program XMLPath_Control_Procedure_andMore; //olevariant by max #sign:Max: MAXBOX10: 22/10/2019 22:55:14 // // //task: open an XML Document and write nodes Const IXML = '' + '
' + ' ' + ' Invisibility Cream' + ' 14.50' + ' Makes you invisible' + ' ' + ' ' + ' Levitation Salve' + ' 23.99' + ' Levitate yourself for upto 3 hours per application'+ ' ' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + ' Blork and Freen Instameal' + ' 4.95' + ' A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water' + ' ' + ' ' + ' Grob winglets' + ' 3.56' + ' Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water' + ' ' + '
' + '
'; var d, freq: double; count_inside, count, i: integer; objServiceManager, objDesktop, objDocument: OleVariant; openargs: variant; FHaveDocument: boolean; vararr: array[1..3] of variant; const Size = 25; Alphabet = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // fVal = 7.125; Procedure FormattedNumericOutput; begin Writeln(FormatFloat('0000#.000',fVal)); Writeln(FormatFloat('0000#.0000000',fVal)); Writeln(FormatFloat('##.0000000',fVal)); Writeln(FormatFloat('0',fVal)); Writeln(FormatFloat('#.#E-0',fVal)); Writeln(FormatFloat('#,##0.00;;Zero',fVal)); //Readln; end; function DecodeBase58(const Input: string): TByteArray; var C: Char; I, J: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, Size); //for C in Input do begin for I:= 1 to length(Input) do begin if Input[I] = C then I := Pos(C, Alphabet) - 1; if I = -1 then raise; // Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid character found: %s', [C]); for J := High(Result) downto 0 do begin I := I + (58 * Result[J]); Result[J] := I mod 256; I := I div 256; end; if I <> 0 then raise; Exception.Create('Address too long'); end; end; // Solve A x = b procedure gaussTT (A, b, x : TMatrix); var rowx : integer; i, j, k, n, m : integer; amax, xfac, temp, temp1 : double; begin rowx := 0; // Keep count of the row interchanges //n := A.r; for k := 1 to n - 1 do begin //amax := abs (A[k,k]); m := k; // Find the row with largest pivot for i := k + 1 to n do begin //xfac := abs (A[i,k]); if xfac > amax then begin amax := xfac; m := i; end; end; if m <> k then begin // Row interchanges rowx := rowx+1; //temp1 := b[k,1]; //b[k,1] := b[m,1]; //b[m,1] := temp1; for j := k to n do begin //temp := a[k,j]; //a[k,j] := a[m,j]; //a[m,j] := temp; end; end; for i := k+1 to n do begin //xfac := a[i, k]/a[k, k]; for j := k+1 to n do //a[i,j] := a[i,j]-xfac*a[k,j]; //b[i,1] := b[i,1] - xfac*b[k,1] end; end; // Back substitution for j := 1 to n do begin k := n-j + 1; //x[k,1] := b[k,1]; for i := k+1 to n do begin //x[k,1] := x[k,1] - a[k,i]*x[i,1]; end; //x[k,1] := x[k,1]/a[k,k]; end; end; procedure TOfficeWriterDriver_OpenDocument(FN: String); var OpenParams, SaveParams, wProperties: Variant; objServiceManager, objDesktop, objDocument: OleVariant; objText, objCursor: Variant; rS: string; begin objServiceManager:= CreateOleObject('') objDesktop:= objServiceManager.createInstance('') OpenParams:= VarArrayCreate([0, -1], varVariant); If (fn<>'') then FN:='file:///'+StringReplace(FN,'\','/',[rfReplaceAll]) else FN:='private:factory/swriter'; objDocument:= objDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(FN,'_default',0,OpenParams); If (VarIsEmpty(objDocument) or VarIsNull(objDocument)) then Raise ; //EWordDriver.Create(’Could not open document’); //'Inserting some Text //'Create a text object objText:= objDocument.getText; //'Create a cursor object objCursor:= objText.createTextCursor; rS:= #13; objText.insertString(objCursor, 'maXbox4 at OpenOffice created text ',false) FHaveDocument:=True; end; // Return a Variant array of 12 random numbers. function RandomDozen: Variant; var I: Integer; key: char; begin Result := VarArrayCreate([1, 12], varDouble); //for I := VarArrayLowBound(Result) to VarArrayHighBound(Result) do //Result[I] := Random; //for I := 1 to 12 