{**************************************************************** * #sign:max: MAXBOX8: 09/04/2017 19:54:25 * Project : System Information Series4 * Unitname : 131_sysinformation_shell_IBZ2017_, #locs=50 * Purpose : Demonstrates all sync/ser functions of external shell program * History : system demo for mX4 cmd - mX5ß #host:8MAXBOX8 ****************************************************************} Program System_Information_4; function MessageBeep(para: integer): byte; external 'MessageBeep@user32.dll stdcall'; var mytimestamp: TDateTime; osType: TIdWin32Type; int1, int2, int3: double; begin //@main writeln('machine name: '+getHostName) writeln('user name is: '+getUserName) osType:= Win32Type; writeln(IntToStr(ord(osType))+' is type of Operating System'); mytimestamp:= GetFileCreationTime(exepath+'maxbox4.exe') writeln(DateTimeToStr(mytimestamp)+' Creation Date of maXbox4') // 1 Serial - Sync (Waiting Sequence) ExecuteShell('cmd','/c systeminfo > sysinfo_machine1.txt') // 2 Serial - Async (Non Waiting Sequence) //ShellExecute3('cmd','/c systeminfo > sysinfo_machine2.txt',secmdopen) // 3 Parallel - Async (Par and Non Waiting 2 Tasks) {ShellExecute3('cmd','/c systeminfo > sysinfo_machine3_1.txt',secmdopen) ShellExecute3('cmd','/c systeminfo > sysinfo_machine3_2.txt',secmdopen) } // 4 Parallel - sync (Par and Waiting with /k but NOT Sync wait!) {ShellExecute3('cmd','/k systeminfo > sysinfo_machine4_1.txt',secmdopen) ShellExecute3('cmd','/k systeminfo > sysinfo_machine4_2.txt',secmdopen) } //SearchAndOpenFile('systeminfo_machine.txt') // BigInt float Test int1:= fact(10) int2:= fact(14) int3:= int1 * int2 PrintF('After Proc_ BigIntTest2: %0.2f',[int3]); ///delay(6000) SearchAndOpenFile('sysinfo_machine1.txt') //SearchAndOpenFile('sysinfo_machine2.txt') End. ******************************************************* There is no place like Doc: ser par -------------- sync | 1 | 4X | asyn | 2 | 3 | -------------- Doc: sync async -------------- ser | 1 | X | par | 2 | 3 | --------------- Antworten: @Reto writeln(GetDOSOutput('systeminfo | findstr "OS Version"','C:\')) writeln(GetDOSOutput('Systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"','C:\')) writeln(GetDOSOutput('Systeminfo | findstr /C:"System Type"','C:\')) @Yvonne Arduino Coding https://www.academia.edu/12517/Tutor_18.5_Arduino_Coding @Basil http://stackoverflow.com/questions/663958/how-to-control-which-core-a-process-runs-on Ich hab kurz meinen Schachalgo auf zwei Cores gelegt (als einen maskiert) und das Erstaunliche, er hatte die gleichen MHz ~ 2.3MHz wie vorausgesagt aber er konnte tiefer pro Zeit rechnen, will heissen mehr MIPS pro Takt! Ob das nun für jede Problemstellung gilt, ich weiss nicht? Ich denke nicht, denn der Schachalgo ist auf Threads ausgelegt und je mehr Cores desto tiefer die Baumberechnung der Züge, jedenfalls mal vorläufig eine Erklärung. Viel Algos lassen sich aber kaum verteilen, sind also nicht multithreading fähig. Das Problem mit den Cores ist vor allem, dass kein Code oder Task analysiert wird sondern nur die compilierte Exe als Executable verteilt wird. Time dilation Transversal time dilation Main article: Time dilation Time dilation is permitted by Albert Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. These theories state that, relative to a given observer, time passes more slowly for bodies moving quickly relative to that observer, or bodies that are deeper within a gravity well.[55] For example, a clock which is moving relative to the observer will be measured to run slow in that observer's rest frame; as a clock approaches the speed of light it will almost slow to a stop, although it can never quite reach light speed so it will never completely stop. For two clocks moving inertially (not accelerating) relative to one another, this effect is reciprocal, with each clock measuring the other to be ticking slower. However, the symmetry is broken if one clock accelerates, as in the twin paradox where one twin stays on Earth while the other travels into space, turns around (which involves acceleration), and returns—in this case both agree the traveling twin has aged less. General relativity states that time dilation effects also occur if one clock is deeper in a gravity well than the other, with the clock deeper in the well ticking more slowly; this effect must be taken into account when calibrating the clocks on the satellites of the Global Positioning System, and it could lead to significant differences in rates of aging for observers at different distances from a black hole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Time_dilation02.gif