Program SaintSourceSnippets3_UnitTestBox4; //uses parseutils.pas // #sign:5:54 max: MAXBOX8: 04/01/2021 15:46:33 8:14 //#tech:5.202perf: 0:0:34.143 threads: 10 15:46:33 // //Machine Learning Mastery With Python Mini-Course (*Functionality: Delphi Components that provide an interface to the *) (* Python language (see python.txt for more infos on *) (* Python itself). *) //uses parseutils.pas //{$I examples/parseutils.pas} Const TEXTOUT = 'Set and Clear a Bit in a Byte'; //##################################################################### //## ## //## examples of ## //## ## //##################################################################### {function OpenPythonDLL (lpMachineName : string; lpDatabaseName : string; dwDesiredAccess : DWORD): THANDLE; // external 'OpenSCManager@ADVAPI32.DLL.dll stdcall'; external 'OpenSCManagerA@python37.dll stdcall'; } //function SafeLoadLibrary(const Filename: string; ErrorMode: UINT): HMODULE; function LoadLibrary32(const Filename: string): Longint; external 'LoadLibraryA@kernel32.dll stdcall'; //uses parseutils.pas type TPythonVersionProp = record DllName : string; RegVersion : string; APIVersion : Integer; end; var PythonVersionProp: TPythonVersionProp; procedure TDynamicDllOpenDll(const aDllName : string); forward; //const {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} PYTHON_KNOWN_VERSIONS: array[1..8] of TPythonVersionProp = ( (DllName: 'python27.dll'; RegVersion: '2.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python32.dll'; RegVersion: '3.2'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python33.dll'; RegVersion: '3.3'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python34.dll'; RegVersion: '3.4'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python35.dll'; RegVersion: '3.5'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python36.dll'; RegVersion: '3.6'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python37.dll'; RegVersion: '3.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'python38.dll'; RegVersion: '3.8'; APIVersion: 1013) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _so_files} PYTHON_KNOWN_VERSIONS: array[1..8] of TPythonVersionProp = ( (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '2.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.2'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.3'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.4'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.5'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.6'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: ''; RegVersion: '3.8'; APIVersion: 1013) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} PYTHON_KNOWN_VERSIONS: array[1..8] of TPythonVersionProp = ( (DllName: 'libpython2.7.dylib'; RegVersion: '2.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.2.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.2'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.3.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.3'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.4.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.4'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.5.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.5'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.6.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.6'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.7.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.7'; APIVersion: 1013), (DllName: 'libpython3.8.dylib'; RegVersion: '3.8'; APIVersion: 1013) ); {$endif} Const PYT_METHOD_BUFFER_INCREASE = 10; PYT_MEMBER_BUFFER_INCREASE = 10; PYT_GETSET_BUFFER_INCREASE = 10; KEY_ALL_ACCESS = $2003F; METH_VARARGS = $0001; METH_KEYWORDS = $0002; // Masks for the co_flags field of PyCodeObject CO_OPTIMIZED = $0001; CO_NEWLOCALS = $0002; CO_VARARGS = $0004; CO_VARKEYWORDS = $0008; // Rich comparison opcodes introduced in version 2.1 Py_LT = 0; Py_LE = 1; Py_EQ = 2; Py_NE = 3; Py_GT = 4; Py_GE = 5; Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER = (1 shl 0); // PySequenceMethods contains sq_contains Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN = (1 shl 1); // Objects which participate in garbage collection (see objimp.h) Py_TPFLAGS_GC = (1 shl 2); // PySequenceMethods and PyNumberMethods contain in-place operators Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS = (1 shl 3); // PyNumberMethods do their own coercion */ Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES = (1 shl 4); Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE = (1 shl 5); // Objects which are weakly referencable if their tp_weaklistoffset is >0 // XXX Should this have the same value as Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE? // These both indicate a feature that appeared in the same alpha release. Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS = (1 shl 6); // tp_iter is defined Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER = (1 shl 7); Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT = Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_SEQUENCE_IN or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INPLACEOPS or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_RICHCOMPARE or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_WEAKREFS or Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER ; type // Delphi equivalent used by TPyObject TRichComparisonOpcode = (pyLT, pyLE, pyEQ, pyNE, pyGT, pyGE); var myst: TStringStream; x, ib: byte; condition: boolean; //s : TUTF8Scanner.Create(Memo1.Text); //asd: TSimpleIPCClient function OpenSCManagerX (lpMachineName : string; lpDatabaseName : string; dwDesiredAccess : DWORD): THANDLE; // external 'OpenSCManager@ADVAPI32.DLL.dll stdcall'; external 'OpenSCManagerA@advapi32.dll stdcall'; function ClearBit( const aValue, aBitNumber: integer ): integer; begin result:= aValue And not(1 Shl aBitNumber); end; function SetBit(const aValue, aBitNumber : integer ): integer; begin result:= aValue And (1 Shl aBitNumber); end; function CleanStringANSI(const s : AnsiString; AppendLF : Boolean) : AnsiString; var i : Integer; begin result := s; if s = '' then Exit; i := Pos((CR),s); while i > 0 do begin Delete( result, i, 1 ); i := PosEx((CR),result, i); end; if AppendLF and (result[length(result)] <> LF) then Result := Result + LF; end; function CleanString(const s : UnicodeString; AppendLF : Boolean) : UnicodeString; begin {$IFDEF FPC} Result := UnicodeString(AdjustLineBreaks(AnsiString(s), tlbsLF)); {$ELSE} Result := AdjustLineBreaks(s, tlbsLF); {$ENDIF} if AppendLF and (result[length(result)] <> LF) then Result := Result + LF; end; {$DEFINE MSWINDOWS} procedure TPythonEngineCheckRegistry; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var key : string; Path : string; NewPath : string; {$IFDEF CPUX86} MajorVersion : integer; MinorVersion : integer; {$ENDIF} VersionSuffix: string; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} //if Assigned( FOnPathInitialization ) then try with TRegistry.Create1(KEY_ALL_ACCESS and not KEY_NOTIFY) do try VersionSuffix := ''; {$IFDEF CPUX86} MajorVersion := StrToInt(RegVersion[1]); MinorVersion := StrToInt(RegVersion[3]); if (MajorVersion > 3) or ((MajorVersion = 3) and (MinorVersion >= 5)) then VersionSuffix := '-32'; {$ENDIF} key:= Format('\Software\Python\PythonCore\%s%s\PythonPath', [PythonVersionProp.RegVersion, PythonVersionProp.RegVersion, VersionSuffix]); RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if not KeyExists( key ) then begin // try a current user installation RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if not KeyExists( key ) then Exit; end; // Key found OpenKey( key, True ); try Path := ReadString(''); NewPath := Path; //FOnPathInitialization( Self, NewPath ); if NewPath <> Path then begin WriteString( '', NewPath ); end; finally CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; except // under WinNT, with a user without admin rights, the access to the // LocalMachine keys would raise an exception. end; {$ENDIF} end; //{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function IsPythonVersionRegistered(PythonVersion : string; out InstallPath: string; out AllUserInstall: Boolean) : Boolean; // Python provides for All user and Current user installations // All User installations place the Python DLL in the Windows System directory // and write registry info to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE // Current User installations place the DLL in the install path and // the registry info in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. // Hence, for Current user installations we need to try and find the install path // since it may not be on the system path. // The above convension was changed in Python 3.5. Now even for all user // installations the dll is located at the InstallPath. // Also from version 3.5 onwards 32 bit version have a suffix -32 e.g. "3.6-32" // See also PEP 514 var key: string; VersionSuffix: string; MajorVersion : integer; MinorVersion : integer; begin Result := False; InstallPath := ''; AllUserInstall := False; MajorVersion := StrToInt(PythonVersion[1]); MinorVersion := StrToInt(PythonVersion[3]); VersionSuffix := ''; {$IFDEF CPUX86} if (MajorVersion > 3) or ((MajorVersion = 3) and (MinorVersion >= 5)) then VersionSuffix := '-32'; {$ENDIF} key := Format('\Software\Python\PythonCore\%s%s\InstallPath', [PythonVersion, VersionSuffix]); // First try HKEY_CURRENT_USER as per PEP514 try with TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ and not KEY_NOTIFY) do try RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey(Key, False) then begin InstallPath := ReadString(''); Result := True; Exit; end; finally Free; end; except end; //Then try for an all user installation try with TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ and not KEY_NOTIFY) do try RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKey(Key, False) then begin AllUserInstall := True; if (MajorVersion > 3) or ((MajorVersion = 3) and (MinorVersion >= 5)) then InstallPath := ReadString(''); Result := True; end; finally Free; end; except end; end; //{$ENDIF} var FDLLHandle : THandle; FDllName : String; FFatalMsgDlg : Boolean; FFatalAbort : Boolean; function TDynamicDllGetDllPath : string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var AllUserInstall: Boolean; DllPath : string; RegVersion : string; {$ENDIF} begin Result := DllPath; AllUserInstall:= True; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if DLLPath = '' then begin IsPythonVersionRegistered(PythonVersionProp.RegVersion, Result, {PythonVersionProp.