do //Result[I] := RandomF; if wIsCharAlpha(Key) then Key := #0; if CharIsAlpha(Key) then Key := #0; end; procedure TForm1Findwindow_Remote_Notepad; var wnd: HWND; i: Integer; s: string; begin wnd := FindWindow('notepad', ''); if wnd <> 0 then begin wnd := FindWindowEx(wnd, 0, 'Edit', ''); // Write Text in Notepad. s := 'Hello maXPad 4 ecotronics'+#13#10+'second line:'; for i := 1 to Length(s) do SendMessage(wnd, WM_CHAR, Ord(s[i]), 0); // Simulate Return Key. PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0); // Simulate Space. PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0); SendMessage(wnd, WM_CHAR, 5, 0); //send time of F5 command in notepad! PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F5, 0); end; end; procedure RemoteControlClick(Sender: TObject) ; var targetWnd: HWND; begin // Simulate PRINTSCREEN - snapshot of the full screen //PostKeyEx32(VK_SNAPSHOT, [], False) ; // Simulate PRINTSCREEN - snapshot of the active window PostKeyEx32(VK_SNAPSHOT, [ssAlt], False) ; //%windir%\system32\mspaint.exe if cyShellExecute('open','mspaint','','',1) <> 0 then begin sleep(1500) //PostKeyEx32(VK_CONTROL, [], False); //PostKeyEx(W, Ord('V'), [ssCtrl], False); {paste from keyboard} PostKeyEx32(Ord('V'), [ssCtrl], False); //and prepare to save PostKeyEx32(Ord('S'), [ssCtrl], False); //and save prompt PostKeyEx32(Ord('S'), [ssAlt], False); targetWnd:= FindWindow('mspaint', '') writeln('win test handle : '+itoa(targetWnd)) end; // Simulate Spacebar key //PostKeyEx32(VK_space, [], False) ; //( I changed this) // Simulate Alt+F4 - close active window //PostKeyEx32(VK_F4, [ssAlt], False) ; end; function distanceEM(x1,x2,y1,y2 :Integer) : Double; begin result := sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); ///Euclidian // result := abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2); // Manhattan // result := power(power(abs(x1 - x2), p) + power(abs(y1 - y2), p), (1 / p)); // Minkovski end; // function primeD(n: integer): boolean; var i: integer; max: real; begin if n = 2 then result := true else if (n <= 1) or (n mod 2 = 0) then result := false else begin result := true; i := 3; max := sqrt(n); while i <= max do begin if n mod i = 0 then begin result := false; exit end; i := i + 2 end end end; function IsPrimeDE(aNumber: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result:= True; if(aNumber = 2) then Exit; Result:= not ((aNumber mod 2 = 0) or (aNumber <= 1)); if not Result then Exit; for I:=3 to Trunc(Sqrt(aNumber)) do if(aNumber mod I = 0) then begin Result:= False; Break; end; end; function IsPrimeDE2(const x: integer): Boolean; var i: integer; begin i := 2; repeat if X mod i = 0 then begin Result := False; Exit; end; Inc(i); until i > Sqrt(x); Result := True; end; procedure GetXMLFromURLMentor(apath: string); var xml: Olevariant; //IXMLDOMDocument; node, nodedet: Olevariant; nodes_row, nodes_se, itemnode: olevariant; i, j: Integer; URL: string; begin //url := ''; //URL:= ''; xml:= CreateOleObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM') as IXMLDocument; xml.async := False; xml.resolveExternals:= false; xml.validateOnParse:= false; if xml.loadXML(apath) then writeln('xml load success'); // or use loadXML to load XML document using a supplied string if xml.parseError.errorCode <> 0 then writeln('XML Load error:' + xml.parseError.reason); Writeln('First item node:'); itemnode := xml.selectNodes('//item'); Writeln(itemnode.item[0].text); Writeln(''); //nodes_row := xml.SelectNodes('/doc/data/row'); nodes_row:= xml.SelectNodes('//price'); writeln('total price nodes: '+itoa(nodes_row.length)) for i:= 0 to nodes_row.length - 1 do begin //node:= nodes_row.item[i]; writeln(itoa(i)+':price='+nodes_row.item[i].text); end; // nodes_se:= node.selectNodes('catalog/search_engine/se_url'); writeln('') nodes_se:= xml.selectNodes('//item/name'); writeln('total item names: '+itoa(nodes_se.length)) for