 16 Caption := 'Cr -Toler.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label8:= TLabel.create(frm) with label8 do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 168 Width := 17 Height := 16 Caption := 'Ma' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label25:= TLabel.create(frm) with label25 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 168 Width := 50 Height := 16 Caption := 'Measures' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label26:= TLabel.create(frm) with label26 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 408 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := 'Z+ Limit.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label27:= TLabel.create(frm) with label27 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 368 Width := 56 Height := 16 Caption := 'Z- Limit.' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; Label28:= TLabel.create(frm) with label28 do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 408 Width := 58 Height := 16 Caption := 'F(x) Upper' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end; //object Cantidad: TLabel cantidad:= TLabel.create(frm) with cantidad do begin parent:= frm Left := 512 Top := 120 Width := 47 Height := 16 Caption := 'Quantity' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clMaroon Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False end ; //object EditMedia: TEdit EditMedia:= TEdit.create(frm) with EditMedia do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 184 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 4 end ; //object Chart1: TChart Chart1:= TChart.create(frm) with chart1 do begin parent:= frm Left := 7 Top := 8 Width := 322 Height := 281 BackWall.Color := clWhite //BackWall.{Brush.}Style := bsClear {Foot.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Foot.Font.Color := clRed Foot.Font.Height := -11 Foot.Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Foot.Font.Style := [] } Foot.Text.add('Value Measured') //Gradient.Visible := True MarginBottom := 5 MarginLeft := 5 MarginRight := 10 {Title.Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Title.Font.Color := clMaroon Title.Font.Height := -13 Title.Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Title.Font.Style := [fsBold] } Title.Text.add ('Statistic') BottomAxis.LabelsAngle := 90 //LeftAxis.Axis.Color := clMaroon //LeftAxis.Axis.Width := 1 //LeftAxis.Grid.Color := clScrollBar LeftAxis.Title.Caption := 'Quantity of samples' {LeftAxis.Title.Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET LeftAxis.Title.Font.Color := clRed LeftAxis.Title.Font.Height := -11 LeftAxis.Title.Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' } //LeftAxis.Title.Font.Style := [] Legend.Visible := False View3D := False //BevelInner := bvLowered TabOrder := 5 end; //object BS1: TBarSeries BS1:= TBarSeries.create(frm) with bs1 do begin //parent:= chart1 ParentChart := Chart1; //chart1.addseries(myserie); Marks.ArrowLength := 20 {Marks.Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Marks.Font.Color := clBlack Marks.Font.Height := -11 Marks.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif' Marks.Font.Style := [] } Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := 4227327 BarPen.Color := clRed BarWidthPercent := 100 //MultiBar := mbStacked OffsetPercent := 50 XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 162 Top := 50 end; //object LS2: TLineSeries LS2:= TLineSeries.create(frm) with ls2 do begin parentchart:= chart1 Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := 64 Pointer.InflateMargins := True Pointer.Style := psRectangle Pointer.Visible := False XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 199 Top := 48 end ; LSMS:= TLineSeries.create(frm) with lsms do begin parentchart:= chart1; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := 64 Pointer.InflateMargins := True Pointer.Style := psRectangle Pointer.Visible := False XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 127 Top := 48 end; Series1:= TBarSeries.create(frm) with series1 do begin parentChart:= chart1; //additional notes Marks.ArrowLength := 0 Marks.BackColor := clWhite Marks.Visible := True SeriesColor := clRed Title := 'AS1' font.size:= 5; BarWidthPercent := 10 XValues.DateTime := True XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Bar' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone end; //end TChart //object EditIncertidumbre: TEdit EditIncertidumbre:= TEdit.create(frm) with EditIncertidumbre do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 424 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 6 end; EditVarianza:= TEdit.create(frm) with editvarianza do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 384 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 7 end ; EditSigma:= TEdit.create(frm) with editsigma do begin parent:= frm //Exception: A control cannot have itself as its parent. Left := 552 Top := 184 Width := 65 Height := 24 Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 8 OnChange := @EditSigmaChange end; //object EditBajo: TMaskEdit EditBajo:= TEdit.create(frm) with editbajo do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 224 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 9 end; //object EditAlto: TMaskEdit Editalto:= TEdit.create(frm) with editalto do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 264 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 10 end; //object EditReco: TEdit Editreco:= TEdit.create(frm) with editreco do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 304 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 11 end ; //object Grid1: TStringGrid grid1:= TStringGrid.create(frm) with grid1 do begin parent:= frm; Left := 336 Top := 8 Width := 156 Height := 153 TabStop := False ColCount := 2 DefaultRowHeight := 14 FixedCols := 0 RowCount := 22 Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -11 Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style := [] ParentFont := False ScrollBars := ssVertical TabOrder := 12; ColWidths[0]:=85; colwidths[1]:=49; end; //object EditSkew: TEdit Editskew:= TEdit.create(frm) with editskew do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 384 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 13 end ; //object EditKurt: TEdit Editkurt:= TEdit.create(frm) with editkurt do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 344 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 14 end; //object EditCpTol: TEdit Editcptol:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcptol do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 263 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 15 end ; //object EditCpKTol: TEdit Editcpktol:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcpktol do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 303 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 16 end; //object EditCpLim: TEdit Editcplim:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcplim do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 263 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 17 end; //object EditCpKLim: TEdit Editcpklim:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcpklim do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 303 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 18 end; //object EditCpl: TEdit Editcpl:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcpl do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 423 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 19 end ; //object EditCpu: TEdit Editcpu:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcpu do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 383 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 20 end ; Editcr:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcr do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 343 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 21 end; //object EditLimSup: TEdit Editlimsup:= TEdit.create(frm) with editlimsup do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 344 Width := 65 Height := 24 Color := clWhite Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 0 OnChange := @EditLimSupChange end; EditLimInf:= TEdit.create(frm) with editliminf do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 304 Width := 65 Height := 24 Color := clWhite Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 1 OnChange := @EditLimInfChange end; //object EditTolSup: TMaskEdit Edittolsup:= TEdit.create(frm) with edittolsup do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 264 Width := 65 Height := 24 Color := clWhite Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 2 OnChange := @EditTolSupChange end; //object EditTolInf: TMaskEdit Edittolinf:= TEdit.create(frm) with edittolinf do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 224 Width := 65 Height := 24 Color := clWhite Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 3 OnChange := @EditTolInfChange end ; //object Chart2: TChart chart2 := TChart.create(frm) with chart2 do begin parent:= frm Left := 8 Top := 296 Width := 321 Height := 153 //BackWall.Brush.Color := clWhite //BackWall.Brush.Style := bsClear {Foot.Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Foot.Font.Color := clRed Foot.Font.Height := -12 Foot.Font.Name := 'Arial' Foot.Font.Style := [fsItalic] } Foot.Visible := False //Gradient.EndColor := 16777088 //Gradient.StartColor := 8454143 //Gradient.Visible := True MarginLeft := 2 MarginRight := 5 MarginTop := 10 Title.Text.add ('') Title.Visible := False BottomAxis.AxisValuesFormat := '#,##0.