}AllUserInstall); end; {$ENDIF} if Result <> '' then begin Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Result); end; end; function TDynamicDllIsHandleValid : Boolean; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := (FDLLHandle >= 32); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} Result := FDLLHandle <> 0; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TDynamicDllDoOpenDll(const aDllName : string); begin if not TDynamicDllIsHandleValid then begin FDllName := aDllName; writeln('try open dll: '+TDynamicDllGetDllPath+FDllName); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FDLLHandle := SafeLoadLibrary( {$IFDEF FPC} PAnsiChar(AnsiString(GetDllPath+DllName)) {$ELSE} TDynamicDllGetDllPath+FDllName, SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX {$ENDIF}); {$ELSE} //Linux: need here RTLD_GLOBAL, so Python can do "import ctypes" FDLLHandle := THandle(dlopen(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(GetDllPath+DllName)), RTLD_LAZY+RTLD_GLOBAL)); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TDynamicDllLoadDll; begin TDynamicDllOpenDll( FDllName ); end; function TDynamicDllGetQuitMessage : string; begin Result:= Format( 'Dll %s could not be loaded. We must quit.', [FDllName]); end; procedure TDynamicDllUnloadDll; begin if TDynamicDllIsHandleValid then begin //BeforeUnload; FreeLibrary(FDLLHandle); FDLLHandle := 0; end; end; procedure TDynamicDllOpenDll(const aDllName : string); var s : string; begin TDynamicDllUnloadDll; //BeforeLoad; FDLLHandle := 0; TDynamicDllDoOpenDll(aDllName); if not TDynamicDllIsHandleValid then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} s := Format('Error %d: Could not open Dll "%s"',[GetLastError, FDllName]); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} s := Format('Error: Could not open Dll "%s"',[DllName]); {$ENDIF} if FFatalMsgDlg then {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} MessageBox( GetActiveWindow, PChar(s), 'Error', MB_TASKMODAL or MB_ICONSTOP ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} WriteLn(ErrOutput, s); {$ENDIF} if FFatalAbort then Exit; //Quit; end else //AfterLoad; end; {function GetPythonEngine : TPythonEngine; begin if not Assigned( gPythonEngine ) then raise Exception.Create( 'No Python engine was created' ); if not gPythonEngine.Finalizing then if not gPythonEngine.Initialized then raise Exception.Create( 'The Python engine is not properly initialized' ); Result := gPythonEngine; end;} //************************Saint Source Snippets*************************** //************************************************************************ //1. Showing a message box with a default button const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = $1234; procedure ShowaMessageBox; begin if MessageBox(Hinstance,'mytext','mycaption', MB_OKCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = IDCANCEL then begin exit; end else begin ShowMessage('oki dic'); end; end; //procedure Set_ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(abo: boolean) //2. Checking for memory leaks procedure ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown; begin Set_ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown(true) end; {Since D2006, Delphi includes a way to check for memory leaks in the IDE once the application has terminated. } //3. Playing with radio buttons procedure PlaywithRadioButton; var Radiogroup1: TRadiogroup; index: integer; begin //Here’s how to display the radio button currently selected, if any: ShowMessage(Radiogroup1.Items.Strings[RadioGroup1.ItemIndex]); //A more complicated way: for index := 0 to RadioGroup1.Items.Count - 1 do begin if RadioGroup1.ItemIndex = index then begin ShowMessage(RadioGroup1.Items[index]); end; end; //Here’s how to clear it: RadioGroup1.ItemIndex:=-1; end; //4. Playing with TStringList hashed arrays // In addition to indexes, a TStringList array can use names so as to build key name=value procedure Stringlist_HashedArrays; var indexclassifications : TStringList; i : Integer; begin indexclassifications:= TStringList.Create; indexclassifications.Add('unix=good'); indexclassifications[0]:= 'windows=bad'; for i := 0 to indexclassifications.Count-1 do begin ShowMessage(indexclassifications[i]); ShowMessage(indexclassifications.Names[i]); ShowMessage(indexclassifications.ValueFromIndex[i]); ShowMessage(indexclassifications.Values[indexclassifications.Names[i]]); end; indexclassifications.Free; end; //5. Playing with a ListBox Procedure ListBoxTest; var listBox : TListBox; index : Integer; begin //Adding items ListBox.Items.Add('Hello'); listBox := TListBox(self); index := listBox.ItemIndex; ShowMessage(listBox.Items[index]); //Adding an item at a specific location in the list ListBox.Items.Insert(3,'Hello'); end; //6. Selecting a directory {Here’s how to display a dialog box so the user can choose a directory: } procedure TForm1Button1ClickDir(Sender: TObject); var chosenDirectory : string; options : TSelectDirOpts; LabeledEdit1: TEdit; begin chosenDirectory := 'C:\'; if SelectDirectory(chosenDirectory, options, 0) then LabeledEdit1.Text :=chosenDirectory + '\'; end; //7. Removing unwanted characters //Here’s how to strip unwanted characters from a string: function CleanInput(input : String) : String; var output : string; index : Integer; begin output := StringReplace(input, #9, '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, #10, '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, #13, '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, ' ', '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, ' ', '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, ' ', '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); output := StringReplace(output, '
', '',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); Result := output; end; //8. Associative array ("hash") {You can use Delphi’s TStringList object: } procedure Associative_Array; var myhash : TStringList; Index : Integer; ListBox1 : TListBox; begin myhash := TStringList.Create; myhash.Add('mykey=myvalue'); myhash.Add('mykey2=myvalue2'); ShowMessage(myhash.Values['mykey']); for Index := 0 to myhash.Count-1 do begin if assigned(listbox1) then ListBox1.Items.Add(myhash.Names[Index]+ '=' + myhash.ValueFromIndex[Index]) else writeln(myhash.Names[Index]+ '=' + myhash.ValueFromIndex[Index]); end; myhash.Free; end; //9. Indy Ping Example procedure TForm1Timer1TimerPing(Sender: TObject); var IdIcmpClient1: TIdIcmpClient; replystatustype: TReplyStatus; ListBox1: TListBox; begin IdIcmpClient1.Host:= ''; try IdIcmpClient1.Ping('aQuote', 0); replystatustype:= IdIcmpClient1.ReplyStatus; except //{case IdIcmpClient.ReplyStatus.ReplyStatusType of} case replystatustype of rsEcho: begin ListBox1.Items.Append(format('response from host %s in %d millisec.', [replystatustype.FromIpAddress, replystatustype.MsRoundTripTime])); end; rsError: ListBox1.Items.Append('Unknown error.'); rsTimeOut: ListBox1.Items.Append('Timed out.'); rsErrorUnreachable: ListBox1.Items.Append(format('Host %s reports destination network unreachable.', [replystatustype.FromIpAddress])); rsErrorTTLExceeded: ListBox1.Items.Append(format('Hope %d %s: TTL expired.', [IdIcmpClient1.TTL, replystatustype.FromIpAddress])); end; // case //on E: EIdException do begin ListBox1.Items.Append('Error : ' + 'E.Message'); //end; end; //Except end; // 10. Here's how to download a bunch of files that have an increasing suffix: // // use the TDownloadUrl component (but data is saved into a file, not a variable) //From Simple HTML page scraping with Delphi function Download_HTM(const sURL, sLocalFileName:string): boolean; begin Result:=True; with TDownLoadURL.Create(nil) do try URL:=sURL; Filename:=sLocalFileName; try ExecuteTarget(nil); except Result:=False end; finally Free; end; end; Const //ADPNEWHOTURL='http://acme/picture_'; ADPNEWHOTURL= ''; // UrlPictureLookupInfo = ''; procedure TForm1Button1ClickACMEDownload(Sender: TObject); var sPathToF : String; iIndex : Integer; sPictureFileName, sPathToPictures : String; begin sPathToPictures:= ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'pictures'; if not DirectoryExists(sPathToPictures) then CreateDir(sPathToPictures); SetCurrentDir(sPathToPictures); For iIndex := 1 to 25 do begin sPictureFileName:= 'picture_' + Format('%.4d', [iIndex]) + '.jpg'; writeln( 'Source = ' + ADPNEWHOTURL + IntToStr(iIndex) + ' Target = ' + sPictureFileName); if Not Download_HTM(ADPNEWHOTURL+ IntToStr(iIndex)+'/200/200',sPictureFileName) then begin ShowMessage('Error in HTML file download ' + IntToStr(iIndex)); Exit; end; Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; // 11. Usage of it is really simple! Just add ‘hashes’ (filename of .pas file) to uses clause and then somewhere in code write: procedure stringHashtest; var hash : TStringHash2; //Here’s unit with those TIntegerHash2 and TStringHash2, TObjectHash2 described @ basehash: THash2; begin hash:= TStringHash2.Create; try hash['one']:= 'viens value'; hash['two']:= 'divi value'; //ShowMessage(hash['one']); //ShowMessage(hash['two']); if hash.exists('one') then writeln(hash['one']); writeln(hash['two']); hash.Rename('one', 'onerename'); writeln(hash['onerename']); finally hash.Free; end; end; procedure integerHashtest; var hash : TIntegerHash2; //Here’s unit with those TIntegerHash2 and TStringHash2, TObjectHash2 described @ basehash: THash2; begin hash:= TIntegerHash2.Create; try hash['one']:= 1; hash['two']:= 2; //ShowMessage(hash['one']); //ShowMessage(hash['two']); if hash.exists('one') then write(itoa(hash['one'])); write(itoa(hash['two'])); hash.Rename('one', 'onerename'); write(itoa(hash['onerename'])); writeln('') finally hash.Free; end; end; procedure integerHashtest2; //Here’s unit with those TIntegerHash2 described @ begin with TIntegerHash2.Create do begin try items['one']:= 1; items['two']:= 2; //ShowMessage(hash['one']); if exists('one') then write(itoa(items['one'])); write(itoa(items['two'])); Rename('one', 'onerename'); write(itoa(items['onerename'])); finally Free; end end; end; { Purpose: A collection of hash components for Delphi. These are similar to arrays, but the index is a string. A hashing algorithm is used to provide extremely fast searching. } //12. Datasets offer navigation and search methods like