j:= 0 to nodes_se.length - 1 do begin //node:= nodes_se.item[j]; writeln('Item name = ' + nodes_se.item[j].text); end;//} //Memo1.Lines.Add('--------------'); writeln('------------------------'); //end; //} xml:= unassigned; xml:= NULL; end; // type doublearray = array of Double; function DotProduct(const A, B : doublearray): Double; var I: integer; begin assert (Length(A) = Length(B), 'Input arrays must be the same length'); Result := 0; for I := 0 to Length(A) - 1 do Result := Result + (A[I] * B[I]); end; procedure getDotProduct; var x,y: doublearray; begin SetLength(x, 3); SetLength(y, 3); x[0] := 1; x[1] := 3; x[2] := -5; y[0] := 4; y[1] :=-2; y[2] := -1; WriteLn(floattoStr(DotProduct(x,y))); PrintF('%.18f',[DotProduct(x,y)]) //ReadLn; end; // var n: integer; begin //@main rain //function CreateOleObject(const ClassName: String): IDispatch; //objServiceManager:= CreateOleObject('') //objDesktop:= objServiceManager.createInstance('') //TOfficeWriterDriver_OpenDocument('') //Exit will cause the calling procedure to continue with the statement after the point at which the procedure was called. //RemoteControlClick(self); //TForm1Findwindow_Remote_Notepad; {if ShellExecute3('notepad.exe','',seCmdopen) = '' then begin //writeln(ShellExecute3('notepad.exe','',seCmdopen)) writeln('Multiprocessing Notepad Runs on CPU 1'); sleep(1100) TForm1Findwindow_Remote_Notepad; end; } GetXMLFromURLMentor(IXML); writeln(GETDOSOutput('cmd.exe /c wmic cpu get name','C:\')); writeln('after remote key control main proc call') // TOfficeWriterDriverOpenDocument('C:\maxbook\maxboxpython\ML2020\Beurteilung_Semesterarbeit_FS19_PML2_Oggenfuss.ods') for n := 0 to 50 do if (primeD(n)) then write(itoa(n)+ ' '); writeln('second Prime Time'+CRLF) for n := 0 to 50 do if (ISprimeDE(n)) then write(itoa(n)+ ' '); //FormattedNumericOutput; getDotProduct; End. Ref: First item node: Invisibility Cream 14.50 Makes you invisible Price = 14.50 Price = 23.99 Price = 4.95 Price = 3.56 Item name = Invisibility Cream Item name = Levitation Salve Item name = Blork and Freen Instameal Item name = Grob winglets procedure TForm1.SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var W: HWnd; begin W := Memo1.Handle; PostKeyEx(W, VK_END, [ssCtrl, ssShift], False); {select all} PostKeyEx(W, Ord('C'), [ssCtrl], False); {copy to clipboard} PostKeyEx(W, Ord('C'), [ssShift], False); {replace with C} PostKeyEx(W, VK_RETURN, [], False); {new line} PostKeyEx(W, VK_END, [], False); {go to end} PostKeyEx(W, Ord('V'), [ssCtrl], False); {paste from keyboard} end; procedure PostKeyExHWND(hWindow: HWnd; key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey: Boolean); {************************************************************ * Procedure PostKeyEx * * Parameters: * hWindow: target window to be send the keystroke * key : virtual keycode of the key to send. For printable * keys this is simply the ANSI code (Ord(character)). * shift : state of the modifier keys. This is a set, so you * can set several of these keys (shift, control, alt, * mouse buttons) in tandem. The TShiftState type is * declared in the Classes Unit. * specialkey: normally this should be False. Set it to True to * specify a key on the numeric keypad, for example. * If this parameter is true, bit 24 of the lparam for * the posted WM_KEY* messages will be set. * Description: * This procedure sets up Windows key state array to correctly * reflect the requested pattern of modifier keys and then posts * a WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP message pair to the target window. Then * Application.ProcessMessages is called to process the messages * before the keyboard state is restored. * Error Conditions: * May fail due to lack of memory for the two key state buffers. * Will raise an exception in this case. * NOTE: * Setting the keyboard state will not work across applications * running