#' BottomAxis.LabelsAngle := 90 View3D := False //BevelInner := bvLowered TabOrder := 22 //object LSTolInf: TFastLineSeries end; LSTolInf:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lstolinf do begin parentchart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clFuchsia Title := 'Tol.Inf.' LinePen.Color := clFuchsia LinePen.Style := psDot XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 106 Top := 355 end; //object LSMedida: TFastLineSeries LSmedida:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lsmedida do begin parentChart:= chart2; //LSTolInf: TFastLineSeries Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clBlack Title := 'Measure' XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 138 Top := 315 end ; //object LSTolSup: TFastLineSeries LSTolsup:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lstolsup do begin parentchart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clFuchsia Title := 'Tol.Sup.' XLabelsSource := 'Max' LinePen.Color := clFuchsia LinePen.Style := psDot XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 74 Top := 355 end; //object LSLimSup: TFastLineSeries LSlimsup:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lslimsup do begin //parentchart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clRed Title := 'Lim.Sup.' LinePen.Color := clRed LinePen.Style := psDash XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 138 Top := 355 end ; //object LSLimInf: TFastLineSeries LSlimInf:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lsliminf do begin parentchart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clRed Title := 'Lim.Inf.' LinePen.Color := clRed LinePen.Style := psDash XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 170 Top := 355 end; // object LSMenos3S: TFastLineSeries LSmenos3s:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lsmenos3s do begin parentChart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clGreen Title := '-3Sigma' XLabelsSource := 'Max' LinePen.Color := clGreen LinePen.Style := psDashDot XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 74 Top := 315 end ; //object LSMas3S: TFastLineSeries LSmas3s:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lsmas3s do begin //parentchart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clGreen Title := '+3Sigma' XLabelsSource := 'Max' LinePen.Color := clGreen LinePen.Style := psDashDot XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 106 Top := 315 end ; //object LSMa: TFastLineSeries LSma:=TFastLineSeries.create(frm) with lsma do begin //parentChart:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clBlue Title := 'Ma' LinePen.Color := clBlue LinePen.Style := psDashDotDot XValues.DateTime := False XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 170 Top := 315 end; //object LSMI: TLineSeries LSmi:=TLineSeries.create(frm) with lsmi do begin //parent:= chart2; Marks.ArrowLength := 8 Marks.Visible := False SeriesColor := clYellow Pointer.InflateMargins := True Pointer.Style := psRectangle Pointer.Visible := False XValues.DateTime := True XValues.Name := 'X' XValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 XValues.Order := loAscending YValues.DateTime := False YValues.Name := 'Y' YValues.Multiplier := 1.000000000000000000 YValues.Order := loNone Left := 208 Top := 312 end ; end; //object EditMenos3: TEdit Editmenos3:= TEdit.create(frm) with editmenos3 do begin parent:= frm Left := 480 Top := 224 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 23 OnChange := @EditSigmaChange end; //object EditMas3: TEdit Editmas3:= TEdit.create(frm) with editmas3 do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 224 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 24 end ; //object EditCrTol: TEdit Editcrtol:= TEdit.create(frm) with editcrtol do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 343 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 25 end; //object EditMa: TEdit Editma:= TEdit.create(frm) with editma do begin parent:= frm Left := 408 Top := 184 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 26 OnChange := @EditLimSupChange end ; //object EditMuestras: TEdit Editmuestras:= TEdit.create(frm) with editmuestras do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 183 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 27 end ; //object EditZInfLim: TMaskEdit Editzinflim:= TEdit.create(frm) with editzinflim do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 383 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 28 OnChange := @EditLimInfChange end ; //object EditZSupLim: TEdit Editzsuplim:= TEdit.create(frm) with editzsuplim do begin parent:= frm Left := 552 Top := 423 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 29 end ; //object EditFX: TEdit Editfx:= TEdit.create(frm) with editfx do begin parent:= frm Left := 336 Top := 424 Width := 65 Height := 24 TabStop := False Color := clWhite DragCursor := crDefault DragMode := dmAutomatic Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'System' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False ReadOnly := True TabOrder := 30 OnChange := @EditSigmaChange end ; SECantidad:= TSpinEdit.create(frm) with secantidad do begin parent:= frm Left := 512 Top := 136 Width := 65 Height := 26 Increment := 50 MaxValue := 1000 MinValue := 5 TabOrder := 31 Value := 250 end ; aCB1:= TCheckBox.create(frm) with acb1 do begin parent:= frm Left := 512 Top := 92 Width := 81 Height := 17 Caption := 'Animate' Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 32 OnClick := @CB1Click end; Panel1:= TPanel.create(frm) with panel1 do begin parent:= frm Left := 496 Top := 8 Width := 145 Height := 42 BevelInner := bvLowered BevelWidth := 2 BorderWidth := 1 BorderStyle := bsSingle TabOrder := 33 BCerrar:= TBitBtn.create(frm) with bcerrar do begin parent:= panel1 Left := 103 Top := 5 Width := 33 Height := 28 Cancel := True Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 0 OnClick := @BCerrarClick glyph.LoadFromResourceName(getHINSTANCE,'CL_MPSTOP'); // CL_MPSTOP'); NumGlyphs := 2 end; BB3d:= TBitBtn.create(frm) with bb3d do begin parent:= panel1 Left := 39 Top := 5 Width := 33 Height := 28 Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 1 OnClick := @BB3dClick glyph.LoadFromResourceName(getHINSTANCE,'TCHART'); // CL_MPSTOP'); //Glyph.Data := { NumGlyphs := 2 end ; //object BRecalcular: TBitBtn Brecalcular:= TBitBtn.create(frm) with brecalcular do begin parent:= panel1 Left := 6 Top := 5 Width := 33 Height := 28 Default := True Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 2 OnClick := @BRecalcularClick glyph.LoadFromResourceName(getHINSTANCE,'TCHARTGRID'); //CL_MPPREV'); //Glyph.Data := { end ; //object BBImprimir: TBitBtn BBimprimir:= TBitBtn.create(frm) with bbimprimir do begin parent:= panel1 Left := 72 Top := 5 Width := 32 Height := 28 Default := True Font.Charset := DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color := clBlack Font.Height := -13 Font.Name := 'Comic Sans MS' Font.Style := [fsBold] ParentFont := False TabOrder := 3 OnClick := @BBImprimirClick ShowHint := True; hint:= 'Export to Printer'; //Glyph.Data := { glyph.LoadFromResourceName(getHINSTANCE,'TCHARTPAGENAVIGATOR'); NumGlyphs := 2 end ; end; //object Timer1: TTimer timer1:= TTimer.create(frm) with timer1 do begin Interval := 500 OnTimer := @Timer1Timer //Left := 600 //Top := 124 end ; //} //FormShow(self); frm.Show; //end; end; procedure TMyGridOnGridMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var aPoint: TPoint; Grid: TStringGrid; begin //inherited; //Application.Hint := 'Hint Text'; Grid.Hint := 'Hint Text Test'; Grid.ShowHint := True; aPoint.X := X; aPoint.Y := Y; aPoint := frm.ClientToScreen(aPoint); Application.ActivateHint(aPoint); end; var rndpic: integer; var abt: boolean; Begin //@main {Demo} //initialization Teorico := 23; LimSup := 29; LimInf := 18; TolSup := 26; TolInf := 20; Sigma := 1; // Println(TEXTOUT); maXcalcF('Sqrt(PI/e^2)') writeln('3. Get Task Process Priority Info:') // iserv:= WMIConnect(isloc,'localhost\root\SecurityCenter2','',''); // Get-WmiObject Win32_process -filter 'name = "ProcessName"' | foreach-object { $_.SetPriority(PriorityLevelID) } iserv:= WMIConnect(WMIStart,'localhost','',''); wmi_dom:= 'Win32_process'; iset:= WMIExecQuery(iserv,'Select * from '+wmi_dom+' WHERE Name = "maXbox4.exe"') if WMIRowFindFirst(iset, ENum, vObj) then repeat PrintF('PriorityLevelID of maXbox: %s ',[vObj.Priority]); //vObj.setPriority('128') until not WMIRowFindNext(ENum, vObj); vObj:= unassigned; writeln(GetLastErrorMessage) //enigma test {writeln((uppercase(AllTrimSpaces('this is ä Ursprünglich Strng : string')))); writeln(StripSpaces('this is Strng : string')); writeln(uppercase(DelSpace('this is a hidden Strng : string'))); } //sr:= loadfromfile((exepath+'mytexte.txt')) //sr:= alltrimspaces (sr) //writeln(uppercase(utf8decode(delspace(sr)))) (*if isInternet then for it:= 1 to 5 do begin rndpic:= random(30000) sleep(2000) RunPictureBox(rndpic,400,400,UrlPictureLookupInfo, {false=store pic} Exepath+'\images\'+itoa(rndpic)+'.jpg', False); end; *) loadformSTATfile; //Function MaskGetCurrentDirectives( const EditMask : string; MaskOffset : Int) : TMaskDirectives // MaskGetCurrentDirectives( const EditMask : string; MaskOffset : Int) : TMaskDirectives //Convert a dfm to string: {srlist:= TStringlist.create; if LoadDFMFile2Strings('C:\maXbox\EKON_BASTA\EKON23\gaussen\gauss_6en.dfm',srlist, abt)= 0 then writeln(srlist.text); srlist.Free; } End. ref: Doc: 16235; is train test { Gauss6 Original Author (c) Jose Maria Gias email : 04/19/1999 Delphi 4 Proffesional or Client Server # with Delphi 4 Destokp versión, you need plus TeeChart Pro Freeware - This is an example, reason why reclamations are not admitted neither they offer guarantees neither support of any class Functions