First, Last, Next, Prior, MoveBy, Bof, Eof, Bookmark, Locate, Lookup, Filter. //Here’s how to have a dataset run an SQL query programmatically: procedure SQLQuerySet; var MyQuery, SQLQuery1, CustomerQuery: TQuery; CustTable: TTable; Edit1: TEdit; begin //The dataset must be closed when you specify or modify the SQL property. MyQuery.Close; MyQuery.SQL.Clear; MyQuery.SQL.Add('SELECT CustNo, OrderNO, SaleDate'); MyQuery.SQL.Add(' FROM Orders'); MyQuery.SQL.Add('ORDER BY SaleDate'); MyQuery.Open; //Since MyQuery is a TStrings, any item can be access and changed: MyQuery.SQL[2] := 'ORDER BY OrderNo'; //You can also load an SQL query from file: MyQuery.SQL.LoadFromFile('custquery.sql'); //Here’s how to build an SQL query by providing parameters at runtime: SQLQuery1.ParamByName('Capital').AsString := Edit1.Text; //INSERT INTO Country (Capital) VALUES (:Capital) //Queries that don’t return a result set should be run by calling ExecSQL: CustomerQuery.ExecSQL; //If you are executing query multiple times, it is a good idea to set the Prepared property to True. //Here’s to modify a record in a dataset: with CustTable do begin Edit; FieldValues['CustNo'] := 1234; Post; end; end; //13. If you want both to handle an exception and perform some tasks even when things went ok, you’ll have to run the following structure with a second try embedded : procedure AllocateSomeResources; begin try try //stuff that could trigger an exception finally //perform general actions, such as FreeAndNIL() end; except //handle exception //on E: Exception do begin MessageDlg('E.Message', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); end; end; //(Delphi and maXbox provides also a single try/except/finally structure) procedure AllocateSomeResources2; begin try //stuff that could trigger an exception finally //perform general actions, such as FreeAndNIL() except //handle exception //on E: Exception do begin if ExceptionType = erInvalidOpcode then writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); MessageDlg('E.Message', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); end; end; {TIFException', '(ErNoError, erCannotImport, erInvalidType, ErInternalError, '+ 'erInvalidHeader, erInvalidOpcode, erInvalidOpcodeParameter, erNoMainProc, erOutOfGlobalVarsRange, '+ 'erOutOfProcRange, ErOutOfRange, erOutOfStackRange, ErTypeMismatch, erUnexpectedEof, '+ 'erVersionError, ErDivideByZero, ErMathError,erCouldNotCallProc, erOutofRecordRange, '+ 'erOutOfMemory,erException,erNullPointerException,erNullVariantErrorerInterfaceNotSupportederError);} // If you only want to catch an exception but actually have it handled elsewhere (eg. centralizing it), use the Raise() function: function Raiseit: TStringlist; begin Result:= TStringList.Create; try //Result.TrySomething; Result.text; except Result.Free; raise; //Let error bubble up and be handled elsewhere up there end; end; //14. Borland’s TValueListEditor //This is a two-column grid that you can use to display/change "key=value" tuples: procedure columngridtest; var ASQLite3Query1: TQuery; ValueListEditor1: TValueListEditor; i: integer; FieldName, keyval: string; //ad: TKStringGrid TAdvColumnGrid begin for i := 0 to ASQLite3Query1.FieldCount -1 do begin FieldName := ASQLite3Query1.Fields[i].FieldName; KeyVal := Format('%s=%s',[FieldName,ASQLite3Query1.FieldByName(FieldName).AsString]); ValueListEditor1.Strings.Add(KeyVal); end; end; // 15. Creating objects at runtime //If using "nil" as the owner, you must call the Free() method or you’ll get a memory leak. //You don’t have to use a variable to hold the pointer to the instance (source): procedure Objects_at_Runtime; var FTimer : TTimer; begin with TTimer.Create(Self) do begin Interval := 1000; Enabled := False; //OnTimer := @MyTimerEventHandler; end; //Do NOT call Free with try/finally! //or with TTable.Create(nil) do try DataBaseName := 'MyAlias'; TableName := 'MyTable'; Open; Edit; FieldByName('Busy').AsBoolean := True; Post; finally Free; //If using variables, you can call FreeAndNil() instead end; //… but it’s recommended to use a variable, so you can refer to it later: FTimer := TTimer.Create(Self) ; if not Assigned(FTimer) then begin ShowMessage('Not assigned'); Exit; end; with FTimer do begin Interval := 1000; Enabled := False; //OnTimer := @MyInternalTimerEventHandler; end; //FreeAndNil(FTimer); Ftimer.Free; Ftimer:= Nil; //Alternatively: FTimer:= TTimer.Create(Self) ; try with FTimer do begin Interval := 1000; Enabled := False; //OnTimer := @MyInternalTimerEventHandler; end; finally //Since Delphi 5 doesn’t provide try/expect/finally, here’s a way to check for errors if not Assigned(FTimer) then begin ShowMessage('Failed creating Timer’'); end else begin; //FreeAndNil(FTimer); Ftimer.Free; Ftimer:= Nil; end; end; end; {An array created in a routine (procedure or function), even if its size is statically defined, is considered an "open array", and thus, starts at 0:, in maXbox a type mismatch} //procedure Check4(var ReturnArray: Array of String); procedure Check4(var ReturnArray: TStringArray); var Index : Integer; begin // Says 1! ShowMessage(IntToStr(High(ReturnArray))); end; procedure check2(Sender: TObject); var ReturnArray : Array[1..2] of String; begin //Says 2, as expected ShowMessage(IntToStr(High(ReturnArray))); //Check4(ReturnArray); end; // 16. King Regex TPerlRegex {To install this RegEx engine for Delphi, open, compile and install PerlRegExD7.dpk, which creates PerlRegExD7.bpl, add its directory to the Library path, and add a TPerlRegEx control to the project’s form. Here’s how to extract a single bit in a text: } {TPerlRegEx (free wrapper around PCRE, with additional support for replace and split actions; "You can choose to link the OBJ files directly into your application, or to use the DLL"; Under active development; Made by author of} // function TPerlRegexfirst: string; var RegEx: TPerlRegEx; SubjectString: string; begin RegEx := TPerlRegEx.Create; subjectstring:= '["some regex text"]' //result: some text try Regex.RegEx := '\["(.+?)"\]'; Regex.Subject := SubjectString; // ["any text between brackets and quotes"] Regex.Replacement := '$1'; Regex.ReplaceAll; Result := Regex.Subject; finally RegEx.Free; end; end; // procedure TPerlRegexTest; var PerlRegEx1 : TPerlRegEx; begin PerlRegEx1.RegEx := '(.+?)'; PerlRegEx1.Options := [preCaseLess]; PerlRegEx1.Subject := 'test bla test'; If PerlRegEx1.Match then begin ShowMessage(PerlRegEx1.Groups[1]) end else begin ShowMessage('Not found') end; end; //Next, here’s how to look for a pattern, and extract bits if found: procedure secondRegexTest; var RegEx : TPerlRegEx; Stuff : TStringList; i: byte; begin RegEx := TPerlRegEx.Create; Stuff := TStringList.Create; Try RegEx.RegEx := 'my pattern'; RegEx.Options := [preCaseLess]; RegEx.Subject := 'this is the text to search for my pattern'; If RegEx.Match then begin repeat for i := 1 to regex.GroupCount do begin Stuff.Add(regex.Groups[i]); Application.ProcessMessages; end; until not RegEx.MatchAgain; For I := 0 to Stuff.Count - 1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(Stuff[I]); end; end else begin ShowMessage('Not found'); end; Finally RegEx.Free; Stuff.Free; End; End; //Here’s how to replace a pattern with something else: procedure thirdRegexTest; var RegEx : TPerlRegEx; begin RegEx := TPerlRegEx.Create; try RegEx.Subject := LoadFile('myfile.txt^'); RegEx.RegEx := 'HERE'; RegEx.Replacement := '‘THERE’'; If RegEx.Match then begin RegEx.Replace; ShowMessage(RegEx.Subject); end; finally RegEx.Free; end; end; //TRegExpr {Although TRegExp is much slower than TPerlRegEx on more complex operations, it’s OK for light searches. Here’s how to extract tokens from a text file using TRegExpr: } procedure Tregexprtest; var mystuff: string; begin MyStuff := 'My stuff'; with TRegExpr.Create do try //Make it case-insensitive ModifierI := True; Expression := '(.*?)'; if Exec (MyStuff) then ShowMessage(Match[1]); finally Free; end; end; //Here’s how to extract several tokens, and put them in an array: procedure Tregexprtest2; var Tokens : TStringList; MyRegex : TRegExpr; I: integer; begin MyRegex := TRegExpr.Create; Tokens := TStringList.Create; try MyRegex.ModifierI := True; MyRegex.Expression := 'some stuf (\d+) some other stuff'; //if MyRegex.Exec (Response) then begin if MyRegex.Exec (MyRegex.Expression) then begin REPEAT Tokens.Add (MyRegex.Match[1]) UNTIL not MyRegex.ExecNext; Memo2.Clear; for I := 0 to Tokens.Count-1 do begin Memo2.Lines.Add(Tokens[I]); end; end else begin Memo2.Text := 'Pattern Not Found'; end; finally MyRegex.Free; Tokens.Free; end; end; procedure WriteToFileStream; var FileStream1: TFileStream; Int1, Int2, Int3, Int4: Integer; begin Int1 := 100; Int2 := 200; Int3 := 1918986307; Int4 := 1702521171; FileStream1 := TFileStream.Create(exepath+'examples\streamTest2.txt', fmCreate or fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyWrite); try FileStream1.Writebuffer(itoa(Int1), SizeOf(Int1)); FileStream1.Writebuffer(itoa(Int2), SizeOf(Int2)); FileStream1.Writebuffer(itoa(Int3), SizeOf(Int3)+8); FileStream1.Writebuffer(itoa(Int4), SizeOf(Int4)+8); finally FileStream1.Free;; end; end; // function Int2Str(Number : Int64) : String; var Minus : Boolean; begin {SysUtils is not in the Uses Clause so I can not use IntToStr( ) and have to define an Int2Str( ) function here} Result := ''; if Number = 0 then Result := '0'; Minus := Number < 0; if Minus then Number := -Number; while Number > 0 do begin Result := Chr((Number mod 10) + ord('0')) + Result; Number := Number div 10; end; if Minus then Result := '-' + Result; end; function Str2Int(const Value : String) : Int64; var M, I : Integer; begin Result := 0; if Value = '' then Exit; M := 1; I := 1; if Value[ 1 ] = '-' then begin M := -1; Inc( I ); end; for I := I to Length( Value ) do begin if (Value[ I ] < '0') or (Value[ I ] > '9') then break; Result := Result * 10 + atoi( Value[ I ] ) - atoi('0' ); end; if M < 0 then Result := -Result; end; procedure PlayBeep(ActionType: TMsgDlgType); var amb: dWord; begin case ActionType of mtInformation: amb := MB_ICONASTERISK; //SystemAsterisk mtWarning: amb := MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; //SystemExclamation mtError: amb := MB_ICONHAND; //SystemHand mtConfirmation: amb := MB_ICONQUESTION; //SystemQuestion mtCustom: amb := MB_OK; //SystemDefault else amb:= $0FFFFFFFF; //Standard beep using the computer speaker end; MessageBeep(amb); end; procedure PrintOut3; var at: TTEEGradient; begin Printer.BeginDoc; //PrintText(#27'&l12D' + 'Hello, World!'); Printer.EndDoc; //trydatetimetostring end; ////Some guesswork here ;-) type TUArrDW2 = array of DWord; function SwapEndian(const Value: LongWord): LongWord; begin Result := ((Value and $000000FF) shl 24) or ((Value and $0000FF00) shl 8) or ((Value and $00FF0000) shr 8) or ((Value and $FF000000) shr 24); end; procedure UASwapEndian(var UC: TUArrDW2); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to High(UC) do UC[i] := SwapEndian(DWord(UC[i])); end; procedure TForm1ClientDataSet1BeforeGetRecords(Sender: TObject; var OwnerData: OleVariant); var LastValue: OleVariant; CDSClone: TClientDataSet; ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet; form1: TForm; begin if ClientDataSet1.Active then begin CDSClone := TClientDataSet.Create(Form1); try //CDSClone.CloneCursor(ClientDataSet1, True); { Turn off FetchOnDemand so that the clone only fetches the last LOCAL record. } CDSClone.FetchOnDemand := False; CDSClone.Last; LastValue := CDSClone.Fields[0].AsString; CDSClone.Close; finally CDSClone.Free; end; end else LastValue := NULL; OwnerData := VarArrayOf([Memo2.Lines.Text, LastValue]); end; const RFC1123Pattern = 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy HH'':''nn'':''ss ''GMT'''; function RFC1123DateGMT(const DT: TDateTime): string; begin Result := {SysUtils.