in different memory spaces on Win32 unless AttachThreadInput * is used to connect to the target thread first. *Created: 02/21/96 16:39:00 by P. Below ************************************************************} type TBuffers = array [0..1] of TKeyboardState; var pKeyBuffers: ^TBuffers; lParam: LongInt; begin (* check if the target window exists *) if IsWindow(hWindow) then begin (* set local variables to default values *) pKeyBuffers := nil; lParam := MakeLong(0, MapVirtualKey(key, 0)); (* modify lparam if special key requested *) if specialkey then lParam := lParam or $1000000; (* allocate space for the key state buffers *) New(pKeyBuffers); try (* Fill buffer 1 with current state so we can later restore it. Null out buffer 0 to get a "no key pressed" state. *) GetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[1]); FillChar(pKeyBuffers^[0], SizeOf(TKeyboardState), 0); (* set the requested modifier keys to "down" state in the buffer*) if ssShift in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_SHIFT] := $80; if ssAlt in shift then begin (* Alt needs special treatment since a bit in lparam needs also be set *) pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_MENU] := $80; lParam := lParam or $20000000; end; if ssCtrl in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_CONTROL] := $80; if ssLeft in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_LBUTTON] := $80; if ssRight in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_RBUTTON] := $80; if ssMiddle in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_MBUTTON] := $80; (* make out new key state array the active key state map *) SetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[0]); (* post the key messages *) if ssAlt in Shift then begin PostMessage(hWindow, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, key, lParam); PostMessage(hWindow, WM_SYSKEYUP, key, lParam or $C0000000); end else begin PostMessage(hWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, key, lParam); PostMessage(hWindow, WM_KEYUP, key, lParam or $C0000000); end; (* process the messages *) Application.ProcessMessages; (* restore the old key state map *) SetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[1]); finally (* free the memory for the key state buffers *) if pKeyBuffers <> nil then Dispose(pKeyBuffers); end; { If } end; end; { PostKeyEx } // Beispiel: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var targetWnd: HWND; begin targetWnd := FindWindow('notepad', nil) if targetWnd <> 0 then begin PostKeyExHWND(targetWnd, Ord('I'), [ssAlt], False); end; end; To give you an impression on how Automation works with OOo, here is a quick example: 'The service manager is always the starting point 'If there is no office running then an office is started up Set objServiceManager= WScript.CreateObject("") 'Create the Desktop Set objDesktop= objServiceManager.createInstance("") 'Open a new empty writer document Dim args() Set objDocument= objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter",_ "_blank", 0, args) 'Create a text object Set objText= objDocument.getText 'Create a cursor object Set objCursor= objText.createTextCursor 'Inserting some Text objText.insertString objCursor, "The first line in the newly created text document."&_ vbLf, false fDocument.StoreToURL('file:///'+ StringReplace(FileName, '\', '/', [rfIgnoreCase, rfReplaceAll]), wProperties); Exception: [automation bridge] : [automation bridge] unexpected exception in UnoConversionUtilities::variantToAny !. time profiler 1000000:  mX4 executed: 14/10/2019 21:19:08 Runtime: 0:0:23.528 Memload: 43% use ProcessMessagesOFF:  mX4 executed: 14/10/2019 21:21:54 Runtime: 0:0:4.734 Memload: 43% use IFPS byte code execud: 14/10/2019 21:26:21 Runtime: 0:0:2.898 Memload: 43% use  mX4 executed: 22/10/2019 22:16:30 Runtime: 0:0:2.250 Memload: 37% use ----code_cleared_checked_clean----