used Mathematics - Delphi4\source\rtl\sys\math.pas - Statistics Introduction - National education University to distance - Estadistica basica practica - Wonnacott and Wonnacott ** Have been incorporated to the Unit the necessary functions ** Example of Table of Frequencies and Estandar Deviation Distribution - Bell of Gauss in function of the obtained samples and the values of control of a normal productive process. They are considered the values of you Limit of control of Ingeniery for the process productive and Tolerances of Schemes as you Limit of control To use in a Project to withdraw the code preceded from 'Demo' and to happen to him the data To experience with it values, it is possible to change the Sigma and the tolerances The value of Sigma for the generation random of measures is updated in each data apprehension, generating the following series of measures from I finish value } Do not use the service display name (as displayed in the services control panel applet.) You must use the real service name, as referenced in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services // procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if NetHTTPClient1.Tag=NOT_BUSY then begin GaussianBlurEffect1.Enabled := True; ProgressBar1.Visible := True; Timer1.Enabled := True; TTask.Run(procedure var LResponse: TMemoryStream; begin LResponse := TMemoryStream.Create; try NetHTTPClient1.Get(''+Random.ToString+'/'+Image1.Width.ToString+'/'+Image1.Height.ToString,LResponse); TThread.Synchronize(nil,procedure begin Image1.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(LResponse); end); finally LResponse.Free; NetHTTPClient1.Tag := NOT_BUSY; GaussianBlurEffect1.Enabled := False; ProgressBar1.Visible := False; Timer1.Enabled := False; ProgressBar1.Value := 0; end; end); end; end; Combining three rotors from a set of five, each of the 3 rotor settings with 26 positions, and the plugboard with ten pairs of letters connected, the military Enigma has 158,962,555,217,826,360,000 different settings (nearly 159 quintillion or about 67 bits).[19] Note that (5x4x3) x (26^3) x [26! / (6! x 10! x 2^10)] = 158,962,555,217,826,360,000 ˜ 2^67.1 “Imagine a counterfactual history in which the British had not been able to decipher Enigma messages during the Battle of Britain, the naval war in the Mediterranean, the early years of the Battle of the Atlantic, or in the campaign in the Western Desert. Such a scenario is frightening, as it would be a history that depicts not just a longer, drawn-out war but potentially one with a quite different outcome.” „Stellen Sie sich eine kontrafaktische Geschichte vor, in der die Briten die Enigma-Sprüche während der [Luft-]Schlacht um England, des Seekriegs im Mittelmeer, der frühen Jahre der Atlantik-Schlacht oder im [Afrika-]Feldzug in der [Libyschen] Westlichen Wüste nicht hätten entziffern können. Ein solches Szenario ist beängstigend, denn es wäre eine Geschichte, die nicht nur einen längeren, langwierigen Krieg darstellt, sondern möglicherweise einen Krieg mit einem ganz anderen Ergebnis.“ – Sir Dermot Turing[140] There is a way to start a process with the desired priority. This can be done with a console command "start", available in the classic command prompt (cmd.exe). Here is how. Finally, using the console tool wmic, you can change an already running app's process priority level. This can be useful in various automation scripts. How to change the app priority level using wmic Open a new command prompt instance. Type or copy-paste the following command: Ref: >>> with open("C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox3\maXbox3\mytexte.txt") as f: ... lines = f.readlines() To remove all whitespace characters (space, tab, newline) you can use split then join: ... lines = ''.join(str(lines).split()) strip does a rstrip and lstrip (removes leading and trailing spaces, tabs, returns and form feeds, but it does not remove them in the middle of the string). >>> with open("C:\maXbox\maxbox3\maxbox4\mytext.txt",encoding='utf-8') as f: ... lines = ''.join(str(f.readlines()).split()) EventType - //"BUILTIN\\Administrators"'; '1 Error '2 Warning() '3 Information() '4 Security audit success '5 Security audit failure Exception: Could not convert variant of type (OleStr) into type (Date). //NullStrictConvert := false; "Hello Siri, open a shell!" Siri: "I don't see an app called "a shell". You could try searching the App Store." public class MainClassWMI { public static void MainWMI() { ManagementObjectSearcher query = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = 'TRUE'"); ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = query.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection) { string[] addresses = (string[])mo["IPAddress"]; foreach (string ipaddress in addresses) { Console.WriteLine("IP Address: {0}", ipaddress); } } } }