}FormatDateTime(RFC1123Pattern, DT); end; function TreeNodeChildCount(ParentNode: {ComCtrls.}TTreeNode): Integer; var ChildNode: {ComCtrls.}TTreeNode; // references each child node begin Result := 0; if ParentNode = nil then Exit; ChildNode := ParentNode.GetFirstChild; while (ChildNode <> nil) do begin Inc(Result); ChildNode := ChildNode.GetNextSibling; end; end; function SliceByteArray2(const B: array of Byte; Start, Len: Integer): TBytes; begin if Start < 0 then Start := 0; if Len < 0 then Len := 0 else if Start >= Length(B) then Len := 0 else if Start + Len > Length(B) then Len := Length(B) - Start; SetLength(Result, Len); if Len > 0 then //Move(B[Start], Result[0], Len); end; procedure SaveHandleToBitmap(OutputFileName: string; hWnd: HWND); {$IFDEF FPC} var MyBitmap: TBitmap; MyDC: HDC; begin MyDC := GetDC(hWnd); MyBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try MyBitmap.LoadFromDevice(MyDC); MyBitmap.SaveToFile(OutputFileName); finally ReleaseDC(hWnd, MyDC); FreeAndNil(MyBitmap); end; end; {$ELSE} var MyBitmap: {Graphics.}TBitmap; MyDC : HDC; pRect : TRect; w,h : integer; begin MyDC := GetDC(hWnd); MyBitmap := {Graphics.}TBitmap.Create; try GetWindowRect(HWND,pRect); w := pRect.Right - pRect.Left; h := pRect.Bottom - pRect.Top; MyBitmap.Width := w; MyBitmap.Height:= h; BitBlt(MyBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, MyBitmap.Width, MyBitmap.Height, MyDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) ; MyBitmap.SaveToFile(OutputFileName); finally ReleaseDC(hWnd, MyDC); //FreeAndNil(MyBitmap); MyBitmap.Free; MyBitmap:= Nil; end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure SIRegister_neuralbit; begin //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf2BytesPtr', '^TArrOf2Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf3BytesPtr', '^TArrOf3Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf4BytesPtr', '^TArrOf4Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrBytePtr', '^TLongByteArray // will not work'); //POT( numero, elevado : extended) : extended'); //LongintBitTest( Data : longint; P : longint) : boolean'); //LongintBitFlip( Data : longint; P : longint) : longint'); //BAClear( var VARS : array of byte)'); //BAMake1( var VARS : array of byte)'); //BARead( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : byte'); //BAFlip( var A : array of byte; P : longint)'); //&&BAWrite( var A : array of byte; P : longint; Data : byte)'); //BATest( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : boolean'); //BASum( var x, y : array of byte)'); //BASub( var x, y : array of byte)'); //BAIncPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)'); //BADecPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)'); //BAInc( var x : array of byte)'); //BADec( var x : array of byte)'); //BAToString( VARS : array of byte) : string'); //BAToFloat( var VARS : array of byte) : extended'); //PFloatToBA( var VARS : array of byte; Valor : extended)'); //BANot( var VARS : array of byte)'); //BAAnd( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); //BAOr( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); //BAXOr( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); //BAGrater( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); //BALower( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); //BAEqual( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); //BAPMul( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); //nnRAnd( A, B : extended) : extended'); //nnROr( A, B : extended) : extended'); //nnRNot( A : extended) : extended'); //nnRXor( A, B : extended) : extended'); //REqual( A, B : extended) : extended'); //RSum( x, y, z : extended; var R, C : extended)'); //RegSum( var x, y : array of extended)'); //RegEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended'); //RegOrdEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended'); //RegToString( var VARS : array of extended) : string'); //ROrer( var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); //RAnder( var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); //RCNot( X : extended; var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); //ROrMaxTerm( var VARS : array of extended; NumMaxTerm : longint) : extended'); //ROrMaxTermStr( NumVars : longint; NumMaxTerm : longint) : string'); //RSatFunc( var VARS : array of extended; NumFunc : longint) : extended'); //RSatFuncStr( NumVars : longint; NumFunc : longint) : string'); //RRegen( var VARS : array of extended)'); //RDegen( var VARS : array of extended)'); //RDegenP( var VARS : array of extended; P : extended)'); //nnClear( var VARS : array of extended)'); //BARAnd( var R, A, B : array of byte)'); //BAROr( var R, AUX, A, B : array of byte)'); //BARNot( var R, A : array of byte)'); end; procedure SIRegister_neuralab; begin // SIRegister_TABHash(CL); //ABKey( S : array of byte; Divisor : longint) : longint'); //ABCmp( var X, Y : array of byte) : boolean'); //ABGetNext1( var AB : array of byte; ST : word) : word'); //ABCountDif( var X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); //ABCountDifZero( var X : array of byte) : longint'); //ABAnd( var A, B : array of byte)'); //ABGetEqual( var Equal, X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); //ABShiftLogicalLeft( var X : array of byte)'); //ABShiftLogicalRight( var X : array of byte)'); //ABGetDif( var Dif, X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); //ABToString( var AB : array of byte) : string'); //ABToStringR( var AB : array of byte) : string'); //ABClear( var AB : array of byte)'); //ABFull( var AB : array of byte)'); //ABBitOnPos( var AB : array of byte; POS : longint)'); //ABBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of byte; X, Start, Len : longint)'); //ABReadBitOnPosAtPos( var AB : array of single; Start, Len : longint) : longint'); //ABCopy( var A, B : array of byte)'); //ABTriPascal( var A, B : array of byte)'); //ABSet( var A : array of byte; B : array of byte)'); end; type { Note the creation of two arrays } TByteArr = array of byte; TStringArr = array of String; function ByteToString(var Value: TBytes): String; var I: integer; S : String; Letra: char; begin S := ''; for I := Length(Value)-1 Downto 0 do begin letra := Chr(Value[I] + 48); S := letra + S; end; Result := S; end; procedure TForm2btOpenClickMedia(Sender: TObject); var OpenMediaDialog : TOpenDialog; MediaPlayer1: TMediaPlayer; begin OpenMediaDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(Self); OpenMediaDialog.Filter := 'All Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi'; // Browse for .avi files on your computer if OpenMediaDialog.Execute() then begin { Assign a file to the media player. } MediaPlayer1.FileName := OpenMediaDialog.FileName; { Check if the file exists and is not a directory. } if (FileExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) and (not DirectoryExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) then begin { Open the files. } MediaPlayer1.Wait := true; MediaPlayer1.Open; MediaPlayer1.Play; { Override automatic button controlling. } MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := [{TMPBtnType.}btPause, {TMPBtnType.}btStop, btPlay]; { Enable the Stop button. } //btStop.Enabled := true; //btOpen.Enabled := false; end; end; OpenMediaDialog.Free; end; procedure FGPlayASound_(const AResName: string); var HResource: TResourceHandle; HResData: THandle; PWav: ___Pointer; begin HResource := FindResource(HInstance, PChar(AResName), 'WAV'); if HResource <> 0 then begin HResData:=LoadResource(HInstance, HResource); if HResData <> 0 then begin PWav:=LockResource(HResData); if Assigned(PWav) then begin // uses MMSystem sndPlaySound('0', SND_NODEFAULT); // nil = stop currently playing sndPlaySound(PWav, SND_ASYNC or SND_MEMORY); end; // UnlockResource(HResData); // unnecessary per MSDN // FreeResource(HResData); // unnecessary per MSDN end; end else RaiseLastOSError; end; function GetCokkiesDirectory: string; var reg : TRegistry; begin reg := TRegistry.Create1(KEY_READ); try reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg.Access := KEY_READ; reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Cache\Special Paths\Cookies', false); Result := reg.ReadString('Directory'); finally reg.Free; end; end; function gcdE(a, b: Integer): Integer; var rest: Integer; begin //ggT Berechnung nach dem Algorithmus von Euklid //Konvergiert sehr schnell! //gcd using Euklid algorithm //converge very fast repeat rest := a mod b; a := b; b := rest; until (rest = 0); Result := absint(a); //ggT is immer positiv //gcd is always positive end; function LastDayOfCurrentMonth: TDate; var y, m, d: Word; begin DecodeDate(now, y, m, d); m := m + 1; if m = 12 then begin y := y + 1; m := 1; end; //Result := EncodeDate(y, m, 1) - 1; end; procedure PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); begin //if pagecontrol1.activepage=tabsheet3 then setup; writeln('pagecontrol change as exit call') end; function StrHash(const st:string):cardinal; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=1 to length(st) do result:=result*$20844 xor ord(st[i]); end; procedure complexDemo(input, output, stderr: string); //uses // uComplex; var x, y: complex; begin // specifying real and imaginary part //x := -5 + 2 * i; // specifying magnitude and phase angle // y := sqrt(2) * (cos(pi/4) + i * sin(pi/4)) // := 1; // := 1; //x := x + y; // there is no toString functionality: //writeLn('x = ',, ' + ',, 'i'); end; function Int32toBytes2(const Cint: Integer): TBytes; begin result[0]:= Cint and $FF; result[1]:= (Cint shr 8) and $FF; result[2]:= (Cint shr 16) and $FF; end; procedure FormMouseWheel(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); begin // your code here // WheelDelta returns you - or + values (in my computer -120 and + 120 ; // It depends on control panel mouse wheel settings) // If it is a font make the font size bigger or // if it is a image // strech := true; // increase width and height of the Timage //and put them inside a scrollbox writeln(itoa(wheeldelta)) // end; procedure XORCharSet2(var DestSet: CharSet; const SourceSet: CharSet); var Ch: Char; begin { for Ch := ByteChar(0) to ByteChar(255) do if Ch in DestSet then begin if Ch in SourceSet then Exclude(DestSet, Ch); end else if Ch in SourceSet then Include(DestSet, Ch); } //strtocharset(charsettostr(C)) for it:= 0 to 255-1 do begin ch:= chr(it) //if chr(it) in strtocharset(charsettostr(destset)) then if ch in destset then begin if ch in SourceSet then //Exclude(DestSet, Ch); DestSet:= Destset + strtochars(ch); end else if Ch in SourceSet then //Include(DestSet, Ch); } DestSet:= destset - strtochars(Ch) ; end; end; procedure XORCharSet3(var DestSet: CharSet; const SourceSet: CharSet); var Ch: Char; chs, chs2: tsyscharset; begin for it:= 0 to 255-1 do begin ch:= chr(it) //if chr(it) in strtocharset(charsettostr(destset)) then if ch in destset then begin if ch in SourceSet then include(destset, ch); //DestSet:= Destset + strtochars(ch) //union(destset, sourceset) end else if Ch in SourceSet then exclude(destset, Ch); //DestSet:= destset - strtochars(Ch) ; end; end; function abt(S: string): Integer; var I, L: Integer; begin Result := 0; L := Length(S); for I := 1 to L do if S[I] = '1' then Result := Result + Round(Power(2, L - I)); end; function DateTimeToStrUs(dt: TDatetime): string; var us: string; begin //Spit out most of the result: '20160802 11:34:36.' Result := FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd hh":"nn":"ss"."', dt); //extract the number of microseconds dt := Frac(dt); //fractional part of day dt := dt * 24*60*60; //number of seconds in that day us := IntToStr(Round(Frac(dt)*1000000)); //Add the us integer to the end: // '20160801 11:34:36.' + '00' + '123456' Result := Result + StringOfChar('0', 6-Length(us)) + us; end; procedure Test_StringBuilder; var A : TStringBuilder; begin A := TStringBuilder.Create(''); try Assert(A.Length = 0,''); A.Append('X'); Assert(A.Length = 1,''); A.Append('ABC'); Assert(A.Length = 4,''); Assert(A.AsString = 'XABC',''); A.AppendCRLF; Assert(A.Length = 6,''); A.AppendCh('D'); Assert(A.Length = 7,''); A.AppendCh1('E', 3); Assert(A.Length = 10,''); Assert(A.AsString = 'XABC'#13#10'DEEE',''); A.Pack; Assert(A.Length = 10,''); A.Clear; Assert(A.Length = 0,''); finally A.Free; end; end; //var aur: TUArrDW; var asum: float; aStream : {TABHash} TStream; abcd: array of byte; //TBytearray; //array of byte; abc: mTBytearray; ab, bc, dd: TBytes; var A, B: TBytes; gh: byte; BA: TByteArray; //TByteArr; BAT: TBytes; //TByteArr; affine: TAffineVector; orbelem: TOrbitalElements ; pubdic: Tdic; publist: TStringlist; test1: array of THashObject ; getv: TVectorE; complex: complexreal; acomp: TFR; ansi, ansi2: ansistring; mycharset: tcharset; obo2: TJsonObject2; Json : TJson; atc: TJclStringList; atci: IJclStringList; //soa: TSetOfAnsiChar; var Protocol, Host, Path : String; var DestSet: CharSet; spl: TstringArray; var lcount: Int64; var OutPutList: TStringList; agb: TBytes; tp3: TPoint3DFloat; tp2s: TPoint3D2; var myc2r, myc2i: MFloatArray; //array of Mfloat; var RealOut, ImagOut: MFloat; var I : Integer; sURL: String; sWork: UTF8String; C: Char; bB: Byte; wDecoded: WideString; //I: Integer; Begin //@main // for it:= 1 to 2 do Println(TEXTOUT); maXcalcF('Sqrt(PI/e^2)') //with TDownloadUrl.Create(Self) do //ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown //SliceByteArray //enigma test writeln(uppercase(AllTrimSpaces('this is ä Strng : string'))); writeln(StripSpaces('this is Strng : string')); writeln(DelSpace('this is Strng : string')); //} x:= 1; if condition then x:= 1 else x:= 0; //x = 1 if condition else 0; //writeln(itoa(ClearBit(15,0))) writeln(inttobin(ClearBit(15,1))) writeln(inttobin(SetBit(255,7))+CRLF) PythonVersionProp.Regversion:= '3.7'; FFatalAbort:= false; FFatalMsgDlg:= true; //LoadLibrary Fails with error 193 on 64 bit Windows FDllName:= 'python37_32.dll' // FDllName:= 'libssl32.dll' //FDllName:= 'dmath.dll' {writeln('TDynamicDllGetDllPath: '+TDynamicDllGetDllPath); TDynamicDllOpenDll(FDllName); writeln('Python DLL Handle: '+itoa(FDLLHandle)) } //FDLLHandle:= //LoadLibrary32('C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\dmath.dll') //LoadLibrary32('C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python37.dll') //writeln('Python DLL Handle: '+itoa(FDLLHandle)) {for ib:= 1 to 8 do writeln(Cinttobin(SetBit(255,8-ib),8)); writeln('') for ib:= 1 to 8 do writeln(Cinttobin(ClearBit(255,8-ib),8)); } // Associative_Array; //TForm1Button1ClickACMEDownload(self) stringhashtest; writeln(TPerlRegexfirst) //WriteToFileStream; writeln(inttostr(Str2Int('234588944')) ) writeln(int2str(Str2Int('234588944')) ) for it:= 0 to 30 do asum:= asum + (1/pow(2,it)); writeln(floattostr(asum)) PrintF('%.16f',[asum]) with TLegendSymbol.create(nil) do begin gradient free end; writeln(botostr(isinternet)) //UTF8BOM //UTF16BEBOM','string').SetString( #$FE#$FF); //UTF16LEBOM','string').SetString( #$FF#$FE); //UTF32BEBOM','string').SetString( #$00#$00#$FE#$FF); //UTF32LEBOM','string').SetString( #$FF#$FE#$00#$00); //test: for ib:= 1 to 16 do //if pos('1',inttobin(ib div 4 and 1 shl ib)) > 1 then writeln(itoa(ib)) ; //writeln(botostr(HasUTF8BOM1(#$FF#$FE#$00#$00))) writeln(botostr(HasUTF8BOM1(#$EF#$BB#$BF))) astream:= TMemoryStream.create; //StringToStream( 'const Text : string;', astream); StringToStream(#$EF#$BB#$BF, astream); //writeln(botostr(HasUTF8BOM(astream))) astream.Free; //pot nnclear //SetDecimalSeparator //GetWaveOutDevices //abcd[1]:= 2; abcd[2]:=3 ; //abc[1]:= 2; abc[2]:=3 ; setarraylength(ab,2); //ab:= abc; //Function MaxBArray( const B : array of Byte) : Byte MaxBArray(ab); //BATostring([3]); //BAClear(ab); //ABToString (abc[1]); //BARNot(ab, bc) setarraylength(A,2); A[0]:= 34; A[1]:= 134; //gh:= PopByteArray(BAT); SaveBytesToFile(A, exepath+'examples\FileName.txt'); B:= CloneByteArray(A); setarraylength(BAT,3); BAT[0] := 40 BAT[1] := 41 BAT[2] := 42 writeln(itoa(length(BAT))) writeln(ByteToString(BAT)); //Good judgement is the result of experience … Experience is the result of bad judgement. //writeln(sha1('C:\Program Files (x86)\maxbox3\Import\')) writeln(utf8toansi('Vous avez indiqué votre adresse E-Mail pour acheter des pins pour le test mentionné en haut.')) writeln(utf8toansi(ALUTF8HTMLdecode('Kaufbestätigung'))) writeln(utf8toansi(ALUTF8HTMLdecode('hhhhhhhhhhhhh ffffff Hier sind Ihre PINs für Check: '))) writeln((utf8tostring(('Besten Dank für Ihren Kauf. Hier sind Ihre PINs für Check: ')))) writeln('this: '+httpDecode('')) integerHashtest; integerHashtest2; writeln('set'+GetCokkiesDirectory); writeln(datetostr(LastDayOfCurrentMonth )) with TTabcontrol.create(self) do begin // parent:= dcform; //Align := alClient TabOrder := 0 //BGColor backgroundcolor:= clnavy; //TCustomTabControl(pagecontrol1).onchange; //OnChange := @PageControl1Change doesnt work! //onchange //end; //*) onchange:= @PageControl1Change; ongetSiteInfo; free; end; with TCheckListBox.create(self) do begin itemheight:= 20; columns color font sorted style:= lbStandard; autocomplete free ondblclick ondatafind ondata end; with TListBox.create(self) do begin itemheight:= 20; columns color font autocomplete free ondblclick ondatafind ondata end; writeln(floattostr(GMTDateTimeToJulianDay (now))) affine:= ComputePlanetPosition(orbelem) strtochars('ths') with TSearchAnagrams.create(self) do begin pubdic:= Tdic.create(true); //pubdic.LoadDicFromFile('C:\maXbox\TestApp2\maxbox2\maxbox2\source_2007\maxbox29\maxbox36beta\Import\970_Small.dic'); publist:= TStringlist.create; init('Hometown Run', 1 ,10 , true, false, false, pubdic) FindAllWords('He', publist) writeln('found: '+publist.text) free ;; publist.Free; end; with THashStr.create(12, 8) do begin writeln(itoa(length(test))) writeln(itoa(hash( 'hitbox1'))) writeln(itoa(hash( 'hitbox2'))) free; end; //FixedStrToFloat with TJson.Create do begin writeln(itoa(count)); writeln(values['ghjh'].asstring); JsonObject; free; end; //object Json := TJson.Create(); with Json['field7'].AsObject do begin Put13('subfield1', 2.7182818284); Put14('subfield2', 'json4delphi'); Put10('subfield1',jsnull2); end; with TP2.create do begin input:= 23.3 G:= 1.2; amplitude:= 3.5; omega:= 1; simulate; //writeln(floattostr(fr.phi)); writeln('TP2 '+floattostr(output)) writeln(floattostr(SimOutput)); free ; end; acomp.m:= 12.5; 23; -0; acomp.F:= complex; //BCE03C310FAEBA451DF2BDEE7B3A0DE2B5ECB8BD for it:= 0 to 9 do if itoa(it)[1] in strtochars('BCE03C310FAEBA451DF2BDEE7B3A0DE2B5ECB8BD') then write('found: '+ itoa(it)+' '); writeln(CRLF) for it:= ord('A') to ord('F') do if chr(it) in strtochars('BCE03C310FAEBA451DF2BDEE7B3A0DE2B5ECB8BD') then write('found: '+ chr(it)+' '); // writeln(itoa(LocalExecute32 (exepath+'maxbox4.exe', false , SW_SHOW , INFINITE))) //printusingshell(exepath+'"maxboxerrorlog - Copy.txt"') //loadform2 //copyex try Selftestinternetutils except writeln(ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); end; //writeln(flcMIMEContentTypeFromExtention('ctavi')) flcDecodeURL('', Protocol, Host, Path) writeln('hist: '+protocol) //PlaySound('INDIGO_WAV', hInstance, SND_RESOURCE or SND_ASYNC); //PlaySound('MOON', hInstance, SND_RESOURCE or SND_ASYNC); with THeaderCls.create('') do begin getfieldnames free end; //} atci:= JclStringList; atc:= TJclStringlist.create;; with TJclStringList.create do begin //atci:= loadfromfile(Exepath+'maxboxdef2.ini'); atci:= addstrings(['thisi is']) //atci //atci:= JclStringList; addstrings(['thisi is','dhhhd']) writeln('get '+getcommatext) writeln('get '+text) //keepregex //files //ExtractWords free