program Turtle_Language_Demo; //********************************************************************* // world of fractals, patterns & topology with Turtle, loc's=277, also ex. 252_/ // Basic turtle object used in for ex. game and beginners. // you can switch in main between the functions(), Voice is on! #locs=301 //********************************************************************* (*RRRR EEEEEE AAAA DDDDD MM MM EEEEEE RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MMMM MMMM EE RRRRR EEEE AAAAAA DD DD MM MMM MM EEEE RR RR EE AA AA DD DD MM M MM EE RR RR EEEEEE AA AA DDDDD MM M MM EEEEEE *) {This script creates a leaf. It is an example of an "iterated function system".} Const DAT = 1200; type TMemor= array[1..DAT] of double; //TJvTurtle = class(TComponent); var cFrm: TForm; myturtle: TJvTurtle; mp: TPoint; //pbox: TPaintBox; //mpan: TPanel; procedure Sierpinski(a,b,c: TPoint; Recdeepth: integer; aCanvas: TCanvas); { Sierpinski Dreieck (Rekursiv) Algorithmus von Alleinherrscher ([url][/url]) 28.10.2009 , MX, small correction by c.y, cause sinus() won't work, just cos } var new_a,new_b,new_c: TPoint; begin acanvas.Pen.Color:= clred; with acanvas do begin moveto((a.x),(a.y)); lineto((b.x),(b.y)); lineto((c.x),(c.y)); lineto((a.x),(a.y)); end; new_c.x:= (a.x+b.x ) div 2; new_c.y:= (a.y+b.y) div 2; new_a.x:= (b.x+c.x ) div 2; new_a.y:= (b.y+c.y) div 2; new_b.x:= (a.x+c.x) div 2; new_b.y:= (a.y+c.y) div 2; if Recdeepth > 0 then begin Sierpinski(a,new_c,new_b, Recdeepth-1, aCanvas); Sierpinski(new_c,b,new_a, Recdeepth-1, aCanvas); Sierpinski(new_b,new_a,c, Recdeepth-1, aCanvas); end; end; procedure Sierpinski_Setup(vForm: TForm); var a,b,c:TPoint; awidth, atop, aleft, i: integer; begin awidth:=650; atop:=680; aleft:=50; //edgepoints of first triangle left, bottom: a.x:= aleft; a.y:= atop; b.X:= awidth+a.x; b.y:= atop; c.X:= awidth div 2+aleft; c.y:= atop - awidth; //c.y:= round(atop-Cos((60/360)*2*Pi)*awidth); vForm.canvas.pen.Width:= 1; for i:= 1 to 6 do begin Sierpinski(a,b,c,i,vForm.canvas); sleep(500) end; end; procedure Barnsleyfern; var p, q, pt, qt: single; p1, p2, p3, x: byte; i: integer; begin p:=0 q:=0 i:=0; with myTurtle do begin //@turtle language //canvas:= cFrm.canvas; //canvas.assign(cFrm) canvas:= cFrm.canvas; canvas.Pen.Color:= clgreen; penDown:= true; //penup penWidth:= 1; //# you can change the number of iterations //# also change the maps if you like repeat inc(i) p1:= random(255); p2:= random(255); p3:= random(30); //pc p1,p2,p3 //canvas.Pen.Color:= RGB2TColor(p1,p2,p3); canvas.Pen.Color:= SetRGBValue(p1,p2,p3); x:= random(100) pt:= p qt:= q if x < 86 then begin p:=0.85*pt+0.04*qt q:=-0.04*pt+0.85*qt+1.6 end; if (x >= 86) and (x < 93) then begin p:=-0.15*pt+0.28*qt q:=0.26*pt+0.24*qt+0.44 end; if (x >=93) and (x < 99) then begin p:=0.2*pt-0.26*qt q:=0.23*pt+0.22*qt+1.6 end; if (x >= 99) then begin p:=0; q:=0.16*qt; end; //go 50*p+200, 50*(500-q) mp.x:= round(50*p+200); mp.y:= round(50*(14-q)); position:= mp //writeln(inttoStr(mp.y)) pendown:= true; moveforward(1); pendown:= false; movebackward(1); //sleep(0) until i > 60000; mp.x:= 0; mp.y:= 0; position:= mp; //Free; end; end; procedure TurtleFractal; {#this program draws a bit of the Mandelbrot #set. It uses advanced maths. To find out #more, go to} var p, xr, c1, c2, xt, yt, m, x,y: single; q,s,kmax,i,j,k: byte; begin p:=0 q:=0 i:=0; with myTurtle do begin ////@turtle language //canvas.assign(cFrm) canvas:= cFrm.canvas; canvas.Pen.Color:= clgreen; penDown:= true; penWidth:= 3; //cs 500,500 //# q sets the resolution. 100 is low res //# 200 is higher res, but takes a while q:= 170; s:= 40 xr:= 0.02/q kmax:= 70 m:= 240/(kmax-s); for i:= 10 to q-1 do for j:= 1 to q-1 do begin c1:=-0.12+i*xr c2:=-0.92+j*xr x:=0 y:=0 k:=0 //comment set to structure test p:=0 while p < 1 do begin xt:= x*x-y*y+c1; yt:= 2*x*y+c2 x:= xt y:= yt k:= k+1 if x*x + y*y > 100 then p:=1; if k > kmax then p:=1; end; if k > s then begin //pcolor default m*(kmax+1-k), m*(kmax+1-k), m*(k-s) canvas.Pen.Color:= SetRGBValue(round(m*(kmax+1-k)), round((kmax+1-k)),round(m*(k-s))); mp.x:= round(500*i/q); mp.y:= round(530*(1-j/q)); position:= mp; //canvas.lineto(mp.x, mp.y) //go 500*i/q, 500*(1 - j/q) moveforward(1) end end; end; //with end; procedure turtleFirst(firstpoint: smallint); begin with myTurtle do begin //canvas.assign(cFrm) canvas:= cFrm.canvas; canvas.Pen.Color:= clred; penDown:= true; //penup penWidth:= 10; mp.x:= 190; mp.y:= 200; Position:= mp; //pencolor {moveforward(200) //right(90) turn(270) moveforward(50)} //# house body turn(firstpoint) //180 moveforward(100) right(90) moveforward(100) turn(90) moveforward(30) //pendown:= false; right(140) moveforward(105) right(80) moveforward(105) right(140) moveforward(30) turn(90) moveforward(100) end; end; procedure TurtleEasy; begin with myTurtle do begin //canvas.assign(cFrm) canvas:= cFrm.canvas; canvas.Pen.Color:= clred; penDown:= true; //penup penWidth:= 10; mp.x:= 190; mp.y:= 200; Position:= mp; //right(90) //180 moveforward(100) right(90) //180 moveforward(100) //movebackward(100) left(90) //180 moveforward(100) end; end; procedure LoadForm; begin cFrm:= TForm.create(self); try with cFrm do begin caption:= 'Sierpinski Turtle by maXbox((((*))))'; height:= 750; width:= 690; color:= clblack; //clwhite Position:= poScreenCenter; show; //canvas.assign(myturtle.canvas) end; Application.processMessages; except Exit; end end; //main theme begin //*************maXbox graphics series*********************************** //processMessagesOff; for speed with memo2 do begin height:= 190; color:= clblack; font.size:= 16; font.color:= clred; end; myturtle:= TJvTurtle.create(self); loadForm(); //Sierpinski_Setup(cFrm); //Voice('Chaos done and gone') //turtleEasy; turtleFirst(90); turtleFractal; //Barnsley's fern an early IFS. turtleFirst(180); Barnsleyfern; turtleFirst(90); turtleFirst(360); myTurtle.Free; savecanvas2(cFrm.canvas, exepath+'turtle_cellular.png'); opendoc(exepath+'turtle_cellular.png'); End. just inside maxbox ____ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ | _ \ | _| | | | _ \ | | | | | | | | . | | |_ | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | _| | | | __/ | _ | | | | |_. | | |_ | |__ | | | | | | | | |____/ |___| |____| |_| |_| |_| |_| performance start is: 17:25:09:093 performance stop is: 17:26:06:062 0 h elapsed run time is: 00:56:969  mX3 executed: 28.05.2014 21:49:58 Runtime: 0:1:29.698 Memoryload: 70% use Summary Drawing component that allows the drawing of the path of a turtle. run\JvTurtle.pas [edit] Pascal run\JvTurtle.pas TJvTurtle = class(TComponent); [edit] Description JVCLInfo Basic turtle object used in for ex. childgame. Assign a canvas (ex. form.canvas) to the TJvTurtle, and a starting point (position: ex. 100, 100). From this point on you can start by moving your turtle across the screen, while it leaves it's trail (it draws a line). Make sure your pen is down, or it will not draw (PenDown property set to true). Easy made functions like Moveforward, Movebackward, Turn, .... allow you to control the turtles movement. run\JvTurtle.pas [edit] About [edit] Navigation [-] TJvTurtle TJvTurtle TJvTurtle.Area TJvTurtle.Canvas TJvTurtle.Create@TComponent TJvTurtle.Destroy TJvTurtle.DoCom TJvTurtle.DoRepaintRequest TJvTurtle.DoRequestBackground TJvTurtle.DoRequestFilter TJvTurtle.DoRequestImageSize TJvTurtle.Heading TJvTurtle.Interpret TJvTurtle.Mark TJvTurtle.MoveBackward TJvTurtle.MoveForward TJvTurtle.OnRepaintRequest TJvTurtle.OnRequestBackground TJvTurtle.OnRequestFilter TJvTurtle.OnRequestImageSize TJvTurtle.PenDown TJvTurtle.PenWidth TJvTurtle.Position TJvTurtle.Right TJvTurtle.Turn run\JvTurtle.pas constructor TCustomCntrl.Create(AOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); pBox:=TPaintBox.Create(self); pBox.parent:=self; pBox.SetBounds(0,0,width,height); Canvas.Assign(pBox.canvas); //= 86) and (x < 93) [ p=-0.15*pt+0.28*qt q=0.26*pt+0.24*qt+0.44 ] if (x >=93) and (x < 99) [ p=0.2*pt-0.26*qt q=0.23*pt+0.22*qt+1.6 ] if (x >= 99) [ p=0 q=0.16*qt ] go 50*p+200, 50*(500-q) pendown forward 1 penup backward 1 ] go 0,0 #this program draws a bit of the Mandelbrot #set. It uses advanced maths. To find out #more, go to reset cs 500,500 cc 0,0,0 # q sets the resolution. 100 is low res # 200 is higher res, but takes a while q=100 s=40 xr=0.02/q kmax=70 m=240/(kmax-s) for i = 10 to q-1 [ for j = 1 to q-1 [ c1 = -0.12+i*xr c2 = -0.92+j*xr x=0 y=0 k=0 p=0 while p < 1 [ xt=x*x-y*y+c1 yt=2*x*y+c2 x=xt y=yt k=k+1 if x*x + y*y > 100 [ p=1 ] if k > kmax [ p=1 ] ] if k > s [ pc m*(kmax+1-k), m*(kmax+1-k), m*(k-s) go 500*i/q, 500*(1 - j/q) forward 1 ] ] ] ----code_cleared_checked----