end; //} //RaiseLastOSError; //flcRaiseLastOSError; flcGetWinPortNames writeln(flcGetLocalHostName) //triminplace spl:= flcStrSplit('this -is -maxbox -rocks','-') for it:= 0 to length(spl)-1 do write(spl[it]+' '); OutPutList := TStringList.Create; try strSplit(':', 'word:doc,txt,docx', OutPutList) ; Writeln(OutPutList.Text); //Readln; finally OutPutList.Free; end; //strsplit //OutPutList := TStringlist.Create; outputlist:= strSplitF(':', 'word:doc,txt,docx') ; Writeln(OutPutList.Text); OutPutList.Free; //setlength(agb,3) agb:= int32tobytes(123456) writeln(itoa(agb[0]) ); SelfTestCFundamentUtils; // maxform1.JumptoOutput1Click(self) writeln(GetLastOSErrorMessage ) writeln(itoa(GetLastOSErrorcode)) writeln(itoa(hton32(123456789))) //bytesequal ansi:= 'this is'; ansi:= 'this is box'; ansi:= 'this'; ansi2:= 'this is'; writeln('StringRefCount: '+itoa(StringRefCount2 (ansi)) ); writeln('StringRefCount: '+itoa(StringRefCount (ansi)) ); writeln(itoa( bytescompare(StrToBytes(ansi), StrToBytes(ansi2)) )); writeln(botostr( bytesequal(StrToBytes(ansi), StrToBytes(ansi2)) )); //FGPlayASound2('moon','wav') writeln('async') //FGPlayASound2('promote','wave') //FGPlayASound2('petra','mid') PlayReswav('promote','wave') //PlayReswav('emptywave','rcdata') //PlayReswav('maxboxwav','wav') with TForm.create(self) do begin caption:= '' onmousewheel:= @FormMouseWheel ; //OnMouseWheelup //showmodal; free end; with TSCROLLBOX.create(self) do begin //caption:= '' onmousewheelup free end; //SphereTPoint3D lcount:= 20000; writeln(botostr(QueryPerformanceCounter2(lcount))) ; writeln(itoa(lcount)) QueryPerformanceCounter1(lcount) ; writeln(itoa(lcount)) writeln(botostr(QueryPerformanceFrequency1(lcount))) ; writeln(itoa(lcount)) writeln(botostr(QueryPerformanceCounter2(lcount))) //writeln(itoa(QueryPerformanceCounter1(lcount))) QueryPerformanceCounter(lcount) ; writeln(itoa(lcount)) writeln(floattostr(gmlgetfuzz)) with TFrame.create(self) do begin //caption align free end; with TRotateImage.create(self) do begin UniqueSize //onexit ondblclick free end; //CreateRotatedBitmap TestStatisticClass; writeln(floattostr(flcerf(0.0036567))) writeln(floattostr(erf(36.567))) writeln(floattostr(flcBinomialCoeff(42,6))) writeln(floattostr(BinomialCoeff(42,6))) //include excude test //XORCharSet2 destset:= strtochars('t9pOS'); //include((destset), 'i') ; XORCharSet(destset, strtochars('t9pOA')); writeln('XORCharSet1: '+charsettostr(destset)) XORCharSet2(destset, strtochars('t9pOA')); writeln('XORCharSet2: '+charsettostr(destset)); Assert(charsettostr(destset)='AS','XORCharSet2 must AS'); // } XORCharSet3(destset, strtochars('t9pOA')); writeln('XORCharSet3: '+charsettostr(destset)); Assert(charsettostr(destset)='AS','XORCharSet2 must AS'); // } //StatisticFloatDelta TestMathClass; TestStatisticClass; writeln(floattostr(flcE)) setlength(myc2r,2) setlength(myc2i,2) myc2r[0]:= 17.8 myc2i[0]:= 117.8 myc2r[1]:= 16.7 myc2i[1]:= 116.7 //flcFourierTransform( const AngleNumerator : MFloat; const RealIn, ImagIn : array of MFloat; var RealOut, ImagOut : MFloatArray)'); flcFourierTransform (2, myc2r, myc2i, myc2r, myc2i ); flcCalcFrequency(2, myc2r, myc2i, RealOut, ImagOut); //Procedure flcFFT( const RealIn, ImagIn : array of MFloat; var RealOut, ImagOut : MFloatArray)'); flcFFT( myc2r, myc2i, myc2r, myc2i); flcFourierTransform( 4.6, myc2r, myc2i, myc2r, myc2i); writeln(floattostr(RealOut)) writeln(floattostr(imagOut)) writeln(floattostr( flcCummChiSquare(73.5, 90.5))); Assert(not flcIsPrime(0), 'IsPrime(0)'); Assert(not flcIsPrime(1), 'IsPrime(1)'); Assert(flcIsPrime(2), 'IsPrime(2)'); Assert(flcIsPrime(3), 'IsPrime(3)'); //Assert2(IsPrime(-3), 'IsPrime(-3)'); Assert(not flcIsPrime(4), 'IsPrime(4)'); Assert(not flcIsPrime(-4), 'IsPrime(-4)'); Assert(flcIsPrime(257), 'IsPrime(257)'); Assert(not flcIsPrime($10002), 'IsPrime($10002)'); Assert(flcIsPrime($10003), 'IsPrime($10003)'); //union writeln(itoa(flccharcount(['t','9','p','O']))); writeln(itoa(flccharcount(strtochars('t9pO')))); destset:= strtochars('t9pOS'); flcXORCharSet(destset, strtochars('t9pOA')); writeln('flcXORCharSet1: '+charsettostr(destset)) destset:= strtochars('t9pOS'); flcXORCharSet(destset, strtochars('t9pOA')); writeln('flcXORCharSet2: '+charsettostr(destset)); Assert(charsettostr(destset)='AS','XORCharSet2 must AS'); // } //Function IsComplete( const C : CharSet) : Boolean writeln(botostr(IsComplete(destset))); writeln(botostr(IsComplete(strtochars(getASCIIline)))); writeln(botostr(IsComplete(strtochars(getASCIIline+chr(0))))); writeln(botostr(flcIsComplete(destset))); writeln(botostr(flcIsComplete(strtochars(getASCIIline)))); writeln(botostr(flcIsComplete(strtochars(getASCIIline+chr(0))))); // CL.AddDelphiFunction('function AddQuantumToDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): TDateTime;'); writeln(datetimetostr(AddQuantumToDateTime(now))); with TPrimes.create do begin CanonicalFactors; writeln(itoa(length(Divisors))); free; end; with TStatisticClass.create do begin add(576.6) add(176.6) writeln(floattostr(mean)); //CustomSort; //writeln(itoa(length(Divisors))); free; end; TestBitClass; testtimerclass; writeln(IntToHex(abt('1000100011111111'), 8)); writeln('GetHighResolutionFrequency: '+inttostr64(GetHighResolutionFrequency)) //TestFull; writeln('MicroDateTimeTest: '+ datetimetostr(MicroDateTimeToDateTime(GetMicroDateTimeNow))); writeln(DateTimeToStrUs(now)); writeln(datetimetostr(getnowutc (false))) //TLexCharProc with TBlaiseLexer.create do begin gettoken free end; //randomint testRationalClass; //ifthenint TestComplexClass; TestMatrixClass; TestStringBuilderClass; //TPoints2 //PlgBlt3 //LinkerTimeStamp writeln('LinkerTimeStamp '+datetimetostr(LinkerTimeStamp(exepath+'maxbox4.exe'))); Test_StringBuilder; mycharset:= ['%','&']; writeln(StrRemoveCharSet(' this os % a box& of ',['%','&'])) writeln(StrRemoveCharSet(' this os % a box& of ',mycharset)) TestASCIIRoutines; //MakeComplexSound2 writeln(IntToByteCharDigit(8)) TestPatternmatcher; { Assert(StrPosPatternU('', '', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 0); Assert(I = 0); Assert(StrPosPatternU('', 'a', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 1); Assert(I = 0); Assert(StrPosPatternU('a', '', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 0); Assert(I = 0); Assert(StrPosPatternU('a*b', 'xacb', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 2); Assert(I = 3); Assert(StrPosPatternU('a*b', 'xaccbd', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 2); Assert(I = 4); Assert(StrPosPatternU('a*b', 'xa', I, 1, mpgGreedy) = 0); Assert(I = 0); } Assert(MatchFileMaskB('*', 'A',true), 'MatchFileMask'); Assert(MatchFileMaskB('?', 'A',true), 'MatchFileMask'); Assert(MatchFileMaskB('', 'A',true), 'MatchFileMask'); TestUnicodeChar; writeln(botostr(UnicodeIsDashOrHyphen('-'))) sURL := 'ga:referralPath=/add/%D0%9F%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%BC'; sWork := sURL; I := 1; while I <= Length(sWork) do begin if sWork[I] = '%' then begin if (I+2) > Length(sWork) then Xraise (Exception.Create('Incomplete encoding detected')); sWork[I] := Chr((HexToBits(sWork[I+1]) shl 4) or HexToBits(sWork[I+2])); Delete(sWork, I+1, 2); end; Inc(I); end; wDecoded := UTF8Decode(sWork); writeln(wdecoded) // 15 CLF_Fundamentals Testroutines 47520 //------------------------------------ TestMathClass; TestStatisticClass; TestBitClass; TestCharset; TestTimerClass; TestRationalClass; TestComplexClass; TestMatrixClass; TestStringBuilderClass; TestASCII; TestASCIIRoutines; TestPatternmatcher; TestUnicodeChar; ///////////////////////// TestUnits ////////////////////////// //@procedure SelftestPEM; SelfTestCFundamentUtils; SelfTestCFileUtils; try SelfTestCDateTime; except writeln('I/O error: '+ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); end; try SelfTestCTimer; except writeln('high Res Timer: '+ExceptionToString(ExceptionType, ExceptionParam)); end; SelfTestCRandom; //SelftestAES; SelfTestASN1; SelfTestX509; writeln(botostr(TestDes)); writeln(botostr(Test3Des)); writeln(botostr(TestAes)); SelfTestcTLSUtils; SelfTestCFundamentUtils; //SelfTestcHTTPUtils SelfTestcXMLFunctions SelfTestHugeWord SelfTestRSA writeln('All 30 Unit Tests passed!^?') ; playreswav('maxboxwav','wav'); writeln(botostr(QueryPerformanceCounter2(lcount))) voice('this is the voice of maXbox4') End. Ref: **************************************************************** Release Notes maXbox Jan 2021 mX47 **************************************************************** Add 25 Units + 4 Tutorials 1277 unit uPSI_SystemsDiagram.pas Dendron 1278 unit uPSI_qsFoundation.pas Dendron 1279 uPSI_JclStringLists2 JCL 1280 uPSI_cInternetUtils2 FLC 1281 uPSI_cWindows.pas FLC 1282 uPSI_flcSysUtils.pas +TBytes utils 1283 unit uPSI_RotImg.pas DA 1284 uPSI_SimpleImageLoader.pas LAZ 1285 uPSI_HSLUtils.pas LAZ 1286 uPSI_GraphicsMathLibrary.pas EF 1287 unit uPSI_umodels.pas DMath 1288 uPSI_flcStatistics.pas FLC5 1289 uPSI_flcMaths.pas FLC5 1290 uPSI_flcCharSet.pas 1291 uPSI_flcBits32.pas 1292 uPSI_flcTimers.pas 1293 uPSI_cBlaiseParserLexer.pas 1294 uPSI_flcRational.pas 1295 uPSI_flcComplex.pas 1296 unit uPSI_flcMatrix (uPSI_flcVectors.pas) 1297 unit uPSI_flcStringBuilder.pas 1298 unit PJResFile_Routines; 1299 uPSI_flcASCII.pas 1300 uPSI_flcStringPatternMatcher; 1301 unit uPSI_flcUnicodeChar.pas Totals of Function Calls: 33282 SHA1: of D82EAD01C58738887661428F94B207DB1D8FAEB5 CRC32: 203C82F0 29.5 MB (31,012,768 bytes //0.0964047009787458 double //0.0964050595696765 extended // mX4 executed: 23/12/2020 20:22:27 Runtime: 0:0:1.694 Memload: 34% use Ref: "Solid Ball Of Rock" One night in Louisiana down by highway eighty four You could hear a strange dog howling right outside his mamma's door The baby was a killer, the cousin was a priest The baby upped and said, "I play the music of the beast" Kopien von Mails lassen sich über die Siri-Datenbank ohne den zur S/MIME-Entschlüsselung erforderlichen privaten Schlüssel einsehen. 1633dace2c2b541e1fb9f48aa7575c0cfd4498cf >>> result=0 >>> for i in range(31): ... result += (1/pow(2,i)) ... >>> result 1.9999999990686774 >>> for i in range(30): ... result += 1/pow(2,i) ... >>> result 1.9999999981373549 Source = Target = picture_0001.jpg Source = Target = picture_0002.jpg Source = Target = picture_0003.jpg Source = Target = picture_0004.jpg Source = Target = picture_0005.jpg Source = Target = picture_0006.jpg Source = Target = picture_0007.jpg Source = Target = picture_0008.jpg Source = Target = picture_0009.jpg Source = Target = picture_0010.jpg Source = Target = picture_0011.jpg Source = Target = picture_0012.jpg  mX4 executed: 30/03/2020 23:09:29 Runtime: 0:0:4.453 Memload: 46% use Doc: The unit importer parses the interface section of a unit and generates an import unit for use by Pascal Script. It makes the Delphi code from the imported unit accessible to the Pascal Script interpreter. Include both units (the original and the generated one) in your project. Instead of manually typing all the AddDelphiFunction calls to add your functions to Pascal Script, the importer generates code to call those functions for you. If you have USEIMPORTER defined in your project, then the import unit will automatically register the imported types, functions, and constants with the interpreter. Otherwise, you'll have to call the SIRegister_X function yourself when you have your own interpreter class ready. SafeLoadLibrary loads a Windows DLL or Linux shared object file, as specified by Filename. SafeLoadLibrary preserves the current FPU control word, preventing library initialization code from permanently overwriting precision and exception masks. Note: On Windows, SafeLoadLibrary temporarily sets the system error mode to ErrorMode. The default, SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX, suppresses error dialogs. The previous error mode is restored before SafeLoadLibrary exits. For a list of error modes, refer to SetErrorMode in the Microsoft documentation. Note: On Linux, the Dummy argument is ignored. Ref: // Standard exception classes of Python Hierarchy of Python exceptions, Python 2.3, copied from \Python\exceptions.c Exception\n\ |\n\ +-- SystemExit\n\ +-- StopIteration\n\ +-- StandardError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- KeyboardInterrupt\n\ | +-- ImportError\n\ | +-- EnvironmentError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- IOError\n\ | | +-- OSError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- WindowsError\n\ | | +-- VMSError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- EOFError\n\ | +-- RuntimeError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- NotImplementedError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- NameError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- UnboundLocalError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- AttributeError\n\ | +-- SyntaxError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- IndentationError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- TabError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- TypeError\n\ | +-- AssertionError\n\ | +-- LookupError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- IndexError\n\ | | +-- KeyError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- ArithmeticError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- OverflowError\n\ | | +-- ZeroDivisionError\n\ | | +-- FloatingPointError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- ValueError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- UnicodeError\n\ | | |\n\ | | +-- UnicodeEncodeError\n\ | | +-- UnicodeDecodeError\n\ | | +-- UnicodeTranslateError\n\ | |\n\ | +-- ReferenceError\n\ | +-- SystemError\n\ | +-- MemoryError\n\ |\n\ +---Warning\n\ |\n\ +-- UserWarning\n\ +-- DeprecationWarning\n\ +-- PendingDeprecationWarning\n\ +-- SyntaxWarning\n\ +-- RuntimeWarning\n\ +-- FutureWarning" //} ref: Ref: 16-03-2020 11:30 Virus: les marchés chutent, les frontières se ferment EventType - //"BUILTIN\\Administrators"'; '1 Error '2 Warning() '3 Information() '4 Security audit success '5 Security audit failure public class MainClassWMI { public static void MainWMI() { ManagementObjectSearcher query = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = 'TRUE'"); ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = query.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection) { string[] addresses = (string[])mo["IPAddress"]; foreach (string ipaddress in addresses) { Console.WriteLine("IP Address: {0}", ipaddress); } } } } Lerninhalte ML: Regression: Lineare Regression Polynomiale Regression Klassifizierung: Logistische Regression Support Vector Machine (SVM) SVM mit Kernel (rbf, poly) Naive Bayes Entscheidungsbäume Random Forest Clustering Natural Language Processing Tokenizing Stemming POS-Tagging (welchen Typ hat ein Wort?) Bonus: Deep Learning / Neuronale Netze (nur Python) Aufbau eines Neuronalen Netzes Was ist ein Neuron? Tensorflow Keras Anwendung: Dimensionsreduktion mit der Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Daten einlesen (mit vollständigem Praxisbeispiel, Schritt für Schritt erklärt Hyperparameter finden „Parameter Tuning“ GridSearch (GridSearchCV in Python / tuneGrid in R) Modelle vergleichen: K-Fold Cross-Validation Bestimmtheitsmaß Besonders geeignet für: Entwickler, die sich für Machine Learning interessieren. PBIDesktop_x64.msi Die Weiterentwicklung der Automatisierungstechnik hat in den letzten Jahren einige interessante und vielversprechende Innovationen hervorgebracht. Hierzu zählt insbesondere die durchgehende Integration einiger Spezialtechnologien des Machine Learning wie die Mustererkennung, Predictive Maintanance und das Condition Monitoring. Dies verdeutlicht, wie weit die Optimierung der Automation schon vorangeschritten ist oder sein kann. Ein unmittelbarer Nutzen ist allerdings bereits heute klar: Bereiche wie die Robotik, mathematische Optimierung, Anomaliedetektion oder modellbasierte Regelung würden direkt durch eine entsprechende Integration profitieren. Dazu dienen die Grundlagen dieses CAS. zip: b433e3cc7ce4e21c20929fa050fbc9be219f1b31 CAI NEURAL API - Pascal based neural network API optimized for AVX, AVX2 and AVX512 instruction sets plus OpenCL capable devices including AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. unit uPSI_neuralbit.pas unit uPSI_neuralab.pas unit uPSI_neuralvolumev.pas unit uPSI_neuralabfun.pas procedure SetDecimalSeparator2(Ch: Char); procedure GetWaveOutDevices(DeviceNames: TStrings); var DNum: Integer; i: Integer; Caps: TWaveOutCapsA; begin DNum := waveOutGetNumDevs; // Number of Devices for i := 0 to DNum - 1 do // Query Devicenames begin waveOutGetDevCaps(i, @Caps, SizeOf(TWaveOutCapsA)); DeviceNames.Add(string(Caps.szPname)); end; end; procedure GetWaveOutDevices(DeviceNames: TStrings); procedure GetMIDIOutDevices(Devices: TStrings); procedure TestKMeans(); var KMeans: TNNetKMeans; Clusters, ClusterSize, Samples: integer; SampleCnt, StepCnt, ClusterCnt: integer; SampleVolume: TNNetVolume; ClustersWithElements: integer; ClusteredElements: integer; begin Clusters := Random(128) + 1; ClusterSize := Random(128) + 1; Samples := Random(1280) + 1; WriteLn('Testing KMeans - Clusters:', Clusters, ' Cluster Size:', ClusterSize, ' Samples:', Samples); KMeans := TNNetKMeans.Create(Clusters, 1, 1, ClusterSize); // Creates the sample for clustering. for SampleCnt := 0 to Samples - 1 do begin SampleVolume := TNNetVolume.Create(1, 1, ClusterSize); SampleVolume.FillForDebug(); SampleVolume.Mul(Random(Clusters)); SampleVolume.Add(Random(100)/100); KMeans.AddSample( SampleVolume ); end; // Runs the clusteting. KMeans.Randomize(); for StepCnt := 1 to 20 do begin KMeans.RunStep(); KMeans.RandomizeEmptyClusters(); end; KMeans.RunStep(False); // Counts how many clusters have elements. ClustersWithElements := 0; ClusteredElements := 0; for ClusterCnt := 0 to KMeans.Clusters.Count - 1 do begin if KMeans.Clusters[ClusterCnt].Tag > 0 then Inc(ClustersWithElements); Inc(ClusteredElements, KMeans.Clusters[ClusterCnt].Tag); end; WriteLn(ClustersWithElements, ' clusters have ', ClusteredElements, ' elements. KMeans testing has finished.'); KMeans.Free; end; procedure SIRegister_neuralab(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin SIRegister_TABHash(CL); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABKey( S : array of byte; Divisor : longint) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABCmp( var X, Y : array of byte) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABGetNext1( var AB : array of byte; ST : word) : word'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABCountDif( var X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABCountDifZero( var X : array of byte) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABAnd( var A, B : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABGetEqual( var Equal, X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABShiftLogicalLeft( var X : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABShiftLogicalRight( var X : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABGetDif( var Dif, X, Y : array of byte) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABToString( var AB : array of byte) : string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABToStringR( var AB : array of byte) : string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABClear( var AB : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABFull( var AB : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABBitOnPos( var AB : array of byte; POS : longint)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABBitOnPosAtPos(var AB: array of byte; X,Start,Len: longint)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ABReadBitOnPosAtPos(var AB:array of single;Start,Len:longint): longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABCopy( var A, B : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABTriPascal( var A, B : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure ABSet( var A : array of byte; B : array of byte)'); end; procedure SIRegister_neuralbit(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf2BytesPtr', '^TArrOf2Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf3BytesPtr', '^TArrOf3Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrOf4BytesPtr', '^TArrOf4Bytes // will not work'); //CL.AddTypeS('TArrBytePtr', '^TLongByteArray // will not work'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function POT( numero, elevado : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function LongintBitTest( Data : longint; P : longint) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function LongintBitFlip( Data : longint; P : longint) : longint'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAClear( var VARS : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAMake1( var VARS : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BARead( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : byte'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAFlip( var A : array of byte; P : longint)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAWrite( var A : array of byte; P : longint; Data : byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BATest( var A : array of byte; P : longint) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BASum( var x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BASub( var x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAIncPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BADecPos( var x : array of byte; POS : longint)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAInc( var x : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BADec( var x : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BAToString( VARS : array of byte) : string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BAToFloat( var VARS : array of byte) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure PFloatToBA( var VARS : array of byte; Valor : extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BANot( var VARS : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAAnd( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAOr( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAXOr( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BAGrater( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BALower( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function BAEqual( var x, y : array of byte) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAPMul( var r, x, y : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function nnRAnd( A, B : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function nnROr( A, B : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function nnRNot( A : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function nnRXor( A, B : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function REqual( A, B : extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure RSum( x, y, z : extended; var R, C : extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure RegSum( var x, y : array of extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RegEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RegOrdEqual( var x, y : array of extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RegToString( var VARS : array of extended) : string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ROrer( var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RAnder( var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RCNot( X : extended; var VARS : array of extended) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ROrMaxTerm(var VARS:array of extended; NumMaxTerm : longint) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ROrMaxTermStr( NumVars : longint; NumMaxTerm: longint): string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RSatFunc( var VARS : array of extended; NumFunc : longint) : extended'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function RSatFuncStr( NumVars : longint; NumFunc : longint) : string'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure RRegen( var VARS : array of extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure RDegen( var VARS : array of extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure RDegenP( var VARS : array of extended; P : extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure nnClear( var VARS : array of extended)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BARAnd( var R, A, B : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BAROr( var R, AUX, A, B : array of byte)'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Procedure BARNot( var R, A : array of byte)'); end; March 2020 (version 1.44.2) New Python tutorials - Tutorials for creating Python containers and building Data Science models. TDynExtendedArray = array of Extended; unit uPSI_winsvc2.pas unit uPSI_neuralcache.pas unit uPSI_neuralbyteprediction.pas //unit uPSI_neuralplanbuilder.pas (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) procedure SIRegister_winsvc2(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_AUTO_START','LongWord').SetUInt( $00000002); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 3); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS_FLAG','LongInt').SetInt( 4); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_PREFERRED_NODE','LongInt').SetInt( 9); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_PRESHUTDOWN_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 7); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 6); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_SERVICE_SID_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 5); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_CONFIG_TRIGGER_INFO','LongInt').SetInt( 8); CL.AddConstantN('SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS','LongWord').SetUInt($F003F); CL.AddConstantN('SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS','LongWord').SetUInt($F01FF); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function ChangeServiceType(ServiceName: String; TypeID:DWord):Boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function GetServiceStatus2( ServiceName:String;ErrorState:Bool): Bool'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function StartService2( ServiceName : string) : boolean'); CL.AddDelphiFunction('Function StopService2( ServiceName : string) : boolean'); end; procedure SIRegister_neuralbyteprediction(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralCountings', 'array of longint'); SIRegister_TNeuronGroupBase(CL); SIRegister_TNeuronGroup(CL); CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralNetwork', 'array of TNeuronGroup'); SIRegister_TStatePredictionClass(CL); SIRegister_TLabeledState(CL); SIRegister_TClassifier(CL); SIRegister_TEasyLearnAndPredictClass(CL); end; procedure SIRegister_neuralcache(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin CL.AddConstantN('NeuralMaxStates','LongInt').SetInt( 400000); CL.AddTypeS('TNeuralState', 'TBytes'); CL.AddTypeS('TProcPred', 'Procedure ( var ST : TBytes; Acao : byte)'); SIRegister_TCacheMem(CL); end; ResizeBitmap procedure ResizeBitmap(Bitmap: TBitmap; Width, Height: Integer; Background: TColor); function WMIRegConnect(WBemLocator: ISWBemLocator; Server, account, password: string): ISWBemServices; procedure WMIGetMethodInfo(srv: ISWbemServices; objname, method: string; var regobject, inparms: ISWBemObject); procedure WMISetValue(InParam: ISWBemObject; keyvalue: string; invalue: OleVariant); function ProcessCount(const ExeName: String): Integer; function MaxWidthOfStrings(const Strings:Classes.TStrings; const Font: Graphics.TFont): Integer; procedure ScreenShotMonitor(var Bitmap: TBitmap; const MonitorNum: Integer; const DrawCursor: Boolean; const Quality: TPixelFormat); function CloneByteArray(const B: array of Byte): TBytes; function PopByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; procedure PushByteArray(const B: Byte; var A: TBytes); procedure AppendByteArray(var B1: TBytes; const B2: array of Byte); function ShiftByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; function ShiftByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; begin Assert(Length(A) > 0, 'A must be a non-empty array'); Result := A[0]; Move(A[1], A[0], Length(A) - 1); SetLength(A, Length(A) - 1); end; procedure PushByteArray(const B: Byte; var A: TBytes); begin SetLength(A, Length(A) + 1); A[Pred(Length(A))] := B; end; function PopByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; begin Assert(Length(A) > 0, 'A must be a non-empty array'); Result := A[Pred(Length(A))]; SetLength(A, Length(A) - 1); end; procedure AppendByteArray(var B1: TBytes; const B2: array of Byte); var OldB1Len: Integer; begin if Length(B2) = 0 then Exit; OldB1Len := Length(B1); SetLength(B1, OldB1Len + Length(B2)); Move(B2[0], B1[OldB1Len], Length(B2)); end; function CloneByteArray(const B: array of Byte): TBytes; begin SetLength(Result, Length(B)); if Length(B) > 0 then Move(B[0], Result[0], Length(B)); end; procedure PushByteArray(const B: Byte; var A: TBytes); begin SetLength(A, Length(A) + 1); A[Pred(Length(A))] := B; end; function PopByteArray(var A: TBytes): Byte; begin Assert(Length(A) > 0, 'A must be a non-empty array'); Result := A[Pred(Length(A))]; SetLength(A, Length(A) - 1); end; procedure AppendByteArray(var B1: TBytes; const B2: array of Byte); var OldB1Len: Integer; begin if Length(B2) = 0 then Exit; OldB1Len := Length(B1); SetLength(B1, OldB1Len + Length(B2)); Move(B2[0], B1[OldB1Len], Length(B2)); end; function CloneByteArray(const B: array of Byte): TBytes; begin SetLength(Result, Length(B)); if Length(B) > 0 then Move(B[0], Result[0], Length(B)); end;  mX4 executed: 19/04/2020 23:43:23 Runtime: 0:0:1.527 Memload: 33% use  mX4 executed: 27/04/2020 21:33:18 Runtime: 0:0:1.611 Memload: 44% use  mX4 executed: 07/06/2020 13:41:27 Runtime: 0:0:1.571 Memload: 33% use Max Kleiner's professional environment lies in the areas of machine learning, e-learning, OOP, UML and system architecture - including as a trainer, developer, consultant and publicist. His focus is on training, IT security, databases and frameworks that work in an event-oriented manner. As a lecturer and consultant at a university of applied sciences and on behalf of a company, microcontrollers and IoT have also been added. His book "Patterns in C #", published in 2003, is still up to date with the Clean Code Initiative. "Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac." -- George Orwell >>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer >>> corpus = [ ... 'This is the first document.', ... 'This document is the second document.', ... 'And this is the third one.', ... 'Is this the first document?', ... ] >>> vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() >>> X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus) >>> print(vectorizer.get_feature_names()) ['and', 'document', 'first', 'is', 'one', 'second', 'the', 'third', 'this'] >>> print(X.shape) (4, 9) print('shape',X.shape()) TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable The terminal process terminated with exit code: 1  mX4 executed: 07/06/2020 13:41:11 Runtime: 0:0:1.619 Memload: 33% use   mX4 executed: 07/06/2020 13:42:08 Runtime: 0:0:1.556 Memload: 33% use    mX4 executed: 27/12/2020 15:28:40 Runtime: 0:0:1.831 Memload: 46% use